

  • Pcs:Pacemaker/Corosync構成ツール
  • Pacemaker:リソース制御機能
    • アプリケーション監視・制御機能
      Apache, nginx, Tomcat, JBoss, PostgreSQL, Oracle, MySQL, ファイルシステム制御、仮想IPアドレス制御、等、多数のリソースエージェント(RA)を同梱しています。
    • ネットワーク監視・制御機能
    • ノード監視機能
    • 自己監視機能
    • ディスク監視・制御機能
  • Corosync:クラスタ制御機能
  • Stonith:排他制御機能
    • フェンシング(電源断)制御

    • サーバ生死確認、相撃ち防止

●VMware ESXi 6.7上でCentOS 7 + Pacemaker + Corosyncの設定に挑戦

 参考URL:CentOS 7 + Pacemaker + CorosyncでMariaDBをクラスタ化する① (準備・インストール編)
 参考URL:VMware ESXiに仮想共有ディスクファイルを作成する



 今回はCentOS 7のカーネルバージョン3.10.0-957.21.3.el7.x86_64でノードを構築します。
 VMware Host Clientにログインし、インターコネクト用のネットワーク(名称:Interconnect)を作成します。






 これらの操作は、コンソール上で、vmkfstoolsコマンドを実行する方法とユーザインターフェースとしてVMware Host Clientを使用する方法があります。

  • 仮想共有ディスクのvmdkファイルを置く場所
  • 仮想共有ディスクファイル名
  • 仮想共有ディスクの容量
 Vmkfstoolコマンドを実行する方法として、ホストへログインして実行する方法とVMware Host Clientを起動する方法があります。


# ssh vmware
[root@vmware:~] mkdir /vmfs/volumes/datastore2/com_datastore
[root@vmware:~] vmkfstools -d eagerzeroedthick -c 5G /vmfs/volumes/datastore2/com_datastore/com1.vmdk
 こちらの方法では、VMware Host Client上の設定で共有ディスクの作成時にzeroedthickと認識されてしまい、2つのノードから共有させることができませんでした(原因不明)。

 VMware Host Clientによる仮想共有ディスクファイルの作成方法



# ssh vmware
[root@vmware:~] mkdir /vmfs/volumes/datastore2/com_datastore
 VMware Host Clientからログインし、共有ディスク作成します。 (上記のコマンドによる作成方法では、eagerzeroedthickタイプで認識されませんでした。) 1つ目のノード(centos7-1)で共有ディスクを作成します。
  • 新たにSCSIコントローラを作成します。
  • ハードディスクを追加します。
    「ハードディスクの追加」 - 「新規標準ハードディスク」
    場所:[datastore2] com_datastore/com1.vmdk
    ディスク プロビジョニング:シック プロビジョニング (Eager Zeroed)
    コントローラの場所:SCSIコントローラ1 SCSI (1:0)


  • 新たにSCSIコントローラを作成します。
  • ハードディスクを追加します。
    「ハードディスクの追加」 - 「既存のハードディスク」で「[datastore2] com_datastore/com1.vmdk」を選択します。
    タイプが「シック プロビジョニング (Lazy Zeroed)」になっていても、この状態のまま一度保存します。
    すると、タイプが「シック プロビジョニング (Eager Zeroed) 」として表示されるはずです。
    コントローラの場所:SCSIコントローラ1 SCSI (1:0)
[root@centos7-1 ~]# fdisk -l /dev/sdb
Disk /dev/sdb: 5368 MB, 5368709120 bytes, 10485760 sectors
Units = sectors of 1 * 512 = 512 bytes
Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
I/O サイズ (最小 / 推奨): 512 バイト / 512 バイト

[root@centos7-2 ~]# fdisk -l /dev/sdb
Disk /dev/sdb: 5368 MB, 5368709120 bytes, 10485760 sectors
Units = sectors of 1 * 512 = 512 bytes
Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
I/O サイズ (最小 / 推奨): 512 バイト / 512 バイト


[root@centos7-1 ~]# fdisk /dev/sdb Welcome to fdisk (util-linux 2.23.2). Changes will remain in memory only, until you decide to write them. Be careful before using the write command. Device does not contain a recognized partition table Building a new DOS disklabel with disk identifier 0x631b680e. コマンド (m でヘルプ): m コマンドの動作 a toggle a bootable flag b edit bsd disklabel c toggle the dos compatibility flag d delete a partition g create a new empty GPT partition table G create an IRIX (SGI) partition table l list known partition types m print this menu n add a new partition o create a new empty DOS partition table p print the partition table q quit without saving changes s create a new empty Sun disklabel t change a partition's system id u change display/entry units v verify the partition table w write table to disk and exit x extra functionality (experts only) 現時点でのパーティション情報を表示させます。 コマンド (m でヘルプ): p Disk /dev/sdb: 5368 MB, 5368709120 bytes, 10485760 sectors Units = sectors of 1 * 512 = 512 bytes Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 512 bytes I/O サイズ (最小 / 推奨): 512 バイト / 512 バイト Disk label type: dos ディスク識別子: 0x631b680e デバイス ブート 始点 終点 ブロック Id システム パーティションの設定作業未実施のため、何も表示されません。 パーティションを設定します。 コマンド (m でヘルプ): n Partition type: p primary (0 primary, 0 extended, 4 free) e extended プライマリパーティションとして作成します。 サイズは全領域を指定します。 Select (default p): p パーティション番号 (1-4, default 1): (リターン) 最初 sector (2048-10485759, 初期値 2048): (リターン) 初期値 2048 を使います Last sector, +sectors or +size{K,M,G} (2048-10485759, 初期値 10485759): (リターン) 初期値 10485759 を使います Partition 1 of type Linux and of size 5 GiB is set ファイルシステムが作成されているか確認します。 コマンド (m でヘルプ): p Disk /dev/sdb: 5368 MB, 5368709120 bytes, 10485760 sectors Units = sectors of 1 * 512 = 512 bytes Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 512 bytes I/O サイズ (最小 / 推奨): 512 バイト / 512 バイト Disk label type: dos ディスク識別子: 0x631b680e デバイス ブート  始点     終点        ブロック    Id  システム /dev/sdb1        2048     10485759    5241856     83  Linux コマンド (m でヘルプ): w パーティションテーブルは変更されました!
[root@centos7-1 ~]# mkfs.ext4 /dev/sdb1 mke2fs 1.42.9 (28-Dec-2013) Filesystem label= OS type: Linux Block size=4096 (log=2) Fragment size=4096 (log=2) Stride=0 blocks, Stripe width=0 blocks 327680 inodes, 1310464 blocks 65523 blocks (5.00%) reserved for the super user First data block=0 Maximum filesystem blocks=1342177280 40 block groups 32768 blocks per group, 32768 fragments per group 8192 inodes per group Superblock backups stored on blocks: 32768, 98304, 163840, 229376, 294912, 819200, 884736 Allocating group tables: done Writing inode tables: done Creating journal (32768 blocks): done Writing superblocks and filesystem accounting information: done
[root@centos7-1 ~]# mount /dev/sdb1 /mnt

●Pacemaker及びCorosyncのインストール・初期設定(CentOS Stream 8)

 参考URL:CentOS 8 + PacemakerでSquidとUnboundを冗長化する
 参考URL:CentOS 8.1 (1911)でPacemaker / Corosyncが利用可能に

 CentOS 7の場合は「 Pacemaker及びCorosyncのインストール・初期設定 」以降を参照してください。

 CentOS 8からクラスタソフトのリポジトリが変更されたようです。
# dnf repolist all repo id repo の名前 状態 appstream CentOS Stream 8 - AppStream 有効化 baseos CentOS Stream 8 - BaseOS 有効化 debuginfo CentOS Stream 8 - Debuginfo 無効化 epel Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux 8 - x86_64 無効化 epel-debuginfo Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux 8 - x86_64 - Debug 無効化 epel-modular Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux Modular 8 - x86_64 有効化 epel-modular-debuginfo Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux Modular 8 - x86_64 - Debug 無効化 epel-modular-source Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux Modular 8 - x86_64 - Source 無効化 epel-playground Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux 8 - Playground - x86_64 無効化 epel-playground-debuginfo Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux 8 - Playground - x86_64 - Debug 無効化 epel-playground-source Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux 8 - Playground - x86_64 - Source 無効化 epel-source Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux 8 - x86_64 - Source 無効化 epel-testing Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux 8 - Testing - x86_64 無効化 epel-testing-debuginfo Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux 8 - Testing - x86_64 - Debug 無効化 epel-testing-modular Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux Modular 8 - Testing - x86_64 無効化 epel-testing-modular-debuginfo Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux Modular 8 - Testing - x86_64 - Debug 無効化 epel-testing-modular-source Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux Modular 8 - Testing - x86_64 - Source 無効化 epel-testing-source Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux 8 - Testing - x86_64 - Source 無効化 extras CentOS Stream 8 - Extras 有効化 ha CentOS Stream 8 - HighAvailability 無効化 media-appstream CentOS Stream 8 - Media - AppStream 無効化 media-baseos CentOS Stream 8 - Media - BaseOS 無効化 powertools CentOS Stream 8 - PowerTools 無効化 rt CentOS Stream 8 - RealTime 無効化
# dnf --enablerepo=ha install -y pacemaker pcs fence-agents-all
[root@centos8-1 ~]# cat /etc/passwd | grep hacluster
hacluster:x:189:189:cluster user:/home/hacluster:/sbin/nologin

[root@centos8-2 ~]# cat /etc/passwd | grep hacluster
hacluster:x:189:189:cluster user:/home/hacluster:/sbin/nologin
# passwd hacluster
ユーザ hacluster のパスワードを変更。
passwd: すべての認証トークンが正しく更新できました。
# vi /etc/hosts    centos8-str1    centos8-str2    centos8-str1c    centos8-str2c
# systemctl enable --now pcsd


# systemctl start pcsd.service
# systemctl enable pcsd.service
# firewall-cmd --add-service=high-availability --permanent
# firewall-cmd --reload

[root@centos8-str1 ~]# pcs host auth centos8-str1 centos8-str2
Username: hacluster
centos8-str2: Authorized
centos8-str1: Authorized

 Pacemaker・Corosyncのクラスタを作成(CentOS Stream 8)


[root@centos8-str1 ~]# pcs cluster setup --start bigbang centos8-str1 addr= addr= \
                                                         centos8-str2 addr= addr=
Destroying cluster on hosts: 'centos8-str1', 'centos8-str2'... centos8-str1: Successfully destroyed cluster centos8-str2: Successfully destroyed cluster Requesting remove 'pcsd settings' from 'centos8-str1', 'centos8-str2' centos8-str1: successful removal of the file 'pcsd settings' centos8-str2: successful removal of the file 'pcsd settings' Sending 'corosync authkey', 'pacemaker authkey' to 'centos8-str1', 'centos8-str2' centos8-str1: successful distribution of the file 'corosync authkey' centos8-str1: successful distribution of the file 'pacemaker authkey' centos8-str2: successful distribution of the file 'corosync authkey' centos8-str2: successful distribution of the file 'pacemaker authkey' Sending 'corosync.conf' to 'centos8-str1', 'centos8-str2' centos8-str1: successful distribution of the file 'corosync.conf' centos8-str2: successful distribution of the file 'corosync.conf' Cluster has been successfully set up. Starting cluster on hosts: 'centos8-str1', 'centos8-str2'...
[root@centos8-str1 ~]# pcs status Cluster name: bigbang WARNINGS: No stonith devices and stonith-enabled is not false Cluster Summary: * Stack: corosync * Current DC: centos8-str2 (version 2.0.5-8.el8-ba59be7122) - partition with quorum * Last updated: Fri Mar 5 14:33:04 2021 * Last change: Fri Mar 5 14:32:07 2021 by hacluster via crmd on centos8-str2 * 2 nodes configured * 0 resource instances configured Node List: * Online: [ centos8-str1 centos8-str2 ] Full List of Resources: * No resources Daemon Status: corosync: active/disabled pacemaker: active/disabled pcsd: active/enabled
[root@centos8-str1 ~]# corosync-cfgtool -s
Printing link status.
Local node ID 1
	addr	=
		nodeid  1:	localhost
		nodeid  2:	connected
	addr	=
		nodeid  1:	localhost
		nodeid  2:	connected

 クラスタのプロパティを設定(CentOS Stream 8)

 参考URL:Pacemaker/Corosync の設定値について

  • no-quorum-policy: クラスタがquorumを持っていないときの動作を定義します。デフォルトはstop(全リソース停止)です。
  • stonith-enabled: フェンシング(STONITH)を有効にするかどうかを指定します。デフォルトはtrue(有効)です。
  • cluster-recheck-interval: クラスタのチェック間隔を指定します。デフォルトは15分です。

[root@centos8-str1 ~]# pcs property
Cluster Properties:
 cluster-infrastructure: corosync
 cluster-name: bigbang
 dc-version: 2.0.5-8.el8-ba59be7122
 have-watchdog: false
# pcs property set stonith-enabled=false
# pcs property set no-quorum-policy=ignore
# pcs property
Cluster Properties:
 cluster-infrastructure: corosync
 cluster-name: bigbang
 dc-version: 2.0.5-8.el8-ba59be7122
 have-watchdog: false
 no-quorum-policy: ignore
 stonith-enabled: false
# pcs resource defaults resource-stickiness=INFINITY
Warning: This command is deprecated and will be removed. Please use 'pcs resource defaults update' instead.
Warning: Defaults do not apply to resources which override them with their own defined values

 リソースエージェントを使ってリソースを構成する(CentOS Stream 8)

 参考URL:動かして理解するPacemaker ~CRM設定編~ その2


  • ocf:heartbeat:IPaddr2 : 仮想IPアドレスを制御
  • ocf:heartbeat:Filesystem : ファイルシステムのマウントを制御
  • systemd:mariadb : MariaDBを制御
# pcs resource describe <リソースエージェント>
[root@centos8-str1 ~]# pcs resource create VirtualIP ocf:heartbeat:IPaddr2 ip= cidr_netmask=24 nic=ens192 op monitor interval=30s
VIP resource を定義 (IPaddr2 は Linux 向けの VIP 設定、場所は /usr/lib/ocf/resource.d/heartbeat/IPaddr2)
  • IPaddr
     manages virtual IPv4 addresses (portable version)
  • IPaddr2
     manages virtual IPv4 addresses (Linux specific version)
[root@centos8-str1 ~]# pcs resource create ShareDir ocf:heartbeat:Filesystem device=/dev/sdb1 directory=/mnt fstype=ext4
[root@centos8-str1 ~]# pcs resource create MariaDB systemd:mariadb


[root@centos8-str1 ~]# pcs resource group add rg01 VirtualIP ShareDir MariaDB
※片方のノードで実施 [root@centos8-str1 ~]# pcs status Cluster name: bigbang Cluster Summary: * Stack: corosync * Current DC: centos8-str2 (version 2.0.5-8.el8-ba59be7122) - partition with quorum * Last updated: Fri Mar 5 14:38:16 2021 * Last change: Fri Mar 5 14:38:07 2021 by root via cibadmin on centos8-str1 * 2 nodes configured * 3 resource instances configured Node List: * Online: [ centos8-str1 centos8-str2 ] Full List of Resources: * Resource Group: rg01: * VirtualIP (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started centos8-str1 * ShareDir (ocf::heartbeat:Filesystem): Started centos8-str1 * MariaDB (systemd:mariadb): Started centos8-str1 Daemon Status: corosync: active/disabled pacemaker: active/disabled pcsd: active/enabled
[root@centos8-str1 ~]# pcs resource config Group: rg01 Resource: VirtualIP (class=ocf provider=heartbeat type=IPaddr2) Attributes: cidr_netmask=24 ip= nic=ens192 Operations: monitor interval=30s (VirtualIP-monitor-interval-30s) start interval=0s timeout=20s (VirtualIP-start-interval-0s) stop interval=0s timeout=20s (VirtualIP-stop-interval-0s) Resource: ShareDir (class=ocf provider=heartbeat type=Filesystem) Attributes: device=/dev/sdb1 directory=/mnt fstype=ext4 Operations: monitor interval=20s timeout=40s (ShareDir-monitor-interval-20s) start interval=0s timeout=60s (ShareDir-start-interval-0s) stop interval=0s timeout=60s (ShareDir-stop-interval-0s) Resource: MariaDB (class=systemd type=mariadb) Operations: monitor interval=60 timeout=100 (MariaDB-monitor-interval-60) start interval=0s timeout=100 (MariaDB-start-interval-0s) stop interval=0s timeout=100 (MariaDB-stop-interval-0s)

 クラスタの起動(CentOS Stream 8)


[root@centos8-str1 ~]# pcs cluster start --all
centos8-str1: Starting Cluster...
centos8-str2: Starting Cluster...
[root@centos8-str1 ~]# pcs status Cluster name: bigbang Cluster Summary: * Stack: corosync * Current DC: centos8-str2 (version 2.0.5-8.el8-ba59be7122) - partition with quorum * Last updated: Fri Mar 5 14:45:03 2021 * Last change: Fri Mar 5 14:38:07 2021 by root via cibadmin on centos8-str1 * 2 nodes configured * 3 resource instances configured Node List: * Online: [ centos8-str1 centos8-str2 ] Full List of Resources: * Resource Group: rg01: * VirtualIP (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started centos8-str1 * ShareDir (ocf::heartbeat:Filesystem): Started centos8-str1 * MariaDB (systemd:mariadb): Started centos8-str1 Daemon Status: corosync: active/disabled pacemaker: active/disabled pcsd: active/enabled

 手動フェールオーバーその1(CentOS Stream 8)


[root@centos8-str1 ~]# pcs resource status
  * Resource Group: rg01:
    * VirtualIP	(ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2):	 Started centos8-str1
    * ShareDir	(ocf::heartbeat:Filesystem):	 Started centos8-str1
    * MariaDB	(systemd:mariadb):	 Started centos8-str1
[root@centos8-str1 ~]# pcs resource move rg01 centos8-str2
[root@centos8-str1 ~]# pcs resource move rg01
[root@centos8-str1 ~]# pcs resource clear rg01

[root@centos8-str1 ~]# pcs resource status
  * Resource Group: rg01:
    * VirtualIP	(ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2):	 Started centos8-str2
    * ShareDir	(ocf::heartbeat:Filesystem):	 Started centos8-str2
    * MariaDB	(systemd:mariadb):	 Started centos8-str2
[[root@centos8-str1 ~]# pcs resource move rg01 centos8-str1
[root@centos8-str1 ~]# pcs resource move rg01
[root@centos8-str1 ~]# pcs resource clear rg01
[root@centos8-str1 ~]# pcs resource status
  * Resource Group: rg01:
    * VirtualIP	(ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2):	 Started centos8-str1
    * ShareDir	(ocf::heartbeat:Filesystem):	 Started centos8-str1
    * MariaDB	(systemd:mariadb):	 Started centos8-str1

 手動フェールオーバーその2(CentOS Stream 8)


[root@centos8-str1 ~]# pcs status Cluster name: bigbang Cluster Summary: * Stack: corosync * Current DC: centos8-str2 (version 2.0.5-8.el8-ba59be7122) - partition with quorum * Last updated: Fri Mar 5 14:48:22 2021 * Last change: Fri Mar 5 14:47:55 2021 by root via crm_resource on centos8-str1 * 2 nodes configured * 3 resource instances configured Node List: * Online: [ centos8-str1 centos8-str2 ] Full List of Resources: * Resource Group: rg01: * VirtualIP (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started centos8-str1 * ShareDir (ocf::heartbeat:Filesystem): Started centos8-str1 * MariaDB (systemd:mariadb): Started centos8-str1 Daemon Status: corosync: active/disabled pacemaker: active/disabled pcsd: active/enabled
[root@centos8-str1 ~]# pcs node standby centos8-str1
[root@centos8-str1 ~]# pcs status Cluster name: bigbang Cluster Summary: * Stack: corosync * Current DC: centos8-str2 (version 2.0.5-8.el8-ba59be7122) - partition with quorum * Last updated: Fri Mar 5 14:49:16 2021 * Last change: Fri Mar 5 14:49:04 2021 by root via cibadmin on centos8-str1 * 2 nodes configured * 3 resource instances configured Node List: * Node centos8-str1: standby * Online: [ centos8-str2 ] Full List of Resources: * Resource Group: rg01: * VirtualIP (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started centos8-str2 * ShareDir (ocf::heartbeat:Filesystem): Started centos8-str2 * MariaDB (systemd:mariadb): Started centos8-str2 Daemon Status: corosync: active/disabled pacemaker: active/disabled pcsd: active/enabled
[root@centos8-str1 ~]# pcs node unstandby centos8-str1
[root@centos8-str1 ~]# pcs node standby centos8-str2
[root@centos8-str1 ~]# pcs node unstandby centos8-str2
[root@centos8-str1 ~]# pcs status Cluster name: bigbang Cluster Summary: * Stack: corosync * Current DC: centos8-str2 (version 2.0.5-8.el8-ba59be7122) - partition with quorum * Last updated: Fri Mar 5 14:50:19 2021 * Last change: Fri Mar 5 14:50:14 2021 by root via cibadmin on centos8-str1 * 2 nodes configured * 3 resource instances configured Node List: * Online: [ centos8-str1 centos8-str2 ] Full List of Resources: * Resource Group: rg01: * VirtualIP (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started centos8-str1 * ShareDir (ocf::heartbeat:Filesystem): Started centos8-str1 * MariaDB (systemd:mariadb): Started centos8-str1 Daemon Status: corosync: active/disabled pacemaker: active/disabled pcsd: active/enabled

 サーバーダウン障害(CentOS Stream 8)


 VMware Host Clientにて、仮想マシンの再起動を実施します。
[root@centos8-str1 ~]# shutdown -r now
Connection to centos8-str1 closed by remote host.
Connection to centos8-str1 closed.

[root@centos8-str2 ~]# pcs status Cluster name: bigbang Cluster Summary: * Stack: corosync * Current DC: centos8-str2 (version 2.0.5-8.el8-ba59be7122) - partition with quorum * Last updated: Fri Mar 5 14:56:47 2021 * Last change: Fri Mar 5 14:50:14 2021 by root via cibadmin on centos8-str1 * 2 nodes configured * 3 resource instances configured Node List: * Online: [ centos8-str2 ] * OFFLINE: [ centos8-str1 ] Full List of Resources: * Resource Group: rg01: * VirtualIP (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started centos8-str2 * ShareDir (ocf::heartbeat:Filesystem): Started centos8-str2 * MariaDB (systemd:mariadb): Started centos8-str2 Daemon Status: corosync: active/disabled pacemaker: active/disabled pcsd: active/enabled
[root@centos8-str2 ~]# pcs cluster start centos8-str1
centos8-str1: Starting Cluster...
[root@centos8-str2 ~]# pcs status
Cluster name: bigbang Cluster Summary: * Stack: corosync * Current DC: centos8-str2 (version 2.0.5-8.el8-ba59be7122) - partition with quorum * Last updated: Fri Mar 5 14:57:50 2021 * Last change: Fri Mar 5 14:50:14 2021 by root via cibadmin on centos8-str1 * 2 nodes configured * 3 resource instances configured Node List: * Online: [ centos8-str1 centos8-str2 ] Full List of Resources: * Resource Group: rg01: * VirtualIP (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started centos8-str1 * ShareDir (ocf::heartbeat:Filesystem): Started centos8-str1 * MariaDB (systemd:mariadb): Started centos8-str1 Daemon Status: corosync: active/disabled pacemaker: active/disabled pcsd: active/enabled

 NIC障害(CentOS Stream 8)

 参考URL:6.6. リソースの動作


[root@centos8-str1 ~]# pcs resource update VirtualIP op monitor on-fail=standby [root@centos8-str1 ~]# pcs resource config Group: rg01 Resource: VirtualIP (class=ocf provider=heartbeat type=IPaddr2) Attributes: cidr_netmask=24 ip= nic=ens192 Operations: monitor interval=60s on-fail=standby (VirtualIP-monitor-interval-60s) start interval=0s timeout=20s (VirtualIP-start-interval-0s) stop interval=0s timeout=20s (VirtualIP-stop-interval-0s) Resource: ShareDir (class=ocf provider=heartbeat type=Filesystem) Attributes: device=/dev/sdb1 directory=/mnt fstype=ext4 Operations: monitor interval=20s timeout=40s (ShareDir-monitor-interval-20s) start interval=0s timeout=60s (ShareDir-start-interval-0s) stop interval=0s timeout=60s (ShareDir-stop-interval-0s) Resource: MariaDB (class=systemd type=mariadb) Operations: monitor interval=60 timeout=100 (MariaDB-monitor-interval-60) start interval=0s timeout=100 (MariaDB-start-interval-0s) stop interval=0s timeout=100 (MariaDB-stop-interval-0s)


[root@centos8-str2 ~]# pcs status Cluster name: bigbang Cluster Summary: * Stack: corosync * Current DC: centos8-str2 (version 2.0.5-8.el8-ba59be7122) - partition with quorum * Last updated: Fri Mar 5 15:05:45 2021 * Last change: Fri Mar 5 14:58:41 2021 by root via cibadmin on centos8-str2 * 2 nodes configured * 3 resource instances configured Node List: * Node centos8-str1: standby (on-fail) * Online: [ centos8-str2 ] Full List of Resources: * Resource Group: rg01: * VirtualIP (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started centos8-str2 * ShareDir (ocf::heartbeat:Filesystem): Started centos8-str2 * MariaDB (systemd:mariadb): Starting centos8-str2 Failed Resource Actions: * VirtualIP_monitor_60000 on centos8-str1 'not running' (7): call=20, status='complete', exitreason='', \ last-rc-change='2021-03-05 15:05:42 +09:00', queued=0ms, exec=0ms Daemon Status: corosync: active/disabled pacemaker: active/disabled pcsd: active/enabled
[root@centos8-str1 ~]# pcs resource cleanup Cleaned up all resources on all nodes Waiting for 1 reply from the controller ... got reply (done) [root@centos8-str1 ~]# pcs status Cluster name: bigbang Cluster Summary: * Stack: corosync * Current DC: centos8-str2 (version 2.0.5-8.el8-ba59be7122) - partition with quorum * Last updated: Fri Mar 5 15:10:57 2021 * Last change: Fri Mar 5 15:10:36 2021 by hacluster via crmd on centos8-str1 * 2 nodes configured * 3 resource instances configured Node List: * Online: [ centos8-str1 centos8-str2 ] Full List of Resources: * Resource Group: rg01: * VirtualIP (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started centos8-str1 * ShareDir (ocf::heartbeat:Filesystem): Started centos8-str1 * MariaDB (systemd:mariadb): Started centos8-str1 Daemon Status: corosync: active/disabled pacemaker: active/disabled pcsd: active/enabled

●PacemakerでZabbix-Serverを制御する(DRBD利用)(CentOS Stream 8)

 参考URL:Pacemaker/Corosync の設定値について
 参考URL:CentOS8でZabbix5をインストールし、Zabbix Agentを監視する
 参考URL:HAクラスタをDRBDとPacemakerで作ってみよう [Pacemaker編]




# dnf install httpd php php-fpm php-mbstring
# vi /etc/php.ini
date.timezone ="Asia/Tokyo"

# dnf install httpd

# pcs resource defaults resource-stickiness=INFINITY
Warning: This command is deprecated and will be removed. Please use 'pcs resource defaults update' instead.
Warning: Defaults do not apply to resources which override them with their own defined values
# pcs property set stonith-enabled=false
# pcs property set no-quorum-policy=ignore
# vi /etc/selinux/config

# dnf install mariadb mariadb-server
# rpm -Uvh
# rpm -Uvh
# dnf clean all
# dnf install zabbix-server-mysql zabbix-web-mysql zabbix-apache-conf zabbix-agent
# dnf install zabbix-server-mysql zabbix-web-service zabbix-sql-scripts zabbix-agent
# dnf install zabbix-server-mysql zabbix-web-service zabbix-sql-scripts zabbix-agent zabbix-web-mysql zabbix-apache-conf zabbix-web-japanese zabbix-get
[root@centos8-str1 ~]# systemctl start mariadb
[root@centos8-str1 ~]# systemctl status mariadb
[root@centos8-str1 ~]# mysql_secure_installation
NOTE: RUNNING ALL PARTS OF THIS SCRIPT IS RECOMMENDED FOR ALL MariaDB SERVERS IN PRODUCTION USE! PLEASE READ EACH STEP CAREFULLY! In order to log into MariaDB to secure it, we'll need the current password for the root user. If you've just installed MariaDB, and you haven't set the root password yet, the password will be blank, so you should just press enter here. Enter current password for root (enter for none): OK, successfully used password, moving on... Setting the root password ensures that nobody can log into the MariaDB root user without the proper authorisation. Set root password? [Y/n] Y New password: Re-enter new password: Password updated successfully! Reloading privilege tables.. ... Success! By default, a MariaDB installation has an anonymous user, allowing anyone to log into MariaDB without having to have a user account created for them. This is intended only for testing, and to make the installation go a bit smoother. You should remove them before moving into a production environment. Remove anonymous users? [Y/n] Y ... Success! Normally, root should only be allowed to connect from 'localhost'. This ensures that someone cannot guess at the root password from the network. Disallow root login remotely? [Y/n] Y ... Success! By default, MariaDB comes with a database named 'test' that anyone can access. This is also intended only for testing, and should be removed before moving into a production environment. Remove test database and access to it? [Y/n] Y - Dropping test database... ... Success! - Removing privileges on test database... ... Success! Reloading the privilege tables will ensure that all changes made so far will take effect immediately. Reload privilege tables now? [Y/n] Y ... Success! Cleaning up... All done! If you've completed all of the above steps, your MariaDB installation should now be secure. Thanks for using MariaDB!

 Zabbixのデータベース設定(CentOS Stream 8)

[root@centos8-str1 ~]# mysql -uroot -p
Enter password: MariaDB [(none)]> create database zabbix character set utf8 collate utf8_bin; MariaDB [(none)]> create user zabbix@localhost identified by 'password'; MariaDB [(none)]> grant all privileges on zabbix.* to zabbix@localhost; MariaDB [(none)]> flush privileges; MariaDB [(none)]> quit [root@centos8-str1 ~]# zcat /usr/share/doc/zabbix-server-mysql*/create.sql.gz | mysql -uzabbix -p zabbix [root@centos8-str1 ~]# zcat /usr/share/doc/zabbix-sql-scripts/mysql/create.sql.gz | mysql -uzabbix zabbix -p Enter password: or [root@centos8-str1 ~]# zcat /usr/share/doc/zabbix-sql-scripts/mysql/create.sql.gz | mysql -uzabbix -p zabbix Enter password:
# vi /etc/zabbix/zabbix_server.conf

# vi /etc/zabbix/web/zabbix.conf.php
$DB['SERVER'] = 'localhost'; ← 変更前
$DB['SERVER'] = ''; ← 変更後
 [root@centos8-str2 ~]# ls -la /etc/zabbix/web/zabbix.conf.php
 -rw------- 1 apache apache 1482  3月 26 18:55 /etc/zabbix/web/zabbix.conf.php
   configuration file error
     permission denied

# vi /etc/php-fpm.d/zabbix.conf
php_value[date.timezone] = "Asia/Tokyo"


 http,Zabbix Agentの通信を許可するために下記のコマンドを実行する。
# firewall-cmd --add-port=10051/tcp --permanent
# firewall-cmd --add-service=http --permanent
# systemctl restart firewalld


[root@centos8-str1 ~]# systemctl restart zabbix-server zabbix-agent httpd php-fpm
 http://centos8-str1のIPアドレス/zabbix/ または http://仮想IPアドレス/zabbix/ へアクセスし、Zabbixのセットアップを進めてください。

 Zabbix 5.4インストール時の初期設定画面はこちらです。

 Next stepを押下します。



  • DBHost=localhost
  • DBName=zabbix
  • DBUser=zabbix
  • DBPassword=yourpassword







  • ユーザ名:Admin
  • パスワード:zabbix


 セットアップ完了後にウィザードによって作成された /etc/zabbix/web/zabbix.conf.php は、centos8-str2にもコピーしておく必要があります。
[root@centos8-str1 ~]# scp /etc/zabbix/web/zabbix.conf.php centos8-str2:/etc/zabbix/web/zabbix.conf.php
root@centos8-str2's password: 

# vi /etc/zabbix/zabbix_server.conf

# vi /etc/zabbix/web/zabbix.conf.php
$DB['SERVER'] = 'localhost'; ← 変更前
$DB['SERVER'] = ''; ← 変更後
 [root@centos8-str2 ~]# ls -la /etc/zabbix/web/zabbix.conf.php
 -rw------- 1 apache apache 1482  3月 26 18:55 /etc/zabbix/web/zabbix.conf.php
   configuration file error
     permission denied

# vi /etc/php-fpm.d/zabbix.conf
php_value[date.timezone] = "Asia/Tokyo"
 Zabbixのダッシュボードが表示されるところまでの動作を確認できたら、今後、httpd と zabbix-server はPacemakerで制御したいので、centos8-str1で一時的に起動していたリソースを停止します。
 設定済みのリソースグループ rg01 に追加するので、クラスタ(pcsd)を停止する必要はありません。
[root@centos8-str1 ~]# systemctl stop httpd
[root@centos8-str1 ~]# systemctl stop zabbix-server
 現在利用しているリソースグループ rg01 に httpd と zabbix-server を追加します。
[root@centos8-str1 ~]# pcs resource create httpd systemd:httpd --group rg01
[root@centos8-str1 ~]# pcs resource create zabbix-server systemd:zabbix-server --group rg01
[root@centos8-str1 ~]# pcs status
Cluster name: bigbang Cluster Summary: * Stack: corosync * Current DC: centos8-str2 (version 2.0.5-8.el8-ba59be7122) - partition with quorum * Last updated: Thu Mar 25 15:47:26 2021 * Last change: Thu Mar 25 15:47:08 2021 by root via cibadmin on centos8-str1 * 2 nodes configured * 8 resource instances configured Node List: * Online: [ centos8-str1 centos8-str2 ] Full List of Resources: * Resource Group: rg01: * VirtualIP (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started centos8-str1 * ShareDir (ocf::heartbeat:Filesystem): Started centos8-str1 * MariaDB (systemd:mariadb): Started centos8-str1 * FS_DRBD0 (ocf::heartbeat:Filesystem): Started centos8-str1 * httpd (systemd:httpd): Started centos8-str1 * zabbix-server (systemd:zabbix-server): Started centos8-str1 * Clone Set: DRBD-clone [DRBD] (promotable): * Masters: [ centos8-str1 ] * Slaves: [ centos8-str2 ] Daemon Status: corosync: active/disabled pacemaker: active/disabled pcsd: active/enabled
[root@centos8-str1 ~]# pcs config show
Cluster Name: bigbang Corosync Nodes: centos8-str1 centos8-str2 Pacemaker Nodes: centos8-str1 centos8-str2 Resources: Group: rg01 Resource: VirtualIP (class=ocf provider=heartbeat type=IPaddr2) Attributes: cidr_netmask=24 ip= nic=ens192 Operations: monitor interval=60s on-fail=standby (VirtualIP-monitor-interval-60s) start interval=0s timeout=20s (VirtualIP-start-interval-0s) stop interval=0s timeout=20s (VirtualIP-stop-interval-0s) Resource: ShareDir (class=ocf provider=heartbeat type=Filesystem) Attributes: device=/dev/sdb1 directory=/mnt fstype=ext4 Operations: monitor interval=20s timeout=40s (ShareDir-monitor-interval-20s) start interval=0s timeout=60s (ShareDir-start-interval-0s) stop interval=0s timeout=60s (ShareDir-stop-interval-0s) Resource: MariaDB (class=systemd type=mariadb) Operations: monitor interval=60 timeout=100 (MariaDB-monitor-interval-60) start interval=0s timeout=100 (MariaDB-start-interval-0s) stop interval=0s timeout=100 (MariaDB-stop-interval-0s) Resource: FS_DRBD0 (class=ocf provider=heartbeat type=Filesystem) Attributes: device=/dev/drbd0 directory=/mnt2/drbd0 fstype=xfs Operations: monitor interval=20s timeout=40s (FS_DRBD0-monitor-interval-20s) start interval=0s timeout=60s (FS_DRBD0-start-interval-0s) stop interval=0s timeout=60s (FS_DRBD0-stop-interval-0s) Resource: httpd (class=systemd type=httpd) Operations: monitor interval=60 timeout=100 (httpd-monitor-interval-60) start interval=0s timeout=100 (httpd-start-interval-0s) stop interval=0s timeout=100 (httpd-stop-interval-0s) Resource: zabbix-server (class=systemd type=zabbix-server) Operations: monitor interval=60 timeout=100 (zabbix-server-monitor-interval-60) start interval=0s timeout=100 (zabbix-server-start-interval-0s) stop interval=0s timeout=100 (zabbix-server-stop-interval-0s) Clone: DRBD-clone Meta Attrs: clone-max=2 clone-node-max=1 master-max=1 master-node-max=1 notify=true promotable=true Resource: DRBD (class=ocf provider=linbit type=drbd) Attributes: drbd_resource=r0 Operations: demote interval=0s timeout=90 (DRBD-demote-interval-0s) monitor interval=20 role=Slave timeout=20 (DRBD-monitor-interval-20) monitor interval=10 role=Master timeout=20 (DRBD-monitor-interval-10) notify interval=0s timeout=90 (DRBD-notify-interval-0s) promote interval=0s timeout=90 (DRBD-promote-interval-0s) reload interval=0s timeout=30 (DRBD-reload-interval-0s) start interval=0s timeout=240 (DRBD-start-interval-0s) stop interval=0s timeout=100 (DRBD-stop-interval-0s) Stonith Devices: Fencing Levels: Location Constraints: Ordering Constraints: promote DRBD-clone then start rg01 (kind:Mandatory) (id:order-DRBD-clone-rg01-mandatory) promote DRBD-clone then start FS_DRBD0 (kind:Mandatory) (id:order-DRBD-clone-FS_DRBD0-mandatory) Colocation Constraints: DRBD-clone with rg01 (score:INFINITY) (rsc-role:Started) (with-rsc-role:Master) (id:colocation-DRBD-clone-rg01-INFINITY) DRBD-clone with FS_DRBD0 (score:INFINITY) (rsc-role:Started) (with-rsc-role:Master) (id:colocation-DRBD-clone-FS_DRBD0-INFINITY) Ticket Constraints: Alerts: No alerts defined Resources Defaults: No defaults set Operations Defaults: No defaults set Cluster Properties: cluster-infrastructure: corosync cluster-name: bigbang dc-version: 2.0.5-8.el8-ba59be7122 have-watchdog: false last-lrm-refresh: 1616654708 no-quorum-policy: ignore stonith-enabled: false Tags: No tags defined Quorum: Options:

●pacemakerの現在のリソースを破棄し、新たな順序でリソースを作成する(CentOS Stream 8)

 参考URL:Pacemaker/Corosync の設定値について

  • DRBDr0
  • FS_DRBD0
  • ShareDir
  • MariaDB
  • VirtualIP
  • Apache
  • Zabbix-Server
 Zabbix Server/Apache/VirtualIP のリソースをリソースグループ「zabbix-group」にまとめます。
[root@centos8-str1 ~]# pcs resource remove zabbix-server
Attempting to stop: zabbix-server... Stopped
[root@centos8-str1 ~]# pcs resource remove httpd
Attempting to stop: httpd... Stopped
[root@centos8-str1 ~]# pcs resource remove VirtualIP
Attempting to stop: VirtualIP... Stopped
[root@centos8-str1 ~]# pcs resource remove MariaDB
Attempting to stop: MariaDB... Stopped
[root@centos8-str1 ~]# pcs resource remove ShareDir
Attempting to stop: ShareDir... Stopped
[root@centos8-str1 ~]# pcs resource remove FS_DRBD0
Attempting to stop: FS_DRBD0... Stopped
[root@centos8-str1 ~]# pcs resource remove DRBD-clone
Attempting to stop: DRBD... Stopped
# pcs resource defaults migration-threshold=1
[root@centos8-str1 ~]# pcs resource create DRBD_r0 ocf:linbit:drbd drbd_resource=r0
[root@centos8-str1 ~]# pcs resource promotable DRBD_r0 master-max=1 master-node-max=1 clone-max=2 clone-node-max=1 notify=true
[root@centos8-str1 ~]# pcs constraint location DRBD_r0-clone prefers centos8-str1=100
[root@centos8-str1 ~]# pcs resource cleanup DRBD_r0
[root@centos8-str1 ~]# pcs resource create FS_DRBD0 ocf:heartbeat:Filesystem \
                           device=/dev/drbd0 directory=/mnt2/drbd0 fstype=xfs --group zabbix-group
[root@centos8-str1 ~]# pcs resource create MariaDB systemd:mariadb --group zabbix-group
[root@centos8-str1 ~]# pcs resource create VirtualIP ocf:heartbeat:IPaddr2 ip= \
                       cidr_netmask=24 nic=ens192 op monitor interval=30s --group zabbix-group
[root@centos8-str1 ~]# pcs resource create httpd systemd:httpd --group zabbix-group
[root@centos8-str1 ~]# pcs resource create zabbix-server systemd:zabbix-server --group zabbix-group
[root@centos8-str1 ~]# pcs resource create ShareDir ocf:heartbeat:Filesystem \
                           device=/dev/sdb1 directory=/mnt fstype=ext4 --group zabbix-group
## DRBD_r0がMaster側のノードでFS_DRBD0リソースを起動するように設定
[root@centos8-str1 ~]# pcs constraint colocation add DRBD_r0-clone with Master FS_DRBD0

## DRBD_r0起動後にFS_DRBD0リソースを起動
[root@centos8-str1 ~]# pcs constraint order promote DRBD_r0-clone then start FS_DRBD0
Adding DRBD_r0-clone FS_DRBD0 (kind: Mandatory) (Options: first-action=promote then-action=start)

## zabbix-groupはDRBD_r0のMasterと同じノードで起動
[root@centos8-str1 ~]# pcs constraint colocation add zabbix-group with Master DRBD_r0-clone INFINITY

## MariaDBはDRBD_r0のMasterと同じノードで起動(異常検知で必要)
[root@centos8-str1 ~]# pcs constraint colocation add master DRBD_r0 with MariaDB INFINITY --force
[root@centos8-str1 ~]# pcs constraint colocation add master DRBD_r0-clone with MariaDB INFINITY

## VirtualIPはDRBD_r0のMasterと同じノードで起動(異常検知で必要)
[root@centos8-str1 ~]# pcs constraint colocation add master DRBD_r0 with VirtualIP INFINITY --force
[root@centos8-str1 ~]# pcs constraint colocation add master DRBD_r0-clone with VirtualIP INFINITY

## httpdはDRBD_r0のMasterと同じノードで起動(異常検知で必要)
[root@centos8-str1 ~]# pcs constraint colocation add master DRBD_r0 with httpd INFINITY --force
[root@centos8-str1 ~]# pcs constraint colocation add master DRBD_r0-clone with httpd INFINITY

## zabbix-serverはDRBD_r0のMasterと同じノードで起動(異常検知で必要)
[root@centos8-str1 ~]# pcs constraint colocation add master DRBD_r0 with zabbix-server INFINITY --force
[root@centos8-str1 ~]# pcs constraint colocation add master DRBD_r0-clone with zabbix-server INFINITY

## ShareDirはDRBD_r0のMasterと同じノードで起動(異常検知で必要):後日追加
[root@centos8-str1 ~]# pcs constraint colocation add master DRBD_r0 with ShareDir INFINITY --force
[root@centos8-str1 ~]# pcs constraint colocation add master DRBD_r0-clone with ShareDir INFINITY
[root@centos8-str1 ~]# pcs constraint colocation add master DRBD_r0-clone with ShareDir INFINITY
[root@centos8-str1 ~]# pcs status
Cluster name: bigbang Cluster Summary: * Stack: corosync * Current DC: centos8-str1 (version 2.0.5-8.el8-ba59be7122) - partition with quorum * Last updated: Mon Mar 29 11:17:19 2021 * Last change: Mon Mar 29 11:10:05 2021 by root via cibadmin on centos8-str1 * 2 nodes configured * 8 resource instances configured Node List: * Online: [ centos8-str1 centos8-str2 ] Full List of Resources: * Clone Set: DRBD_r0-clone [DRBD_r0] (promotable): * Masters: [ centos8-str1 ] * Slaves: [ centos8-str2 ] * Resource Group: zabbix-group: * FS_DRBD0 (ocf::heartbeat:Filesystem): Started centos8-str1 * MariaDB (systemd:mariadb): Started centos8-str1 * VirtualIP (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started centos8-str1 * httpd (systemd:httpd): Started centos8-str1 * zabbix-server (systemd:zabbix-server): Started centos8-str1 * ShareDir (ocf::heartbeat:Filesystem): Started centos8-str1 Daemon Status: corosync: active/disabled pacemaker: active/disabled pcsd: active/enabled
[root@centos8-str1 ~]# pcs config show
Cluster Name: bigbang Corosync Nodes: centos8-str1 centos8-str2 Pacemaker Nodes: centos8-str1 centos8-str2 Resources: Clone: DRBD_r0-clone Meta Attrs: clone-max=2 clone-node-max=1 master-max=1 master-node-max=1 notify=true promotable=true Resource: DRBD_r0 (class=ocf provider=linbit type=drbd) Attributes: drbd_resource=r0 Operations: demote interval=0s timeout=90 (DRBD_r0-demote-interval-0s) monitor interval=20 role=Slave timeout=20 (DRBD_r0-monitor-interval-20) monitor interval=10 role=Master timeout=20 (DRBD_r0-monitor-interval-10) notify interval=0s timeout=90 (DRBD_r0-notify-interval-0s) promote interval=0s timeout=90 (DRBD_r0-promote-interval-0s) reload interval=0s timeout=30 (DRBD_r0-reload-interval-0s) start interval=0s timeout=240 (DRBD_r0-start-interval-0s) stop interval=0s timeout=100 (DRBD_r0-stop-interval-0s) Group: zabbix-group Resource: FS_DRBD0 (class=ocf provider=heartbeat type=Filesystem) Attributes: device=/dev/drbd0 directory=/mnt2/drbd0 fstype=xfs Operations: monitor interval=20s timeout=40s (FS_DRBD0-monitor-interval-20s) start interval=0s timeout=60s (FS_DRBD0-start-interval-0s) stop interval=0s timeout=60s (FS_DRBD0-stop-interval-0s) Resource: MariaDB (class=systemd type=mariadb) Operations: monitor interval=60 timeout=100 (MariaDB-monitor-interval-60) start interval=0s timeout=100 (MariaDB-start-interval-0s) stop interval=0s timeout=100 (MariaDB-stop-interval-0s) Resource: VirtualIP (class=ocf provider=heartbeat type=IPaddr2) Attributes: cidr_netmask=24 ip= nic=ens192 Operations: monitor interval=30s (VirtualIP-monitor-interval-30s) start interval=0s timeout=20s (VirtualIP-start-interval-0s) stop interval=0s timeout=20s (VirtualIP-stop-interval-0s) Resource: httpd (class=systemd type=httpd) Operations: monitor interval=60 timeout=100 (httpd-monitor-interval-60) start interval=0s timeout=100 (httpd-start-interval-0s) stop interval=0s timeout=100 (httpd-stop-interval-0s) Resource: zabbix-server (class=systemd type=zabbix-server) Operations: monitor interval=60 timeout=100 (zabbix-server-monitor-interval-60) start interval=0s timeout=100 (zabbix-server-start-interval-0s) stop interval=0s timeout=100 (zabbix-server-stop-interval-0s) Resource: ShareDir (class=ocf provider=heartbeat type=Filesystem) Attributes: device=/dev/sdb1 directory=/mnt fstype=ext4 Operations: monitor interval=20s timeout=40s (ShareDir-monitor-interval-20s) start interval=0s timeout=60s (ShareDir-start-interval-0s) stop interval=0s timeout=60s (ShareDir-stop-interval-0s) Stonith Devices: Fencing Levels: Location Constraints: Ordering Constraints: promote DRBD_r0-clone then start FS_DRBD0 (kind:Mandatory) (id:order-DRBD_r0-clone-FS_DRBD0-mandatory) Colocation Constraints: DRBD_r0-clone with FS_DRBD0 (score:INFINITY) (rsc-role:Started) (with-rsc-role:Master) (id:colocation-DRBD_r0-clone-FS_DRBD0-INFINITY) FS_DRBD0 with zabbix-group (score:INFINITY) (rsc-role:Master) (with-rsc-role:Started) (id:colocation-FS_DRBD0-zabbix-group-INFINITY) DRBD_r0 with MariaDB (score:INFINITY) (rsc-role:Master) (with-rsc-role:Started) (id:colocation-DRBD_r0-MariaDB-INFINITY) DRBD_r0 with VirtualIP (score:INFINITY) (rsc-role:Master) (with-rsc-role:Started) (id:colocation-DRBD_r0-VirtualIP-INFINITY) DRBD_r0 with httpd (score:INFINITY) (rsc-role:Master) (with-rsc-role:Started) (id:colocation-DRBD_r0-httpd-INFINITY) DRBD_r0 with zabbix-server (score:INFINITY) (rsc-role:Master) (with-rsc-role:Started) (id:colocation-DRBD_r0-zabbix-server-INFINITY) Ticket Constraints: Alerts: No alerts defined Resources Defaults: Meta Attrs: rsc_defaults-meta_attributes migration-threshold=1 Operations Defaults: No defaults set Cluster Properties: cluster-infrastructure: corosync cluster-name: bigbang dc-version: 2.0.5-8.el8-ba59be7122 have-watchdog: false last-lrm-refresh: 1616983434 no-quorum-policy: ignore stonith-enabled: false Tags: No tags defined Quorum: Options:

 プロセスを停止した場合(Apache)(CentOS Stream 8)

 参考URL:HAクラスタをDRBDとPacemakerで作ってみよう [Pacemaker編]

[root@centos8-str1 ~]# kill -kill `pgrep -f httpd`
[root@centos8-str1 ~]# ps axu | grep http[d]
[root@centos8-str1 ~]# pcs status --full
Cluster name: bigbang Cluster Summary: * Stack: corosync * Current DC: centos8-str1 (version 2.0.5-8.el8-ba59be7122) - partition with quorum * Last updated: Mon Mar 29 13:42:44 2021 * Last change: Mon Mar 29 13:24:34 2021 by hacluster via crmd on centos8-str2 * 2 nodes configured * 8 resource instances configured Node List: * Online: [ centos8-str1 (1) centos8-str2 (2) ] Full List of Resources: * Resource Group: rg01: * FS_DRBD0 (ocf::heartbeat:Filesystem): Started centos8-str1 * ShareDir (ocf::heartbeat:Filesystem): Started centos8-str1 * MariaDB (systemd:mariadb): Started centos8-str1 * VirtualIP (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started centos8-str1 * httpd (systemd:httpd): Started centos8-str1 ← pacemakerによって新たに起動されています。 * zabbix-server (systemd:zabbix-server): Started centos8-str1 * Clone Set: DRBD-clone [DRBD] (promotable): * DRBD (ocf::linbit:drbd): Slave centos8-str2 * DRBD (ocf::linbit:drbd): Master centos8-str1 Node Attributes: * Node: centos8-str1 (1): * master-DRBD : 10000 * Node: centos8-str2 (2): * master-DRBD : 10000 Migration Summary: * Node: centos8-str1 (1): * httpd: migration-threshold=1000000 fail-count=1 last-failure='Mon Mar 29 13:42:10 2021'     ↑ centos8-str1でhttpdにfail-countが加算されています。 Failed Resource Actions: ← centos8-str1でhttpdが起動していなかった事が記録されています。 * httpd_monitor_60000 on centos8-str1 'not running' (7): call=256, \ status='complete', exitreason='', last-rc-change='2021-03-29 13:42:10 +09:00', queued=0ms, exec=0ms Tickets: PCSD Status: centos8-str1: Online centos8-str2: Online Daemon Status: corosync: active/disabled pacemaker: active/disabled pcsd: active/enabled
[root@centos8-str1 ~]# pcs resource cleanup httpd
[root@centos8-str1 ~]# pcs resource defaults migration-threshold=1
Warning: This command is deprecated and will be removed. Please use 'pcs resource defaults update' instead.
Warning: Defaults do not apply to resources which override them with their own defined values
[root@centos8-str1 ~]# kill -kill `pgrep -f httpd`
[root@centos8-str1 ~]# ps axu | grep http[d]
[root@centos8-str2 ~]# pkill httpd
[root@centos8-str2 ~]# ps axu | grep http[d]
[root@centos8-str2 ~]# pcs status --full
Cluster name: bigbang Cluster Summary: * Stack: corosync * Current DC: centos8-str1 (1) (version 2.0.5-8.el8-ba59be7122) - partition with quorum * Last updated: Mon Mar 29 13:49:59 2021 * Last change: Mon Mar 29 13:47:34 2021 by hacluster via crmd on centos8-str1 * 2 nodes configured * 8 resource instances configured Node List: * Online: [ centos8-str1 (1) centos8-str2 (2) ] Full List of Resources: * Clone Set: DRBD_r0-clone [DRBD_r0] (promotable): * DRBD_r0 (ocf::linbit:drbd): Master centos8-str1 * DRBD_r0 (ocf::linbit:drbd): Slave centos8-str2 * Resource Group: zabbix-group: * FS_DRBD0 (ocf::heartbeat:Filesystem): Started centos8-str1 * MariaDB (systemd:mariadb): Started centos8-str1 * VirtualIP (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started centos8-str1 * httpd (systemd:httpd): Started centos8-str1 * zabbix-server (systemd:zabbix-server): Started centos8-str1 * ShareDir (ocf::heartbeat:Filesystem): Started centos8-str1 Node Attributes: * Node: centos8-str1 (1): * master-DRBD_r0 : 10000 * Node: centos8-str2 (2): * master-DRBD_r0 : 10000 Migration Summary: * Node: centos8-str2 (2): * httpd: migration-threshold=1 fail-count=1 last-failure='Mon Mar 29 13:49:25 2021' Failed Resource Actions: * httpd_monitor_60000 on centos8-str2 'not running' (7): call=134, status='complete', exitreason='', last-rc-change='2021-03-29 13:49:24 +09:00', queued=0ms, exec=0ms Tickets: PCSD Status: centos8-str1: Online centos8-str2: Online Daemon Status: corosync: active/disabled pacemaker: active/disabled pcsd: active/enabled

[root@centos8-str1 ~]# pcs resource cleanup httpd

 プロセスを停止した場合(MariaDB)(CentOS Stream 8)

 参考URL:HAクラスタをDRBDとPacemakerで作ってみよう [Pacemaker編]

[root@centos8-str1 ~]# pcs resource defaults migration-threshold=1

[root@centos8-str1 ~]# kill -kill `pgrep -f mysqld`
[root@centos8-str1 ~]# ps axu | grep mysqld
[root@centos8-str1 ~]# pcs status --full
Cluster name: bigbang Cluster Summary: * Stack: corosync * Current DC: centos8-str1 (1) (version 2.0.5-8.el8-ba59be7122) - partition with quorum * Last updated: Tue Mar 30 09:40:05 2021 * Last change: Mon Mar 29 18:08:20 2021 by hacluster via crmd on centos8-str2 * 2 nodes configured * 8 resource instances configured Node List: * Online: [ centos8-str1 (1) centos8-str2 (2) ] Full List of Resources: * Clone Set: DRBD_r0-clone [DRBD_r0] (promotable): * DRBD_r0 (ocf::linbit:drbd): Slave centos8-str1 * DRBD_r0 (ocf::linbit:drbd): Master centos8-str2 * Resource Group: zabbix-group: * FS_DRBD0 (ocf::heartbeat:Filesystem): Started centos8-str2 * MariaDB (systemd:mariadb): Started centos8-str2 * VirtualIP (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started centos8-str2 * httpd (systemd:httpd): Started centos8-str2 * zabbix-server (systemd:zabbix-server): Started centos8-str2 * ShareDir (ocf::heartbeat:Filesystem): Started centos8-str2 Node Attributes: * Node: centos8-str1 (1): * master-DRBD_r0 : 10000 * Node: centos8-str2 (2): * master-DRBD_r0 : 10000 Migration Summary: * Node: centos8-str1 (1): * MariaDB: migration-threshold=1 fail-count=1 last-failure='Tue Mar 30 09:39:21 2021' Failed Resource Actions: * MariaDB_monitor_60000 on centos8-str1 'not running' (7): call=40, status='complete', exitreason='', last-rc-change='2021-03-30 09:39:21 +09:00', queued=0ms, exec=0ms Tickets: PCSD Status: centos8-str1: Online centos8-str2: Online Daemon Status: corosync: active/disabled pacemaker: active/disabled pcsd: active/enabled
[root@centos8-str2 ~]# pcs resource cleanup MariaDB
[root@centos8-str2 ~]# kill -kill `pgrep -f mysqld`
[root@centos8-str2 ~]# ps axu | grep mysqld
[root@centos8-str2 ~]# pcs status --full;date
Cluster name: bigbang Cluster Summary: * Stack: corosync * Current DC: centos8-str1 (1) (version 2.0.5-8.el8-ba59be7122) - partition with quorum * Last updated: Tue Mar 30 10:02:50 2021 * Last change: Tue Mar 30 09:42:57 2021 by hacluster via crmd on centos8-str1 * 2 nodes configured * 8 resource instances configured (1 BLOCKED from further action due to failure) Node List: * Online: [ centos8-str1 (1) centos8-str2 (2) ] Full List of Resources: * Clone Set: DRBD_r0-clone [DRBD_r0] (promotable): * DRBD_r0 (ocf::linbit:drbd): Slave centos8-str1 * DRBD_r0 (ocf::linbit:drbd): Master centos8-str2 * Resource Group: zabbix-group: * FS_DRBD0 (ocf::heartbeat:Filesystem): Started centos8-str2 * MariaDB (systemd:mariadb): FAILED centos8-str2 * VirtualIP (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Stopped * httpd (systemd:httpd): Stopped * zabbix-server (systemd:zabbix-server): FAILED centos8-str2 (blocked) * ShareDir (ocf::heartbeat:Filesystem): Stopped Node Attributes: * Node: centos8-str1 (1): * master-DRBD_r0 : 10000 * Node: centos8-str2 (2): * master-DRBD_r0 : 10000 Migration Summary: * Node: centos8-str2 (2): * MariaDB: migration-threshold=1 fail-count=1 last-failure='Tue Mar 30 09:44:32 2021' * zabbix-server: migration-threshold=1 fail-count=1000000 last-failure='Tue Mar 30 09:46:14 2021' Failed Resource Actions: * MariaDB_monitor_60000 on centos8-str2 'not running' (7): call=46, status='complete', exitreason='', last-rc-change='2021-03-30 09:44:32 +09:00', queued=0ms, exec=0ms * zabbix-server_stop_0 on centos8-str2 'OCF_TIMEOUT' (198): call=64, status='Timed Out', exitreason='', last-rc-change='2021-03-30 09:46:14 +09:00', queued=0ms, exec=99987ms Tickets: PCSD Status: centos8-str1: Online centos8-str2: Online Daemon Status: corosync: active/disabled pacemaker: active/disabled pcsd: active/enabled
 確認するとZabbix Serverのプロセスが残っています。
 下記コマンドを実行しましたが、暫くしても反応がないため Ctrl + C で抜けました。
[root@centos8-str2 ~]# systemctl stop zabbix-server
 その後、下記コマンドを実施したところZabbix Serverの全てのプロセスがなくなりました。
[root@centos8-str2 ~]# kill -kill `pgrep -f zabbix_server`
 とりあえず記録されているFailed Resource Actionsをクリーンアップします。
[root@centos8-str2 ~]# pcs resource cleanup MariaDB
[root@centos8-str2 ~]# pcs resource cleanup zabbix-server
[root@centos8-str2 ~]# pcs constraint colocation add MariaDB with zabbix-server INFINITY
[root@centos8-str2 ~]# pcs config show
Cluster Name: bigbang Corosync Nodes: centos8-str1 centos8-str2 Pacemaker Nodes: centos8-str1 centos8-str2 Resources: Clone: DRBD_r0-clone Meta Attrs: clone-max=2 clone-node-max=1 master-max=1 master-node-max=1 notify=true promotable=true Resource: DRBD_r0 (class=ocf provider=linbit type=drbd) Attributes: drbd_resource=r0 Operations: demote interval=0s timeout=90 (DRBD_r0-demote-interval-0s) monitor interval=20 role=Slave timeout=20 (DRBD_r0-monitor-interval-20) monitor interval=10 role=Master timeout=20 (DRBD_r0-monitor-interval-10) notify interval=0s timeout=90 (DRBD_r0-notify-interval-0s) promote interval=0s timeout=90 (DRBD_r0-promote-interval-0s) reload interval=0s timeout=30 (DRBD_r0-reload-interval-0s) start interval=0s timeout=240 (DRBD_r0-start-interval-0s) stop interval=0s timeout=100 (DRBD_r0-stop-interval-0s) Group: zabbix-group Resource: FS_DRBD0 (class=ocf provider=heartbeat type=Filesystem) Attributes: device=/dev/drbd0 directory=/mnt2/drbd0 fstype=xfs Operations: monitor interval=20s timeout=40s (FS_DRBD0-monitor-interval-20s) start interval=0s timeout=60s (FS_DRBD0-start-interval-0s) stop interval=0s timeout=60s (FS_DRBD0-stop-interval-0s) Resource: MariaDB (class=systemd type=mariadb) Operations: monitor interval=60 timeout=100 (MariaDB-monitor-interval-60) start interval=0s timeout=100 (MariaDB-start-interval-0s) stop interval=0s timeout=100 (MariaDB-stop-interval-0s) Resource: VirtualIP (class=ocf provider=heartbeat type=IPaddr2) Attributes: cidr_netmask=24 ip= nic=ens192 Operations: monitor interval=30s (VirtualIP-monitor-interval-30s) start interval=0s timeout=20s (VirtualIP-start-interval-0s) stop interval=0s timeout=20s (VirtualIP-stop-interval-0s) Resource: httpd (class=systemd type=httpd) Operations: monitor interval=60 timeout=100 (httpd-monitor-interval-60) start interval=0s timeout=100 (httpd-start-interval-0s) stop interval=0s timeout=100 (httpd-stop-interval-0s) Resource: zabbix-server (class=systemd type=zabbix-server) Operations: monitor interval=60 timeout=100 (zabbix-server-monitor-interval-60) start interval=0s timeout=100 (zabbix-server-start-interval-0s) stop interval=0s timeout=100 (zabbix-server-stop-interval-0s) Resource: ShareDir (class=ocf provider=heartbeat type=Filesystem) Attributes: device=/dev/sdb1 directory=/mnt fstype=ext4 Operations: monitor interval=20s timeout=40s (ShareDir-monitor-interval-20s) start interval=0s timeout=60s (ShareDir-start-interval-0s) stop interval=0s timeout=60s (ShareDir-stop-interval-0s) Stonith Devices: Fencing Levels: Location Constraints: Ordering Constraints: promote DRBD_r0-clone then start FS_DRBD0 (kind:Mandatory) (id:order-DRBD_r0-clone-FS_DRBD0-mandatory) Colocation Constraints: DRBD_r0-clone with FS_DRBD0 (score:INFINITY) (rsc-role:Started) (with-rsc-role:Master) (id:colocation-DRBD_r0-clone-FS_DRBD0-INFINITY) FS_DRBD0 with zabbix-group (score:INFINITY) (rsc-role:Master) (with-rsc-role:Started) (id:colocation-FS_DRBD0-zabbix-group-INFINITY) DRBD_r0 with MariaDB (score:INFINITY) (rsc-role:Master) (with-rsc-role:Started) (id:colocation-DRBD_r0-MariaDB-INFINITY) DRBD_r0 with VirtualIP (score:INFINITY) (rsc-role:Master) (with-rsc-role:Started) (id:colocation-DRBD_r0-VirtualIP-INFINITY) DRBD_r0 with httpd (score:INFINITY) (rsc-role:Master) (with-rsc-role:Started) (id:colocation-DRBD_r0-httpd-INFINITY) DRBD_r0 with zabbix-server (score:INFINITY) (rsc-role:Master) (with-rsc-role:Started) (id:colocation-DRBD_r0-zabbix-server-INFINITY) DRBD_r0 with ShareDir (score:INFINITY) (rsc-role:Master) (with-rsc-role:Started) (id:colocation-DRBD_r0-ShareDir-INFINITY) MariaDB with zabbix-server (score:INFINITY) (id:colocation-MariaDB-zabbix-server-INFINITY) Ticket Constraints: Alerts: No alerts defined Resources Defaults: Meta Attrs: rsc_defaults-meta_attributes migration-threshold=1 Operations Defaults: No defaults set Cluster Properties: cluster-infrastructure: corosync cluster-name: bigbang dc-version: 2.0.5-8.el8-ba59be7122 have-watchdog: false last-lrm-refresh: 1617067515 no-quorum-policy: ignore stonith-enabled: false Tags: No tags defined Quorum: Options:

 Zabbix ServerがFAILED centos8-str2 (blocked)となる前(timeout前)に、残存しているZabbix Serverのプロセスを全てkillすることでリソースが移動できることを確認しました。

 2021.03.31現在、Pacemaker単独でこれを解決する方法が見つからなかったため、cronで1分毎にMariaDBのプロセスがなくなったこと(MariaDBの停止)を検知したら、強制的にZabbix Serverのプロセスを全てkillする方法としました。
 下記に記載していますが、Zabbix Serverのプロセス停止時には正常にリソースが移動することを利用することとしました。

 プロセスを停止した場合(Zabbix Server)(CentOS Stream 8)

 参考URL:HAクラスタをDRBDとPacemakerで作ってみよう [Pacemaker編]

[root@centos8-str1 ~]# pcs resource defaults migration-threshold=1

 Zabbix Serverを停止します。
[root@centos8-str1 ~]# kill -kill `pgrep -f zabbix_server`
[root@centos8-str1 ~]# ps axu | grep zabbix_server
[root@centos8-str1 ~]# pcs status --full
Cluster name: bigbang Cluster Summary: * Stack: corosync * Current DC: centos8-str1 (1) (version 2.0.5-8.el8-ba59be7122) - partition with quorum * Last updated: Mon Mar 29 17:41:43 2021 * Last change: Mon Mar 29 17:39:12 2021 by hacluster via crmd on centos8-str2 * 2 nodes configured * 8 resource instances configured Node List: * Online: [ centos8-str1 (1) centos8-str2 (2) ] Full List of Resources: * Clone Set: DRBD_r0-clone [DRBD_r0] (promotable): * DRBD_r0 (ocf::linbit:drbd): Slave centos8-str1 * DRBD_r0 (ocf::linbit:drbd): Master centos8-str2 * Resource Group: zabbix-group: * FS_DRBD0 (ocf::heartbeat:Filesystem): Started centos8-str2 * MariaDB (systemd:mariadb): Started centos8-str2 * VirtualIP (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started centos8-str2 * httpd (systemd:httpd): Started centos8-str2 * zabbix-server (systemd:zabbix-server): Started centos8-str2 * ShareDir (ocf::heartbeat:Filesystem): Started centos8-str2 Node Attributes: * Node: centos8-str1 (1): * master-DRBD_r0 : 10000 * Node: centos8-str2 (2): * master-DRBD_r0 : 10000 Migration Summary: * Node: centos8-str1 (1): * zabbix-server: migration-threshold=1 fail-count=1 last-failure='Mon Mar 29 17:41:02 2021' Failed Resource Actions: * zabbix-server_monitor_60000 on centos8-str1 'not running' (7): call=298, status='complete', exitreason='', last-rc-change='2021-03-29 17:41:02 +09:00', queued=0ms, exec=0ms Tickets: PCSD Status: centos8-str1: Online centos8-str2: Online Daemon Status: corosync: active/disabled pacemaker: active/disabled pcsd: active/enabled
[root@centos8-str2 ~]# pcs resource cleanup zabbix-server
[root@centos8-str2 ~]# kill -kill `pgrep -f zabbix_server`
[root@centos8-str2 ~]# ps axu | grep zabbix_server
[root@centos8-str2 ~]# pcs status --full
Cluster name: bigbang Cluster Summary: * Stack: corosync * Current DC: centos8-str1 (1) (version 2.0.5-8.el8-ba59be7122) - partition with quorum * Last updated: Mon Mar 29 17:46:45 2021 * Last change: Mon Mar 29 17:45:27 2021 by hacluster via crmd on centos8-str1 * 2 nodes configured * 8 resource instances configured Node List: * Online: [ centos8-str1 (1) centos8-str2 (2) ] Full List of Resources: * Clone Set: DRBD_r0-clone [DRBD_r0] (promotable): * DRBD_r0 (ocf::linbit:drbd): Master centos8-str1 * DRBD_r0 (ocf::linbit:drbd): Slave centos8-str2 * Resource Group: zabbix-group: * FS_DRBD0 (ocf::heartbeat:Filesystem): Started centos8-str1 * MariaDB (systemd:mariadb): Started centos8-str1 * VirtualIP (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started centos8-str1 * httpd (systemd:httpd): Started centos8-str1 * zabbix-server (systemd:zabbix-server): Started centos8-str1 * ShareDir (ocf::heartbeat:Filesystem): Started centos8-str1 Node Attributes: * Node: centos8-str1 (1): * master-DRBD_r0 : 10000 * Node: centos8-str2 (2): * master-DRBD_r0 : 10000 Migration Summary: * Node: centos8-str2 (2): * zabbix-server: migration-threshold=1 fail-count=1 last-failure='Mon Mar 29 17:46:14 2021' Failed Resource Actions: * zabbix-server_monitor_60000 on centos8-str2 'not running' (7): call=304, status='complete', exitreason='', last-rc-change='2021-03-29 17:46:14 +09:00', queued=0ms, exec=0ms Tickets: PCSD Status: centos8-str1: Online centos8-str2: Online Daemon Status: corosync: active/disabled pacemaker: active/disabled pcsd: active/enabled/
[root@centos8-str2 ~]# pcs resource cleanup zabbix-server

 NIC障害(VirtualIP)(CentOS Stream 8)

 参考URL:HAクラスタをDRBDとPacemakerで作ってみよう [Pacemaker編]

[root@centos8-str1 ~]# pcs resource defaults migration-threshold=1

 VMware Host Clientにログインし、ホスト(centos8-str1)のネットワークアダプタ(VM Network (接続済み))を切断してVirtualIPを停止します。
[root@centos8-str2 ~]# pcs status --full;date
Cluster name: bigbang Cluster Summary: * Stack: corosync * Current DC: centos8-str1 (1) (version 2.0.5-8.el8-ba59be7122) - partition with quorum * Last updated: Mon Mar 29 14:56:56 2021 * Last change: Mon Mar 29 14:42:29 2021 by hacluster via crmd on centos8-str2 * 2 nodes configured * 8 resource instances configured Node List: * Online: [ centos8-str1 (1) centos8-str2 (2) ] Full List of Resources: * Clone Set: DRBD_r0-clone [DRBD_r0] (promotable): * DRBD_r0 (ocf::linbit:drbd): Slave centos8-str1 * DRBD_r0 (ocf::linbit:drbd): Master centos8-str2 * Resource Group: zabbix-group: * FS_DRBD0 (ocf::heartbeat:Filesystem): Started centos8-str2 * MariaDB (systemd:mariadb): Started centos8-str2 * VirtualIP (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started centos8-str2 * httpd (systemd:httpd): Started centos8-str2 * zabbix-server (systemd:zabbix-server): Started centos8-str2 * ShareDir (ocf::heartbeat:Filesystem): Started centos8-str2 Node Attributes: * Node: centos8-str1 (1): * master-DRBD_r0 : 10000 * Node: centos8-str2 (2): * master-DRBD_r0 : 10000 Migration Summary: * Node: centos8-str1 (1): * VirtualIP: migration-threshold=1 fail-count=1 last-failure='Mon Mar 29 14:55:16 2021' Failed Resource Actions: * VirtualIP_monitor_30000 on centos8-str1 'not running' (7): call=173, status='complete', exitreason='', last-rc-change='2021-03-29 14:55:16 +09:00', queued=0ms, exec=0ms Tickets: PCSD Status: centos8-str1: Offline centos8-str2: Online Daemon Status: corosync: active/disabled pacemaker: active/disabled pcsd: active/enabled
[root@centos8-str2 ~]# pcs resource cleanup VirtualIP
 VMware Host Clientにログインし、ホスト(centos8-str1)のネットワークアダプタ(VM Network)を作成しなおします。
 ホスト(centos8-str2)のネットワークアダプタ(VM Network (接続済み))を切断しフェールバックさせます。
[root@centos8-str1 ~]# pcs status --full
Cluster name: bigbang Cluster Summary: * Stack: corosync * Current DC: centos8-str1 (1) (version 2.0.5-8.el8-ba59be7122) - partition with quorum * Last updated: Mon Mar 29 15:14:32 2021 * Last change: Mon Mar 29 15:07:40 2021 by hacluster via crmd on centos8-str1 * 2 nodes configured * 8 resource instances configured Node List: * Online: [ centos8-str1 (1) centos8-str2 (2) ] Full List of Resources: * Clone Set: DRBD_r0-clone [DRBD_r0] (promotable): * DRBD_r0 (ocf::linbit:drbd): Master centos8-str1 * DRBD_r0 (ocf::linbit:drbd): Slave centos8-str2 * Resource Group: zabbix-group: * FS_DRBD0 (ocf::heartbeat:Filesystem): Started centos8-str1 * MariaDB (systemd:mariadb): Started centos8-str1 * VirtualIP (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started centos8-str1 * httpd (systemd:httpd): Started centos8-str1 * zabbix-server (systemd:zabbix-server): Started centos8-str1 * ShareDir (ocf::heartbeat:Filesystem): Started centos8-str1 Node Attributes: * Node: centos8-str1 (1): * master-DRBD_r0 : 10000 * Node: centos8-str2 (2): * master-DRBD_r0 : 10000 Migration Summary: * Node: centos8-str2 (2): * VirtualIP: migration-threshold=1 fail-count=1 last-failure='Mon Mar 29 15:14:02 2021' Failed Resource Actions: * VirtualIP_monitor_30000 on centos8-str2 'not running' (7): call=179, status='complete', exitreason='', last-rc-change='2021-03-29 15:14:02 +09:00', queued=0ms, exec=0ms Tickets: PCSD Status: centos8-str1: Online centos8-str2: Offline Daemon Status: corosync: active/disabled pacemaker: active/disabled pcsd: active/enabled
[root@centos8-str1 ~]# pcs resource cleanup VirtualIP

 プロセスを停止した場合(ShareDir)(CentOS Stream 8)

 参考URL:HAクラスタをDRBDとPacemakerで作ってみよう [Pacemaker編]

[root@centos8-str1 ~]# pcs resource defaults migration-threshold=1

[root@centos8-str1 ~]# umount /mnt
[root@centos8-str1 ~]# pcs status --full
Cluster name: bigbang Cluster Summary: * Stack: corosync * Current DC: centos8-str1 (1) (version 2.0.5-8.el8-ba59be7122) - partition with quorum * Last updated: Mon Mar 29 16:28:17 2021 * Last change: Mon Mar 29 16:25:19 2021 by root via cibadmin on centos8-str1 * 2 nodes configured * 8 resource instances configured Node List: * Online: [ centos8-str1 (1) centos8-str2 (2) ] Full List of Resources: * Clone Set: DRBD_r0-clone [DRBD_r0] (promotable): * DRBD_r0 (ocf::linbit:drbd): Slave centos8-str1 * DRBD_r0 (ocf::linbit:drbd): Master centos8-str2 * Resource Group: zabbix-group: * FS_DRBD0 (ocf::heartbeat:Filesystem): Started centos8-str2 * MariaDB (systemd:mariadb): Started centos8-str2 * VirtualIP (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started centos8-str2 * httpd (systemd:httpd): Started centos8-str2 * zabbix-server (systemd:zabbix-server): Started centos8-str2 * ShareDir (ocf::heartbeat:Filesystem): Started centos8-str2 Node Attributes: * Node: centos8-str1 (1): * master-DRBD_r0 : 10000 * Node: centos8-str2 (2): * master-DRBD_r0 : 10000 Migration Summary: * Node: centos8-str1 (1): * ShareDir: migration-threshold=1 fail-count=1 last-failure='Mon Mar 29 16:26:48 2021' Failed Resource Actions: * ShareDir_monitor_20000 on centos8-str1 'not running' (7): call=218, status='complete', exitreason='', last-rc-change='2021-03-29 16:26:48 +09:00', queued=0ms, exec=0ms Tickets: PCSD Status: centos8-str1: Online centos8-str2: Online Daemon Status: corosync: active/disabled pacemaker: active/disabled pcsd: active/enabled
[root@centos8-str1 ~]# pcs resource cleanup ShareDir
[root@centos8-str2 ~]# umount /mnt
[root@centos8-str2 ~]# pcs status --full
Cluster name: bigbang Cluster Summary: * Stack: corosync * Current DC: centos8-str1 (1) (version 2.0.5-8.el8-ba59be7122) - partition with quorum * Last updated: Mon Mar 29 16:40:45 2021 * Last change: Mon Mar 29 16:37:13 2021 by hacluster via crmd on centos8-str1 * 2 nodes configured * 8 resource instances configured Node List: * Online: [ centos8-str1 (1) centos8-str2 (2) ] Full List of Resources: * Clone Set: DRBD_r0-clone [DRBD_r0] (promotable): * DRBD_r0 (ocf::linbit:drbd): Master centos8-str1 * DRBD_r0 (ocf::linbit:drbd): Slave centos8-str2 * Resource Group: zabbix-group: * FS_DRBD0 (ocf::heartbeat:Filesystem): Started centos8-str1 * MariaDB (systemd:mariadb): Started centos8-str1 * VirtualIP (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started centos8-str1 * httpd (systemd:httpd): Started centos8-str1 * zabbix-server (systemd:zabbix-server): Started centos8-str1 * ShareDir (ocf::heartbeat:Filesystem): Started centos8-str1 Node Attributes: * Node: centos8-str1 (1): * master-DRBD_r0 : 10000 * Node: centos8-str2 (2): * master-DRBD_r0 : 10000 Migration Summary: * Node: centos8-str2 (2): * ShareDir: migration-threshold=1 fail-count=1 last-failure='Mon Mar 29 16:40:25 2021' Failed Resource Actions: * ShareDir_monitor_20000 on centos8-str2 'not running' (7): call=224, status='complete', exitreason='', last-rc-change='2021-03-29 16:40:25 +09:00', queued=0ms, exec=0ms Tickets: PCSD Status: centos8-str1: Online centos8-str2: Online Daemon Status: corosync: active/disabled pacemaker: active/disabled pcsd: active/enabled
[root@centos8-str1 ~]# pcs resource cleanup ShareDir

●PacemakerでZabbix-Serverを制御するための準備(MariaDBはMaster/Slave方式)(CentOS Stream 8)

 参考URL:Pacemaker/Corosync の設定値について
 参考URL:Pacemaker/Corosyncを用いた冗長化Zabbix Serverの構築




 クラスタソフトのインストールは「●Pacemaker及びCorosyncのインストール・初期設定(CentOS Stream 8)」を参照してください。

# dnf install httpd php php-fpm php-mbstring

# vi /etc/php.ini
date.timezone ="Asia/Tokyo"

# vi /etc/selinux/config

# dnf install mariadb mariadb-server
# rpm -Uvh
# rpm -Uvh
# dnf clean all
# dnf install zabbix-server-mysql zabbix-web-mysql zabbix-apache-conf zabbix-agent
# dnf install zabbix-server-mysql zabbix-web-service zabbix-sql-scripts zabbix-agent
# dnf install zabbix-server-mysql zabbix-web-service zabbix-sql-scripts zabbix-agent zabbix-web-mysql zabbix-apache-conf zabbix-web-japanese zabbix-get
[root@centos8-str3 ~]# systemctl start mariadb
[root@centos8-str3 ~]# systemctl status mariadb
[root@centos8-str3 ~]# mysql_secure_installation
NOTE: RUNNING ALL PARTS OF THIS SCRIPT IS RECOMMENDED FOR ALL MariaDB SERVERS IN PRODUCTION USE! PLEASE READ EACH STEP CAREFULLY! In order to log into MariaDB to secure it, we'll need the current password for the root user. If you've just installed MariaDB, and you haven't set the root password yet, the password will be blank, so you should just press enter here. Enter current password for root (enter for none): OK, successfully used password, moving on... Setting the root password ensures that nobody can log into the MariaDB root user without the proper authorisation. Set root password? [Y/n] Y New password: Re-enter new password: Password updated successfully! Reloading privilege tables.. ... Success! By default, a MariaDB installation has an anonymous user, allowing anyone to log into MariaDB without having to have a user account created for them. This is intended only for testing, and to make the installation go a bit smoother. You should remove them before moving into a production environment. Remove anonymous users? [Y/n] Y ... Success! Normally, root should only be allowed to connect from 'localhost'. This ensures that someone cannot guess at the root password from the network. Disallow root login remotely? [Y/n] Y ... Success! By default, MariaDB comes with a database named 'test' that anyone can access. This is also intended only for testing, and should be removed before moving into a production environment. Remove test database and access to it? [Y/n] Y - Dropping test database... ... Success! - Removing privileges on test database... ... Success! Reloading the privilege tables will ensure that all changes made so far will take effect immediately. Reload privilege tables now? [Y/n] Y ... Success! Cleaning up... All done! If you've completed all of the above steps, your MariaDB installation should now be secure. Thanks for using MariaDB!

 Zabbixのデータベース設定(CentOS Stream 8)

[root@centos8-str3 ~]# mysql -uroot -p
Enter password: 
MariaDB [(none)]> create database zabbix character set utf8 collate utf8_bin;
MariaDB [(none)]> create user zabbix@localhost identified by 'password';
MariaDB [(none)]> grant all privileges on zabbix.* to zabbix@localhost;
MariaDB [(none)]> flush privileges;
MariaDB [(none)]> quit
[root@centos8-str3 ~]# zcat /usr/share/doc/zabbix-server-mysql*/create.sql.gz | mysql -uzabbix -p zabbix
[root@centos8-str3 ~]# zcat /usr/share/doc/zabbix-sql-scripts/mysql/create.sql.gz | mysql -uzabbix zabbix -p
Enter password: 

# vi /etc/zabbix/zabbix_server.conf

# vi /etc/zabbix/web/zabbix.conf.php
$DB['SERVER'] = 'localhost'; ← 変更前
$DB['SERVER'] = ''; ← 変更後
 [root@centos8-str4 ~]# ls -la /etc/zabbix/web/zabbix.conf.php
 -rw------- 1 apache apache 1482  3月 26 18:55 /etc/zabbix/web/zabbix.conf.php
   configuration file error
     permission denied

# vi /etc/php-fpm.d/zabbix.conf
php_value[date.timezone] = "Asia/Tokyo"


 Apache、Zabbix Agentの通信を許可するために下記のコマンドを実行する。
# firewall-cmd --add-port=10051/tcp --permanent
# firewall-cmd --add-service=http --permanent
# systemctl restart firewalld


[root@centos8-str3 ~]# systemctl start mariadb httpd php-fpm zabbix-server
 http://centos8-str3のIPアドレス/zabbix/ または http://仮想IPアドレス/zabbix/ へアクセスし、Zabbixのセットアップを進めてください。

 Zabbix 5.4インストール時の初期設定画面はこちらです。

 Next stepを押下します。



  • DBHost=localhost
  • DBName=zabbix
  • DBUser=zabbix
  • DBPassword=yourpassword







  • ユーザ名:Admin
  • パスワード:zabbix


# systemctl stop zabbix-server php-fpm httpd mariadb
# systemctl disable mariadb httpd zabbix-server



 参考URL:Pacemaker/Corosyncを用いた冗長化Zabbix Serverの構築


[root@centos8-str3 ~]# systemctl stop zabbix-server
[root@centos8-str3 ~]# systemctl stop mariadb
[root@centos8-str3 ~]# systemctl stop php-fpm
[root@centos8-str3 ~]# systemctl stop httpd
[root@centos8-str3 ~]# systemctl disable zabbix-server
[root@centos8-str3 ~]# systemctl disable mariadb
[root@centos8-str3 ~]# systemctl disable php-fpm
[root@centos8-str3 ~]# systemctl disable httpd
[root@centos8-str3 ~]# systemctl enable --now pcsd
[root@centos8-str3 ~]# pcs cluster setup --start bigbang centos8-str3 addr= addr= centos8-str4 addr= addr=
Destroying cluster on hosts: 'centos8-str3', 'centos8-str4'... centos8-str3: Successfully destroyed cluster centos8-str4: Successfully destroyed cluster Requesting remove 'pcsd settings' from 'centos8-str3', 'centos8-str4' centos8-str3: successful removal of the file 'pcsd settings' centos8-str4: successful removal of the file 'pcsd settings' Sending 'corosync authkey', 'pacemaker authkey' to 'centos8-str3', 'centos8-str4' centos8-str3: successful distribution of the file 'corosync authkey' centos8-str3: successful distribution of the file 'pacemaker authkey' centos8-str4: successful distribution of the file 'corosync authkey' centos8-str4: successful distribution of the file 'pacemaker authkey' Sending 'corosync.conf' to 'centos8-str3', 'centos8-str4' centos8-str3: successful distribution of the file 'corosync.conf' centos8-str4: successful distribution of the file 'corosync.conf' Cluster has been successfully set up. Starting cluster on hosts: 'centos8-str3', 'centos8-str4'...
[root@centos8-str3 ~]# pcs property set stonith-enabled=false
[root@centos8-str3 ~]# pcs property set no-quorum-policy=ignore
[root@centos8-str3 ~]# pcs resource defaults resource-stickiness=INFINITY
Warning: This command is deprecated and will be removed. Please use 'pcs resource defaults update' instead.
Warning: Defaults do not apply to resources which override them with their own defined values
[root@centos8-str3 ~]# pcs resource defaults migration-threshold=1
Warning: This command is deprecated and will be removed. Please use 'pcs resource defaults update' instead.
Warning: Defaults do not apply to resources which override them with their own defined values
[root@centos8-str3 ~]# pcs node standby centos8-str4
  • MariaDB
  • Apache
  • php-fpm
  • Zabbix-Server
  • VirtualIP

 最終的にZabbix Server/Apache/VirtualIP のリソースをリソースグループ「zabbix-group」にまとめるようにします。

[root@centos8-str3 ~]# pcs resource create MariaDB ocf:heartbeat:mysql binary=/usr/bin/mysqld_safe \
datadir=/var/lib/mysql log=/var/log/mariadb/mariadb.log pid=/run/mariadb/ replication_user=repl \
replication_passwd=[パスワード] op monitor interval=10s timeout=10s
[root@centos8-str3 ~]# ps aux|grep -v grep|grep mysql
[root@centos8-str3 ~]# pcs resource promotable MariaDB master-max=1 master-node-max=1 clone-max=2 clone-node-max=1 notify=true

[root@centos8-str3 ~]# pcs constraint location MariaDB-clone prefers centos8-str3=100
[root@centos8-str3 ~]# pcs resource create zabbix-server systemd:zabbix-server op monitor interval="10s" timeout="20s"
[root@centos8-str3 ~]# ps aux|grep -v grep|grep zabbix_server
# vi /etc/httpd/conf.d/status.conf
ExtendedStatus On
<Location /server-status>
    SetHandler server-status
    Require local
[root@centos8-str3 ~]# pcs resource create Apache ocf:heartbeat:apache configfile=/etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf \
statusurl="http://localhost/server-status" op monitor interval=10s timeout=10s

Failed Resource Actions:
  * Apache_start_0 on centos8-str3 'error' (1): call=35, status='Timed Out', exitreason='', last-rc-change='2021-04-06 16:51:57 +09:00', queued=0ms, exec=40001ms

[root@centos8-str3 ~]# pcs resource create Apache systemd:httpd op monitor interval=10s timeout=10s
[root@centos8-str3 ~]# ps aux|grep -v grep|grep httpd
[root@centos8-str3 ~]# pcs resource create php-fpm systemd:php-fpm op monitor interval=10s timeout=10s
[root@centos8-str3 ~]# ps aux|grep -v grep|grep php-fpm
[root@centos8-str3 ~]# pcs resource create VirtualIP ocf:heartbeat:IPaddr2 ip= cidr_netmask=24 nic=ens192 op monitor interval=10s timeout=10s
[root@centos8-str3 ~]# pcs resource create VirtualIP2 ocf:heartbeat:IPaddr2 ip= cidr_netmask=24 nic=ens224 op monitor interval=10s timeout=10s
[root@centos8-str3 ~]# pcs resource group add zabbix-group Apache php-fpm zabbix-server VirtualIP VirtualIP2
# MariaDB起動後にzabbix-groupリソースを起動
[root@centos8-str3 ~]# pcs constraint order promote MariaDB-clone then start zabbix-group
Adding MariaDB-clone zabbix-group (kind: Mandatory) (Options: first-action=promote then-action=start)

# zabbix-groupはMariaDBのMasterと同じノードで起動
[root@centos8-str3 ~]# pcs constraint colocation add zabbix-group with master MariaDB-clone INFINITY

# zabbix-serverはMariaDBのMasterと同じノードで起動(異常検知で必要)
[root@centos8-str3 ~]# pcs constraint colocation add master MariaDB-clone with zabbix-server INFINITY

# ApacheはMariaDBのMasterと同じノードで起動(異常検知で必要)
[root@centos8-str3 ~]# pcs constraint colocation add master MariaDB-clone with Apache INFINITY

# php-fpmはMariaDBのMasterと同じノードで起動(異常検知で必要)
[root@centos8-str3 ~]# pcs constraint colocation add master MariaDB-clone with php-fpm INFINITY

# VirtualIPはMariaDBのMasterと同じノードで起動(異常検知で必要)
[root@centos8-str3 ~]# pcs constraint colocation add master MariaDB-clone with VirtualIP INFINITY

# VirtualIP2はMariaDBのMasterと同じノードで起動(異常検知で必要)
[root@centos8-str3 ~]# pcs constraint colocation add master MariaDB-clone with VirtualIP2 INFINITY
[root@centos8-str3 ~]# pcs node unstandby centos8-str4
[root@centos8-str3 ~]# pcs status
Cluster name: bigbang Cluster Summary: * Stack: corosync * Current DC: centos8-str3 (version 2.0.5-9.el8-ba59be7122) - partition with quorum * Last updated: Wed Apr 7 17:19:13 2021 * Last change: Wed Apr 7 17:16:09 2021 by root via cibadmin on centos8-str3 * 2 nodes configured * 6 resource instances configured Node List: * Online: [ centos8-str3 centos8-str4 ] Full List of Resources: * Clone Set: MariaDB-clone [MariaDB] (promotable): * Masters: [ centos8-str3 ] * Slaves: [ centos8-str4 ] * Resource Group: zabbix-group: * Apache (ocf::heartbeat:apache): Started centos8-str3 * php-fpm (systemd:php-fpm): Started centos8-str3 * zabbix-server (systemd:zabbix-server): Started centos8-str3 * VirtualIP (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started centos8-str3 * VirtualIP2 (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started centos8-str3 Daemon Status: corosync: active/disabled pacemaker: active/disabled pcsd: active/enabled
[root@centos8-str3 ~]# pcs config show
Cluster Name: bigbang Corosync Nodes: centos8-str3 centos8-str4 Pacemaker Nodes: centos8-str3 centos8-str4 Resources: Clone: MariaDB-clone Meta Attrs: clone-max=2 clone-node-max=1 master-max=1 master-node-max=1 notify=true promotable=true Resource: MariaDB (class=ocf provider=heartbeat type=mysql) Attributes: binary=/usr/bin/mysqld_safe datadir=/var/lib/mysql log=/var/log/mariadb/mariadb.log pid=/run/mariadb/ replication_passwd=[パスワード] replication_user=repl Operations: demote interval=0s timeout=120s (MariaDB-demote-interval-0s) monitor interval=10s timeout=10s (MariaDB-monitor-interval-10s) notify interval=0s timeout=90s (MariaDB-notify-interval-0s) promote interval=0s timeout=120s (MariaDB-promote-interval-0s) start interval=0s timeout=120s (MariaDB-start-interval-0s) stop interval=0s timeout=120s (MariaDB-stop-interval-0s) Group: zabbix-group Resource: Apache (class=ocf provider=heartbeat type=apache) Attributes: configfile=/etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf statusurl=http://localhost/server-status Operations: monitor interval=10s timeout=10s (Apache-monitor-interval-10s) start interval=0s timeout=40s (Apache-start-interval-0s) stop interval=0s timeout=60s (Apache-stop-interval-0s) Resource: php-fpm (class=systemd type=php-fpm) Operations: monitor interval=10s timeout=10s (php-fpm-monitor-interval-10s) start interval=0s timeout=100 (php-fpm-start-interval-0s) stop interval=0s timeout=100 (php-fpm-stop-interval-0s) Resource: zabbix-server (class=systemd type=zabbix-server) Operations: monitor interval=10s timeout=20s (zabbix-server-monitor-interval-10s) start interval=0s timeout=100 (zabbix-server-start-interval-0s) stop interval=0s timeout=100 (zabbix-server-stop-interval-0s) Resource: VirtualIP (class=ocf provider=heartbeat type=IPaddr2) Attributes: cidr_netmask=24 ip= nic=ens192 Operations: monitor interval=10s timeout=10s (VirtualIP-monitor-interval-10s) start interval=0s timeout=20s (VirtualIP-start-interval-0s) stop interval=0s timeout=20s (VirtualIP-stop-interval-0s) Resource: VirtualIP2 (class=ocf provider=heartbeat type=IPaddr2) Attributes: cidr_netmask=24 ip= nic=ens224 Operations: monitor interval=10s timeout=10s (VirtualIP2-monitor-interval-10s) start interval=0s timeout=20s (VirtualIP2-start-interval-0s) stop interval=0s timeout=20s (VirtualIP2-stop-interval-0s) Stonith Devices: Fencing Levels: Location Constraints: Resource: MariaDB-clone Enabled on: Node: centos8-str3 (score:100) (id:location-MariaDB-clone-centos8-str3-100) Ordering Constraints: promote MariaDB-clone then start zabbix-group (kind:Mandatory) (id:order-MariaDB-clone-zabbix-group-mandatory) Colocation Constraints: zabbix-group with MariaDB-clone (score:INFINITY) (rsc-role:Started) (with-rsc-role:Master) (id:colocation-zabbix-group-MariaDB-clone-INFINITY) MariaDB-clone with zabbix-server (score:INFINITY) (rsc-role:Master) (with-rsc-role:Started) (id:colocation-MariaDB-clone-zabbix-server-INFINITY) MariaDB-clone with Apache (score:INFINITY) (rsc-role:Master) (with-rsc-role:Started) (id:colocation-MariaDB-clone-Apache-INFINITY) MariaDB-clone with php-fpm (score:INFINITY) (rsc-role:Master) (with-rsc-role:Started) (id:colocation-MariaDB-clone-php-fpm-INFINITY) MariaDB-clone with VirtualIP (score:INFINITY) (rsc-role:Master) (with-rsc-role:Started) (id:colocation-MariaDB-clone-VirtualIP-INFINITY) MariaDB-clone with VirtualIP2 (score:INFINITY) (rsc-role:Master) (with-rsc-role:Started) (id:colocation-MariaDB-clone-VirtualIP2-INFINITY) Ticket Constraints: Alerts: No alerts defined Resources Defaults: Meta Attrs: rsc_defaults-meta_attributes migration-threshold=1 resource-stickiness=INFINITY Operations Defaults: No defaults set Cluster Properties: MariaDB_REPL_INFO:|mysql-bin.000352|342 cluster-infrastructure: corosync cluster-name: bigbang dc-version: 2.0.5-9.el8-ba59be7122 have-watchdog: false last-lrm-refresh: 1617778306 no-quorum-policy: ignore stonith-enabled: false Tags: No tags defined Quorum: Options:

 プロセスを停止した場合(Apache)(CentOS Stream 8)

[root@centos8-str3 ~]# pcs resource defaults migration-threshold=1
[root@centos8-str3 ~]# kill -kill `pgrep -f httpd`
[root@centos8-str3 ~]# ps axu | grep http[d]
[root@centos8-str3 ~]# pcs status --full
Cluster name: bigbang Cluster Summary: * Stack: corosync * Current DC: centos8-str3 (1) (version 2.0.5-9.el8-ba59be7122) - partition with quorum * Last updated: Fri Apr 9 10:34:17 2021 * Last change: Fri Apr 9 10:32:45 2021 by root via crm_attribute on centos8-str4 * 2 nodes configured * 6 resource instances configured Node List: * Online: [ centos8-str3 (1) centos8-str4 (2) ] Full List of Resources: * Clone Set: MariaDB-clone [MariaDB] (promotable): * MariaDB (ocf::heartbeat:mysql): Slave centos8-str3 * MariaDB (ocf::heartbeat:mysql): Master centos8-str4 * Resource Group: zabbix-group: * Apache (ocf::heartbeat:apache): Started centos8-str4 * zabbix-server (systemd:zabbix-server): Started centos8-str4 * VirtualIP (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started centos8-str4 * VirtualIP2 (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started centos8-str4 Node Attributes: * Node: centos8-str3 (1): * master-MariaDB : 1 * readable : 1 * Node: centos8-str4 (2): * master-MariaDB : 3601 * readable : 1 Migration Summary: * Node: centos8-str3 (1): * Apache: migration-threshold=1 fail-count=1 last-failure='Fri Apr 9 10:32:42 2021' Failed Resource Actions: * Apache_monitor_10000 on centos8-str3 'not running' (7): call=29, status='complete', exitreason='', last-rc-change='2021-04-09 10:32:42 +09:00', queued=0ms, exec=0ms Tickets: PCSD Status: centos8-str3: Online centos8-str4: Online Daemon Status: corosync: active/disabled pacemaker: active/disabled pcsd: active/enabled

[root@centos8-str4 ~]# pcs resource cleanup Apache
Cleaned up Apache on centos8-str4
Cleaned up Apache on centos8-str3
Cleaned up zabbix-server on centos8-str4
Cleaned up zabbix-server on centos8-str3
Cleaned up VirtualIP on centos8-str4
Cleaned up VirtualIP on centos8-str3
Cleaned up VirtualIP2 on centos8-str4
Cleaned up VirtualIP2 on centos8-str3
Waiting for 1 reply from the controller
... got reply (done)
[root@centos8-str4 ~]# kill -kill `pgrep -f httpd`
[root@centos8-str4 ~]# ps axu | grep http[d]
[root@centos8-str4 ~]# pcs status --full
Cluster name: bigbang Cluster Summary: * Stack: corosync * Current DC: centos8-str3 (1) (version 2.0.5-9.el8-ba59be7122) - partition with quorum * Last updated: Fri Apr 9 10:41:48 2021 * Last change: Fri Apr 9 10:41:22 2021 by root via crm_attribute on centos8-str3 * 2 nodes configured * 6 resource instances configured Node List: * Online: [ centos8-str3 (1) centos8-str4 (2) ] Full List of Resources: * Clone Set: MariaDB-clone [MariaDB] (promotable): * MariaDB (ocf::heartbeat:mysql): Master centos8-str3 * MariaDB (ocf::heartbeat:mysql): Slave centos8-str4 * Resource Group: zabbix-group: * Apache (ocf::heartbeat:apache): Started centos8-str3 * zabbix-server (systemd:zabbix-server): Started centos8-str3 * VirtualIP (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started centos8-str3 * VirtualIP2 (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started centos8-str3 Node Attributes: * Node: centos8-str3 (1): * master-MariaDB : 3601 * readable : 1 * Node: centos8-str4 (2): * master-MariaDB : 1 * readable : 1 Migration Summary: * Node: centos8-str4 (2): * Apache: migration-threshold=1 fail-count=1 last-failure='Fri Apr 9 10:41:18 2021' Failed Resource Actions: * Apache_monitor_10000 on centos8-str4 'not running' (7): call=35, status='complete', exitreason='', last-rc-change='2021-04-09 10:41:19 +09:00', queued=0ms, exec=0ms Tickets: PCSD Status: centos8-str3: Offline centos8-str4: Online Daemon Status: corosync: active/disabled pacemaker: active/disabled pcsd: active/enabled

[root@centos8-str4 ~]# pcs resource cleanup Apache

 プロセスを停止した場合(Zabbix Server)(CentOS Stream 8)

[root@centos8-str3 ~]# pcs resource defaults migration-threshold=1
 Zabbix Serverのサービスを停止し、リソースが他のホストに移動しているか確認します。
[root@centos8-str3 ~]# kill -kill `pgrep -f zabbix_server`
[root@centos8-str3 ~]# ps axu | grep -v grep | grep zabbix_server
[root@centos8-str3 ~]# pcs status --full
Cluster name: bigbang Cluster Summary: * Stack: corosync * Current DC: centos8-str3 (1) (version 2.0.5-9.el8-ba59be7122) - partition with quorum * Last updated: Fri Apr 9 10:51:46 2021 * Last change: Fri Apr 9 10:50:59 2021 by root via crm_attribute on centos8-str4 * 2 nodes configured * 6 resource instances configured Node List: * Online: [ centos8-str3 (1) centos8-str4 (2) ] Full List of Resources: * Clone Set: MariaDB-clone [MariaDB] (promotable): * MariaDB (ocf::heartbeat:mysql): Slave centos8-str3 * MariaDB (ocf::heartbeat:mysql): Master centos8-str4 * Resource Group: zabbix-group: * Apache (ocf::heartbeat:apache): Started centos8-str4 * zabbix-server (systemd:zabbix-server): Started centos8-str4 * VirtualIP (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started centos8-str4 * VirtualIP2 (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started centos8-str4 Node Attributes: * Node: centos8-str3 (1): * master-MariaDB : 1 * readable : 1 * Node: centos8-str4 (2): * master-MariaDB : 3601 * readable : 1 Migration Summary: * Node: centos8-str3 (1): * zabbix-server: migration-threshold=1 fail-count=1 last-failure='Fri Apr 9 10:50:54 2021' Failed Resource Actions: * zabbix-server_monitor_10000 on centos8-str3 'not running' (7): call=64, status='complete', exitreason='', last-rc-change='2021-04-09 10:50:54 +09:00', queued=0ms, exec=0ms Tickets: PCSD Status: centos8-str3: Online centos8-str4: Online Daemon Status: corosync: active/disabled pacemaker: active/disabled pcsd: active/enabled

 エラーをクリアし、再度Zabbix Serverのサービスを停止させリソースを元のホストに移動させます。
[root@centos8-str4 ~]# pcs resource cleanup zabbix-server
Cleaned up Apache on centos8-str4
Cleaned up Apache on centos8-str3
Cleaned up zabbix-server on centos8-str4
Cleaned up zabbix-server on centos8-str3
Cleaned up VirtualIP on centos8-str4
Cleaned up VirtualIP on centos8-str3
Cleaned up VirtualIP2 on centos8-str4
Cleaned up VirtualIP2 on centos8-str3
Waiting for 1 reply from the controller
... got reply (done)
[root@centos8-str4 ~]# kill -kill `pgrep -f zabbix_server`
[root@centos8-str4 ~]# ps axu | grep -v grep | grep zabbix_server
[root@centos8-str4 ~]# pcs status --full
Cluster name: bigbang Cluster Summary: * Stack: corosync * Current DC: centos8-str3 (1) (version 2.0.5-9.el8-ba59be7122) - partition with quorum * Last updated: Fri Apr 9 10:57:12 2021 * Last change: Fri Apr 9 10:56:58 2021 by root via crm_attribute on centos8-str3 * 2 nodes configured * 6 resource instances configured Node List: * Online: [ centos8-str3 (1) centos8-str4 (2) ] Full List of Resources: * Clone Set: MariaDB-clone [MariaDB] (promotable): * MariaDB (ocf::heartbeat:mysql): Master centos8-str3 * MariaDB (ocf::heartbeat:mysql): Slave centos8-str4 * Resource Group: zabbix-group: * Apache (ocf::heartbeat:apache): Started centos8-str3 * zabbix-server (systemd:zabbix-server): Started centos8-str3 * VirtualIP (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started centos8-str3 * VirtualIP2 (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started centos8-str3 Node Attributes: * Node: centos8-str3 (1): * master-MariaDB : 3601 * readable : 1 * Node: centos8-str4 (2): * master-MariaDB : 1 * readable : 1 Migration Summary: * Node: centos8-str4 (2): * zabbix-server: migration-threshold=1 fail-count=1 last-failure='Fri Apr 9 10:56:52 2021' Failed Resource Actions: * zabbix-server_monitor_10000 on centos8-str4 'not running' (7): call=70, status='complete', exitreason='', last-rc-change='2021-04-09 10:56:52 +09:00', queued=0ms, exec=0ms Tickets: PCSD Status: centos8-str3: Offline centos8-str4: Online Daemon Status: corosync: active/disabled pacemaker: active/disabled pcsd: active/enabled

[root@centos8-str4 ~]# pcs resource cleanup zabbix-server

 NIC障害(VirtualIP)(CentOS Stream 8)


[root@centos8-str3 ~]# pcs resource update VirtualIP op monitor on-fail=standby
[root@centos8-str3 ~]# pcs resource update VirtualIP2 op monitor on-fail=standby
[root@centos8-str3 ~]# pcs resource config
Clone: MariaDB-clone Meta Attrs: clone-max=2 clone-node-max=1 master-max=1 master-node-max=1 notify=true promotable=true Resource: MariaDB (class=ocf provider=heartbeat type=mysql) Attributes: binary=/usr/bin/mysqld_safe datadir=/var/lib/mysql log=/var/log/mariadb/mariadb.log pid=/run/mariadb/ replication_passwd=[パスワード] replication_user=repl Operations: demote interval=0s timeout=120s (MariaDB-demote-interval-0s) monitor interval=10s timeout=10s (MariaDB-monitor-interval-10s) notify interval=0s timeout=90s (MariaDB-notify-interval-0s) promote interval=0s timeout=120s (MariaDB-promote-interval-0s) start interval=0s timeout=120s (MariaDB-start-interval-0s) stop interval=0s timeout=120s (MariaDB-stop-interval-0s) Group: zabbix-group Resource: Apache (class=ocf provider=heartbeat type=apache) Attributes: configfile=/etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf statusurl=http://localhost/server-status Operations: monitor interval=10s timeout=10s (Apache-monitor-interval-10s) start interval=0s timeout=40s (Apache-start-interval-0s) stop interval=0s timeout=60s (Apache-stop-interval-0s) Resource: zabbix-server (class=systemd type=zabbix-server) Operations: monitor interval=10s timeout=20s (zabbix-server-monitor-interval-10s) start interval=0s timeout=100 (zabbix-server-start-interval-0s) stop interval=0s timeout=100 (zabbix-server-stop-interval-0s) Resource: VirtualIP (class=ocf provider=heartbeat type=IPaddr2) Attributes: cidr_netmask=24 ip= nic=ens192 Operations: monitor interval=60s on-fail=standby (VirtualIP-monitor-interval-60s) start interval=0s timeout=20s (VirtualIP-start-interval-0s) stop interval=0s timeout=20s (VirtualIP-stop-interval-0s) Resource: VirtualIP2 (class=ocf provider=heartbeat type=IPaddr2) Attributes: cidr_netmask=24 ip= nic=ens224 Operations: monitor interval=60s on-fail=standby (VirtualIP2-monitor-interval-60s) start interval=0s timeout=20s (VirtualIP2-start-interval-0s) stop interval=0s timeout=20s (VirtualIP2-stop-interval-0s)
[root@centos8-str4 ~]# pcs status --full
Cluster name: bigbang Cluster Summary: * Stack: corosync * Current DC: centos8-str3 (1) (version 2.0.5-9.el8-ba59be7122) - partition with quorum * Last updated: Fri Apr 9 11:25:19 2021 * Last change: Fri Apr 9 11:24:46 2021 by root via crm_attribute on centos8-str4 * 2 nodes configured * 6 resource instances configured Node List: * Node centos8-str3 (1): standby (on-fail) * Online: [ centos8-str4 (2) ] Full List of Resources: * Clone Set: MariaDB-clone [MariaDB] (promotable): * MariaDB (ocf::heartbeat:mysql): Master centos8-str4 * MariaDB (ocf::heartbeat:mysql): Stopped * Resource Group: zabbix-group: * Apache (ocf::heartbeat:apache): Started centos8-str4 * zabbix-server (systemd:zabbix-server): Started centos8-str4 * VirtualIP (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started centos8-str4 * VirtualIP2 (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started centos8-str4 Node Attributes: * Node: centos8-str3 (1): * readable : 0 * Node: centos8-str4 (2): * master-MariaDB : 3601 * readable : 1 Migration Summary: * Node: centos8-str3 (1): * VirtualIP: migration-threshold=1 fail-count=1 last-failure='Fri Apr 9 11:24:39 2021' Failed Resource Actions: * VirtualIP_monitor_60000 on centos8-str3 'not running' (7): call=102, status='complete', exitreason='', last-rc-change='2021-04-09 11:24:39 +09:00', queued=0ms, exec=0ms Tickets: PCSD Status: centos8-str3: Offline centos8-str4: Online Daemon Status: corosync: active/disabled pacemaker: active/disabled pcsd: active/enabled
[root@centos8-str4 ~]# pcs resource cleanup VirtualIP
[root@centos8-str4 ~]# pcs status --full
Cluster name: bigbang Cluster Summary: * Stack: corosync * Current DC: centos8-str3 (1) (version 2.0.5-9.el8-ba59be7122) - partition with quorum * Last updated: Fri Apr 9 11:32:53 2021 * Last change: Fri Apr 9 11:32:30 2021 by hacluster via crmd on centos8-str3 * 2 nodes configured * 6 resource instances configured Node List: * Online: [ centos8-str3 (1) centos8-str4 (2) ] Full List of Resources: * Clone Set: MariaDB-clone [MariaDB] (promotable): * MariaDB (ocf::heartbeat:mysql): Slave centos8-str3 * MariaDB (ocf::heartbeat:mysql): Master centos8-str4 * Resource Group: zabbix-group: * Apache (ocf::heartbeat:apache): Started centos8-str4 * zabbix-server (systemd:zabbix-server): Started centos8-str4 * VirtualIP (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started centos8-str4 * VirtualIP2 (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started centos8-str4 Node Attributes: * Node: centos8-str3 (1): * master-MariaDB : 1 * readable : 0 * Node: centos8-str4 (2): * master-MariaDB : 3601 * readable : 1 Migration Summary: Tickets: PCSD Status: centos8-str3: Offline centos8-str4: Online Daemon Status: corosync: active/disabled pacemaker: active/disabled pcsd: active/enabled
[root@centos8-str3 ~]# pcs status --full
Cluster name: bigbang Cluster Summary: * Stack: corosync * Current DC: centos8-str3 (1) (version 2.0.5-9.el8-ba59be7122) - partition with quorum * Last updated: Fri Apr 9 11:42:17 2021 * Last change: Fri Apr 9 11:41:57 2021 by root via crm_attribute on centos8-str3 * 2 nodes configured * 6 resource instances configured Node List: * Node centos8-str4 (2): standby (on-fail) * Online: [ centos8-str3 (1) ] Full List of Resources: * Clone Set: MariaDB-clone [MariaDB] (promotable): * MariaDB (ocf::heartbeat:mysql): Master centos8-str3 * MariaDB (ocf::heartbeat:mysql): Stopped * Resource Group: zabbix-group: * Apache (ocf::heartbeat:apache): Started centos8-str3 * zabbix-server (systemd:zabbix-server): Started centos8-str3 * VirtualIP (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started centos8-str3 * VirtualIP2 (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started centos8-str3 Node Attributes: * Node: centos8-str3 (1): * master-MariaDB : 3601 * readable : 1 * Node: centos8-str4 (2): * readable : 0 Migration Summary: * Node: centos8-str4 (2): * VirtualIP2: migration-threshold=1 fail-count=1 last-failure='Fri Apr 9 11:41:50 2021' Failed Resource Actions: * VirtualIP2_monitor_60000 on centos8-str4 'not running' (7): call=109, status='complete', exitreason='', last-rc-change='2021-04-09 11:41:50 +09:00', queued=0ms, exec=0ms Tickets: PCSD Status: centos8-str3: Online centos8-str4: Online Daemon Status: corosync: active/disabled pacemaker: active/disabled pcsd: active/enabled

[root@centos8-str3 ~]# pcs resource cleanup VirtualIP2

●pacemakerでZabbix-Server(MariaDBのMaster/Slave)+共有ディスク(DRBD)を制御する(その3)(AlmaLinux 8)

# pcs host auth alma8-1 alma8-2
# pcs cluster setup --start bigbang alma8-1 addr= addr= alma8-2 addr= addr=


  • no-quorum-policy: ignore ← 2台構成のため
  • stonith-enabled: false ← 2台構成のため
  • failure-timeout=300s ← 障害検知後、その後300秒間障害がない場合、障害記録(fail-count)をクリア
  • migration-threshold=3 ← いずれかのリソースで(上記の場合、300秒以内に)3回障害検知時にフェールオーバー発生
  • resource-stickiness=INFINITY ← 自動フェールバック無効
# pcs property set stonith-enabled=false
# pcs property set no-quorum-policy=ignore
# pcs resource defaults update failure-timeout=300s
# pcs resource defaults migration-threshold=3
# pcs resource defaults resource-stickiness=INFINITY


  • DRBD(マスター・スレーブ方式)・・・①
  • ファイルシステムマウント(DRBDマスタ側)・・・②
  •  DRBD → マウント の順で動作するように設定
  • バーチャルIP(マスタのみ)・・・③
  • Apache(マスタのみ)・・・④
  •  ②③④:同一リソースグループに設定し、②③④の順に起動
# pcs resource create DRBD_r0 ocf:linbit:drbd drbd_resource=r0
# pcs resource promotable DRBD_r0 master-max=1 master-node-max=1 clone-max=2 clone-node-max=1 notify=true
# pcs constraint location DRBD_r0-clone prefers alma8-1=100
# pcs resource cleanup DRBD_r0
# pcs resource create FS_DRBD0 ocf:heartbeat:Filesystem device=/dev/drbd0 directory=/mnt fstype=xfs --group cluster-group
# pcs resource create VirtualIP ocf:heartbeat:IPaddr2 ip= cidr_netmask=24 nic=ens192 op monitor interval=30s --group cluster-group
# pcs resource create httpd systemd:httpd --group cluster-group
# pcs constraint colocation add DRBD_r0-clone with Master FS_DRBD0
# pcs constraint order promote DRBD_r0-clone then start FS_DRBD0
# pcs constraint colocation add cluster-group with Master DRBD_r0 INFINITY --force


 上記のリソース状態に新たにZabbix Serverを下記のとおり追加設定しました。
  • DRBD(マスター・スレーブ方式)・・・①
  • ファイルシステムマウント(DRBDマスタ側)・・・②
  •  DRBD → マウント の順で動作するように設定
  • バーチャルIP(マスタのみ)・・・③
  • Apache(マスタのみ)・・・④
  • MariaDB(マスター・スレーブ方式)・・・⑤
  • Zabbix Server(マスタのみ)・・・⑥
  •  ②③④:同一リソースグループに設定し、②③④の順に起動
         この設定を入れないとZabbix ServerがMariaDBのスレーブ側で起動してしまう
# pcs resource create MariaDB ocf:heartbeat:mysql binary=/usr/bin/mysqld_safe datadir=/var/lib/mysql log=/var/log/mariadb/mariadb.log \
    pid=/run/mariadb/ replication_user=repl replication_passwd=******** op monitor interval=10s timeout=10s
# pcs resource promotable MariaDB master-max=1 master-node-max=1 clone-max=2 clone-node-max=1 notify=true
# pcs constraint colocation add master MariaDB-clone with master DRBD_r0 INFINITY --force
# pcs resource create zabbix-server systemd:zabbix-server
# pcs constraint colocation add zabbix-server with master MariaDB-clone INFINITY


 上記のリソース状態に新たにZabbix Serverを下記のとおり追加設定しました。
  • DRBD(マスター・スレーブ方式)・・・①
  • ファイルシステムマウント(DRBDマスタ側)・・・②
  •  DRBD → マウント の順で動作するように設定
  • バーチャルIP(マスタのみ)・・・③
  • Apache(マスタのみ)・・・④
  • MariaDB(マスター・スレーブ方式)・・・⑤
  • Zabbix Server(マスタのみ)・・・⑥
  •  ②③④:同一リソースグループに設定し、②③④の順に起動
# pcs constraint order promote cluster-group then start zabbix-server
# pcs constraint order promote httpd then start zabbix-server

●pacemakerでZabbix-Server(MariaDBのMaster/Slave)+共有ディスク(DRBD)を制御する(その2)(CentOS Stream 8)






 CentOS Stream 8上で構築します。
 下記についての作業は完了しているものとします。  今回作成のDRBDの共有ディスク(ネットワークは192.168.111.0/24を使用してレプリケーションを実施)部分に、ApacheのDocumentRootを保存します。

[root@centos8-str3 ~]# pcs property set stonith-enabled=false
[root@centos8-str3 ~]# pcs property set no-quorum-policy=ignore
[root@centos8-str3 ~]# pcs resource defaults resource-stickiness=INFINITY
Warning: This command is deprecated and will be removed. Please use 'pcs resource defaults update' instead.
Warning: Defaults do not apply to resources which override them with their own defined values
[root@centos8-str3 ~]# pcs resource defaults migration-threshold=1
Warning: This command is deprecated and will be removed. Please use 'pcs resource defaults update' instead.
Warning: Defaults do not apply to resources which override them with their own defined values
[root@centos8-str3 ~]# pcs node standby centos8-str4
  • DRBD
  • FS_DRBD0
  • MariaDB
  • VirtualIP
  • VirtualIP2
  • Apache
  • php-fpm
  • Zabbix-Server

 最終的にVirtualIP/VirtualIP2/Apache/php-fpm/Zabbix Server のリソースをリソースグループ「zabbix-group」にまとめ、制御するようにします。

[root@centos8-str3 ~]# pcs resource create DRBD_r0 ocf:linbit:drbd drbd_resource=r0
[root@centos8-str3 ~]# pcs resource promotable DRBD_r0 master-max=1 master-node-max=1 clone-max=2 clone-node-max=1 notify=true
[root@centos8-str3 ~]# pcs constraint location DRBD_r0-clone prefers centos8-str3=100
[root@centos8-str3 ~]# pcs resource cleanup DRBD_r0
[root@centos8-str3 ~]# pcs resource create FS_DRBD0 ocf:heartbeat:Filesystem device=/dev/drbd0 directory=/mnt fstype=xfs
[root@centos8-str3 ~]# pcs resource create MariaDB ocf:heartbeat:mysql binary=/usr/bin/mysqld_safe \
datadir=/var/lib/mysql log=/var/log/mariadb/mariadb.log pid=/run/mariadb/ replication_user=repl \
replication_passwd=[パスワード] op monitor interval=10s timeout=10s
[root@centos8-str3 ~]# pcs resource promotable MariaDB master-max=1 master-node-max=1 clone-max=2 clone-node-max=1 notify=true
[root@centos8-str3 ~]# pcs constraint location MariaDB-clone prefers centos8-str3=100
[root@centos8-str3 ~]# pcs constraint colocation add master DRBD_r0-clone with FS_DRBD0 INFINITY
[root@centos8-str3 ~]# pcs constraint colocation add FS_DRBD0 with MariaDB-clone INFINITY with-rsc-role=Master
[root@centos8-str3 ~]# pcs resource create VirtualIP ocf:heartbeat:IPaddr2 ip= cidr_netmask=24 nic=ens192 op monitor interval=10s timeout=10s
[root@centos8-str3 ~]# pcs resource create VirtualIP2 ocf:heartbeat:IPaddr2 ip= cidr_netmask=24 nic=ens224 op monitor interval=10s timeout=10s
# vi /etc/httpd/conf.d/status.conf
ExtendedStatus On
<Location /server-status>
    SetHandler server-status
    Require local
[root@centos8-str3 ~]# pcs resource create Apache ocf:heartbeat:apache configfile=/etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf \
statusurl="http://localhost/server-status" op monitor interval=10s timeout=10s
[root@centos8-str3 ~]# pcs resource create php-fpm systemd:php-fpm op monitor interval=10s timeout=10s
[root@centos8-str3 ~]# pcs resource create zabbix-server systemd:zabbix-server op monitor interval="10s" timeout="20s"
[root@centos8-str3 ~]# pcs resource group add zabbix-group VirtualIP VirtualIP2 Apache php-fpm zabbix-server
# VirtualIPはDRBD_r0のMasterと同じノードで起動(異常検知で必要)
[root@centos8-str3 ~]# pcs constraint colocation add master DRBD_r0-clone with VirtualIP INFINITY

# VirtualIP2はDRBD_r0のMasterと同じノードで起動(異常検知で必要)
[root@centos8-str3 ~]# pcs constraint colocation add master DRBD_r0-clone with VirtualIP2 INFINITY

# DRBD_r0起動後にzabbix-groupリソースを起動
[root@centos8-str3 ~]# pcs constraint order promote DRBD_r0-clone then start zabbix-group
Adding MariaDB-clone zabbix-group (kind: Mandatory) (Options: first-action=promote then-action=start)

# zabbix-groupはDRBD_r0のMasterと同じノードで起動
[root@centos8-str3 ~]# pcs constraint colocation add zabbix-group with master DRBD_r0-clone INFINITY

# zabbix-serverはDRBD_r0のMasterと同じノードで起動(異常検知で必要)
[root@centos8-str3 ~]# pcs constraint colocation add master DRBD_r0-clone with zabbix-server INFINITY

# ApacheはMariaDBのDRBD_r0と同じノードで起動(異常検知で必要)
[root@centos8-str3 ~]# pcs constraint colocation add master DRBD_r0-clone with Apache INFINITY

# php-fpmはDRBD_r0のMasterと同じノードで起動(異常検知で必要)
[root@centos8-str3 ~]# pcs constraint colocation add master DRBD_r0-clone with php-fpm INFINITY

# zabbix-groupはDRBD_r0のMasterと同じノードで起動(異常検知で必要)
[root@centos8-str3 ~]# pcs constraint colocation add master DRBD_r0-clone with zabbix-group INFINITY
[root@centos8-str3 ~]# pcs node unstandby centos8-str4
[root@centos8-str3 ~]# pcs status
Cluster name: bigbang Cluster Summary: * Stack: corosync * Current DC: centos8-str3 (version 2.0.5-9.el8-ba59be7122) - partition with quorum * Last updated: Mon Apr 26 11:04:08 2021 * Last change: Thu Apr 22 16:45:44 2021 by root via cibadmin on centos8-str3 * 2 nodes configured * 10 resource instances configured Node List: * Online: [ centos8-str3 centos8-str4 ] Full List of Resources: * Clone Set: DRBD_r0-clone [DRBD_r0] (promotable): * Masters: [ centos8-str3 ] * Slaves: [ centos8-str4 ] * Resource Group: zabbix-group: * FS_DRBD0 (ocf::heartbeat:Filesystem): Started centos8-str3 * Apache (ocf::heartbeat:apache): Started centos8-str3 * php-fpm (systemd:php-fpm): Started centos8-str3 * zabbix-server (systemd:zabbix-server): Started centos8-str3 * VirtualIP (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started centos8-str3 * VirtualIP2 (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started centos8-str3 * Clone Set: MariaDB-clone [MariaDB] (promotable): * Masters: [ centos8-str3 ] * Slaves: [ centos8-str4 ] Daemon Status: corosync: active/disabled pacemaker: active/disabled pcsd: active/enabled
[root@centos8-str3 ~]# pcs config show
Cluster Name: bigbang Corosync Nodes: centos8-str3 centos8-str4 Pacemaker Nodes: centos8-str3 centos8-str4 Resources: Clone: DRBD_r0-clone Meta Attrs: clone-max=2 clone-node-max=1 master-max=1 master-node-max=1 notify=true promotable=true Resource: DRBD_r0 (class=ocf provider=linbit type=drbd) Attributes: drbd_resource=r0 Operations: demote interval=0s timeout=90 (DRBD_r0-demote-interval-0s) monitor interval=20 role=Slave timeout=20 (DRBD_r0-monitor-interval-20) monitor interval=10 role=Master timeout=20 (DRBD_r0-monitor-interval-10) notify interval=0s timeout=90 (DRBD_r0-notify-interval-0s) promote interval=0s timeout=90 (DRBD_r0-promote-interval-0s) reload interval=0s timeout=30 (DRBD_r0-reload-interval-0s) start interval=0s timeout=240 (DRBD_r0-start-interval-0s) stop interval=0s timeout=100 (DRBD_r0-stop-interval-0s) Group: zabbix-group Resource: FS_DRBD0 (class=ocf provider=heartbeat type=Filesystem) Attributes: device=/dev/drbd0 directory=/mnt fstype=xfs Operations: monitor interval=20s timeout=40s (FS_DRBD0-monitor-interval-20s) start interval=0s timeout=60s (FS_DRBD0-start-interval-0s) stop interval=0s timeout=60s (FS_DRBD0-stop-interval-0s) Resource: Apache (class=ocf provider=heartbeat type=apache) Attributes: configfile=/etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf statusurl=http://localhost/server-status Operations: monitor interval=10s timeout=10s (Apache-monitor-interval-10s) start interval=0s timeout=40s (Apache-start-interval-0s) stop interval=0s timeout=60s (Apache-stop-interval-0s) Resource: php-fpm (class=systemd type=php-fpm) Operations: monitor interval=10s timeout=10s (php-fpm-monitor-interval-10s) start interval=0s timeout=100 (php-fpm-start-interval-0s) stop interval=0s timeout=100 (php-fpm-stop-interval-0s) Resource: zabbix-server (class=systemd type=zabbix-server) Operations: monitor interval=10s timeout=20s (zabbix-server-monitor-interval-10s) start interval=0s timeout=100 (zabbix-server-start-interval-0s) stop interval=0s timeout=100 (zabbix-server-stop-interval-0s) Resource: VirtualIP (class=ocf provider=heartbeat type=IPaddr2) Attributes: cidr_netmask=24 ip= nic=ens192 Operations: monitor interval=10s timeout=10s (VirtualIP-monitor-interval-10s) start interval=0s timeout=20s (VirtualIP-start-interval-0s) stop interval=0s timeout=20s (VirtualIP-stop-interval-0s) Resource: VirtualIP2 (class=ocf provider=heartbeat type=IPaddr2) Attributes: cidr_netmask=24 ip= nic=ens224 Operations: monitor interval=10s timeout=10s (VirtualIP2-monitor-interval-10s) start interval=0s timeout=20s (VirtualIP2-start-interval-0s) stop interval=0s timeout=20s (VirtualIP2-stop-interval-0s) Clone: MariaDB-clone Meta Attrs: clone-max=2 clone-node-max=1 master-max=1 master-node-max=1 notify=true promotable=true Resource: MariaDB (class=ocf provider=heartbeat type=mysql) Attributes: binary=/usr/bin/mysqld_safe datadir=/var/lib/mysql log=/var/log/mariadb/mariadb.log \ pid=/run/mariadb/ replication_passwd=[パスワード] replication_user=repl Operations: demote interval=0s timeout=120s (MariaDB-demote-interval-0s) monitor interval=10s timeout=10s (MariaDB-monitor-interval-10s) notify interval=0s timeout=90s (MariaDB-notify-interval-0s) promote interval=0s timeout=120s (MariaDB-promote-interval-0s) start interval=0s timeout=120s (MariaDB-start-interval-0s) stop interval=0s timeout=120s (MariaDB-stop-interval-0s) Stonith Devices: Fencing Levels: Location Constraints: Resource: DRBD_r0-clone Enabled on: Node: centos8-str3 (score:100) (id:location-DRBD_r0-clone-centos8-str3-100) Resource: MariaDB-clone Enabled on: Node: centos8-str3 (score:100) (id:location-MariaDB-clone-centos8-str3-100) Ordering Constraints: promote MariaDB-clone then start zabbix-group (kind:Mandatory) (id:order-MariaDB-clone-zabbix-group-mandatory) Colocation Constraints: zabbix-group with MariaDB-clone (score:INFINITY) (rsc-role:Started) (with-rsc-role:Master) (id:colocation-zabbix-group-MariaDB-clone-INFINITY) MariaDB-clone with zabbix-server (score:INFINITY) (rsc-role:Master) (with-rsc-role:Started) (id:colocation-MariaDB-clone-zabbix-server-INFINITY) MariaDB-clone with Apache (score:INFINITY) (rsc-role:Master) (with-rsc-role:Started) (id:colocation-MariaDB-clone-Apache-INFINITY) MariaDB-clone with php-fpm (score:INFINITY) (rsc-role:Master) (with-rsc-role:Started) (id:colocation-MariaDB-clone-php-fpm-INFINITY) MariaDB-clone with VirtualIP (score:INFINITY) (rsc-role:Master) (with-rsc-role:Started) (id:colocation-MariaDB-clone-VirtualIP-INFINITY) MariaDB-clone with VirtualIP2 (score:INFINITY) (rsc-role:Master) (with-rsc-role:Started) (id:colocation-MariaDB-clone-VirtualIP2-INFINITY) DRBD_r0-clone with zabbix-group (score:INFINITY) (rsc-role:Master) (with-rsc-role:Started) (id:colocation-DRBD_r0-clone-zabbix-group-INFINITY) Ticket Constraints: Alerts: No alerts defined Resources Defaults: Meta Attrs: rsc_defaults-meta_attributes migration-threshold=1 resource-stickiness=INFINITY Operations Defaults: No defaults set Cluster Properties: MariaDB_REPL_INFO:|mysql-bin.000009|342 cluster-infrastructure: corosync cluster-name: bigbang dc-version: 2.0.5-9.el8-ba59be7122 have-watchdog: false last-lrm-refresh: 1619074041 no-quorum-policy: ignore stonith-enabled: false Tags: No tags defined Quorum: Options:

 プロセスを停止した場合(Apache)(CentOS Stream 8)

[root@centos8-str3 ~]# pcs resource defaults migration-threshold=1
[root@centos8-str3 ~]# kill -kill `pgrep -f httpd`
[root@centos8-str3 ~]# ps axu | grep http[d]
[root@centos8-str3 ~]# pcs status --full
Cluster name: bigbang Cluster Summary: * Stack: corosync * Current DC: centos8-str3 (1) (version 2.0.5-9.el8-ba59be7122) - partition with quorum * Last updated: Mon Apr 26 11:37:59 2021 * Last change: Mon Apr 26 11:37:37 2021 by root via crm_attribute on centos8-str4 * 2 nodes configured * 10 resource instances configured Node List: * Online: [ centos8-str3 (1) centos8-str4 (2) ] Full List of Resources: * Clone Set: DRBD_r0-clone [DRBD_r0] (promotable): * DRBD_r0 (ocf::linbit:drbd): Master centos8-str4 * DRBD_r0 (ocf::linbit:drbd): Slave centos8-str3 * Resource Group: zabbix-group: * FS_DRBD0 (ocf::heartbeat:Filesystem): Started centos8-str4 * Apache (ocf::heartbeat:apache): Started centos8-str4 * php-fpm (systemd:php-fpm): Started centos8-str4 * zabbix-server (systemd:zabbix-server): Started centos8-str4 * VirtualIP (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started centos8-str4 * VirtualIP2 (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started centos8-str4 * Clone Set: MariaDB-clone [MariaDB] (promotable): * MariaDB (ocf::heartbeat:mysql): Master centos8-str4 * MariaDB (ocf::heartbeat:mysql): Slave centos8-str3 Node Attributes: * Node: centos8-str3 (1): * master-DRBD_r0 : 10000 * master-MariaDB : 1 * readable : 1 * Node: centos8-str4 (2): * master-DRBD_r0 : 10000 * master-MariaDB : 3601 * readable : 1 Migration Summary: * Node: centos8-str3 (1): * Apache: migration-threshold=1 fail-count=1 last-failure='Mon Apr 26 11:37:30 2021' Failed Resource Actions: * Apache_monitor_10000 on centos8-str3 'not running' (7): call=377, status='complete', exitreason='', last-rc-change='2021-04-26 11:37:30 +09:00', queued=0ms, exec=0ms Tickets: PCSD Status: centos8-str3: Online centos8-str4: Online Daemon Status: corosync: active/disabled pacemaker: active/disabled pcsd: active/enabled
[root@centos8-str4 ~]# pcs resource cleanup Apache
Cleaned up FS_DRBD0 on centos8-str4 Cleaned up FS_DRBD0 on centos8-str3 Cleaned up Apache on centos8-str4 Cleaned up Apache on centos8-str3 Cleaned up php-fpm on centos8-str4 Cleaned up php-fpm on centos8-str3 Cleaned up zabbix-server on centos8-str4 Cleaned up zabbix-server on centos8-str3 Cleaned up VirtualIP on centos8-str4 Cleaned up VirtualIP on centos8-str3 Cleaned up VirtualIP2 on centos8-str4 Cleaned up VirtualIP2 on centos8-str3 Waiting for 1 reply from the controller ... got reply (done)
[root@centos8-str4 ~]# kill -kill `pgrep -f httpd` [root@centos8-str4 ~]# ps axu | grep http[d] [root@centos8-str4 ~]# pcs status --full
Cluster name: bigbang Cluster Summary: * Stack: corosync * Current DC: centos8-str3 (1) (version 2.0.5-9.el8-ba59be7122) - partition with quorum * Last updated: Mon Apr 26 11:49:00 2021 * Last change: Mon Apr 26 11:48:48 2021 by root via crm_attribute on centos8-str3 * 2 nodes configured * 10 resource instances configured Node List: * Online: [ centos8-str3 (1) centos8-str4 (2) ] Full List of Resources: * Clone Set: DRBD_r0-clone [DRBD_r0] (promotable): * DRBD_r0 (ocf::linbit:drbd): Slave centos8-str4 * DRBD_r0 (ocf::linbit:drbd): Master centos8-str3 * Resource Group: zabbix-group: * FS_DRBD0 (ocf::heartbeat:Filesystem): Started centos8-str3 * Apache (ocf::heartbeat:apache): Started centos8-str3 * php-fpm (systemd:php-fpm): Started centos8-str3 * zabbix-server (systemd:zabbix-server): Started centos8-str3 * VirtualIP (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started centos8-str3 * VirtualIP2 (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started centos8-str3 * Clone Set: MariaDB-clone [MariaDB] (promotable): * MariaDB (ocf::heartbeat:mysql): Slave centos8-str4 * MariaDB (ocf::heartbeat:mysql): Master centos8-str3 Node Attributes: * Node: centos8-str3 (1): * master-DRBD_r0 : 10000 * master-MariaDB : 3601 * readable : 1 * Node: centos8-str4 (2): * master-DRBD_r0 : 10000 * master-MariaDB : 1 * readable : 1 Migration Summary: * Node: centos8-str4 (2): * Apache: migration-threshold=1 fail-count=1 last-failure='Mon Apr 26 11:48:41 2021' Failed Resource Actions: * Apache_monitor_10000 on centos8-str4 'not running' (7): call=375, status='complete', exitreason='', last-rc-change='2021-04-26 11:48:42 +09:00', queued=0ms, exec=0ms Tickets: PCSD Status: centos8-str3: Online centos8-str4: Online Daemon Status: corosync: active/disabled pacemaker: active/disabled pcsd: active/enabled
[root@centos8-str4 ~]# pcs resource cleanup Apache
Cleaned up FS_DRBD0 on centos8-str4 Cleaned up FS_DRBD0 on centos8-str3 Cleaned up Apache on centos8-str4 Cleaned up Apache on centos8-str3 Cleaned up php-fpm on centos8-str4 Cleaned up php-fpm on centos8-str3 Cleaned up zabbix-server on centos8-str4 Cleaned up zabbix-server on centos8-str3 Cleaned up VirtualIP on centos8-str4 Cleaned up VirtualIP on centos8-str3 Cleaned up VirtualIP2 on centos8-str4 Cleaned up VirtualIP2 on centos8-str3 Waiting for 1 reply from the controller ... got reply (done)

●pacemakerでZabbix-Server(DRBDのMaster/Slave)+FileSystem・MariaDB・VirtualIP(2つ)・Apache・PHP-FPM・Zabix-Serverを制御する(CentOS Stream 8)

  • DRBDの起動(リソース「DRBD_r0」)
  • FileSystem(DRBDをマウント)の設定(リソース「FS_DRBD0」)
  • MariaDBの設定(リソース「MariaDB」を)及び当該リソースをリソースグループ「zabbix-group」に追加
  • VirtualIP(2つ)の設定(リソース「VirtualIP」、「VirtualIP2」)及び当該リソースをリソースグループ「zabbix-group」に追加
  • Apacheの設定(リソース「httpd」)及び当該リソースをリソースグループ「zabbix-group」に追加
  • PHP-FPMの設定(リソース「php-fpm」)及び当該リソースをリソースグループ「zabbix-group」に追加
  • Zabix-Serverの設定(リソース「zabbix-server」)及び当該リソースをリソースグループ「zabbix-group」に追加
  • リソースグループ「zabbix-group」に追加はFS_DRBD0リソース起動してから起動





[root@centos8-str3 ~]# pcs status
Cluster name: bigbang Cluster Summary: * Stack: corosync * Current DC: centos8-str3 (version 2.0.5-9.el8_4.1-ba59be7122) - partition with quorum * Last updated: Mon Jan 24 22:18:57 2022 * Last change: Mon Jan 24 18:28:42 2022 by root via cibadmin on centos8-str3 * 1 node configured * 9 resource instances configured Node List: * Online: [ centos8-str3 ] Full List of Resources: * Clone Set: DRBD_r0-clone [DRBD_r0] (promotable): * Masters: [ centos8-str3 ] * FS_DRBD0 (ocf::heartbeat:Filesystem): Started centos8-str3 * Resource Group: zabbix-group: * MariaDB (systemd:mariadb): Started centos8-str3 * VirtualIP (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started centos8-str3 * VirtualIP2 (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started centos8-str3 * httpd (systemd:httpd): Started centos8-str3 * php-fpm (systemd:httpd): Started centos8-str3 * zabbix-server (systemd:zabbix-server): Started centos8-str3 Daemon Status: corosync: active/disabled pacemaker: active/disabled pcsd: active/enabled

[root@centos8-str3 ~]# pcs config show
Cluster Name: bigbang Corosync Nodes: centos8-str3 Pacemaker Nodes: centos8-str3 Resources: Clone: DRBD_r0-clone Meta Attrs: clone-max=2 clone-node-max=1 master-max=1 master-node-max=1 notify=true promotable=true Resource: DRBD_r0 (class=ocf provider=linbit type=drbd) Attributes: drbd_resource=r0 Operations: demote interval=0s timeout=90 (DRBD_r0-demote-interval-0s) monitor interval=20 role=Slave timeout=20 (DRBD_r0-monitor-interval-20) monitor interval=10 role=Master timeout=20 (DRBD_r0-monitor-interval-10) notify interval=0s timeout=90 (DRBD_r0-notify-interval-0s) promote interval=0s timeout=90 (DRBD_r0-promote-interval-0s) reload interval=0s timeout=30 (DRBD_r0-reload-interval-0s) start interval=0s timeout=240 (DRBD_r0-start-interval-0s) stop interval=0s timeout=100 (DRBD_r0-stop-interval-0s) Resource: FS_DRBD0 (class=ocf provider=heartbeat type=Filesystem) Attributes: device=/dev/drbd0 directory=/mnt fstype=xfs Operations: monitor interval=20s timeout=40s (FS_DRBD0-monitor-interval-20s) start interval=0s timeout=60s (FS_DRBD0-start-interval-0s) stop interval=0s timeout=60s (FS_DRBD0-stop-interval-0s) Group: zabbix-group Resource: MariaDB (class=systemd type=mariadb) Operations: monitor interval=60 timeout=100 (MariaDB-monitor-interval-60) start interval=0s timeout=100 (MariaDB-start-interval-0s) stop interval=0s timeout=100 (MariaDB-stop-interval-0s) Resource: VirtualIP (class=ocf provider=heartbeat type=IPaddr2) Attributes: cidr_netmask=24 ip= nic=ens192 Operations: monitor interval=30s (VirtualIP-monitor-interval-30s) start interval=0s timeout=20s (VirtualIP-start-interval-0s) stop interval=0s timeout=20s (VirtualIP-stop-interval-0s) Resource: VirtualIP2 (class=ocf provider=heartbeat type=IPaddr2) Attributes: cidr_netmask=24 ip= nic=ens224 Operations: monitor interval=10s timeout=10s (VirtualIP2-monitor-interval-10s) start interval=0s timeout=20s (VirtualIP2-start-interval-0s) stop interval=0s timeout=20s (VirtualIP2-stop-interval-0s) Resource: httpd (class=systemd type=httpd) Operations: monitor interval=60 timeout=100 (httpd-monitor-interval-60) start interval=0s timeout=100 (httpd-start-interval-0s) stop interval=0s timeout=100 (httpd-stop-interval-0s) Resource: php-fpm (class=systemd type=httpd) Operations: monitor interval=60 timeout=100 (php-fpm-monitor-interval-60) start interval=0s timeout=100 (php-fpm-start-interval-0s) stop interval=0s timeout=100 (php-fpm-stop-interval-0s) Resource: zabbix-server (class=systemd type=zabbix-server) Operations: monitor interval=60 timeout=100 (zabbix-server-monitor-interval-60) start interval=0s timeout=100 (zabbix-server-start-interval-0s) stop interval=0s timeout=100 (zabbix-server-stop-interval-0s) Stonith Devices: Fencing Levels: Location Constraints: Resource: DRBD_r0-clone Enabled on: Node: centos8-str3 (score:100) (id:location-DRBD_r0-clone-centos8-str3-100) Disabled on: Node: centos8-str4 (score:-INFINITY) (role:Started) (id:cli-ban-DRBD_r0-clone-on-centos8-str4) Ordering Constraints: promote DRBD_r0-clone then start zabbix-group (kind:Mandatory) (id:order-DRBD_r0-clone-zabbix-group-mandatory) Colocation Constraints: DRBD_r0-clone with FS_DRBD0 (score:INFINITY) (rsc-role:Started) (with-rsc-role:Master) (id:colocation-DRBD_r0-clone-FS_DRBD0-INFINITY) DRBD_r0-clone with MariaDB (score:INFINITY) (rsc-role:Master) (with-rsc-role:Started) (id:colocation-DRBD_r0-clone-MariaDB-INFINITY) DRBD_r0-clone with VirtualIP (score:INFINITY) (rsc-role:Master) (with-rsc-role:Started) (id:colocation-DRBD_r0-clone-VirtualIP-INFINITY) DRBD_r0-clone with VirtualIP2 (score:INFINITY) (rsc-role:Master) (with-rsc-role:Started) (id:colocation-DRBD_r0-clone-VirtualIP2-INFINITY) DRBD_r0-clone with httpd (score:INFINITY) (rsc-role:Master) (with-rsc-role:Started) (id:colocation-DRBD_r0-clone-httpd-INFINITY) DRBD_r0-clone with zabbix-server (score:INFINITY) (rsc-role:Master) (with-rsc-role:Started) (id:colocation-DRBD_r0-clone-zabbix-server-INFINITY) DRBD_r0-clone with php-fpm (score:INFINITY) (rsc-role:Master) (with-rsc-role:Started) (id:colocation-DRBD_r0-clone-php-fpm-INFINITY) Ticket Constraints: Alerts: No alerts defined Resources Defaults: Meta Attrs: rsc_defaults-meta_attributes failure-timeout=180s migration-threshold=3 resource-stickiness=INFINITY Operations Defaults: No defaults set Cluster Properties: MariaDB_REPL_INFO:|mysql-bin.000058|342 cluster-infrastructure: corosync cluster-name: bigbang dc-version: 2.0.5-9.el8_4.1-ba59be7122 have-watchdog: false last-lrm-refresh: 1643016370 no-quorum-policy: ignore stonith-enabled: false Tags: No tags defined Quorum: Options:


※centos8-str7、centos8-str8での作業です。 ※両ノードで実行 # vi /etc/drbd.d/r0.res resource r0 { on centos8-str7 { device /dev/drbd0; disk /dev/mapper/pool-data0; address; meta-disk internal; } on centos8-str8 { device /dev/drbd0; disk /dev/mapper/pool-data0; address; meta-disk internal; } } ※両ノードで実行 DRDBのメタデータを両ノードで初期化 # drbdadm create-md r0 You want me to create a v09 style flexible-size internal meta data block. There appears to be a v09 flexible-size internal meta data block already in place on /dev/mapper/pool-data0 at byte offset 53682892800 Do you really want to overwrite the existing meta-data? [need to type 'yes' to confirm] yes md_offset 53682892800 al_offset 53682860032 bm_offset 53681221632 Found xfs filesystem 52423068 kB data area apparently used 52423068 kB left usable by current configuration Even though it looks like this would place the new meta data into unused space, you still need to confirm, as this is only a guess. Do you want to proceed? [need to type 'yes' to confirm] yes initializing activity log initializing bitmap (1600 KB) to all zero Writing meta data... New drbd meta data block successfully created. ※両ノードで実行 # drbdadm up r0 [root@centos8-str7 ~]# drbdadm status r0 r0 role:Secondary disk:Inconsistent centos8-str8 role:Secondary peer-disk:Inconsistent centos8-str7をプライマリにし同期させます。 [root@centos8-str7 ~]# drbdadm primary --force r0 [root@centos8-str7 ~]# drbdadm status r0 r0 role:Primary disk:UpToDate centos8-str8 role:Secondary replication:SyncSource peer-disk:Inconsistent done:0.88 [root@centos8-str7 ~]# drbdadm status r0 r0 role:Primary disk:UpToDate centos8-str8 role:Secondary replication:SyncSource peer-disk:Inconsistent done:82.69 [root@centos8-str7 ~]# drbdadm status r0 r0 role:Primary disk:UpToDate centos8-str8 role:Secondary peer-disk:UpToDate 同期が完了しました。 DRBDを停止します。 [root@centos8-str8 ~]# drbdadm down r0 [root@centos8-str7 ~]# drbdadm down r0


※centos8-str7、centos8-str8での作業です。 root@centos8-str7 ~]# uname -r;rpm -qa|grep corosync|sort;rpm -qa|grep pacemaker|sort;rpm -qa|grep pcs|sort 4.18.0-305.3.1.el8.x86_64 corosync-3.1.0-5.el8.x86_64 corosynclib-3.1.0-5.el8.x86_64 pacemaker-2.0.5-9.el8_4.1.x86_64 pacemaker-cli-2.0.5-9.el8_4.1.x86_64 pacemaker-cluster-libs-2.0.5-9.el8_4.1.x86_64 pacemaker-libs-2.0.5-9.el8_4.1.x86_64 pacemaker-schemas-2.0.5-9.el8_4.1.noarch pcs-0.10.12-3.el8.x86_64 [root@centos8-str8 ~]# uname -r;rpm -qa|grep corosync|sort;rpm -qa|grep pacemaker|sort;rpm -qa|grep pcs|sort 4.18.0-358.el8.x86_64 corosync-3.1.0-5.el8.x86_64 corosynclib-3.1.0-5.el8.x86_64 pacemaker-2.0.5-9.el8_4.1.x86_64 pacemaker-cli-2.0.5-9.el8_4.1.x86_64 pacemaker-cluster-libs-2.0.5-9.el8_4.1.x86_64 pacemaker-libs-2.0.5-9.el8_4.1.x86_64 pacemaker-schemas-2.0.5-9.el8_4.1.noarch pcs-0.10.12-3.el8.x86_64

[root@centos8-str7 ~]# pcs cluster setup --start bigbang centos8-str7 addr= addr= centos8-str8 addr= addr=
Error: Hosts do not have the same version of 'pacemaker'; host 'centos8-str8' has version 2.1.2; host 'centos8-str7' has version 2.0.5
Error: Hosts do not have the same version of 'corosync'; host 'centos8-str8' has version 3.1.5; host 'centos8-str7' has version 3.1.0
Error: Errors have occurred, therefore pcs is unable to continue

[root@centos8-str8 ~]# dnf downgrade pacemaker-2.0.5 corosync-3.1.0


下記コマンドをコピペして実行することで、障害等により問題が発生(単純なノード追加で想定しているクラスタ構成が戻らない等)したクラスタの再設定を短時間で設定することが可能です。 現在のクラスタ設定を破棄します。 ※両ノードで実行 # pcs cluster stop --all # pcs cluster destroy ※両ノードで実行 # systemctl enable --now pcsd ※片方のノードで実行 [root@centos8-str7 ~]# pcs cluster setup --start bigbang centos8-str7 addr= addr= centos8-str8 addr= addr= [root@centos8-str7 ~]# pcs property set stonith-enabled=false [root@centos8-str7 ~]# pcs property set no-quorum-policy=ignore [root@centos8-str7 ~]# pcs resource defaults failure-timeout=180s Warning: This command is deprecated and will be removed. Please use 'pcs resource defaults update' instead. Warning: Defaults do not apply to resources which override them with their own defined values ※Warningは無視してください。 [root@centos8-str7 ~]# pcs resource defaults migration-threshold=3 Warning: This command is deprecated and will be removed. Please use 'pcs resource defaults update' instead. Warning: Defaults do not apply to resources which override them with their own defined values ※Warningは無視してください。 [root@centos8-str7 ~]# pcs resource defaults resource-stickiness=INFINITY Warning: This command is deprecated and will be removed. Please use 'pcs resource defaults update' instead. Warning: Defaults do not apply to resources which override them with their own defined values ※Warningは無視してください。 [root@centos8-str7 ~]# pcs resource create DRBD_r0 ocf:linbit:drbd drbd_resource=r0 [root@centos8-str7 ~]# pcs resource promotable DRBD_r0 master-max=1 master-node-max=1 clone-max=2 clone-node-max=1 notify=true [root@centos8-str7 ~]# pcs resource cleanup DRBD_r0 [root@centos8-str7 ~]# pcs resource create FS_DRBD0 ocf:heartbeat:Filesystem device=/dev/drbd0 directory=/mnt fstype=xfs [root@centos8-str7 ~]# pcs resource create MariaDB systemd:mariadb --group zabbix-group [root@centos8-str7 ~]# pcs resource cleanup [root@centos8-str7 ~]# pcs resource create VirtualIP ocf:heartbeat:IPaddr2 ip= cidr_netmask=24 nic=ens192 op monitor interval=30s --group zabbix-group [root@centos8-str7 ~]# pcs resource create VirtualIP2 ocf:heartbeat:IPaddr2 ip= cidr_netmask=24 nic=ens224 op monitor interval=30s --group zabbix-group [root@centos8-str7 ~]# pcs resource create httpd systemd:httpd --group zabbix-group [root@centos8-str7 ~]# pcs resource create php-fpm systemd:php-fpm --group zabbix-group [root@centos8-str7 ~]# pcs resource create zabbix-server systemd:zabbix-server --group zabbix-group ## DRBD_r0は優先的にcentos8-str7がMasterとして起動するように設定 [root@centos8-str7 ~]# pcs constraint location DRBD_r0-clone prefers centos8-str7=100 ## DRBD_r0がMaster側のノードでFS_DRBD0リソースを起動するように設定 [root@centos8-str7 ~]# pcs constraint order promote DRBD_r0-clone then start FS_DRBD0 ## FS_DRBD0はDRBD_r0のMasterと同じノードで起動(異常検知で必要) [root@centos8-str7 ~]# pcs constraint colocation add master DRBD_r0-clone with FS_DRBD0 INFINITY ## MariaDBはDRBD_r0のMasterと同じノードで起動(異常検知で必要) [root@centos8-str7 ~]# pcs constraint colocation add master DRBD_r0-clone with MariaDB INFINITY ## VirtualIPはDRBD_r0のMasterと同じノードで起動(異常検知で必要) [root@centos8-str7 ~]# pcs constraint colocation add master DRBD_r0-clone with VirtualIP INFINITY ## VirtualIP2はDRBD_r0のMasterと同じノードで起動(異常検知で必要) [root@centos8-str7 ~]# pcs constraint colocation add master DRBD_r0-clone with VirtualIP2 INFINITY ## httpdはDRBD_r0のMasterと同じノードで起動(異常検知で必要) [root@centos8-str7 ~]# pcs constraint colocation add master DRBD_r0-clone with httpd INFINITY ## php-fpmはDRBD_r0のMasterと同じノードで起動(異常検知で必要) [root@centos8-str7 ~]# pcs constraint colocation add master DRBD_r0-clone with php-fpm INFINITY ## zabbix-serverはDRBD_r0のMasterと同じノードで起動(異常検知で必要) [root@centos8-str7 ~]# pcs constraint colocation add master DRBD_r0-clone with zabbix-server INFINITY ## FS_DRBD0が起動してからzabbix-groupを起動するように設定 [root@centos8-str7 ~]# pcs constraint order FS_DRBD0 then start zabbix-group

[root@centos8-str3 ~]# uname -r;rpm -qa|grep corosync|sort;rpm -qa|grep pacemaker|sort;rpm -qa|grep pcs|sort


[root@centos8-str8 ~]# pcs config show
Cluster Name: bigbang Corosync Nodes: centos8-str7 centos8-str8 Pacemaker Nodes: centos8-str7 centos8-str8 Resources: Clone: DRBD_r0-clone Meta Attrs: clone-max=2 clone-node-max=1 master-max=1 master-node-max=1 notify=true promotable=true Resource: DRBD_r0 (class=ocf provider=linbit type=drbd) Attributes: drbd_resource=r0 Operations: demote interval=0s timeout=90 (DRBD_r0-demote-interval-0s) monitor interval=20 role=Slave timeout=20 (DRBD_r0-monitor-interval-20) monitor interval=10 role=Master timeout=20 (DRBD_r0-monitor-interval-10) notify interval=0s timeout=90 (DRBD_r0-notify-interval-0s) promote interval=0s timeout=90 (DRBD_r0-promote-interval-0s) reload interval=0s timeout=30 (DRBD_r0-reload-interval-0s) start interval=0s timeout=240 (DRBD_r0-start-interval-0s) stop interval=0s timeout=100 (DRBD_r0-stop-interval-0s) Resource: FS_DRBD0 (class=ocf provider=heartbeat type=Filesystem) Attributes: device=/dev/drbd0 directory=/mnt fstype=xfs Operations: monitor interval=20s timeout=40s (FS_DRBD0-monitor-interval-20s) start interval=0s timeout=60s (FS_DRBD0-start-interval-0s) stop interval=0s timeout=60s (FS_DRBD0-stop-interval-0s) Group: zabbix-group Resource: MariaDB (class=systemd type=mariadb) Operations: monitor interval=60 timeout=100 (MariaDB-monitor-interval-60) start interval=0s timeout=100 (MariaDB-start-interval-0s) stop interval=0s timeout=100 (MariaDB-stop-interval-0s) Resource: VirtualIP (class=ocf provider=heartbeat type=IPaddr2) Attributes: cidr_netmask=24 ip= nic=ens192 Operations: monitor interval=30s (VirtualIP-monitor-interval-30s) start interval=0s timeout=20s (VirtualIP-start-interval-0s) stop interval=0s timeout=20s (VirtualIP-stop-interval-0s) Resource: VirtualIP2 (class=ocf provider=heartbeat type=IPaddr2) Attributes: cidr_netmask=24 ip= nic=ens224 Operations: monitor interval=30s (VirtualIP2-monitor-interval-30s) start interval=0s timeout=20s (VirtualIP2-start-interval-0s) stop interval=0s timeout=20s (VirtualIP2-stop-interval-0s) Resource: httpd (class=systemd type=httpd) Operations: monitor interval=60 timeout=100 (httpd-monitor-interval-60) start interval=0s timeout=100 (httpd-start-interval-0s) stop interval=0s timeout=100 (httpd-stop-interval-0s) Resource: php-fpm (class=systemd type=php-fpm) Operations: monitor interval=60 timeout=100 (php-fpm-monitor-interval-60) start interval=0s timeout=100 (php-fpm-start-interval-0s) stop interval=0s timeout=100 (php-fpm-stop-interval-0s) Resource: zabbix-server (class=systemd type=zabbix-server) Operations: monitor interval=60 timeout=100 (zabbix-server-monitor-interval-60) start interval=0s timeout=100 (zabbix-server-start-interval-0s) stop interval=0s timeout=100 (zabbix-server-stop-interval-0s) Stonith Devices: Fencing Levels: Location Constraints: Resource: DRBD_r0-clone Enabled on: Node: centos8-str7 (score:100) (id:location-DRBD_r0-clone-centos8-str7-100) Ordering Constraints: promote DRBD_r0-clone then start FS_DRBD0 (kind:Mandatory) (id:order-DRBD_r0-clone-FS_DRBD0-mandatory) start FS_DRBD0 then start zabbix-group (kind:Mandatory) (id:order-FS_DRBD0-zabbix-group-mandatory) Colocation Constraints: DRBD_r0-clone with FS_DRBD0 (score:INFINITY) (rsc-role:Master) (with-rsc-role:Started) (id:colocation-DRBD_r0-clone-FS_DRBD0-INFINITY) DRBD_r0-clone with MariaDB (score:INFINITY) (rsc-role:Master) (with-rsc-role:Started) (id:colocation-DRBD_r0-clone-MariaDB-INFINITY) DRBD_r0-clone with VirtualIP (score:INFINITY) (rsc-role:Master) (with-rsc-role:Started) (id:colocation-DRBD_r0-clone-VirtualIP-INFINITY) DRBD_r0-clone with VirtualIP2 (score:INFINITY) (rsc-role:Master) (with-rsc-role:Started) (id:colocation-DRBD_r0-clone-VirtualIP2-INFINITY) DRBD_r0-clone with httpd (score:INFINITY) (rsc-role:Master) (with-rsc-role:Started) (id:colocation-DRBD_r0-clone-httpd-INFINITY) DRBD_r0-clone with php-fpm (score:INFINITY) (rsc-role:Master) (with-rsc-role:Started) (id:colocation-DRBD_r0-clone-php-fpm-INFINITY) DRBD_r0-clone with zabbix-server (score:INFINITY) (rsc-role:Master) (with-rsc-role:Started) (id:colocation-DRBD_r0-clone-zabbix-server-INFINITY) Ticket Constraints: Alerts: No alerts defined Resources Defaults: Meta Attrs: rsc_defaults-meta_attributes failure-timeout=180s migration-threshold=3 resource-stickiness=INFINITY Operations Defaults: No defaults set Cluster Properties: cluster-infrastructure: corosync cluster-name: bigbang dc-version: 2.0.5-9.el8_4.1-ba59be7122 have-watchdog: false last-lrm-refresh: 1643265079 no-quorum-policy: ignore stonith-enabled: false Tags: No tags defined Quorum: Options:

 切替時の動作が正常とならない場合、起動制約(pcs constraint colocation)及び順序制約(pcs constraint order)を追加設定して確認しました。
ーーーーー 動作確認のための作業記録 ーーーーー ※片方のノードで実行 [root@centos8-str7 ~]# pcs cluster setup --start bigbang centos8-str7 addr= addr= centos8-str8 addr= addr= [root@centos8-str7 ~]# pcs node standby centos8-str8 [root@centos8-str7 ~]# pcs property set stonith-enabled=false [root@centos8-str7 ~]# pcs property set no-quorum-policy=ignore [root@centos8-str7 ~]# pcs resource defaults failure-timeout=300s [root@centos8-str7 ~]# pcs resource defaults migration-threshold=3 [root@centos8-str7 ~]# pcs resource defaults migration-threshold=1 Warning: This command is deprecated and will be removed. Please use 'pcs resource defaults update' instead. Warning: Defaults do not apply to resources which override them with their own defined values ※Warningは無視してください。 [root@centos8-str7 ~]# pcs resource defaults resource-stickiness=INFINITY Warning: This command is deprecated and will be removed. Please use 'pcs resource defaults update' instead. Warning: Defaults do not apply to resources which override them with their own defined values ※Warningは無視してください。 [root@centos8-str7 ~]# pcs resource create DRBD_r0 ocf:linbit:drbd drbd_resource=r0 [root@centos8-str7 ~]# pcs resource promotable DRBD_r0 master-max=1 master-node-max=1 clone-max=2 clone-node-max=1 notify=true [root@centos8-str7 ~]# pcs constraint location DRBD_r0-clone prefers centos8-str7=100 ← ①  ↑ これを設定するとcentos8-str7が復帰した場合、必ずcentos8-str7がMasterとなってしまう。  ↑ centos8-str3・4では設定したが環境が違うためなのか、設定する必要がないようだ。 [root@centos8-str7 ~]# pcs constraint location DRBD_r0-clone prefers centos8-str7=100  ↑ (何回か試験したのだけれど・・・)クラスタをdestroyして、再設定したらcentos8-str3・4と同様の動作をするようになった [root@centos8-str7 ~]# pcs resource cleanup DRBD_r0 [root@centos8-str7 ~]# pcs resource create FS_DRBD0 ocf:heartbeat:Filesystem device=/dev/drbd0 directory=/mnt fstype=xfs ## DRBD_r0がMaster側のノードでFS_DRBD0リソースを起動するように設定 [root@centos8-str7 ~]# pcs constraint colocation add DRBD_r0-clone with Master FS_DRBD0 [root@centos8-str7 ~]# pcs constraint colocation add master DRBD_r0-clone with FS_DRBD0 INFINITY ## DRBD_r0起動後にFS_DRBD0リソースを起動 [root@centos8-str7 ~]# pcs constraint order promote DRBD_r0-clone then start FS_DRBD0 ← ②  ↑ これを設定するとDRBD_r0-clone及びFS_DRBD0がStartしない。  ↑ centos8-str3・4では設定したが環境が違うためなのか、設定する必要がないようだ。 [root@centos8-str7 ~]# pcs constraint order promote DRBD_r0-clone then start FS_DRBD0  ↑ (何回か試験したのだけれど・・・)クラスタをdestroyして、再設定したらcentos8-str3・4と同様の動作をするようになった  ①及び②を設定していない場合、クラスタを再起動(pcs cluster stop --all;pcs cluster start --all)するとエラーが発生し、必ず起動しなくなってしまう。  ①及び②を設定していない場合、クラスタを確実に起動するにはいずれか一方のノードを先に起動し、全サービス起動後、他方のノードを起動すると正常にクラスタとして機能する。 [root@centos8-str7 ~]# pcs resource create MariaDB systemd:mariadb --group zabbix-group [root@centos8-str7 ~]# pcs resource cleanup ## MariaDBはDRBD_r0のMasterと同じノードで起動(異常検知で必要) [root@centos8-str7 ~]# pcs constraint colocation add master DRBD_r0-clone with MariaDB INFINITY ## DRBD_r0がMaster側のノードでzabbix-groupを起動するように設定 [root@centos8-str7 ~]# pcs constraint order promote DRBD_r0-clone then start zabbix-group ## FS_DRBD0が起動してからzabbix-groupを起動するように設定 [root@centos8-str7 ~]# pcs constraint order FS_DRBD0 then start zabbix-group [root@centos8-str7 ~]# pcs resource create VirtualIP ocf:heartbeat:IPaddr2 ip= cidr_netmask=24 nic=ens192 op monitor interval=30s --group zabbix-group ## VirtualIPはDRBD_r0のMasterと同じノードで起動(異常検知で必要) [root@centos8-str7 ~]# pcs constraint colocation add master DRBD_r0-clone with VirtualIP INFINITY [root@centos8-str7 ~]# pcs resource create VirtualIP2 ocf:heartbeat:IPaddr2 ip= cidr_netmask=24 nic=ens224 op monitor interval=30s --group zabbix-group ## VirtualIP2はDRBD_r0のMasterと同じノードで起動(異常検知で必要) [root@centos8-str7 ~]# pcs constraint colocation add master DRBD_r0-clone with VirtualIP2 INFINITY [root@centos8-str7 ~]# pcs resource create httpd systemd:httpd --group zabbix-group ## httpdはDRBD_r0のMasterと同じノードで起動(異常検知で必要) [root@centos8-str7 ~]# pcs constraint colocation add master DRBD_r0-clone with httpd INFINITY [root@centos8-str7 ~]# pcs resource create php-fpm systemd:php-fpm --group zabbix-group ## php-fpmはDRBD_r0のMasterと同じノードで起動(異常検知で必要) [root@centos8-str7 ~]# pcs constraint colocation add master DRBD_r0-clone with php-fpm INFINITY [root@centos8-str7 ~]# pcs resource create zabbix-server systemd:zabbix-server --group zabbix-group ## zabbix-serverはDRBD_r0のMasterと同じノードで起動(異常検知で必要) [root@centos8-str7 ~]# pcs constraint colocation add master DRBD_r0-clone with zabbix-server INFINITY ## zabbix-groupはDRBD_r0のMasterと同じノードで起動 [root@centos8-str1 ~]# pcs constraint colocation add zabbix-group with Master DRBD_r0-clone INFINITY  ↑ この設定をしなくても正常にMaster/Slaveが切り替わります。 [root@centos8-str7 ~]# pcs resource cleanup Cleaned up all resources on all nodes ※クラスタの状態を確認します。 [root@centos8-str7 ~]# pcs status Cluster name: bigbang Cluster Summary: * Stack: corosync * Current DC: centos8-str8 (version 2.0.5-9.el8_4.1-ba59be7122) - partition with quorum * Last updated: Tue Jan 25 17:11:00 2022 * Last change: Tue Jan 25 17:10:10 2022 by root via crm_resource on centos8-str7 * 2 nodes configured * 9 resource instances configured Node List: * Online: [ centos8-str7 centos8-str8 ] Full List of Resources: * Clone Set: DRBD_r0-clone [DRBD_r0] (promotable): * Masters: [ centos8-str7 ] * Slaves: [ centos8-str8 ] * FS_DRBD0 (ocf::heartbeat:Filesystem): Started centos8-str7 * Resource Group: zabbix-group: * MariaDB (systemd:mariadb): Started centos8-str7 * VirtualIP (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started centos8-str7 * VirtualIP2 (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started centos8-str7 * httpd (systemd:httpd): Started centos8-str7 * php-fpm (systemd:php-fpm): Started centos8-str7 * zabbix-server (systemd:zabbix-server): Started centos8-str7 Daemon Status: corosync: active/disabled pacemaker: active/disabled pcsd: active/enabled


下記コマンドをコピペして実行することで、障害等により問題が発生(単純なノード追加で想定しているクラスタ構成が戻らない等)したクラスタの再設定を短時間で設定することが可能です。 現在のクラスタ設定を破棄します。 ※両ノードで実行 # pcs cluster stop --all # pcs cluster destroy ※両ノードで実行 # systemctl enable --now pcsd ※片方のノードで実行 [root@centos8-str3 ~]# pcs cluster setup --start bigbang centos8-str3 addr= addr= centos8-str4 addr= addr= [root@centos8-str3 ~]# pcs property set stonith-enabled=false [root@centos8-str3 ~]# pcs property set no-quorum-policy=ignore [root@centos8-str3 ~]# pcs resource defaults failure-timeout=180s Warning: This command is deprecated and will be removed. Please use 'pcs resource defaults update' instead. Warning: Defaults do not apply to resources which override them with their own defined values ※Warningは無視してください。 [root@centos8-str3 ~]# pcs resource defaults migration-threshold=3 Warning: This command is deprecated and will be removed. Please use 'pcs resource defaults update' instead. Warning: Defaults do not apply to resources which override them with their own defined values ※Warningは無視してください。 [root@centos8-str3 ~]# pcs resource defaults resource-stickiness=INFINITY Warning: This command is deprecated and will be removed. Please use 'pcs resource defaults update' instead. Warning: Defaults do not apply to resources which override them with their own defined values ※Warningは無視してください。 [root@centos8-str3 ~]# pcs resource create DRBD_r0 ocf:linbit:drbd drbd_resource=r0 [root@centos8-str3 ~]# pcs resource promotable DRBD_r0 master-max=1 master-node-max=1 clone-max=2 clone-node-max=1 notify=true [root@centos8-str3 ~]# pcs resource cleanup DRBD_r0 [root@centos8-str3 ~]# pcs resource create FS_DRBD0 ocf:heartbeat:Filesystem device=/dev/drbd0 directory=/mnt fstype=xfs [root@centos8-str3 ~]# pcs resource create MariaDB systemd:mariadb --group zabbix-group [root@centos8-str3 ~]# pcs resource cleanup [root@centos8-str3 ~]# pcs resource create VirtualIP ocf:heartbeat:IPaddr2 ip= cidr_netmask=24 nic=ens192 op monitor interval=30s --group zabbix-group [root@centos8-str3 ~]# pcs resource create VirtualIP2 ocf:heartbeat:IPaddr2 ip= cidr_netmask=24 nic=ens224 op monitor interval=30s --group zabbix-group [root@centos8-str3 ~]# pcs resource create httpd systemd:httpd --group zabbix-group [root@centos8-str3 ~]# pcs resource create php-fpm systemd:php-fpm --group zabbix-group [root@centos8-str3 ~]# pcs resource create zabbix-server systemd:zabbix-server --group zabbix-group ## DRBD_r0は優先的にcentos8-str3がMasterとして起動するように設定 [root@centos8-str3 ~]# pcs constraint location DRBD_r0-clone prefers centos8-str3=100 ## DRBD_r0がMaster側のノードでFS_DRBD0リソースを起動するように設定 [root@centos8-str3 ~]# pcs constraint order promote DRBD_r0-clone then start FS_DRBD0 ## FS_DRBD0はDRBD_r0のMasterと同じノードで起動(異常検知で必要) [root@centos8-str3 ~]# pcs constraint colocation add master DRBD_r0-clone with FS_DRBD0 INFINITY ## MariaDBはDRBD_r0のMasterと同じノードで起動(異常検知で必要) [root@centos8-str3 ~]# pcs constraint colocation add master DRBD_r0-clone with MariaDB INFINITY ## VirtualIPはDRBD_r0のMasterと同じノードで起動(異常検知で必要) [root@centos8-str3 ~]# pcs constraint colocation add master DRBD_r0-clone with VirtualIP INFINITY ## VirtualIP2はDRBD_r0のMasterと同じノードで起動(異常検知で必要) [root@centos8-str3 ~]# pcs constraint colocation add master DRBD_r0-clone with VirtualIP2 INFINITY ## httpdはDRBD_r0のMasterと同じノードで起動(異常検知で必要) [root@centos8-str3 ~]# pcs constraint colocation add master DRBD_r0-clone with httpd INFINITY ## php-fpmはDRBD_r0のMasterと同じノードで起動(異常検知で必要) [root@centos8-str3 ~]# pcs constraint colocation add master DRBD_r0-clone with php-fpm INFINITY ## zabbix-serverはDRBD_r0のMasterと同じノードで起動(異常検知で必要) [root@centos8-str3 ~]# pcs constraint colocation add master DRBD_r0-clone with zabbix-server INFINITY ## FS_DRBD0が起動してからzabbix-groupを起動するように設定 [root@centos8-str3 ~]# pcs constraint order FS_DRBD0 then start zabbix-group


クラスタの停止 [root@centos8-str7 ~]# pcs cluster stop --all centos8-str8側でクラスタ設定の破棄 [root@centos8-str8 ~]# pcs cluster destroy Shutting down pacemaker/corosync services... Killing any remaining services... Removing all cluster configuration files... centos8-str7側でクラスタを起動(centos8-str8の設定が破棄されているため起動しない) [root@centos8-str7 ~]# pcs cluster start --all centos8-str8: Error connecting to centos8-str8 - (HTTP error: 400) centos8-str7: Starting Cluster... Error: unable to start all nodes centos8-str8をクラスタから削除 [root@centos8-str7 ~]# pcs cluster node remove centos8-str8 Destroying cluster on hosts: 'centos8-str8'... centos8-str8: Successfully destroyed cluster Sending updated corosync.conf to nodes... centos8-str7: Succeeded centos8-str7: Corosync configuration reloaded クラスタの状態を確認 centos8-str7単体で起動している [root@centos8-str7 ~]# pcs status Cluster name: bigbang Cluster Summary: * Stack: corosync * Current DC: centos8-str7 (version 2.0.5-9.el8_4.1-ba59be7122) - partition with quorum * Last updated: Sat Jan 29 20:44:21 2022 * Last change: Sat Jan 29 20:41:09 2022 by hacluster via crm_node on centos8-str7 * 1 node configured * 9 resource instances configured Node List: * Online: [ centos8-str7 ] Full List of Resources: * Clone Set: DRBD_r0-clone [DRBD_r0] (promotable): * Masters: [ centos8-str7 ] * FS_DRBD0 (ocf::heartbeat:Filesystem): Started centos8-str7 * Resource Group: zabbix-group: * MariaDB (systemd:mariadb): Started centos8-str7 * VirtualIP (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started centos8-str7 * VirtualIP2 (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started centos8-str7 * httpd (systemd:httpd): Started centos8-str7 * php-fpm (systemd:php-fpm): Started centos8-str7 * zabbix-server (systemd:zabbix-server): Started centos8-str7 Daemon Status: corosync: active/disabled pacemaker: active/disabled pcsd: active/enabled centos8-str8をクラスタに追加 [root@centos8-str7 ~]# pcs cluster node add centos8-str8 addr= addr= Disabling sbd... centos8-str8: sbd disabled Sending 'corosync authkey', 'pacemaker authkey' to 'centos8-str8' centos8-str8: successful distribution of the file 'corosync authkey' centos8-str8: successful distribution of the file 'pacemaker authkey' Sending updated corosync.conf to nodes... centos8-str8: Succeeded centos8-str7: Succeeded centos8-str7: Corosync configuration reloaded centos8-str8のクラスタを起動 [root@centos8-str7 ~]# pcs cluster start centos8-str8 centos8-str8: Starting Cluster... クラスタの状態を確認 centos8-str8が正常に動作しているように見える [root@centos8-str7 ~]# pcs status Cluster name: bigbang Cluster Summary: * Stack: corosync * Current DC: centos8-str7 (version 2.0.5-9.el8_4.1-ba59be7122) - partition with quorum * Last updated: Sat Jan 29 20:52:00 2022 * Last change: Sat Jan 29 20:51:27 2022 by hacluster via crmd on centos8-str7 * 2 nodes configured * 9 resource instances configured Node List: * Online: [ centos8-str7 centos8-str8 ] Full List of Resources: * Clone Set: DRBD_r0-clone [DRBD_r0] (promotable): * Masters: [ centos8-str7 ] * Slaves: [ centos8-str8 ] * FS_DRBD0 (ocf::heartbeat:Filesystem): Started centos8-str7 * Resource Group: zabbix-group: * MariaDB (systemd:mariadb): Started centos8-str7 * VirtualIP (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started centos8-str7 * VirtualIP2 (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started centos8-str7 * httpd (systemd:httpd): Started centos8-str7 * php-fpm (systemd:php-fpm): Started centos8-str7 * zabbix-server (systemd:zabbix-server): Started centos8-str7 Daemon Status: corosync: active/disabled pacemaker: active/disabled pcsd: active/enabled centos8-str7をスタンバイにして、centos8-str8にフェールオーバーするか確認します。 [root@centos8-str7 ~]# pcs node standby centos8-str7 正常にフェールオーバーし、centos8-str8でクラスタが動作しています。 [root@centos8-str8 ~]# pcs status Cluster name: bigbang Cluster Summary: * Stack: corosync * Current DC: centos8-str7 (version 2.0.5-9.el8_4.1-ba59be7122) - partition with quorum * Last updated: Sat Jan 29 20:54:57 2022 * Last change: Sat Jan 29 20:54:32 2022 by root via cibadmin on centos8-str7 * 2 nodes configured * 9 resource instances configured Node List: * Node centos8-str7: standby * Online: [ centos8-str8 ] Full List of Resources: * Clone Set: DRBD_r0-clone [DRBD_r0] (promotable): * Masters: [ centos8-str8 ] * Stopped: [ centos8-str7 ] * FS_DRBD0 (ocf::heartbeat:Filesystem): Started centos8-str8 * Resource Group: zabbix-group: * MariaDB (systemd:mariadb): Started centos8-str8 * VirtualIP (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started centos8-str8 * VirtualIP2 (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started centos8-str8 * httpd (systemd:httpd): Started centos8-str8 * php-fpm (systemd:php-fpm): Started centos8-str8 * zabbix-server (systemd:zabbix-server): Started centos8-str8 Daemon Status: corosync: active/disabled pacemaker: active/disabled pcsd: active/enabled centos8-str8をスタンバイにして、centos8-str7にフェールバックするか確認します。 [root@centos8-str7 ~]# pcs node unstandby centos8-str7 正常にフェールバックしています。 [root@centos8-str8 ~]# pcs status Cluster name: bigbang Cluster Summary: * Stack: corosync * Current DC: centos8-str7 (version 2.0.5-9.el8_4.1-ba59be7122) - partition with quorum * Last updated: Sat Jan 29 20:58:33 2022 * Last change: Sat Jan 29 20:58:00 2022 by root via cibadmin on centos8-str7 * 2 nodes configured * 9 resource instances configured Node List: * Node centos8-str8: standby * Online: [ centos8-str7 ] Full List of Resources: * Clone Set: DRBD_r0-clone [DRBD_r0] (promotable): * Masters: [ centos8-str7 ] * Stopped: [ centos8-str8 ] * FS_DRBD0 (ocf::heartbeat:Filesystem): Started centos8-str7 * Resource Group: zabbix-group: * MariaDB (systemd:mariadb): Started centos8-str7 * VirtualIP (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started centos8-str7 * VirtualIP2 (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started centos8-str7 * httpd (systemd:httpd): Started centos8-str7 * php-fpm (systemd:php-fpm): Started centos8-str7 * zabbix-server (systemd:zabbix-server): Started centos8-str7 Daemon Status: corosync: active/disabled pacemaker: active/disabled pcsd: active/enabled centos8-str8をアンスタンバイにし、クラスタに組み込みます。 [root@centos8-str7 ~]# pcs node unstandby centos8-str8 centos8-str8が再度、組み込まれました。 [root@centos8-str8 ~]# pcs status Cluster name: bigbang Cluster Summary: * Stack: corosync * Current DC: centos8-str7 (version 2.0.5-9.el8_4.1-ba59be7122) - partition with quorum * Last updated: Sat Jan 29 21:03:26 2022 * Last change: Sat Jan 29 21:02:31 2022 by root via cibadmin on centos8-str7 * 2 nodes configured * 9 resource instances configured Node List: * Online: [ centos8-str7 centos8-str8 ] Full List of Resources: * Clone Set: DRBD_r0-clone [DRBD_r0] (promotable): * Masters: [ centos8-str7 ] * Slaves: [ centos8-str8 ] * FS_DRBD0 (ocf::heartbeat:Filesystem): Started centos8-str7 * Resource Group: zabbix-group: * MariaDB (systemd:mariadb): Started centos8-str7 * VirtualIP (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started centos8-str7 * VirtualIP2 (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started centos8-str7 * httpd (systemd:httpd): Started centos8-str7 * php-fpm (systemd:php-fpm): Started centos8-str7 * zabbix-server (systemd:zabbix-server): Started centos8-str7 Daemon Status: corosync: active/disabled pacemaker: active/disabled pcsd: active/enabled

●pacemakerでZabbix-Server(MariaDBのMaster/Slave)+共有ディスク(DRBD)を制御する(CentOS Stream 8)

 参考URL:Pacemaker/Corosync の設定値について






 CentOS Stream 8上で構築します。
 下記についての作業は完了しているものとします。  今回作成のDRBDの共有ディスク(ネットワークは192.168.111.0/24を使用してレプリケーションを実施)部分に、ApacheのDocumentRootを保存します。

[root@centos8-str3 ~]# pcs property set stonith-enabled=false
[root@centos8-str3 ~]# pcs property set no-quorum-policy=ignore
[root@centos8-str3 ~]# pcs resource defaults resource-stickiness=INFINITY
Warning: This command is deprecated and will be removed. Please use 'pcs resource defaults update' instead.
Warning: Defaults do not apply to resources which override them with their own defined values
[root@centos8-str3 ~]# pcs resource defaults migration-threshold=1
Warning: This command is deprecated and will be removed. Please use 'pcs resource defaults update' instead.
Warning: Defaults do not apply to resources which override them with their own defined values
[root@centos8-str3 ~]# pcs node standby centos8-str4
  • DRBD
  • MariaDB
  • Apache
  • php-fpm
  • Zabbix-Server
  • VirtualIP
  • VirtualIP2

 最終的にDRBD/Apache/php-fpm/Zabbix Server/VirtualIP/VirtualIP2 のリソースをリソースグループ「zabbix-group」にまとめ、制御するようにします。

[root@centos8-str3 ~]# pcs resource create DRBD_r0 ocf:linbit:drbd drbd_resource=r0
[root@centos8-str3 ~]# pcs resource promotable DRBD_r0 master-max=1 master-node-max=1 clone-max=2 clone-node-max=1 notify=true
[root@centos8-str3 ~]# pcs constraint location DRBD_r0-clone prefers centos8-str3=100
[root@centos8-str3 ~]# pcs resource cleanup DRBD_r0
[root@centos8-str3 ~]# pcs resource create FS_DRBD0 ocf:heartbeat:Filesystem device=/dev/drbd0 directory=/mnt fstype=xfs --group zabbix-group
[root@centos8-str3 ~]# pcs resource create MariaDB ocf:heartbeat:mysql binary=/usr/bin/mysqld_safe \
datadir=/var/lib/mysql log=/var/log/mariadb/mariadb.log pid=/run/mariadb/ replication_user=repl \
replication_passwd=[パスワード] op monitor interval=10s timeout=10s
[root@centos8-str3 ~]# pcs resource promotable MariaDB master-max=1 master-node-max=1 clone-max=2 clone-node-max=1 notify=true
[root@centos8-str3 ~]# pcs constraint location MariaDB-clone prefers centos8-str3=100
[root@centos8-str3 ~]# pcs resource create zabbix-server systemd:zabbix-server op monitor interval="10s" timeout="20s"
# vi /etc/httpd/conf.d/status.conf
ExtendedStatus On
<Location /server-status>
    SetHandler server-status
    Require local
[root@centos8-str3 ~]# pcs resource create Apache ocf:heartbeat:apache configfile=/etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf \
statusurl="http://localhost/server-status" op monitor interval=10s timeout=10s
[root@centos8-str3 ~]# pcs resource create php-fpm systemd:php-fpm op monitor interval=10s timeout=10s
[root@centos8-str3 ~]# pcs resource create VirtualIP ocf:heartbeat:IPaddr2 ip= \
cidr_netmask=24 nic=ens192 op monitor interval=10s timeout=10s
[root@centos8-str3 ~]# pcs resource create VirtualIP2 ocf:heartbeat:IPaddr2 ip= \
cidr_netmask=24 nic=ens224 op monitor interval=10s timeout=10s
[root@centos8-str3 ~]# pcs resource group add zabbix-group Apache php-fpm zabbix-server VirtualIP VirtualIP2
# MariaDBのcloneにはFS_DRBD0が
[root@centos8-str3 ~]# pcs constraint colocation add FS_DRBD0 with MariaDB-clone INFINITY with-rsc-role=Master

# MariaDB起動後にzabbix-groupリソースを起動
[root@centos8-str3 ~]# pcs constraint order promote MariaDB-clone then start zabbix-group
Adding MariaDB-clone zabbix-group (kind: Mandatory) (Options: first-action=promote then-action=start)

# zabbix-groupはMariaDBのMasterと同じノードで起動
[root@centos8-str3 ~]# pcs constraint colocation add zabbix-group with master MariaDB-clone INFINITY

# zabbix-serverはMariaDBのMasterと同じノードで起動(異常検知で必要)
[root@centos8-str3 ~]# pcs constraint colocation add master MariaDB-clone with zabbix-server INFINITY

# ApacheはMariaDBのMasterと同じノードで起動(異常検知で必要)
[root@centos8-str3 ~]# pcs constraint colocation add master MariaDB-clone with Apache INFINITY

# php-fpmはMariaDBのMasterと同じノードで起動(異常検知で必要)
[root@centos8-str3 ~]# pcs constraint colocation add master MariaDB-clone with php-fpm INFINITY

# VirtualIPはMariaDBのMasterと同じノードで起動(異常検知で必要)
[root@centos8-str3 ~]# pcs constraint colocation add master MariaDB-clone with VirtualIP INFINITY

# VirtualIP2はMariaDBのMasterと同じノードで起動(異常検知で必要)
[root@centos8-str3 ~]# pcs constraint colocation add master MariaDB-clone with VirtualIP2 INFINITY

# zabbix-groupはDRBD_r0のMasterと同じノードで起動(異常検知で必要)
[root@centos8-str3 ~]# pcs constraint colocation add master DRBD_r0-clone with zabbix-group INFINITY
[root@centos8-str3 ~]# pcs node unstandby centos8-str4
[root@centos8-str3 ~]# pcs status
Cluster name: bigbang Cluster Summary: * Stack: corosync * Current DC: centos8-str3 (version 2.0.5-9.el8-ba59be7122) - partition with quorum * Last updated: Mon Apr 26 11:04:08 2021 * Last change: Thu Apr 22 16:45:44 2021 by root via cibadmin on centos8-str3 * 2 nodes configured * 10 resource instances configured Node List: * Online: [ centos8-str3 centos8-str4 ] Full List of Resources: * Clone Set: DRBD_r0-clone [DRBD_r0] (promotable): * Masters: [ centos8-str3 ] * Slaves: [ centos8-str4 ] * Resource Group: zabbix-group: * FS_DRBD0 (ocf::heartbeat:Filesystem): Started centos8-str3 * Apache (ocf::heartbeat:apache): Started centos8-str3 * php-fpm (systemd:php-fpm): Started centos8-str3 * zabbix-server (systemd:zabbix-server): Started centos8-str3 * VirtualIP (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started centos8-str3 * VirtualIP2 (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started centos8-str3 * Clone Set: MariaDB-clone [MariaDB] (promotable): * Masters: [ centos8-str3 ] * Slaves: [ centos8-str4 ] Daemon Status: corosync: active/disabled pacemaker: active/disabled pcsd: active/enabled
[root@centos8-str3 ~]# pcs config show
Cluster Name: bigbang Corosync Nodes: centos8-str3 centos8-str4 Pacemaker Nodes: centos8-str3 centos8-str4 Resources: Clone: DRBD_r0-clone Meta Attrs: clone-max=2 clone-node-max=1 master-max=1 master-node-max=1 notify=true promotable=true Resource: DRBD_r0 (class=ocf provider=linbit type=drbd) Attributes: drbd_resource=r0 Operations: demote interval=0s timeout=90 (DRBD_r0-demote-interval-0s) monitor interval=20 role=Slave timeout=20 (DRBD_r0-monitor-interval-20) monitor interval=10 role=Master timeout=20 (DRBD_r0-monitor-interval-10) notify interval=0s timeout=90 (DRBD_r0-notify-interval-0s) promote interval=0s timeout=90 (DRBD_r0-promote-interval-0s) reload interval=0s timeout=30 (DRBD_r0-reload-interval-0s) start interval=0s timeout=240 (DRBD_r0-start-interval-0s) stop interval=0s timeout=100 (DRBD_r0-stop-interval-0s) Group: zabbix-group Resource: FS_DRBD0 (class=ocf provider=heartbeat type=Filesystem) Attributes: device=/dev/drbd0 directory=/mnt fstype=xfs Operations: monitor interval=20s timeout=40s (FS_DRBD0-monitor-interval-20s) start interval=0s timeout=60s (FS_DRBD0-start-interval-0s) stop interval=0s timeout=60s (FS_DRBD0-stop-interval-0s) Resource: Apache (class=ocf provider=heartbeat type=apache) Attributes: configfile=/etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf statusurl=http://localhost/server-status Operations: monitor interval=10s timeout=10s (Apache-monitor-interval-10s) start interval=0s timeout=40s (Apache-start-interval-0s) stop interval=0s timeout=60s (Apache-stop-interval-0s) Resource: php-fpm (class=systemd type=php-fpm) Operations: monitor interval=10s timeout=10s (php-fpm-monitor-interval-10s) start interval=0s timeout=100 (php-fpm-start-interval-0s) stop interval=0s timeout=100 (php-fpm-stop-interval-0s) Resource: zabbix-server (class=systemd type=zabbix-server) Operations: monitor interval=10s timeout=20s (zabbix-server-monitor-interval-10s) start interval=0s timeout=100 (zabbix-server-start-interval-0s) stop interval=0s timeout=100 (zabbix-server-stop-interval-0s) Resource: VirtualIP (class=ocf provider=heartbeat type=IPaddr2) Attributes: cidr_netmask=24 ip= nic=ens192 Operations: monitor interval=10s timeout=10s (VirtualIP-monitor-interval-10s) start interval=0s timeout=20s (VirtualIP-start-interval-0s) stop interval=0s timeout=20s (VirtualIP-stop-interval-0s) Resource: VirtualIP2 (class=ocf provider=heartbeat type=IPaddr2) Attributes: cidr_netmask=24 ip= nic=ens224 Operations: monitor interval=10s timeout=10s (VirtualIP2-monitor-interval-10s) start interval=0s timeout=20s (VirtualIP2-start-interval-0s) stop interval=0s timeout=20s (VirtualIP2-stop-interval-0s) Clone: MariaDB-clone Meta Attrs: clone-max=2 clone-node-max=1 master-max=1 master-node-max=1 notify=true promotable=true Resource: MariaDB (class=ocf provider=heartbeat type=mysql) Attributes: binary=/usr/bin/mysqld_safe datadir=/var/lib/mysql log=/var/log/mariadb/mariadb.log pid=/run/mariadb/ replication_passwd=[パスワード] replication_user=repl Operations: demote interval=0s timeout=120s (MariaDB-demote-interval-0s) monitor interval=10s timeout=10s (MariaDB-monitor-interval-10s) notify interval=0s timeout=90s (MariaDB-notify-interval-0s) promote interval=0s timeout=120s (MariaDB-promote-interval-0s) start interval=0s timeout=120s (MariaDB-start-interval-0s) stop interval=0s timeout=120s (MariaDB-stop-interval-0s) Stonith Devices: Fencing Levels: Location Constraints: Resource: DRBD_r0-clone Enabled on: Node: centos8-str3 (score:100) (id:location-DRBD_r0-clone-centos8-str3-100) Resource: MariaDB-clone Enabled on: Node: centos8-str3 (score:100) (id:location-MariaDB-clone-centos8-str3-100) Ordering Constraints: promote MariaDB-clone then start zabbix-group (kind:Mandatory) (id:order-MariaDB-clone-zabbix-group-mandatory) Colocation Constraints: zabbix-group with MariaDB-clone (score:INFINITY) (rsc-role:Started) (with-rsc-role:Master) (id:colocation-zabbix-group-MariaDB-clone-INFINITY) MariaDB-clone with zabbix-server (score:INFINITY) (rsc-role:Master) (with-rsc-role:Started) (id:colocation-MariaDB-clone-zabbix-server-INFINITY) MariaDB-clone with Apache (score:INFINITY) (rsc-role:Master) (with-rsc-role:Started) (id:colocation-MariaDB-clone-Apache-INFINITY) MariaDB-clone with php-fpm (score:INFINITY) (rsc-role:Master) (with-rsc-role:Started) (id:colocation-MariaDB-clone-php-fpm-INFINITY) MariaDB-clone with VirtualIP (score:INFINITY) (rsc-role:Master) (with-rsc-role:Started) (id:colocation-MariaDB-clone-VirtualIP-INFINITY) MariaDB-clone with VirtualIP2 (score:INFINITY) (rsc-role:Master) (with-rsc-role:Started) (id:colocation-MariaDB-clone-VirtualIP2-INFINITY) DRBD_r0-clone with zabbix-group (score:INFINITY) (rsc-role:Master) (with-rsc-role:Started) (id:colocation-DRBD_r0-clone-zabbix-group-INFINITY) Ticket Constraints: Alerts: No alerts defined Resources Defaults: Meta Attrs: rsc_defaults-meta_attributes migration-threshold=1 resource-stickiness=INFINITY Operations Defaults: No defaults set Cluster Properties: MariaDB_REPL_INFO:|mysql-bin.000009|342 cluster-infrastructure: corosync cluster-name: bigbang dc-version: 2.0.5-9.el8-ba59be7122 have-watchdog: false last-lrm-refresh: 1619074041 no-quorum-policy: ignore stonith-enabled: false Tags: No tags defined Quorum: Options:

 プロセスを停止した場合(Apache)(CentOS Stream 8)

[root@centos8-str3 ~]# pcs resource defaults migration-threshold=1
[root@centos8-str3 ~]# kill -kill `pgrep -f httpd`
[root@centos8-str3 ~]# ps axu | grep http[d]
[root@centos8-str3 ~]# pcs status --full
Cluster name: bigbang Cluster Summary: * Stack: corosync * Current DC: centos8-str3 (1) (version 2.0.5-9.el8-ba59be7122) - partition with quorum * Last updated: Mon Apr 26 11:37:59 2021 * Last change: Mon Apr 26 11:37:37 2021 by root via crm_attribute on centos8-str4 * 2 nodes configured * 10 resource instances configured Node List: * Online: [ centos8-str3 (1) centos8-str4 (2) ] Full List of Resources: * Clone Set: DRBD_r0-clone [DRBD_r0] (promotable): * DRBD_r0 (ocf::linbit:drbd): Master centos8-str4 * DRBD_r0 (ocf::linbit:drbd): Slave centos8-str3 * Resource Group: zabbix-group: * FS_DRBD0 (ocf::heartbeat:Filesystem): Started centos8-str4 * Apache (ocf::heartbeat:apache): Started centos8-str4 * php-fpm (systemd:php-fpm): Started centos8-str4 * zabbix-server (systemd:zabbix-server): Started centos8-str4 * VirtualIP (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started centos8-str4 * VirtualIP2 (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started centos8-str4 * Clone Set: MariaDB-clone [MariaDB] (promotable): * MariaDB (ocf::heartbeat:mysql): Master centos8-str4 * MariaDB (ocf::heartbeat:mysql): Slave centos8-str3 Node Attributes: * Node: centos8-str3 (1): * master-DRBD_r0 : 10000 * master-MariaDB : 1 * readable : 1 * Node: centos8-str4 (2): * master-DRBD_r0 : 10000 * master-MariaDB : 3601 * readable : 1 Migration Summary: * Node: centos8-str3 (1): * Apache: migration-threshold=1 fail-count=1 last-failure='Mon Apr 26 11:37:30 2021' Failed Resource Actions: * Apache_monitor_10000 on centos8-str3 'not running' (7): call=377, status='complete', exitreason='', last-rc-change='2021-04-26 11:37:30 +09:00', queued=0ms, exec=0ms Tickets: PCSD Status: centos8-str3: Online centos8-str4: Online Daemon Status: corosync: active/disabled pacemaker: active/disabled pcsd: active/enabled
[root@centos8-str4 ~]# pcs resource cleanup Apache
Cleaned up FS_DRBD0 on centos8-str4 Cleaned up FS_DRBD0 on centos8-str3 Cleaned up Apache on centos8-str4 Cleaned up Apache on centos8-str3 Cleaned up php-fpm on centos8-str4 Cleaned up php-fpm on centos8-str3 Cleaned up zabbix-server on centos8-str4 Cleaned up zabbix-server on centos8-str3 Cleaned up VirtualIP on centos8-str4 Cleaned up VirtualIP on centos8-str3 Cleaned up VirtualIP2 on centos8-str4 Cleaned up VirtualIP2 on centos8-str3 Waiting for 1 reply from the controller ... got reply (done)
[root@centos8-str4 ~]# kill -kill `pgrep -f httpd` [root@centos8-str4 ~]# ps axu | grep http[d] [root@centos8-str4 ~]# pcs status --full
Cluster name: bigbang Cluster Summary: * Stack: corosync * Current DC: centos8-str3 (1) (version 2.0.5-9.el8-ba59be7122) - partition with quorum * Last updated: Mon Apr 26 11:49:00 2021 * Last change: Mon Apr 26 11:48:48 2021 by root via crm_attribute on centos8-str3 * 2 nodes configured * 10 resource instances configured Node List: * Online: [ centos8-str3 (1) centos8-str4 (2) ] Full List of Resources: * Clone Set: DRBD_r0-clone [DRBD_r0] (promotable): * DRBD_r0 (ocf::linbit:drbd): Slave centos8-str4 * DRBD_r0 (ocf::linbit:drbd): Master centos8-str3 * Resource Group: zabbix-group: * FS_DRBD0 (ocf::heartbeat:Filesystem): Started centos8-str3 * Apache (ocf::heartbeat:apache): Started centos8-str3 * php-fpm (systemd:php-fpm): Started centos8-str3 * zabbix-server (systemd:zabbix-server): Started centos8-str3 * VirtualIP (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started centos8-str3 * VirtualIP2 (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started centos8-str3 * Clone Set: MariaDB-clone [MariaDB] (promotable): * MariaDB (ocf::heartbeat:mysql): Slave centos8-str4 * MariaDB (ocf::heartbeat:mysql): Master centos8-str3 Node Attributes: * Node: centos8-str3 (1): * master-DRBD_r0 : 10000 * master-MariaDB : 3601 * readable : 1 * Node: centos8-str4 (2): * master-DRBD_r0 : 10000 * master-MariaDB : 1 * readable : 1 Migration Summary: * Node: centos8-str4 (2): * Apache: migration-threshold=1 fail-count=1 last-failure='Mon Apr 26 11:48:41 2021' Failed Resource Actions: * Apache_monitor_10000 on centos8-str4 'not running' (7): call=375, status='complete', exitreason='', last-rc-change='2021-04-26 11:48:42 +09:00', queued=0ms, exec=0ms Tickets: PCSD Status: centos8-str3: Online centos8-str4: Online Daemon Status: corosync: active/disabled pacemaker: active/disabled pcsd: active/enabled
[root@centos8-str4 ~]# pcs resource cleanup Apache
Cleaned up FS_DRBD0 on centos8-str4 Cleaned up FS_DRBD0 on centos8-str3 Cleaned up Apache on centos8-str4 Cleaned up Apache on centos8-str3 Cleaned up php-fpm on centos8-str4 Cleaned up php-fpm on centos8-str3 Cleaned up zabbix-server on centos8-str4 Cleaned up zabbix-server on centos8-str3 Cleaned up VirtualIP on centos8-str4 Cleaned up VirtualIP on centos8-str3 Cleaned up VirtualIP2 on centos8-str4 Cleaned up VirtualIP2 on centos8-str3 Waiting for 1 reply from the controller ... got reply (done)


[root@centos8-str3 ~]# kill -kill `pgrep -f php-fpm`
[root@centos8-str3 ~]# ps axu | grep -v grep | grep php-fpm
[root@centos8-str3 ~]# pcs status --full
Cluster name: bigbang Cluster Summary: * Stack: corosync * Current DC: centos8-str4 (2) (version 2.0.5-9.el8-ba59be7122) - partition with quorum * Last updated: Tue Apr 27 08:25:01 2021 * Last change: Tue Apr 27 08:24:54 2021 by root via crm_attribute on centos8-str4 * 2 nodes configured * 10 resource instances configured Node List: * Online: [ centos8-str3 (1) centos8-str4 (2) ] Full List of Resources: * Clone Set: DRBD_r0-clone [DRBD_r0] (promotable): * DRBD_r0 (ocf::linbit:drbd): Master centos8-str4 * DRBD_r0 (ocf::linbit:drbd): Slave centos8-str3 * Resource Group: zabbix-group: * FS_DRBD0 (ocf::heartbeat:Filesystem): Started centos8-str4 * Apache (ocf::heartbeat:apache): Started centos8-str4 * php-fpm (systemd:php-fpm): Started centos8-str4 * zabbix-server (systemd:zabbix-server): Started centos8-str4 * VirtualIP (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started centos8-str4 * VirtualIP2 (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started centos8-str4 * Clone Set: MariaDB-clone [MariaDB] (promotable): * MariaDB (ocf::heartbeat:mysql): Master centos8-str4 * MariaDB (ocf::heartbeat:mysql): Slave centos8-str3 Node Attributes: * Node: centos8-str3 (1): * master-DRBD_r0 : 10000 * master-MariaDB : 1 * readable : 1 * Node: centos8-str4 (2): * master-DRBD_r0 : 10000 * master-MariaDB : 3601 * readable : 1 Migration Summary: * Node: centos8-str3 (1): * php-fpm: migration-threshold=1 fail-count=1 last-failure='Tue Apr 27 08:24:44 2021' Failed Resource Actions: * php-fpm_monitor_10000 on centos8-str3 'not running' (7): call=112, status='complete', exitreason='', last-rc-change='2021-04-27 08:24:45 +09:00', queued=0ms, exec=0ms Tickets: PCSD Status: centos8-str3: Online centos8-str4: Online Daemon Status: corosync: active/disabled pacemaker: active/disabled pcsd: active/enabled
[root@centos8-str4 ~]# pcs resource cleanup php-fpm
Cleaned up FS_DRBD0 on centos8-str4 Cleaned up FS_DRBD0 on centos8-str3 Cleaned up Apache on centos8-str4 Cleaned up Apache on centos8-str3 Cleaned up php-fpm on centos8-str4 Cleaned up php-fpm on centos8-str3 Cleaned up zabbix-server on centos8-str4 Cleaned up zabbix-server on centos8-str3 Cleaned up VirtualIP on centos8-str4 Cleaned up VirtualIP on centos8-str3 Cleaned up VirtualIP2 on centos8-str4 Cleaned up VirtualIP2 on centos8-str3 Waiting for 1 reply from the controller ... got reply (done)
[root@centos8-str4 ~]# kill -kill `pgrep -f php-fpm` [root@centos8-str4 ~]# ps axu | grep -v grep | grep php-fpm [root@centos8-str4 ~]# pcs status --full
Cluster name: bigbang Cluster Summary: * Stack: corosync * Current DC: centos8-str4 (2) (version 2.0.5-9.el8-ba59be7122) - partition with quorum * Last updated: Tue Apr 27 08:32:50 2021 * Last change: Tue Apr 27 08:32:36 2021 by root via crm_attribute on centos8-str3 * 2 nodes configured * 10 resource instances configured Node List: * Online: [ centos8-str3 (1) centos8-str4 (2) ] Full List of Resources: * Clone Set: DRBD_r0-clone [DRBD_r0] (promotable): * DRBD_r0 (ocf::linbit:drbd): Slave centos8-str4 * DRBD_r0 (ocf::linbit:drbd): Master centos8-str3 * Resource Group: zabbix-group: * FS_DRBD0 (ocf::heartbeat:Filesystem): Started centos8-str3 * Apache (ocf::heartbeat:apache): Started centos8-str3 * php-fpm (systemd:php-fpm): Started centos8-str3 * zabbix-server (systemd:zabbix-server): Started centos8-str3 * VirtualIP (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started centos8-str3 * VirtualIP2 (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started centos8-str3 * Clone Set: MariaDB-clone [MariaDB] (promotable): * MariaDB (ocf::heartbeat:mysql): Slave centos8-str4 * MariaDB (ocf::heartbeat:mysql): Master centos8-str3 Node Attributes: * Node: centos8-str3 (1): * master-DRBD_r0 : 10000 * master-MariaDB : 3601 * readable : 1 * Node: centos8-str4 (2): * master-DRBD_r0 : 10000 * master-MariaDB : 1 * readable : 1 Migration Summary: * Node: centos8-str4 (2): * php-fpm: migration-threshold=1 fail-count=1 last-failure='Tue Apr 27 08:32:27 2021' Failed Resource Actions: * php-fpm_monitor_10000 on centos8-str4 'not running' (7): call=129, status='complete', exitreason='', last-rc-change='2021-04-27 08:32:27 +09:00', queued=0ms, exec=0ms Tickets: PCSD Status: centos8-str3: Online centos8-str4: Online Daemon Status: corosync: active/disabled pacemaker: active/disabled pcsd: active/enabled
[root@centos8-str4 ~]# pcs resource cleanup php-fpm
Cleaned up FS_DRBD0 on centos8-str4 Cleaned up FS_DRBD0 on centos8-str3 Cleaned up Apache on centos8-str4 Cleaned up Apache on centos8-str3 Cleaned up php-fpm on centos8-str4 Cleaned up php-fpm on centos8-str3 Cleaned up zabbix-server on centos8-str4 Cleaned up zabbix-server on centos8-str3 Cleaned up VirtualIP on centos8-str4 Cleaned up VirtualIP on centos8-str3 Cleaned up VirtualIP2 on centos8-str4 Cleaned up VirtualIP2 on centos8-str3 Waiting for 1 reply from the controller ... got reply (done)

 プロセスを停止した場合(Zabbix Server)(CentOS Stream 8)

 Zabbix Serverのサービスを停止し、リソースが他のホストに移動しているか確認します。
[root@centos8-str3 ~]# kill -kill `pgrep -f zabbix_server`
[root@centos8-str3 ~]# ps axu | grep -v grep | grep zabbix_server
[root@centos8-str3 ~]# pcs status --full
Cluster name: bigbang Cluster Summary: * Stack: corosync * Current DC: centos8-str3 (1) (version 2.0.5-9.el8-ba59be7122) - partition with quorum * Last updated: Mon Apr 26 15:50:07 2021 * Last change: Mon Apr 26 15:49:55 2021 by root via crm_attribute on centos8-str4 * 2 nodes configured * 10 resource instances configured Node List: * Online: [ centos8-str3 (1) centos8-str4 (2) ] Full List of Resources: * Clone Set: DRBD_r0-clone [DRBD_r0] (promotable): * DRBD_r0 (ocf::linbit:drbd): Master centos8-str4 * DRBD_r0 (ocf::linbit:drbd): Slave centos8-str3 * Resource Group: zabbix-group: * FS_DRBD0 (ocf::heartbeat:Filesystem): Started centos8-str4 * Apache (ocf::heartbeat:apache): Started centos8-str4 * php-fpm (systemd:php-fpm): Started centos8-str4 * zabbix-server (systemd:zabbix-server): Started centos8-str4 * VirtualIP (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started centos8-str4 * VirtualIP2 (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started centos8-str4 * Clone Set: MariaDB-clone [MariaDB] (promotable): * MariaDB (ocf::heartbeat:mysql): Master centos8-str4 * MariaDB (ocf::heartbeat:mysql): Slave centos8-str3 Node Attributes: * Node: centos8-str3 (1): * master-DRBD_r0 : 10000 * master-MariaDB : 1 * readable : 1 * Node: centos8-str4 (2): * master-DRBD_r0 : 10000 * master-MariaDB : 3601 * readable : 1 Migration Summary: * Node: centos8-str3 (1): * zabbix-server: migration-threshold=1 fail-count=1 last-failure='Mon Apr 26 15:49:46 2021' Failed Resource Actions: * zabbix-server_monitor_10000 on centos8-str3 'not running' (7): call=440, status='complete', exitreason='', last-rc-change='2021-04-26 15:49:46 +09:00', queued=0ms, exec=0ms Tickets: PCSD Status: centos8-str3: Online centos8-str4: Online Daemon Status: corosync: active/disabled pacemaker: active/disabled pcsd: active/enabled
 エラーをクリアし、再度Zabbix Serverのサービスを停止させリソースを元のホストに移動させます。
root@centos8-str4 ~]# pcs resource cleanup zabbix-server
Cleaned up FS_DRBD0 on centos8-str4 Cleaned up FS_DRBD0 on centos8-str3 Cleaned up Apache on centos8-str4 Cleaned up Apache on centos8-str3 Cleaned up php-fpm on centos8-str4 Cleaned up php-fpm on centos8-str3 Cleaned up zabbix-server on centos8-str4 Cleaned up zabbix-server on centos8-str3 Cleaned up VirtualIP on centos8-str4 Cleaned up VirtualIP on centos8-str3 Cleaned up VirtualIP2 on centos8-str4 Cleaned up VirtualIP2 on centos8-str3 Waiting for 1 reply from the controller ... got reply (done)
[root@centos8-str4 ~]# kill -kill `pgrep -f zabbix_server` [root@centos8-str4 ~]# ps axu | grep -v grep | grep zabbix_server [root@centos8-str4 ~]# pcs status --full
Cluster name: bigbang Cluster Summary: * Stack: corosync * Current DC: centos8-str3 (1) (version 2.0.5-9.el8-ba59be7122) - partition with quorum * Last updated: Mon Apr 26 15:59:14 2021 * Last change: Mon Apr 26 15:58:50 2021 by root via crm_attribute on centos8-str3 * 2 nodes configured * 10 resource instances configured Node List: * Online: [ centos8-str3 (1) centos8-str4 (2) ] Full List of Resources: * Clone Set: DRBD_r0-clone [DRBD_r0] (promotable): * DRBD_r0 (ocf::linbit:drbd): Slave centos8-str4 * DRBD_r0 (ocf::linbit:drbd): Master centos8-str3 * Resource Group: zabbix-group: * FS_DRBD0 (ocf::heartbeat:Filesystem): Started centos8-str3 * Apache (ocf::heartbeat:apache): Started centos8-str3 * php-fpm (systemd:php-fpm): Started centos8-str3 * zabbix-server (systemd:zabbix-server): Started centos8-str3 * VirtualIP (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started centos8-str3 * VirtualIP2 (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started centos8-str3 * Clone Set: MariaDB-clone [MariaDB] (promotable): * MariaDB (ocf::heartbeat:mysql): Slave centos8-str4 * MariaDB (ocf::heartbeat:mysql): Master centos8-str3 Node Attributes: * Node: centos8-str3 (1): * master-DRBD_r0 : 10000 * master-MariaDB : 3601 * readable : 1 * Node: centos8-str4 (2): * master-DRBD_r0 : 10000 * master-MariaDB : 1 * readable : 1 Migration Summary: * Node: centos8-str4 (2): * zabbix-server: migration-threshold=1 fail-count=1 last-failure='Mon Apr 26 15:58:41 2021' Failed Resource Actions: * zabbix-server_monitor_10000 on centos8-str4 'not running' (7): call=434, status='complete', exitreason='', last-rc-change='2021-04-26 15:58:41 +09:00', queued=0ms, exec=0ms Tickets: PCSD Status: centos8-str3: Online centos8-str4: Online Daemon Status: corosync: active/disabled pacemaker: active/disabled pcsd: active/enabled
[root@centos8-str4 ~]# pcs resource cleanup zabbix-server
Cleaned up FS_DRBD0 on centos8-str4 Cleaned up FS_DRBD0 on centos8-str3 Cleaned up Apache on centos8-str4 Cleaned up Apache on centos8-str3 Cleaned up php-fpm on centos8-str4 Cleaned up php-fpm on centos8-str3 Cleaned up zabbix-server on centos8-str4 Cleaned up zabbix-server on centos8-str3 Cleaned up VirtualIP on centos8-str4 Cleaned up VirtualIP on centos8-str3 Cleaned up VirtualIP2 on centos8-str4 Cleaned up VirtualIP2 on centos8-str3 Waiting for 1 reply from the controller ... got reply (done)

 NIC障害(VirtualIP)(CentOS Stream 8)

[root@centos8-str3 ~]# pcs resource update VirtualIP op monitor on-fail=standby
[root@centos8-str3 ~]# pcs resource update VirtualIP2 op monitor on-fail=standby
[root@centos8-str3 ~]# pcs resource config
Clone: DRBD_r0-clone Meta Attrs: clone-max=2 clone-node-max=1 master-max=1 master-node-max=1 notify=true promotable=true Resource: DRBD_r0 (class=ocf provider=linbit type=drbd) Attributes: drbd_resource=r0 Operations: demote interval=0s timeout=90 (DRBD_r0-demote-interval-0s) monitor interval=20 role=Slave timeout=20 (DRBD_r0-monitor-interval-20) monitor interval=10 role=Master timeout=20 (DRBD_r0-monitor-interval-10) notify interval=0s timeout=90 (DRBD_r0-notify-interval-0s) promote interval=0s timeout=90 (DRBD_r0-promote-interval-0s) reload interval=0s timeout=30 (DRBD_r0-reload-interval-0s) start interval=0s timeout=240 (DRBD_r0-start-interval-0s) stop interval=0s timeout=100 (DRBD_r0-stop-interval-0s) Group: zabbix-group Resource: FS_DRBD0 (class=ocf provider=heartbeat type=Filesystem) Attributes: device=/dev/drbd0 directory=/mnt fstype=xfs Operations: monitor interval=20s timeout=40s (FS_DRBD0-monitor-interval-20s) start interval=0s timeout=60s (FS_DRBD0-start-interval-0s) stop interval=0s timeout=60s (FS_DRBD0-stop-interval-0s) Resource: Apache (class=ocf provider=heartbeat type=apache) Attributes: configfile=/etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf statusurl=http://localhost/server-status Operations: monitor interval=10s timeout=10s (Apache-monitor-interval-10s) start interval=0s timeout=40s (Apache-start-interval-0s) stop interval=0s timeout=60s (Apache-stop-interval-0s) Resource: php-fpm (class=systemd type=php-fpm) Operations: monitor interval=10s timeout=10s (php-fpm-monitor-interval-10s) start interval=0s timeout=100 (php-fpm-start-interval-0s) stop interval=0s timeout=100 (php-fpm-stop-interval-0s) Resource: zabbix-server (class=systemd type=zabbix-server) Operations: monitor interval=10s timeout=20s (zabbix-server-monitor-interval-10s) start interval=0s timeout=100 (zabbix-server-start-interval-0s) stop interval=0s timeout=100 (zabbix-server-stop-interval-0s) Resource: VirtualIP (class=ocf provider=heartbeat type=IPaddr2) Attributes: cidr_netmask=24 ip= nic=ens192 Operations: monitor interval=60s on-fail=standby (VirtualIP-monitor-interval-60s) start interval=0s timeout=20s (VirtualIP-start-interval-0s) stop interval=0s timeout=20s (VirtualIP-stop-interval-0s) Resource: VirtualIP2 (class=ocf provider=heartbeat type=IPaddr2) Attributes: cidr_netmask=24 ip= nic=ens224 Operations: monitor interval=60s on-fail=standby (VirtualIP2-monitor-interval-60s) start interval=0s timeout=20s (VirtualIP2-start-interval-0s) stop interval=0s timeout=20s (VirtualIP2-stop-interval-0s) Clone: MariaDB-clone Meta Attrs: clone-max=2 clone-node-max=1 master-max=1 master-node-max=1 notify=true promotable=true Resource: MariaDB (class=ocf provider=heartbeat type=mysql) Attributes: binary=/usr/bin/mysqld_safe datadir=/var/lib/mysql log=/var/log/mariadb/mariadb.log pid=/run/mariadb/ replication_passwd=[パスワード] replication_user=repl Operations: demote interval=0s timeout=120s (MariaDB-demote-interval-0s) monitor interval=10s timeout=10s (MariaDB-monitor-interval-10s) notify interval=0s timeout=90s (MariaDB-notify-interval-0s) promote interval=0s timeout=120s (MariaDB-promote-interval-0s) start interval=0s timeout=120s (MariaDB-start-interval-0s) stop interval=0s timeout=120s (MariaDB-stop-interval-0s)
[root@centos8-str4 ~]# pcs status --full
Cluster name: bigbang Cluster Summary: * Stack: corosync * Current DC: centos8-str3 (1) (version 2.0.5-9.el8-ba59be7122) - partition with quorum * Last updated: Mon Apr 26 16:34:57 2021 * Last change: Mon Apr 26 16:34:36 2021 by root via crm_attribute on centos8-str4 * 2 nodes configured * 10 resource instances configured Node List: * Node centos8-str3 (1): standby (on-fail) * Online: [ centos8-str4 (2) ] Full List of Resources: * Clone Set: DRBD_r0-clone [DRBD_r0] (promotable): * DRBD_r0 (ocf::linbit:drbd): Master centos8-str4 * DRBD_r0 (ocf::linbit:drbd): Stopped * Resource Group: zabbix-group: * FS_DRBD0 (ocf::heartbeat:Filesystem): Started centos8-str4 * Apache (ocf::heartbeat:apache): Started centos8-str4 * php-fpm (systemd:php-fpm): Started centos8-str4 * zabbix-server (systemd:zabbix-server): Started centos8-str4 * VirtualIP (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started centos8-str4 * VirtualIP2 (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started centos8-str4 * Clone Set: MariaDB-clone [MariaDB] (promotable): * MariaDB (ocf::heartbeat:mysql): Master centos8-str4 * MariaDB (ocf::heartbeat:mysql): Stopped Node Attributes: * Node: centos8-str3 (1): * readable : 0 * Node: centos8-str4 (2): * master-DRBD_r0 : 10000 * master-MariaDB : 3601 * readable : 1 Migration Summary: * Node: centos8-str3 (1): * VirtualIP: migration-threshold=1 fail-count=1 last-failure='Mon Apr 26 16:34:24 2021' Failed Resource Actions: * VirtualIP_monitor_60000 on centos8-str3 'not running' (7): call=500, status='complete', exitreason='', last-rc-change='2021-04-26 16:34:24 +09:00', queued=0ms, exec=0ms Tickets: PCSD Status: centos8-str3: Offline centos8-str4: Online Daemon Status: corosync: active/disabled pacemaker: active/disabled pcsd: active/enabled
[root@centos8-str4 ~]# pcs resource cleanup VirtualIP
Cleaned up FS_DRBD0 on centos8-str4 Cleaned up FS_DRBD0 on centos8-str3 Cleaned up Apache on centos8-str4 Cleaned up Apache on centos8-str3 Cleaned up php-fpm on centos8-str4 Cleaned up php-fpm on centos8-str3 Cleaned up zabbix-server on centos8-str4 Cleaned up zabbix-server on centos8-str3 Cleaned up VirtualIP on centos8-str4 Cleaned up VirtualIP on centos8-str3 Cleaned up VirtualIP2 on centos8-str4 Cleaned up VirtualIP2 on centos8-str3 Waiting for 1 reply from the controller ... got reply (done)
[root@centos8-str4 ~]# pcs status --full
Cluster name: bigbang Cluster Summary: * Stack: corosync * Current DC: centos8-str3 (1) (version 2.0.5-9.el8-ba59be7122) - partition with quorum * Last updated: Mon Apr 26 16:44:15 2021 * Last change: Mon Apr 26 16:43:06 2021 by hacluster via crmd on centos8-str3 * 2 nodes configured * 10 resource instances configured Node List: * Online: [ centos8-str3 (1) centos8-str4 (2) ] Full List of Resources: * Clone Set: DRBD_r0-clone [DRBD_r0] (promotable): * DRBD_r0 (ocf::linbit:drbd): Master centos8-str4 * DRBD_r0 (ocf::linbit:drbd): Slave centos8-str3 * Resource Group: zabbix-group: * FS_DRBD0 (ocf::heartbeat:Filesystem): Started centos8-str4 * Apache (ocf::heartbeat:apache): Started centos8-str4 * php-fpm (systemd:php-fpm): Started centos8-str4 * zabbix-server (systemd:zabbix-server): Started centos8-str4 * VirtualIP (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started centos8-str4 * VirtualIP2 (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started centos8-str4 * Clone Set: MariaDB-clone [MariaDB] (promotable): * MariaDB (ocf::heartbeat:mysql): Master centos8-str4 * MariaDB (ocf::heartbeat:mysql): Slave centos8-str3 Node Attributes: * Node: centos8-str3 (1): * master-DRBD_r0 : 10000 * master-MariaDB : 1 * readable : 0 * Node: centos8-str4 (2): * master-DRBD_r0 : 10000 * master-MariaDB : 3601 * readable : 1 Migration Summary: Tickets: PCSD Status: centos8-str3: Online centos8-str4: Online Daemon Status: corosync: active/disabled pacemaker: active/disabled pcsd: active/enabled
[root@centos8-str3 ~]# pcs status --full
Cluster name: bigbang Cluster Summary: * Stack: corosync * Current DC: centos8-str4 (2) (version 2.0.5-9.el8-ba59be7122) - partition with quorum * Last updated: Mon Apr 26 17:51:47 2021 * Last change: Mon Apr 26 17:49:22 2021 by root via crm_attribute on centos8-str3 * 2 nodes configured * 10 resource instances configured Node List: * Node centos8-str4 (2): standby (on-fail) * Online: [ centos8-str3 (1) ] Full List of Resources: * Clone Set: DRBD_r0-clone [DRBD_r0] (promotable): * DRBD_r0 (ocf::linbit:drbd): Master centos8-str3 * DRBD_r0 (ocf::linbit:drbd): Stopped * Resource Group: zabbix-group: * FS_DRBD0 (ocf::heartbeat:Filesystem): Started centos8-str3 * Apache (ocf::heartbeat:apache): Started centos8-str3 * php-fpm (systemd:php-fpm): Started centos8-str3 * zabbix-server (systemd:zabbix-server): Started centos8-str3 * VirtualIP (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started centos8-str3 * VirtualIP2 (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started centos8-str3 * Clone Set: MariaDB-clone [MariaDB] (promotable): * MariaDB (ocf::heartbeat:mysql): Master centos8-str3 * MariaDB (ocf::heartbeat:mysql): Stopped Node Attributes: * Node: centos8-str3 (1): * master-DRBD_r0 : 10000 * master-MariaDB : 3601 * readable : 1 * Node: centos8-str4 (2): * readable : 0 Migration Summary: * Node: centos8-str4 (2): * VirtualIP: migration-threshold=1 fail-count=1 last-failure='Mon Apr 26 17:49:11 2021' Failed Resource Actions: * VirtualIP_monitor_60000 on centos8-str4 'not running' (7): call=70, status='complete', exitreason='', last-rc-change='2021-04-26 17:49:11 +09:00', queued=0ms, exec=0ms Tickets: PCSD Status: centos8-str3: Online centos8-str4: Offline Daemon Status: corosync: active/disabled pacemaker: active/disabled pcsd: active/enabled
[root@centos8-str3 ~]# pcs resource cleanup VirtualIP
Cleaned up FS_DRBD0 on centos8-str4 Cleaned up FS_DRBD0 on centos8-str3 Cleaned up Apache on centos8-str4 Cleaned up Apache on centos8-str3 Cleaned up php-fpm on centos8-str4 Cleaned up php-fpm on centos8-str3 Cleaned up zabbix-server on centos8-str4 Cleaned up zabbix-server on centos8-str3 Cleaned up VirtualIP on centos8-str4 Cleaned up VirtualIP on centos8-str3 Cleaned up VirtualIP2 on centos8-str4 Cleaned up VirtualIP2 on centos8-str3 Waiting for 1 reply from the controller ... got reply (done)
[root@centos8-str3 ~]# pcs status --full
Cluster name: bigbang Cluster Summary: * Stack: corosync * Current DC: centos8-str4 (2) (version 2.0.5-9.el8-ba59be7122) - partition with quorum * Last updated: Mon Apr 26 17:55:55 2021 * Last change: Mon Apr 26 17:55:17 2021 by hacluster via crmd on centos8-str4 * 2 nodes configured * 10 resource instances configured Node List: * Online: [ centos8-str3 (1) centos8-str4 (2) ] Full List of Resources: * Clone Set: DRBD_r0-clone [DRBD_r0] (promotable): * DRBD_r0 (ocf::linbit:drbd): Slave centos8-str4 * DRBD_r0 (ocf::linbit:drbd): Master centos8-str3 * Resource Group: zabbix-group: * FS_DRBD0 (ocf::heartbeat:Filesystem): Started centos8-str3 * Apache (ocf::heartbeat:apache): Started centos8-str3 * php-fpm (systemd:php-fpm): Started centos8-str3 * zabbix-server (systemd:zabbix-server): Started centos8-str3 * VirtualIP (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started centos8-str3 * VirtualIP2 (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started centos8-str3 * Clone Set: MariaDB-clone [MariaDB] (promotable): * MariaDB (ocf::heartbeat:mysql): Slave centos8-str4 * MariaDB (ocf::heartbeat:mysql): Master centos8-str3 Node Attributes: * Node: centos8-str3 (1): * master-DRBD_r0 : 10000 * master-MariaDB : 3601 * readable : 1 * Node: centos8-str4 (2): * master-DRBD_r0 : 10000 * master-MariaDB : 1 * readable : 0 Migration Summary: Tickets: PCSD Status: centos8-str3: Online centos8-str4: Online Daemon Status: corosync: active/disabled pacemaker: active/disabled pcsd: active/enabled

●Pacemaker及びCorosyncのインストール・初期設定(CentOS 7向け)


# yum install pacemaker
# yum install pcs
# yum install fence-agents-al
[root@centos7-1 ~]# cat /etc/passwd | grep hacluster
hacluster:x:189:189:cluster user:/home/hacluster:/sbin/nologin

[root@centos7-2 ~]# cat /etc/passwd | grep hacluster
hacluster:x:189:189:cluster user:/home/hacluster:/sbin/nologin
# passwd hacluster
ユーザ hacluster のパスワードを変更。
passwd: すべての認証トークンが正しく更新できました。
# systemctl start pcsd.service
# systemctl enable pcsd.service
 起動後の状態を確認し、エラーが発生しておらず、acitive / enabledとなっていればOK。
# systemctl status pcsd.service
● pcsd.service - PCS GUI and remote configuration interface
   Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/pcsd.service; enabled; vendor preset: disabled)
   Active: active (running) since 火 2019-07-02 14:56:38 JST; 35s ago
     Docs: man:pcsd(8)
 Main PID: 11533 (pcsd)
   CGroup: /system.slice/pcsd.service
           └─11533 /usr/bin/ruby /usr/lib/pcsd/pcsd
 7月 02 14:56:36 systemd[1]: Starting PCS GUI and remote configur.....
 7月 02 14:56:38 systemd[1]: Started PCS GUI and remote configura...e.
Hint: Some lines were ellipsized, use -l to show in full.
# vi /etc/hosts
------------------------------   localhost localhost.localdomain localhost4 localhost4.localdomain4
::1         localhost localhost.localdomain localhost6 localhost6.localdomain6 centos7-1c ← 追加 centos7-2c ← 追加 centos7-1 ← 追加 centos7-2 ← 追加

# firewall-cmd --add-service=high-availability --permanent

# firewall-cmd --reload

# firewall-cmd --list-service
ssh dhcpv6-client https http high-availability
※この場合、pcs cluster setup --start・・・で、認証を実施していないノードが含まれていると失敗します。
[root@centos7-1 ~]# pcs cluster auth centos7-1c centos7-2c
Username: hacluster
centos7-1c: Authorized
centos7-2c: Authorized

 Pacemaker・Corosyncのクラスタを作成(CentOS 7向け)


[root@centos7-1 ~]# pcs cluster setup --start --name bigbang-cluster1 centos7-1,centos7-1c centos7-2,centos7-2c
Error: centos7-1: unable to authenticate to node
Error: centos7-2: unable to authenticate to node
Error: nodes availability check failed, use --force to override. WARNING: This will destroy existing cluster on the nodes.
pcs cluster auth実行時、centos7-1及びcentos7-2を含めていなかったのが原因です。

[root@centos7-1 ~]# pcs cluster setup --start --name bigbang-cluster1 centos7-1c centos7-2c
Destroying cluster on nodes: centos7-1c, centos7-2c... centos7-1c: Stopping Cluster (pacemaker)... centos7-2c: Stopping Cluster (pacemaker)... centos7-1c: Successfully destroyed cluster centos7-2c: Successfully destroyed cluster Sending 'pacemaker_remote authkey' to 'centos7-1c', 'centos7-2c' centos7-1c: successful distribution of the file 'pacemaker_remote authkey' centos7-2c: successful distribution of the file 'pacemaker_remote authkey' Sending cluster config files to the nodes... centos7-1c: Succeeded centos7-2c: Succeeded Starting cluster on nodes: centos7-1c, centos7-2c... centos7-1c: Starting Cluster (corosync)... centos7-2c: Starting Cluster (corosync)... centos7-2c: Starting Cluster (pacemaker)... centos7-1c: Starting Cluster (pacemaker)... Synchronizing pcsd certificates on nodes centos7-1c, centos7-2c... centos7-1c: Success centos7-2c: Success Restarting pcsd on the nodes in order to reload the certificates... centos7-1c: Success centos7-2c: Success
設定確認は以下コマンドで実施します。RING ID 0で1つのIPアドレスが設定されていることがわかります。 # corosync-cfgtool -s Printing ring status. Local node ID 1 RING ID 0 id = status = ring 0 active with no faults ※今回はスプリットブレイン防止を考慮する方法では、pcs cluster authコマンドで先にcentos7-1,centos7-1c centos7-2,centos7-2cの 設定をしておく必要があります。設定していない場合、下記のようにエラーとなります。 # pcs cluster setup --start --name bigbang-cluster1 centos7-1,centos7-1c centos7-2,centos7-2c Error: centos7-1: unable to authenticate to node Error: centos7-2: unable to authenticate to node Error: nodes availability check failed, use --force to override. WARNING: This will destroy existing cluster on the nodes. 4台のノードを設定する場合は、下記のとおりとなります。 ※片方のノードで実施 [root@centos7-1 ~]# pcs cluster auth centos7-1c centos7-2c centos7-1 centos7-2 Username: hacluster Password: centos7-1: Authorized centos7-1c: Authorized centos7-2: Authorized centos7-2c: Authorized ※片方のノードで実施 [root@centos7-1 ~]# pcs cluster setup --start --name bigbang-cluster1 centos7-1,centos7-1c centos7-2,centos7-2c --force
Destroying cluster on nodes: centos7-1, centos7-2... centos7-1: Stopping Cluster (pacemaker)... centos7-2: Stopping Cluster (pacemaker)... centos7-1: Successfully destroyed cluster centos7-2: Successfully destroyed cluster Sending 'pacemaker_remote authkey' to 'centos7-1', 'centos7-2' centos7-1: successful distribution of the file 'pacemaker_remote authkey' centos7-2: successful distribution of the file 'pacemaker_remote authkey' Sending cluster config files to the nodes... centos7-1: Succeeded centos7-2: Succeeded Starting cluster on nodes: centos7-1, centos7-2... centos7-1: Starting Cluster (corosync)... centos7-2: Starting Cluster (corosync)... centos7-2: Starting Cluster (pacemaker)... centos7-1: Starting Cluster (pacemaker)... Synchronizing pcsd certificates on nodes centos7-1, centos7-2... centos7-1: Success centos7-2: Success Restarting pcsd on the nodes in order to reload the certificates... centos7-1: Success centos7-2: Success
「--force」オプションを使用時、これまでの設定が上書きされ、クォーラムやstonishの設定等が消えますので再度設定が必要です。 ※片方のノードで実施 設定確認は以下コマンドで実施します。RING ID 0とRING ID 0の2つのIPアドレスが設定されていることがわかります。 [root@centos7-1 ~]# corosync-cfgtool -s Printing ring status. Local node ID 1 RING ID 0 id = status = ring 0 active with no faults RING ID 1 id = status = ring 1 active with no faults

 クラスタのプロパティを設定(CentOS 7向け)

 参考URL:Pacemaker/Corosync の設定値について

[root@centos7-1 ~]# pcs property
Cluster Properties:
 cluster-infrastructure: corosync
 cluster-name: bigbang-cluster1
 dc-version: 1.1.19-8.el7_6.4-c3c624ea3d
 have-watchdog: false
# pcs property set stonith-enabled=false
# pcs property set no-quorum-policy=ignore
# pcs property
Cluster Properties:
 cluster-infrastructure: corosync
 cluster-name: bigbang-cluster1
 dc-version: 1.1.19-8.el7_6.4-c3c624ea3d
 have-watchdog: false
 no-quorum-policy: ignore
 stonith-enabled: false

 リソースエージェントを使ってリソースを構成する(CentOS 7向け)

 参考URL:動かして理解するPacemaker ~CRM設定編~ その2


  • ocf:heartbeat:IPaddr2 : 仮想IPアドレスを制御
  • ocf:heartbeat:Filesystem : ファイルシステムのマウントを制御
  • systemd:mariadb : MariaDBを制御
# pcs resource describe <リソースエージェント>
# pcs resource create VirtualIP ocf:heartbeat:IPaddr2 ip= cidr_netmask=24 nic=ens192 op monitor interval=30s
# pcs resource create ShareDir ocf:heartbeat:Filesystem device=/dev/sdb1 directory=/mnt fstype=ext4
# pcs resource create MariaDB systemd:mariadb


# pcs resource group add rg01 VirtualIP ShareDir MariaDB
[root@centos7-1 ~]# pcs status
Cluster name: bigbang-cluster1 Stack: corosync Current DC: centos7-1c (version 1.1.19-8.el7_6.4-c3c624ea3d) - partition with quorum Last updated: Tue Jul 2 18:19:34 2019 Last change: Tue Jul 2 18:19:17 2019 by root via cibadmin on centos7-1c 2 nodes configured 3 resources configured Online: [ centos7-1c centos7-2c ] Full list of resources: Resource Group: rg01 VirtualIP (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started centos7-1c ShareDir (ocf::heartbeat:Filesystem): Started centos7-1c MariaDB (systemd:mariadb): Started centos7-1c Daemon Status: corosync: active/disabled pacemaker: active/disabled pcsd: active/enabled
[root@centos7-1 ~]# pcs resource show --full

 クラスタの起動(CentOS 7向け)


[root@centos7-1 ~]# pcs cluster start --all
centos7-1c: Starting Cluster (corosync)...
centos7-2c: Starting Cluster (corosync)...
centos7-2c: Starting Cluster (pacemaker)...
centos7-1c: Starting Cluster (pacemaker)...
[root@centos7-1 ~]# pcs status
Cluster name: bigbang-cluster1 Stack: corosync Current DC: centos7-1c (version 1.1.19-8.el7_6.4-c3c624ea3d) - partition with quorum Last updated: Tue Jul 2 18:19:34 2019 Last change: Tue Jul 2 18:19:17 2019 by root via cibadmin on centos7-1c 2 nodes configured 3 resources configured Online: [ centos7-1c centos7-2c ] Full list of resources: Resource Group: rg01 VirtualIP (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started centos7-1c ShareDir (ocf::heartbeat:Filesystem): Started centos7-1c MariaDB (systemd:mariadb): Started centos7-1c Daemon Status: corosync: active/disabled pacemaker: active/disabled pcsd: active/enabled [root@centos7-1 ~]# pcs status Cluster name: bigbang-cluster1 Stack: corosync Current DC: centos7-2 (version 1.1.19-8.el7_6.4-c3c624ea3d) - partition with quorum Last updated: Wed Jul 3 10:50:41 2019 Last change: Wed Jul 3 10:50:24 2019 by root via cibadmin on centos7-1 2 nodes configured 3 resources configured Online: [ centos7-1 centos7-2 ] Full list of resources: Resource Group: rg01 VirtualIP (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started centos7-1 ShareDir (ocf::heartbeat:Filesystem): Started centos7-1 MariaDB (systemd:mariadb): Started centos7-1 Daemon Status: corosync: active/disabled pacemaker: active/disabled pcsd: active/enabled



[root@centos7-1 ~]# pcs resource show
 Resource Group: rg01
     VirtualIP	(ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2):	Started centos7-1
     ShareDir	(ocf::heartbeat:Filesystem):	Started centos7-1
     MariaDB	(systemd:mariadb):	Started centos7-1
[root@centos7-1 ~]# pcs resource move rg01 centos7-2
[root@centos7-1 ~]# pcs resource show
 Resource Group: rg01
     VirtualIP	(ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2):	Started centos7-2
     ShareDir	(ocf::heartbeat:Filesystem):	Started centos7-2
     MariaDB	(systemd:mariadb):	Started centos7-2
[root@centos7-1 ~]# pcs resource move rg01 centos7-1
[root@centos7-1 ~]# pcs resource show
 Resource Group: rg01
     VirtualIP	(ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2):	Started centos7-1
     ShareDir	(ocf::heartbeat:Filesystem):	Started centos7-1
     MariaDB	(systemd:mariadb):	Started centos7-1



[root@centos7-1 ~]# pcs status
Cluster name: bigbang-cluster1 Stack: corosync Current DC: centos7-1 (version 1.1.19-8.el7_6.4-c3c624ea3d) - partition with quorum Last updated: Wed Jul 3 16:32:53 2019 Last change: Wed Jul 3 16:30:07 2019 by root via crm_resource on centos7-1 2 nodes configured 3 resources configured Online: [ centos7-1 centos7-2 ] Full list of resources: Resource Group: rg01 VirtualIP (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started centos7-1 ShareDir (ocf::heartbeat:Filesystem): Started centos7-1 MariaDB (systemd:mariadb): Started centos7-1 Daemon Status: corosync: active/disabled pacemaker: active/disabled pcsd: active/enabled
[root@centos7-1 ~]# pcs cluster standby centos7-1
[root@centos7-1 ~]# pcs status
Cluster name: bigbang-cluster1 Stack: corosync Current DC: centos7-1 (version 1.1.19-8.el7_6.4-c3c624ea3d) - partition with quorum Last updated: Wed Jul 3 16:33:31 2019 Last change: Wed Jul 3 16:33:26 2019 by root via cibadmin on centos7-1 2 nodes configured 3 resources configured Node centos7-1: standby Online: [ centos7-2 ] Full list of resources: Resource Group: rg01 VirtualIP (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started centos7-2 ShareDir (ocf::heartbeat:Filesystem): Started centos7-2 MariaDB (systemd:mariadb): Starting centos7-2 Daemon Status: corosync: active/disabled pacemaker: active/disabled pcsd: active/enabled
[root@centos7-1 ~]# pcs cluster unstandby centos7-1
[root@centos7-1 ~]# pcs cluster standby centos7-2
[root@centos7-1 ~]# pcs cluster unstandby centos7-2
[root@centos7-1 ~]# pcs status
Cluster name: bigbang-cluster1 Stack: corosync Current DC: centos7-1 (version 1.1.19-8.el7_6.4-c3c624ea3d) - partition with quorum Last updated: Wed Jul 3 16:33:59 2019 Last change: Wed Jul 3 16:33:48 2019 by root via cibadmin on centos7-1 2 nodes configured 3 resources configured Online: [ centos7-1 centos7-2 ] Full list of resources: Resource Group: rg01 VirtualIP (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started centos7-1 ShareDir (ocf::heartbeat:Filesystem): Started centos7-1 MariaDB (systemd:mariadb): Started centos7-1 Daemon Status: corosync: active/disabled pacemaker: active/disabled pcsd: active/enabled



 VMware Host Clientにて、仮想マシンの再起動を実施します。

[root@centos7-2 ~]# pcs status
Cluster name: bigbang-cluster1 Stack: corosync Current DC: centos7-2 (version 1.1.19-8.el7_6.4-c3c624ea3d) - partition with quorum Last updated: Wed Jul 3 16:38:06 2019 Last change: Wed Jul 3 16:33:48 2019 by root via cibadmin on centos7-1 2 nodes configured 3 resources configured Online: [ centos7-2 ] OFFLINE: [ centos7-1 ] Full list of resources: Resource Group: rg01 VirtualIP (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started centos7-2 ShareDir (ocf::heartbeat:Filesystem): Started centos7-2 MariaDB (systemd:mariadb): Started centos7-2 Daemon Status: corosync: active/disabled pacemaker: active/disabled pcsd: active/enabled
[root@centos7-2 ~]# pcs status
Error: cluster is not currently running on this node
[root@centos7-2 ~]# pcs cluster start centos7-1
centos7-1: Starting Cluster (corosync)...
centos7-1: Starting Cluster (pacemaker)...
[root@centos7-2 ~]# pcs status
Cluster name: bigbang-cluster1 Stack: corosync Current DC: centos7-2 (version 1.1.19-8.el7_6.4-c3c624ea3d) - partition with quorum Last updated: Wed Jul 3 16:42:50 2019 Last change: Wed Jul 3 16:33:48 2019 by root via cibadmin on centos7-1 2 nodes configured 3 resources configured Online: [ centos7-1 centos7-2 ] Full list of resources: Resource Group: rg01 VirtualIP (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started centos7-1 ShareDir (ocf::heartbeat:Filesystem): Started centos7-1 MariaDB (systemd:mariadb): Starting centos7-1 Daemon Status: corosync: active/disabled pacemaker: active/disabled pcsd: active/enabled


 参考URL:6.6. リソースの動作

[root@centos7-1 ~]# pcs resource update VirtualIP op monitor on-fail=standby
[root@centos7-1 ~]# pcs resource show --full
Group: rg01 Resource: VirtualIP (class=ocf provider=heartbeat type=IPaddr2) Attributes: cidr_netmask=24 ip= nic=ens192 Operations: monitor interval=60s on-fail=standby (VirtualIP-monitor-interval-60s) start interval=0s timeout=20s (VirtualIP-start-interval-0s) stop interval=0s timeout=20s (VirtualIP-stop-interval-0s) Resource: ShareDir (class=ocf provider=heartbeat type=Filesystem) Attributes: device=/dev/sdb1 directory=/mnt fstype=ext4 Operations: monitor interval=20s timeout=40s (ShareDir-monitor-interval-20s) notify interval=0s timeout=60s (ShareDir-notify-interval-0s) start interval=0s timeout=60s (ShareDir-start-interval-0s) stop interval=0s timeout=60s (ShareDir-stop-interval-0s) Resource: MariaDB (class=systemd type=mariadb) Operations: monitor interval=60 timeout=100 (MariaDB-monitor-interval-60) start interval=0s timeout=100 (MariaDB-start-interval-0s) stop interval=0s timeout=100 (MariaDB-stop-interval-0s)


root@centos7-2 ~]# pcs status
Cluster name: bigbang-cluster1 Stack: corosync Current DC: centos7-1 (version 1.1.19-8.el7_6.4-c3c624ea3d) - partition with quorum Last updated: Thu Jul 4 13:36:38 2019 Last change: Thu Jul 4 13:29:54 2019 by root via cibadmin on centos7-1 2 nodes configured 3 resources configured Node centos7-1: standby (on-fail) Online: [ centos7-2 ] Full list of resources: Resource Group: rg01 VirtualIP (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started centos7-2 ShareDir (ocf::heartbeat:Filesystem): Started centos7-2 MariaDB (systemd:mariadb): Started centos7-2 Failed Actions: * VirtualIP_monitor_60000 on centos7-1 'not running' (7): call=20, status=complete, exitreason='', last-rc-change='Thu Jul 4 13:35:55 2019', queued=0ms, exec=0ms Daemon Status: corosync: active/disabled pacemaker: active/disabled pcsd: active/enabled
[root@centos7-1 ~]# pcs resource cleanup
Cleaned up all resources on all nodes
Waiting for 1 replies from the CRMd. OK

[root@centos7-1 ~]# pcs status;date
Cluster name: bigbang-cluster1 Stack: corosync Current DC: centos7-1 (version 1.1.19-8.el7_6.4-c3c624ea3d) - partition with quorum Last updated: Thu Jul 4 13:43:31 2019 Last change: Thu Jul 4 13:43:13 2019 by hacluster via crmd on centos7-1 2 nodes configured 3 resources configured Online: [ centos7-1 centos7-2 ] Full list of resources: Resource Group: rg01 VirtualIP (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started centos7-1 ShareDir (ocf::heartbeat:Filesystem): Started centos7-1 MariaDB (systemd:mariadb): Started centos7-1 Daemon Status: corosync: active/enabled pacemaker: active/enabled pcsd: active/enabled



[root@centos7-3 ~]# systemctl status pcsd
● pcsd.service - PCS GUI and remote configuration interface
   Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/pcsd.service; enabled; vendor preset: disabled)
   Active: active (running) since 木 2019-07-04 15:03:14 JST; 1h 36min ago
     Docs: man:pcsd(8)
 Main PID: 23964 (pcsd)
    Tasks: 6
   CGroup: /system.slice/pcsd.service
           └─23964 /usr/bin/ruby /usr/lib/pcsd/pcsd
 7月 04 15:03:14 systemd[1]: Starting PCS GUI and remote configur.....
 7月 04 15:03:14 systemd[1]: Started PCS GUI and remote configura...e.
Hint: Some lines were ellipsized, use -l to show in full.
[root@centos7-1 ~]# pcs cluster auth centos7-1c centos7-2c centos7-3c centos7-1 centos7-2 centos7-3
Username: hacluster
centos7-1: Authorized
centos7-3: Authorized
centos7-2: Authorized
centos7-3c: Authorized
centos7-1c: Authorized
centos7-2c: Authorized
[root@centos7-1 ~]# pcs cluster auth centos7-1c centos7-2c centos7-3c centos7-1 centos7-2 centos7-3
centos7-1: Already authorized
centos7-3: Already authorized
centos7-2: Already authorized
centos7-3c: Already authorized
centos7-1c: Already authorized
centos7-2c: Already authorized


[root@centos7-1 ~]# pcs cluster node add centos7-3
Disabling SBD service...
centos7-3: sbd disabled
Sending remote node configuration files to 'centos7-3'
centos7-3: successful distribution of the file 'pacemaker_remote authkey'
centos7-1c: Corosync updated
centos7-2c: Corosync updated
Setting up corosync...
centos7-3: Succeeded
Synchronizing pcsd certificates on nodes centos7-3...
centos7-3: Success
Restarting pcsd on the nodes in order to reload the certificates...
centos7-3: Success

※CentOS Stream 8でVirtualIP、VirtualIP2を設定していた場合、下記のように実行する必要があった
[root@centos8-1 ~]# pcs cluster node add centos8-str4 addr= addr=

[root@centos8-1 ~]# pcs cluster node add centos8-1
No addresses specified for host 'centos8-1', using 'centos8-1'
Error: 2 addresses must be specified for a node, 1 address specified for node 'centos8-1'
Error: Errors have occurred, therefore pcs is unable to continue

[root@centos7-1 ~]# pcs cluster node add centos7-3c
Error: Unable to add 'centos7-3c' to cluster: node is already in a cluster
[root@centos7-1 ~]# pcs cluster start centos7-3
centos7-3: Starting Cluster (corosync)...
centos7-3: Starting Cluster (pacemaker)...
[root@centos7-1 ~]# pcs status
Cluster name: bigbang-cluster1
Stack: corosync
Current DC: centos7-2c (version 1.1.19-8.el7_6.4-c3c624ea3d) - partition with quorum
Last updated: Fri Jul  5 11:09:15 2019
Last change: Fri Jul  5 11:09:04 2019 by hacluster via crmd on centos7-2c
3 nodes configured
3 resources configured
Online: [ centos7-1c centos7-2c centos7-3c ]
Full list of resources:
 Resource Group: rg01
     VirtualIP	(ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2):	Started centos7-1c
     ShareDir	(ocf::heartbeat:Filesystem):	Started centos7-1c
     MariaDB	(systemd:mariadb):	Started centos7-1c
Daemon Status:
  corosync: active/disabled
  pacemaker: active/disabled
  pcsd: active/enabled


[root@centos7-1 ~]# pcs cluster node remove centos7-3c
centos7-3c: Stopping Cluster (pacemaker)...
centos7-3c: Successfully destroyed cluster
centos7-1c: Corosync updated
centos7-2c: Corosync updated
[root@centos7-1 ~]# pcs status
Cluster name: bigbang-cluster1
Stack: corosync
Current DC: centos7-2c (version 1.1.19-8.el7_6.4-c3c624ea3d) - partition with quorum
Last updated: Fri Jul  5 11:31:54 2019
Last change: Fri Jul  5 11:31:48 2019 by root via crm_node on centos7-1c
2 nodes configured
3 resources configured
Online: [ centos7-1c centos7-2c ] ← centos7-3cが消えている
Full list of resources:
 Resource Group: rg01
     VirtualIP	(ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2):	Started centos7-1c
     ShareDir	(ocf::heartbeat:Filesystem):	Started centos7-1c
     MariaDB	(systemd:mariadb):	Started centos7-1c
Daemon Status:
  corosync: active/disabled
  pacemaker: active/disabled
  pcsd: active/enabled


 双方のサーバに Pacemaker 等をインストールします。
# yum -y install pacemaker corosync pcs



 各ディレクティブ等はCorosync.conf(5)マニュアルcorosync.conf の設定メモを参照してください。




# cp /etc/corosync/corosync.conf.example /etc/corosync/corosync.conf
# vi /etc/corosync/corosync.conf
compatibility: whitetank
# 以下追記
aisexec {
        user: root
        group: root
service {
        name: pacemaker
        ver: 0
        use_mgmtd: yes
totem {
        version: 2
        secauth: off
        threads: 0
        interface {
                ringnumber: 0
# インターコネクト用インターフェースのネットワークアドレスを指定
                # Fedora 20では、下記のアドレスに変更した
                amcastaddr: ← 不要と判断し削除
                mcastport: 5405
logging {
        fileline: off
        to_stderr: no
        to_logfile: yes
        to_syslog: yes
        logfile: /var/log/cluster/corosync.log
        debug: off
        timestamp: on
        logger_subsys {
                # Fedora 20では、下記に変更した
                subsys: AMF
                debug: off
# Fedora 20では、下記を追記
amf {
        mode: disabled
nodelist {
        node {
                nodeid: 1
        node {
                nodeid: 2
        node {
                nodeid: 3
quorum {
        # Enable and configure quorum subsystem (default: off)
        # see also corosync.conf.5 and votequorum.5
        provider: corosync_votequorum
        expected_votes: 3
# chown -R hacluster. /var/log/cluster
# /etc/rc.d/init.d/pacemaker start  または systemctl start pacemaker
# /etc/rc.d/init.d/corosync start  または systemctl start corosync
 ↑ pacemakerが起動すると連動するので削除
# chkconfig pacemaker on  または systemctl enable pacemaker
# chkconfig corosync on  または systemctl enable corosync
 ↑ pacemakerが起動すると連動するので削除


 参考URL:Blue21 - [CentOS7] Pacemaker + corosync のインストール

 CentOS 8 Streamでカーネルをアップデートしたところpacemakerが起動しなくなりました。
 下記のCentOS 7の時と同じような感じです。
 CentOS 8 Streamで再インストールしたソフトは pacemaker pcs fence-agents-all drbd90-utils kmod-drbd90 です。

 CentOS 7でカーネルをアップデートしたところpacemakerが起動しなくなりました。pacemakeやcorosyncに関連するモジュールをreinstallしましたが状況は代わりませんでした。

# systemctl start corosync
Job for corosync.service failed because the control process exited with error code. See "systemctl status corosync.service" and "journalctl -xe" for details.
# systemctl status -l corosync
● corosync.service - Corosync Cluster Engine
Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/corosync.service; enabled; vendor preset: disabled)
Active: failed (Result: exit-code) since 水 2016-06-29 11:20:24 JST; 30s ago
Process: 18358 ExecStart=/usr/share/corosync/corosync start (code=exited, status=1/FAILURE)

6月 29 11:20:24 systemd[1]: Starting Corosync Cluster Engine...
6月 29 11:20:24 corosync[18373]: [MAIN ] Corosync Cluster Engine ('2.3.4'): started and ready to provide service.
6月 29 11:20:24 corosync[18373]: [MAIN ] Corosync built-in features: dbus systemd xmlconf snmp pie relro bindnow
6月 29 11:20:24 corosync[18373]: [MAIN ] Can't autogenerate multicast address
6月 29 11:20:24 corosync[18373]: [MAIN ] Corosync Cluster Engine exiting with status 8 at main.c:1250.
6月 29 11:20:24 systemd[1]: corosync.service: control process exited, code=exited status=1
6月 29 11:20:24 systemd[1]: Failed to start Corosync Cluster Engine.
6月 29 11:20:24 systemd[1]: Unit corosync.service entered failed state.
6月 29 11:20:24 systemd[1]: corosync.service failed.
6月 29 11:20:24 corosync[18358]: Starting Corosync Cluster Engine (corosync): [失敗]


  OS:CentOS 7

  OS:CentOS 7

# yum -y install pacemaker corosync pcs
 pcs はクラスタ管理用のCLIツールです。pcsを使用したクラスタ操作は、クラスタのメンバサーバであれば、いずれか1台のサーバで実行すれば設定が反映されます。ここでは、基本的に「server01」でpcsコマンドを実行しています。

# firewall-cmd --permanent --add-service=high-availability
# firewall-cmd --reload
# firewall-cmd --list-service
・・・ high-availability ・・・

# vi /etc/hosts	server01	server02
# systemctl start pcsd
# systemctl enable pcsd
# passwd hacluster
ユーザ hacluster のパスワードを変更。
passwd: すべての認証トークンが正しく更新できました。
# pcs host auth server01 server02
Username: hacluster
server02: Authorized
server01: Authorized
# pcs cluster setup --name mycluster server01 server02 --force
Destroying cluster on nodes: server01, server02...
server01: Stopping Cluster (pacemaker)...
server02: Stopping Cluster (pacemaker)...
server02: Successfully destroyed cluster
server01: Successfully destroyed cluster
Sending cluster config files to the nodes...
server01: Succeeded
server02: Succeeded
Synchronizing pcsd certificates on nodes server01, server02...
server02: Success
server01: Success
Restarting pcsd on the nodes in order to reload the certificates...
server02: Success
server01: Success

# cat /etc/corosync/corosync.conf
totem {
version: 2
secauth: off
cluster_name: mycluster
transport: udpu

nodelist {
node {
ring0_addr: server01
nodeid: 1

node {
ring0_addr: server02
nodeid: 2

quorum {
provider: corosync_votequorum
two_node: 1

logging {
to_logfile: yes
logfile: /var/log/cluster/corosync.log
to_syslog: yes

# pcs cluster stop --all && pcs cluster start --all
# systemctl enable pacemaker
# systemctl enable corosync

# systemctl status pacemaker
● pacemaker.service - Pacemaker High Availability Cluster Manager
Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/pacemaker.service; enabled; vendor preset: disabled)
Active: active (running) since 水 2016-06-29 16:16:06 JST; 2h 33min ago
Main PID: 2075 (pacemakerd)
CGroup: /system.slice/pacemaker.service
├─2075 /usr/sbin/pacemakerd -f
├─2078 /usr/libexec/pacemaker/cib
├─2079 /usr/libexec/pacemaker/stonithd
├─2080 /usr/libexec/pacemaker/lrmd
├─2081 /usr/libexec/pacemaker/attrd
├─2082 /usr/libexec/pacemaker/pengine
└─2083 /usr/libexec/pacemaker/crmd

6月 29 18:22:49 crmd[2083]: notice: State transition S_IDLE -> S... ]
6月 29 18:22:49 pengine[2082]: notice: On loss of CCM Quorum: Ignore
6月 29 18:22:49 pengine[2082]: notice: Calculated Transition 16: ...2
6月 29 18:22:49 crmd[2083]: notice: Transition 16 (Complete=0, P...te
6月 29 18:22:49 crmd[2083]: notice: State transition S_TRANSITIO... ]
6月 29 18:37:49 crmd[2083]: notice: State transition S_IDLE -> S... ]
6月 29 18:37:49 pengine[2082]: notice: On loss of CCM Quorum: Ignore
6月 29 18:37:49 pengine[2082]: notice: Calculated Transition 17: ...2
6月 29 18:37:49 crmd[2083]: notice: Transition 17 (Complete=0, P...te
6月 29 18:37:49 crmd[2083]: notice: State transition S_TRANSITIO... ]
Hint: Some lines were ellipsized, use -l to show in full.
# systemctl status corosync
● corosync.service - Corosync Cluster Engine
Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/corosync.service; enabled; vendor preset: disabled)
Active: active (running) since 水 2016-06-29 16:16:06 JST; 2h 33min ago
Main PID: 2069 (corosync)
CGroup: /system.slice/corosync.service
└─2069 corosync

6月 29 16:16:06 corosync[2069]: [QUORUM] Members[1]: 1
6月 29 16:16:06 corosync[2069]: [MAIN ] Completed service synchro....
6月 29 16:16:06 systemd[1]: Started Corosync Cluster Engine.
6月 29 16:16:06 corosync[2057]: Starting Corosync Cluster Engine (c...]
6月 29 17:08:15 systemd[1]: Started Corosync Cluster Engine.
6月 29 17:08:16 corosync[2069]: [TOTEM ] A new membership (192.168...2
6月 29 17:08:16 corosync[2069]: [VOTEQ ] Waiting for all cluster m...2
6月 29 17:08:16 corosync[2069]: [QUORUM] This node is within the p....
6月 29 17:08:16 corosync[2069]: [QUORUM] Members[2]: 1 2
6月 29 17:08:16 corosync[2069]: [MAIN ] Completed service synchro....
Hint: Some lines were ellipsized, use -l to show in full.


# pcs status cluster.
Cluster Status:
Last updated: Wed Jun 29 17:12:14 2016 Last change: Wed Jun 29 16:16:28 2016 by hacluster via crmd on server01
Stack: corosync
Current DC: server01 (version 1.1.13-3.fc22-44eb2dd) - partition with quorum
2 nodes and 0 resources configured
Online: [ server01 server02 ]

PCSD Status:
server01: Online
server02: Online

# pcs status nodes
Pacemaker Nodes:
 Online: server01 server02
Pacemaker Remote Nodes:
# corosync-cmapctl | grep members (u64) = 0 (str) = r(0) ip( (u32) = 1 (str) = joined (u64) = 0 (str) = r(0) ip( (u32) = 1 (str) = joined
# pcs status corosync
Membership information
    Nodeid      Votes Name
         1          1 server01 (local)
         2          1 server02

# pcs status
Cluster name: mycluster
Last updated: Wed Jun 29 19:06:50 2016 Last change: Wed Jun 29 17:22:49 2016 by root via crm_attribute on server01
Stack: corosync
Current DC: server01 (version 1.1.13-3.fc22-44eb2dd) - partition with quorum
2 nodes and 1 resource configured

Online: [ server01 ]
Offline: [ server02 ]

Full list of resources:

PCSD Status:
server01: Online
server02: Online

Daemon Status:
corosync: active/enabled
pacemaker: active/enabled
pcsd: active/enabled

 クラスタを問題なく構成していたつもりなのに、まれに下記のように「UNCLEAN (Offline)」と表示されクラスタが正常に動作していない場合があります。

# pcs status
Cluster name: bibangcluster
WARNING: no stonith devices and stonith-enabled is not false
Last updated: Fri Oct 14 20:28:30 2016 Last change: Fri Oct 14 17:20:40 2016 by hacluster via crmd on server01
Stack: corosync
Current DC: server01 (version 1.1.13-10.el7_2.4-44eb2dd) - partition WITHOUT quorum
2 nodes and 0 resources configured

Node server02: UNCLEAN (Offline)
Online: [ server01 ]

# pcs cluster stop --all
server01: Stopping Cluster (pacemaker)...
server02: Stopping Cluster (pacemaker)...
server01: Stopping Cluster (corosync)...
server02: Stopping Cluster (corosync)...
# pcs cluster start --all
server01: Starting Cluster...
server02: Starting Cluster...
# pcs status nodes
# pcs status


# crm_verify -L -V
error: unpack_resources: Resource start-up disabled since no STONITH resources have been defined
error: unpack_resources: Either configure some or disable STONITH with the stonith-enabled option
error: unpack_resources: NOTE: Clusters with shared data need STONITH to ensure data integrity
Errors found during check: config not valid


 HAクラスタを フェイルオーバ失敗から 救おう!(PDF)

 STONISH はデフォルトで有効になっていますが、検証用の仮想化環境では使用しないので無効にします。
# pcs property set stonith-enabled=false


 今回は2台構成なので、スプリットブレインが発生しても quorum が特別な動作を行わないように無効にします。
# pcs property set no-quorum-policy=ignore
Cluster Properties:
 cluster-infrastructure: corosync
 cluster-name: mycluster
 dc-version: 1.1.13-3.fc22-44eb2dd
 have-watchdog: false
 no-quorum-policy: ignore
 stonith-enabled: false
 「server02」 をスタンバイにして、状態を確認してみます。
# pcs cluster standby server02
# pcs status nodes
Pacemaker Nodes:
 Online: server01
 Standby: server02
Pacemaker Remote Nodes:
 「server02」 をオンラインに戻します。
# pcs cluster unstandby server02
# pcs status nodes
Pacemaker Nodes:
 Online: server01 server02
Pacemaker Remote Nodes:

# pcs resource create dbvip ocf:heartbeat:IPaddr2 ip= cidr_netmask=24 op monitor interval=30s


# ip add show
3: eth1: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc mq state UP group default qlen 1000
link/ether 00:1e:**:**:**:** brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
inet brd scope global eth1
valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
inet brd scope global secondary eth1
valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
inet6 fe80::****:****:****:****/64 scope link
valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever



# pcs property set stonith-enabled=false
# pcs property set no-quorum-policy=ignore
# pcs resource create dbvip ocf:heartbeat:IPaddr2 ip= cidr_netmask=24 nic="eth1" op monitor interval=30s
# pcs resource create dbvip ocf:heartbeat:IPaddr2 ip= cidr_netmask=24 op monitor interval=30s
# crm_mon -A
Last updated: Tue Jun 30 13:38:44 2015
Last change: Tue Jun 30 13:28:38 2015
Stack: corosync
Current DC: (2)	- partition with quorum
Version: 1.1.12-a14efad
2 Nodes configured
1 Resources configured
Online: [ ]
VIP     (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2):	Started
Node Attributes:
* Node
* Node
# pcs resource delete IPaddr2


# pcs cluster stop server02
server02: Stopping Cluster (pacemaker)...
server02: Stopping Cluster (corosync)...
# pcs status
Error: cluster is not currently running on this node

# pcs cluster start server02
server02: Starting Cluster...
# pcs status
Cluster name: mycluster
Last updated: Thu Jun 30 10:37:13 2016 Last change: Thu Jun 30 10:32:20 2016 by root via crm_attribute on server02
Stack: corosync
Current DC: server01 (version 1.1.13-3.fc22-44eb2dd) - partition with quorum
2 nodes and 1 resource configured

Online: [ server01 server02 ]

Full list of resources:

dbvip (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started server01

PCSD Status:
server01: Online
server02: Online

Daemon Status:
corosync: active/enabled
pacemaker: active/enabled
pcsd: active/enabled

# pcs config
Cluster Name: 
Corosync Nodes: 
Pacemaker Nodes: 
 Resource: VIP (class=ocf provider=heartbeat type=IPaddr2)
  Attributes: ip= cidr_netmask=24 
  Operations: start interval=0s timeout=20s (VIP-start-timeout-20s)
              stop interval=0s timeout=20s (VIP-stop-timeout-20s)
              monitor interval=10s (VIP-monitor-interval-10s)
Stonith Devices: 
Fencing Levels: 
Location Constraints:
Ordering Constraints:
Colocation Constraints:
Cluster Properties:
 cluster-infrastructure: corosync
 dc-version: 1.1.12-a14efad
 have-watchdog: false
 no-quorum-policy: ignore
 stonith-enabled: false


# pcs cluster cib output.cib
# pcs -f output.cib >command<
# pcs cluster cib-push output.cib


# pcs resource standards

# pcs resource providers

# pcs resource agents ocf:heartbeat

# pcs resource describe ocf:heartbeat:IPaddr2

# crm ra info ocf:heartbeat:IPaddr2


# pcs cluster standby server-name01(サーバ名)
# pcs cluster standby server-name02(サーバ名)

次にリソース設定を削除(crm configure erase コマンド)
# crm configure erase

# pcs cluster unstandby server-name01(サーバ名)
# pcs cluster unstandby server-name02(サーバ名)

# pcs resource status
# pcs resource show

# pcs constraint order
Ordering Constraints:
  promote ms-mysql then start grp-network
  start res-ping-clone then promote ms-mysql
  start res-chk-vip1 then start res-vip1

# ccs_config_validate
Relax-NG validity error : Extra element cman in interleave
tempfile:23: element cman: Relax-NG validity error : Element cluster failed to validate content
Configuration fails to validate

# crm_verify -LV


# crm_mon -fA

# pcs cluster report --from="2016-01-07 10:30:00" --to="2016-01-07 11:30:00"

# corosync-cfgtool -s

# ip addr show

# pcs resource failcount show <リソースID>
# pcs resource failcount reset <リソースID>

# pcs status
# pcs resource cleanup <リソースID>

# pcs constraint location rm cli-standby-<RSC_NAME> [NODE]

# pcs cluster standby server1(ホスト名)

# pcs cluster unstandby server1(ホスト名)

# pcs resource move <resource id> [destination node name] ※2台でのクラスタ構成の場合、[destination node name]は不要
# pcs resource clear <resource id>

# pcs resource failcount show res-mysql
No failcounts for res-mysql

# pcs resource failcount reset res-mysql
# pcs resource cleanup res-mysql

# pcs resource start mysql-clone

# pcs resource move ms-mysql
# pcs resource clear ms-mysql
# pcs resource move ms-mysql --master

# pcs cluster cib /tmp/cib.txt


# pcs cluster stop --all
# pcs cluster destroy



[root@centos8-str3 ~]# pcs node standby centos8-str3;date
2021年 7月 26日 月曜日 13:46:58 JST


Jul 26 13:46:58 centos8-str4 pacemaker-controld[4934]: notice: State transition S_IDLE -> S_POLICY_ENGINE
Jul 26 13:46:58 centos8-str4 pacemaker-schedulerd[4933]: notice: On loss of quorum: Ignore
Jul 26 13:46:58 centos8-str4 pacemaker-schedulerd[4933]: notice: * Promote DRBD_r0:0 ( Slave -> Master centos8-str4 )
Jul 26 13:46:58 centos8-str4 pacemaker-schedulerd[4933]: notice: * Stop DRBD_r0:1 ( Master centos8-str3 ) due to node availability
Jul 26 13:46:58 centos8-str4 pacemaker-schedulerd[4933]: notice: * Move FS_DRBD0 ( centos8-str3 -> centos8-str4 )
Jul 26 13:46:58 centos8-str4 pacemaker-schedulerd[4933]: notice: * Move MariaDB ( centos8-str3 -> centos8-str4 )
Jul 26 13:46:58 centos8-str4 pacemaker-schedulerd[4933]: notice: * Move VirtualIP ( centos8-str3 -> centos8-str4 )
Jul 26 13:46:58 centos8-str4 pacemaker-schedulerd[4933]: notice: * Move VirtualIP2 ( centos8-str3 -> centos8-str4 )
Jul 26 13:46:58 centos8-str4 pacemaker-schedulerd[4933]: notice: * Move httpd ( centos8-str3 -> centos8-str4 )
Jul 26 13:46:58 centos8-str4 pacemaker-schedulerd[4933]: notice: * Move php-fpm ( centos8-str3 -> centos8-str4 )
Jul 26 13:46:58 centos8-str4 pacemaker-schedulerd[4933]: notice: * Move zabbix-server ( centos8-str3 -> centos8-str4 )
Jul 26 13:46:58 centos8-str4 pacemaker-schedulerd[4933]: notice: Calculated transition 109, saving inputs in /var/lib/pacemaker/pengine/pe-input-3103.bz2
Jul 26 13:46:58 centos8-str4 pacemaker-controld[4934]: notice: Initiating cancel operation DRBD_r0_monitor_20000 locally on centos8-str4
Jul 26 13:46:58 centos8-str4 pacemaker-controld[4934]: notice: Initiating stop operation FS_DRBD0_stop_0 on centos8-str3
Jul 26 13:46:58 centos8-str4 pacemaker-controld[4934]: notice: Initiating stop operation zabbix-server_stop_0 on centos8-str3
Jul 26 13:46:58 centos8-str4 pacemaker-controld[4934]: notice: Initiating notify operation DRBD_r0_pre_notify_demote_0 locally on centos8-str4
Jul 26 13:46:58 centos8-str4 pacemaker-controld[4934]: notice: Requesting local execution of notify operation for DRBD_r0 on centos8-str4
Jul 26 13:46:58 centos8-str4 pacemaker-controld[4934]: notice: Initiating notify operation DRBD_r0_pre_notify_demote_0 on centos8-str3
Jul 26 13:46:58 centos8-str4 pacemaker-controld[4934]: notice: Result of notify operation for DRBD_r0 on centos8-str4: ok
Jul 26 13:47:00 centos8-str4 pacemaker-controld[4934]: notice: Initiating stop operation php-fpm_stop_0 on centos8-str3
Jul 26 13:47:01 centos8-str4 pacemaker-controld[4934]: notice: Initiating start operation FS_DRBD0_start_0 locally on centos8-str4
Jul 26 13:47:01 centos8-str4 pacemaker-controld[4934]: notice: Requesting local execution of start operation for FS_DRBD0 on centos8-str4
Jul 26 13:47:01 centos8-str4 pacemaker-controld[4934]: notice: Result of start operation for FS_DRBD0 on centos8-str4: ok
Jul 26 13:47:01 centos8-str4 pacemaker-controld[4934]: notice: Initiating monitor operation FS_DRBD0_monitor_20000 locally on centos8-str4
Jul 26 13:47:01 centos8-str4 pacemaker-controld[4934]: notice: Requesting local execution of monitor operation for FS_DRBD0 on centos8-str4
Jul 26 13:47:01 centos8-str4 pacemaker-controld[4934]: notice: Result of monitor operation for FS_DRBD0 on centos8-str4: ok
Jul 26 13:47:06 centos8-str4 pacemaker-controld[4934]: notice: Transition 109 aborted by operation DRBD_r0_monitor_10000 'create' on centos8-str3: Change in recurring result
Jul 26 13:47:06 centos8-str4 pacemaker-controld[4934]: notice: Transition 97 action 5 (DRBD_r0_monitor_10000 on centos8-str3): expected 'master' but got 'ok'
Jul 26 13:47:06 centos8-str4 pacemaker-attrd[4932]: notice: Setting fail-count-DRBD_r0#monitor_10000[centos8-str3]: (unset) -> 1
Jul 26 13:47:06 centos8-str4 pacemaker-attrd[4932]: notice: Setting last-failure-DRBD_r0#monitor_10000[centos8-str3]: (unset) -> 1627274826
Jul 26 13:47:15 centos8-str4 pacemaker-controld[4934]: notice: Transition 109 (Complete=11, Pending=0, Fired=0, Skipped=1, Incomplete=46, Source=/var/lib/pacemaker/pengine/pe-input-3103.bz2): Stopped
Jul 26 13:47:15 centos8-str4 pacemaker-schedulerd[4933]: notice: On loss of quorum: Ignore
Jul 26 13:47:15 centos8-str4 pacemaker-schedulerd[4933]: warning: Unexpected result (ok) was recorded for monitor of DRBD_r0:1 on centos8-str3 at Jul 26 13:47:06 2021
Jul 26 13:47:15 centos8-str4 pacemaker-schedulerd[4933]: warning: Forcing DRBD_r0-clone away from centos8-str3 after 1 failures (max=1)
Jul 26 13:47:15 centos8-str4 pacemaker-schedulerd[4933]: warning: Forcing DRBD_r0-clone away from centos8-str3 after 1 failures (max=1)
Jul 26 13:47:15 centos8-str4 pacemaker-schedulerd[4933]: notice: * Promote DRBD_r0:0 ( Slave -> Master centos8-str4 )
Jul 26 13:47:15 centos8-str4 pacemaker-schedulerd[4933]: notice: * Stop DRBD_r0:1 ( Master centos8-str3 ) due to node availability
Jul 26 13:47:15 centos8-str4 pacemaker-schedulerd[4933]: notice: * Move MariaDB ( centos8-str3 -> centos8-str4 )
Jul 26 13:47:15 centos8-str4 pacemaker-schedulerd[4933]: notice: * Move VirtualIP ( centos8-str3 -> centos8-str4 )
Jul 26 13:47:15 centos8-str4 pacemaker-schedulerd[4933]: notice: * Move VirtualIP2 ( centos8-str3 -> centos8-str4 )
Jul 26 13:47:15 centos8-str4 pacemaker-schedulerd[4933]: notice: * Move httpd ( centos8-str3 -> centos8-str4 )
Jul 26 13:47:15 centos8-str4 pacemaker-schedulerd[4933]: notice: * Start php-fpm ( centos8-str4 )
Jul 26 13:47:15 centos8-str4 pacemaker-schedulerd[4933]: notice: * Start zabbix-server ( centos8-str4 )
Jul 26 13:47:15 centos8-str4 pacemaker-schedulerd[4933]: notice: Calculated transition 110, saving inputs in /var/lib/pacemaker/pengine/pe-input-3104.bz2
Jul 26 13:47:15 centos8-str4 pacemaker-controld[4934]: notice: Initiating stop operation httpd_stop_0 on centos8-str3
Jul 26 13:47:15 centos8-str4 pacemaker-controld[4934]: notice: Initiating notify operation DRBD_r0_pre_notify_demote_0 locally on centos8-str4
Jul 26 13:47:15 centos8-str4 pacemaker-controld[4934]: notice: Requesting local execution of notify operation for DRBD_r0 on centos8-str4
Jul 26 13:47:15 centos8-str4 pacemaker-controld[4934]: notice: Initiating notify operation DRBD_r0_pre_notify_demote_0 on centos8-str3
Jul 26 13:47:15 centos8-str4 pacemaker-controld[4934]: notice: Result of notify operation for DRBD_r0 on centos8-str4: ok
Jul 26 13:47:15 centos8-str4 pacemaker-controld[4934]: notice: Transition 110 aborted by operation MariaDB_monitor_60000 'create' on centos8-str3: Change in recurring result
Jul 26 13:47:15 centos8-str4 pacemaker-controld[4934]: notice: Transition 97 action 33 (MariaDB_monitor_60000 on centos8-str3): expected 'ok' but got 'not running'
Jul 26 13:47:15 centos8-str4 pacemaker-attrd[4932]: notice: Setting fail-count-MariaDB#monitor_60000[centos8-str3]: (unset) -> 1
Jul 26 13:47:15 centos8-str4 pacemaker-attrd[4932]: notice: Setting last-failure-MariaDB#monitor_60000[centos8-str3]: (unset) -> 1627274835
Jul 26 13:47:17 centos8-str4 pacemaker-controld[4934]: notice: Transition 110 (Complete=6, Pending=0, Fired=0, Skipped=1, Incomplete=45, Source=/var/lib/pacemaker/pengine/pe-input-3104.bz2): Stopped
Jul 26 13:47:17 centos8-str4 pacemaker-schedulerd[4933]: notice: On loss of quorum: Ignore
Jul 26 13:47:17 centos8-str4 pacemaker-schedulerd[4933]: warning: Unexpected result (not running) was recorded for monitor of MariaDB on centos8-str3 at Jul 26 13:47:15 2021
Jul 26 13:47:17 centos8-str4 pacemaker-schedulerd[4933]: warning: Unexpected result (ok) was recorded for monitor of DRBD_r0:1 on centos8-str3 at Jul 26 13:47:06 2021
Jul 26 13:47:17 centos8-str4 pacemaker-schedulerd[4933]: warning: Forcing DRBD_r0-clone away from centos8-str3 after 1 failures (max=1)
Jul 26 13:47:17 centos8-str4 pacemaker-schedulerd[4933]: warning: Forcing DRBD_r0-clone away from centos8-str3 after 1 failures (max=1)
Jul 26 13:47:17 centos8-str4 pacemaker-schedulerd[4933]: warning: Forcing MariaDB away from centos8-str3 after 1 failures (max=1)
Jul 26 13:47:17 centos8-str4 pacemaker-schedulerd[4933]: notice: * Promote DRBD_r0:0 ( Slave -> Master centos8-str4 )
Jul 26 13:47:17 centos8-str4 pacemaker-schedulerd[4933]: notice: * Stop DRBD_r0:1 ( Master centos8-str3 ) due to node availability
Jul 26 13:47:17 centos8-str4 pacemaker-schedulerd[4933]: notice: * Recover MariaDB ( centos8-str3 -> centos8-str4 )
Jul 26 13:47:17 centos8-str4 pacemaker-schedulerd[4933]: notice: * Move VirtualIP ( centos8-str3 -> centos8-str4 )
Jul 26 13:47:17 centos8-str4 pacemaker-schedulerd[4933]: notice: * Move VirtualIP2 ( centos8-str3 -> centos8-str4 )
Jul 26 13:47:17 centos8-str4 pacemaker-schedulerd[4933]: notice: * Start httpd ( centos8-str4 )
Jul 26 13:47:17 centos8-str4 pacemaker-schedulerd[4933]: notice: * Start php-fpm ( centos8-str4 )
Jul 26 13:47:17 centos8-str4 pacemaker-schedulerd[4933]: notice: * Start zabbix-server ( centos8-str4 )
Jul 26 13:47:17 centos8-str4 pacemaker-schedulerd[4933]: notice: Calculated transition 111, saving inputs in /var/lib/pacemaker/pengine/pe-input-3105.bz2
Jul 26 13:47:17 centos8-str4 pacemaker-controld[4934]: notice: Initiating stop operation VirtualIP2_stop_0 on centos8-str3
Jul 26 13:47:17 centos8-str4 pacemaker-controld[4934]: notice: Initiating notify operation DRBD_r0_pre_notify_demote_0 locally on centos8-str4
Jul 26 13:47:17 centos8-str4 pacemaker-controld[4934]: notice: Requesting local execution of notify operation for DRBD_r0 on centos8-str4
Jul 26 13:47:17 centos8-str4 pacemaker-controld[4934]: notice: Initiating notify operation DRBD_r0_pre_notify_demote_0 on centos8-str3
Jul 26 13:47:17 centos8-str4 pacemaker-controld[4934]: notice: Result of notify operation for DRBD_r0 on centos8-str4: ok
Jul 26 13:47:17 centos8-str4 pacemaker-controld[4934]: notice: Initiating stop operation VirtualIP_stop_0 on centos8-str3
Jul 26 13:47:17 centos8-str4 pacemaker-controld[4934]: notice: Initiating stop operation MariaDB_stop_0 on centos8-str3
Jul 26 13:47:19 centos8-str4 pacemaker-controld[4934]: notice: Initiating demote operation DRBD_r0_demote_0 on centos8-str3
Jul 26 13:47:19 centos8-str4 pacemaker-controld[4934]: notice: Initiating notify operation DRBD_r0_post_notify_demote_0 locally on centos8-str4
Jul 26 13:47:19 centos8-str4 pacemaker-controld[4934]: notice: Requesting local execution of notify operation for DRBD_r0 on centos8-str4
Jul 26 13:47:19 centos8-str4 pacemaker-controld[4934]: notice: Initiating notify operation DRBD_r0_post_notify_demote_0 on centos8-str3
Jul 26 13:47:19 centos8-str4 pacemaker-controld[4934]: notice: Result of notify operation for DRBD_r0 on centos8-str4: ok
Jul 26 13:47:19 centos8-str4 pacemaker-controld[4934]: notice: Initiating notify operation DRBD_r0_pre_notify_stop_0 locally on centos8-str4
Jul 26 13:47:19 centos8-str4 pacemaker-controld[4934]: notice: Requesting local execution of notify operation for DRBD_r0 on centos8-str4
Jul 26 13:47:19 centos8-str4 pacemaker-controld[4934]: notice: Initiating notify operation DRBD_r0_pre_notify_stop_0 on centos8-str3
Jul 26 13:47:19 centos8-str4 pacemaker-controld[4934]: notice: Result of notify operation for DRBD_r0 on centos8-str4: ok
Jul 26 13:47:19 centos8-str4 pacemaker-controld[4934]: notice: Initiating stop operation DRBD_r0_stop_0 on centos8-str3
Jul 26 13:47:19 centos8-str4 pacemaker-attrd[4932]: notice: Setting master-DRBD_r0[centos8-str3]: 10000 -> (unset)
Jul 26 13:47:19 centos8-str4 pacemaker-controld[4934]: notice: Transition 111 aborted by deletion of nvpair[@id='status-1-master-DRBD_r0']: Transient attribute change
Jul 26 13:47:19 centos8-str4 pacemaker-controld[4934]: notice: Initiating notify operation DRBD_r0_post_notify_stop_0 locally on centos8-str4
Jul 26 13:47:19 centos8-str4 pacemaker-controld[4934]: notice: Requesting local execution of notify operation for DRBD_r0 on centos8-str4
Jul 26 13:47:19 centos8-str4 pacemaker-controld[4934]: notice: Result of notify operation for DRBD_r0 on centos8-str4: ok
Jul 26 13:47:19 centos8-str4 pacemaker-controld[4934]: notice: Transition 111 (Complete=27, Pending=0, Fired=0, Skipped=1, Incomplete=23, Source=/var/lib/pacemaker/pengine/pe-input-3105.bz2): Stopped
Jul 26 13:47:19 centos8-str4 pacemaker-schedulerd[4933]: notice: On loss of quorum: Ignore
Jul 26 13:47:19 centos8-str4 pacemaker-schedulerd[4933]: warning: Unexpected result (not running) was recorded for monitor of MariaDB on centos8-str3 at Jul 26 13:47:15 2021
Jul 26 13:47:19 centos8-str4 pacemaker-schedulerd[4933]: warning: Unexpected result (ok) was recorded for monitor of DRBD_r0:1 on centos8-str3 at Jul 26 13:47:06 2021
Jul 26 13:47:19 centos8-str4 pacemaker-schedulerd[4933]: warning: Forcing DRBD_r0-clone away from centos8-str3 after 1 failures (max=1)
Jul 26 13:47:19 centos8-str4 pacemaker-schedulerd[4933]: warning: Forcing DRBD_r0-clone away from centos8-str3 after 1 failures (max=1)
Jul 26 13:47:19 centos8-str4 pacemaker-schedulerd[4933]: warning: Forcing MariaDB away from centos8-str3 after 1 failures (max=1)
Jul 26 13:47:19 centos8-str4 pacemaker-schedulerd[4933]: notice: * Promote DRBD_r0:0 ( Slave -> Master centos8-str4 )
Jul 26 13:47:19 centos8-str4 pacemaker-schedulerd[4933]: notice: * Start MariaDB ( centos8-str4 )
Jul 26 13:47:19 centos8-str4 pacemaker-schedulerd[4933]: notice: * Start VirtualIP ( centos8-str4 )
Jul 26 13:47:19 centos8-str4 pacemaker-schedulerd[4933]: notice: * Start VirtualIP2 ( centos8-str4 )
Jul 26 13:47:19 centos8-str4 pacemaker-schedulerd[4933]: notice: * Start httpd ( centos8-str4 )
Jul 26 13:47:19 centos8-str4 pacemaker-schedulerd[4933]: notice: * Start php-fpm ( centos8-str4 )
Jul 26 13:47:19 centos8-str4 pacemaker-schedulerd[4933]: notice: * Start zabbix-server ( centos8-str4 )
Jul 26 13:47:19 centos8-str4 pacemaker-schedulerd[4933]: notice: Calculated transition 112, saving inputs in /var/lib/pacemaker/pengine/pe-input-3106.bz2
Jul 26 13:47:19 centos8-str4 pacemaker-controld[4934]: notice: Initiating notify operation DRBD_r0_pre_notify_promote_0 locally on centos8-str4
Jul 26 13:47:19 centos8-str4 pacemaker-controld[4934]: notice: Requesting local execution of notify operation for DRBD_r0 on centos8-str4
Jul 26 13:47:19 centos8-str4 pacemaker-controld[4934]: notice: Result of notify operation for DRBD_r0 on centos8-str4: ok
Jul 26 13:47:19 centos8-str4 pacemaker-controld[4934]: notice: Initiating promote operation DRBD_r0_promote_0 locally on centos8-str4
Jul 26 13:47:19 centos8-str4 pacemaker-controld[4934]: notice: Requesting local execution of promote operation for DRBD_r0 on centos8-str4
Jul 26 13:47:19 centos8-str4 pacemaker-controld[4934]: notice: Result of promote operation for DRBD_r0 on centos8-str4: ok
Jul 26 13:47:19 centos8-str4 pacemaker-controld[4934]: notice: Initiating notify operation DRBD_r0_post_notify_promote_0 locally on centos8-str4
Jul 26 13:47:19 centos8-str4 pacemaker-controld[4934]: notice: Requesting local execution of notify operation for DRBD_r0 on centos8-str4
Jul 26 13:47:19 centos8-str4 pacemaker-controld[4934]: notice: Result of notify operation for DRBD_r0 on centos8-str4: ok
Jul 26 13:47:19 centos8-str4 pacemaker-controld[4934]: notice: Initiating start operation MariaDB_start_0 locally on centos8-str4
Jul 26 13:47:19 centos8-str4 pacemaker-controld[4934]: notice: Requesting local execution of start operation for MariaDB on centos8-str4
Jul 26 13:47:19 centos8-str4 pacemaker-controld[4934]: notice: Initiating monitor operation DRBD_r0_monitor_10000 locally on centos8-str4
Jul 26 13:47:19 centos8-str4 pacemaker-controld[4934]: notice: Requesting local execution of monitor operation for DRBD_r0 on centos8-str4
Jul 26 13:47:19 centos8-str4 pacemaker-controld[4934]: notice: Result of monitor operation for DRBD_r0 on centos8-str4: master
Jul 26 13:47:21 centos8-str4 pacemaker-controld[4934]: notice: Result of start operation for MariaDB on centos8-str4: ok
Jul 26 13:47:21 centos8-str4 pacemaker-controld[4934]: notice: Initiating monitor operation MariaDB_monitor_60000 locally on centos8-str4
Jul 26 13:47:21 centos8-str4 pacemaker-controld[4934]: notice: Requesting local execution of monitor operation for MariaDB on centos8-str4
Jul 26 13:47:21 centos8-str4 pacemaker-controld[4934]: notice: Initiating start operation VirtualIP_start_0 locally on centos8-str4
Jul 26 13:47:21 centos8-str4 pacemaker-controld[4934]: notice: Requesting local execution of start operation for VirtualIP on centos8-str4
Jul 26 13:47:21 centos8-str4 pacemaker-controld[4934]: notice: Result of monitor operation for MariaDB on centos8-str4: ok
Jul 26 13:47:22 centos8-str4 pacemaker-controld[4934]: notice: Result of start operation for VirtualIP on centos8-str4: ok
Jul 26 13:47:22 centos8-str4 pacemaker-controld[4934]: notice: Initiating monitor operation VirtualIP_monitor_30000 locally on centos8-str4
Jul 26 13:47:22 centos8-str4 pacemaker-controld[4934]: notice: Requesting local execution of monitor operation for VirtualIP on centos8-str4
Jul 26 13:47:22 centos8-str4 pacemaker-controld[4934]: notice: Initiating start operation VirtualIP2_start_0 locally on centos8-str4
Jul 26 13:47:22 centos8-str4 pacemaker-controld[4934]: notice: Requesting local execution of start operation for VirtualIP2 on centos8-str4
Jul 26 13:47:22 centos8-str4 pacemaker-controld[4934]: notice: Result of monitor operation for VirtualIP on centos8-str4: ok
Jul 26 13:47:22 centos8-str4 pacemaker-controld[4934]: notice: Result of start operation for VirtualIP2 on centos8-str4: ok
Jul 26 13:47:22 centos8-str4 pacemaker-controld[4934]: notice: Initiating monitor operation VirtualIP2_monitor_10000 locally on centos8-str4
Jul 26 13:47:22 centos8-str4 pacemaker-controld[4934]: notice: Requesting local execution of monitor operation for VirtualIP2 on centos8-str4
Jul 26 13:47:22 centos8-str4 pacemaker-controld[4934]: notice: Initiating start operation httpd_start_0 locally on centos8-str4
Jul 26 13:47:22 centos8-str4 pacemaker-controld[4934]: notice: Requesting local execution of start operation for httpd on centos8-str4
Jul 26 13:47:22 centos8-str4 pacemaker-controld[4934]: notice: Result of monitor operation for VirtualIP2 on centos8-str4: ok
Jul 26 13:47:24 centos8-str4 pacemaker-controld[4934]: notice: Result of start operation for httpd on centos8-str4: ok
Jul 26 13:47:24 centos8-str4 pacemaker-controld[4934]: notice: Initiating monitor operation httpd_monitor_60000 locally on centos8-str4
Jul 26 13:47:24 centos8-str4 pacemaker-controld[4934]: notice: Requesting local execution of monitor operation for httpd on centos8-str4
Jul 26 13:47:24 centos8-str4 pacemaker-controld[4934]: notice: Initiating start operation php-fpm_start_0 locally on centos8-str4
Jul 26 13:47:24 centos8-str4 pacemaker-controld[4934]: notice: Requesting local execution of start operation for php-fpm on centos8-str4
Jul 26 13:47:24 centos8-str4 pacemaker-controld[4934]: notice: Result of monitor operation for httpd on centos8-str4: ok
Jul 26 13:47:26 centos8-str4 pacemaker-controld[4934]: notice: Result of start operation for php-fpm on centos8-str4: ok
Jul 26 13:47:26 centos8-str4 pacemaker-controld[4934]: notice: Initiating monitor operation php-fpm_monitor_60000 locally on centos8-str4
Jul 26 13:47:26 centos8-str4 pacemaker-controld[4934]: notice: Requesting local execution of monitor operation for php-fpm on centos8-str4
Jul 26 13:47:26 centos8-str4 pacemaker-controld[4934]: notice: Initiating start operation zabbix-server_start_0 locally on centos8-str4
Jul 26 13:47:26 centos8-str4 pacemaker-controld[4934]: notice: Requesting local execution of start operation for zabbix-server on centos8-str4
Jul 26 13:47:26 centos8-str4 pacemaker-controld[4934]: notice: Result of monitor operation for php-fpm on centos8-str4: ok
Jul 26 13:47:28 centos8-str4 pacemaker-controld[4934]: notice: Result of start operation for zabbix-server on centos8-str4: ok
Jul 26 13:47:28 centos8-str4 pacemaker-controld[4934]: notice: Initiating monitor operation zabbix-server_monitor_60000 locally on centos8-str4
Jul 26 13:47:28 centos8-str4 pacemaker-controld[4934]: notice: Requesting local execution of monitor operation for zabbix-server on centos8-str4
Jul 26 13:47:28 centos8-str4 pacemaker-controld[4934]: notice: Result of monitor operation for zabbix-server on centos8-str4: ok
Jul 26 13:47:28 centos8-str4 pacemaker-controld[4934]: notice: Transition 112 (Complete=24, Pending=0, Fired=0, Skipped=0, Incomplete=0, Source=/var/lib/pacemaker/pengine/pe-input-3106.bz2): Complete
Jul 26 13:47:28 centos8-str4 pacemaker-controld[4934]: notice: State transition S_TRANSITION_ENGINE -> S_IDLE


Jul 26 13:46:58 centos8-str3 pacemaker-controld[5135]: notice: Requesting local execution of stop operation for FS_DRBD0 on centos8-str3
Jul 26 13:46:58 centos8-str3 pacemaker-controld[5135]: notice: Requesting local execution of stop operation for zabbix-server on centos8-str3
Jul 26 13:46:58 centos8-str3 pacemaker-controld[5135]: notice: Requesting local execution of notify operation for DRBD_r0 on centos8-str3
Jul 26 13:46:58 centos8-str3 pacemaker-controld[5135]: notice: Result of notify operation for DRBD_r0 on centos8-str3: ok
Jul 26 13:47:00 centos8-str3 pacemaker-controld[5135]: notice: Result of stop operation for zabbix-server on centos8-str3: ok
Jul 26 13:47:00 centos8-str3 pacemaker-controld[5135]: notice: Requesting local execution of stop operation for php-fpm on centos8-str3
Jul 26 13:47:01 centos8-str3 pacemaker-execd[5132]: notice: FS_DRBD0_stop_0[365641] error output [ umount: /mnt: target is busy. ]
Jul 26 13:47:01 centos8-str3 pacemaker-execd[5132]: notice: FS_DRBD0_stop_0[365641] error output [ ocf-exit-reason:Couldn't unmount /mnt; trying cleanup with TERM ]
Jul 26 13:47:01 centos8-str3 pacemaker-execd[5132]: notice: FS_DRBD0_stop_0[365641] error output [ umount: /mnt: target is busy. ]
Jul 26 13:47:01 centos8-str3 pacemaker-execd[5132]: notice: FS_DRBD0_stop_0[365641] error output [ ocf-exit-reason:Couldn't unmount /mnt; trying cleanup with TERM ]
Jul 26 13:47:01 centos8-str3 pacemaker-controld[5135]: notice: Result of stop operation for FS_DRBD0 on centos8-str3: ok
Jul 26 13:47:06 centos8-str3 pacemaker-controld[5135]: notice: Result of monitor operation for DRBD_r0 on centos8-str3: ok
Jul 26 13:47:06 centos8-str3 pacemaker-attrd[5133]: notice: Setting fail-count-DRBD_r0#monitor_10000[centos8-str3]: (unset) -> 1
Jul 26 13:47:06 centos8-str3 pacemaker-attrd[5133]: notice: Setting last-failure-DRBD_r0#monitor_10000[centos8-str3]: (unset) -> 1627274826
Jul 26 13:47:15 centos8-str3 pacemaker-controld[5135]: notice: Result of stop operation for php-fpm on centos8-str3: ok
Jul 26 13:47:15 centos8-str3 pacemaker-controld[5135]: notice: Requesting local execution of stop operation for httpd on centos8-str3
Jul 26 13:47:15 centos8-str3 pacemaker-controld[5135]: notice: Requesting local execution of notify operation for DRBD_r0 on centos8-str3
Jul 26 13:47:15 centos8-str3 pacemaker-controld[5135]: notice: Result of notify operation for DRBD_r0 on centos8-str3: ok
Jul 26 13:47:15 centos8-str3 pacemaker-controld[5135]: notice: Result of monitor operation for MariaDB on centos8-str3: not running
Jul 26 13:47:15 centos8-str3 pacemaker-attrd[5133]: notice: Setting fail-count-MariaDB#monitor_60000[centos8-str3]: (unset) -> 1
Jul 26 13:47:15 centos8-str3 pacemaker-attrd[5133]: notice: Setting last-failure-MariaDB#monitor_60000[centos8-str3]: (unset) -> 1627274835
Jul 26 13:47:17 centos8-str3 pacemaker-controld[5135]: notice: Result of stop operation for httpd on centos8-str3: ok
Jul 26 13:47:17 centos8-str3 pacemaker-controld[5135]: notice: Requesting local execution of stop operation for VirtualIP2 on centos8-str3
Jul 26 13:47:17 centos8-str3 pacemaker-controld[5135]: notice: Requesting local execution of notify operation for DRBD_r0 on centos8-str3
Jul 26 13:47:17 centos8-str3 pacemaker-controld[5135]: notice: Result of notify operation for DRBD_r0 on centos8-str3: ok
Jul 26 13:47:17 centos8-str3 pacemaker-controld[5135]: notice: Result of stop operation for VirtualIP2 on centos8-str3: ok
Jul 26 13:47:17 centos8-str3 pacemaker-controld[5135]: notice: Requesting local execution of stop operation for VirtualIP on centos8-str3
Jul 26 13:47:17 centos8-str3 pacemaker-controld[5135]: notice: Result of stop operation for VirtualIP on centos8-str3: ok
Jul 26 13:47:17 centos8-str3 pacemaker-controld[5135]: notice: Requesting local execution of stop operation for MariaDB on centos8-str3
Jul 26 13:47:19 centos8-str3 pacemaker-controld[5135]: notice: Result of stop operation for MariaDB on centos8-str3: ok
Jul 26 13:47:19 centos8-str3 pacemaker-controld[5135]: notice: Requesting local execution of demote operation for DRBD_r0 on centos8-str3
Jul 26 13:47:19 centos8-str3 pacemaker-controld[5135]: notice: Result of demote operation for DRBD_r0 on centos8-str3: ok
Jul 26 13:47:19 centos8-str3 pacemaker-controld[5135]: notice: Requesting local execution of notify operation for DRBD_r0 on centos8-str3
Jul 26 13:47:19 centos8-str3 pacemaker-controld[5135]: notice: Result of notify operation for DRBD_r0 on centos8-str3: ok
Jul 26 13:47:19 centos8-str3 pacemaker-controld[5135]: notice: Requesting local execution of notify operation for DRBD_r0 on centos8-str3
Jul 26 13:47:19 centos8-str3 pacemaker-controld[5135]: notice: Result of notify operation for DRBD_r0 on centos8-str3: ok
Jul 26 13:47:19 centos8-str3 pacemaker-controld[5135]: notice: Requesting local execution of stop operation for DRBD_r0 on centos8-str3
Jul 26 13:47:19 centos8-str3 pacemaker-attrd[5133]: notice: Setting master-DRBD_r0[centos8-str3]: 10000 -> (unset)
Jul 26 13:47:19 centos8-str3 pacemaker-controld[5135]: notice: Result of stop operation for DRBD_r0 on centos8-str3: ok


[root@centos8-str3 ~]# pcs resource cleanup
Cleaned up all resources on all nodes
Waiting for 2 replies from the controller
... got reply
... got reply (done)


Jul 26 13:49:01 centos8-str4 pacemaker-attrd[4932]: notice: Setting last-failure-MariaDB#monitor_60000[centos8-str3]: 1627274835 -> (unset)
Jul 26 13:49:01 centos8-str4 pacemaker-attrd[4932]: notice: Setting fail-count-DRBD_r0#monitor_10000[centos8-str3]: 1 -> (unset)
Jul 26 13:49:01 centos8-str4 pacemaker-attrd[4932]: notice: Setting fail-count-MariaDB#monitor_60000[centos8-str3]: 1 -> (unset)
Jul 26 13:49:01 centos8-str4 pacemaker-attrd[4932]: notice: Setting last-failure-DRBD_r0#monitor_10000[centos8-str3]: 1627274826 -> (unset)
Jul 26 13:49:01 centos8-str4 pacemaker-controld[4934]: notice: State transition S_IDLE -> S_POLICY_ENGINE
Jul 26 13:49:01 centos8-str4 pacemaker-schedulerd[4933]: notice: On loss of quorum: Ignore
Jul 26 13:49:01 centos8-str4 pacemaker-schedulerd[4933]: warning: Forcing DRBD_r0-clone away from centos8-str3 after 1 failures (max=1)
Jul 26 13:49:01 centos8-str4 pacemaker-schedulerd[4933]: warning: Forcing DRBD_r0-clone away from centos8-str3 after 1 failures (max=1)
Jul 26 13:49:01 centos8-str4 pacemaker-schedulerd[4933]: warning: Forcing MariaDB away from centos8-str3 after 1 failures (max=1)
Jul 26 13:49:01 centos8-str4 pacemaker-schedulerd[4933]: notice: Calculated transition 113, saving inputs in /var/lib/pacemaker/pengine/pe-input-3107.bz2
Jul 26 13:49:01 centos8-str4 pacemaker-schedulerd[4933]: notice: On loss of quorum: Ignore
Jul 26 13:49:01 centos8-str4 pacemaker-schedulerd[4933]: notice: Calculated transition 114, saving inputs in /var/lib/pacemaker/pengine/pe-input-3108.bz2
Jul 26 13:49:01 centos8-str4 pacemaker-controld[4934]: notice: Initiating monitor operation DRBD_r0_monitor_0 on centos8-str3
Jul 26 13:49:01 centos8-str4 pacemaker-controld[4934]: notice: Initiating monitor operation MariaDB_monitor_0 on centos8-str3
Jul 26 13:49:01 centos8-str4 pacemaker-controld[4934]: notice: Transition 114 (Complete=2, Pending=0, Fired=0, Skipped=0, Incomplete=0, Source=/var/lib/pacemaker/pengine/pe-input-3108.bz2): Complete
Jul 26 13:49:01 centos8-str4 pacemaker-controld[4934]: notice: State transition S_TRANSITION_ENGINE -> S_IDLE


Jul 26 13:49:01 centos8-str3 pacemaker-attrd[5133]: notice: Setting last-failure-MariaDB#monitor_60000[centos8-str3]: 1627274835 -> (unset)
Jul 26 13:49:01 centos8-str3 pacemaker-attrd[5133]: notice: Setting fail-count-DRBD_r0#monitor_10000[centos8-str3]: 1 -> (unset)
Jul 26 13:49:01 centos8-str3 pacemaker-attrd[5133]: notice: Setting fail-count-MariaDB#monitor_60000[centos8-str3]: 1 -> (unset)
Jul 26 13:49:01 centos8-str3 pacemaker-attrd[5133]: notice: Setting last-failure-DRBD_r0#monitor_10000[centos8-str3]: 1627274826 -> (unset)
Jul 26 13:49:01 centos8-str3 pacemaker-controld[5135]: notice: Requesting local execution of probe operation for DRBD_r0 on centos8-str3
Jul 26 13:49:01 centos8-str3 pacemaker-controld[5135]: notice: Requesting local execution of probe operation for MariaDB on centos8-str3
Jul 26 13:49:01 centos8-str3 pacemaker-controld[5135]: notice: Result of probe operation for MariaDB on centos8-str3: not running
Jul 26 13:49:01 centos8-str3 pacemaker-controld[5135]: notice: Result of probe operation for DRBD_r0 on centos8-str3: not running


[root@centos8-str3 ~]# pcs node unstandby centos8-str3;date
2021年 7月 26日 月曜日 13:51:17 JST


Jul 26 13:51:17 centos8-str4 pacemaker-controld[4934]: notice: State transition S_IDLE -> S_POLICY_ENGINE
Jul 26 13:51:17 centos8-str4 pacemaker-schedulerd[4933]: notice: On loss of quorum: Ignore
Jul 26 13:51:17 centos8-str4 pacemaker-schedulerd[4933]: error: DRBD_r0:1 must be colocated with FS_DRBD0 but is not (centos8-str3 vs. centos8-str4)
Jul 26 13:51:17 centos8-str4 pacemaker-schedulerd[4933]: notice: * Start DRBD_r0:1 ( centos8-str3 )
Jul 26 13:51:17 centos8-str4 pacemaker-schedulerd[4933]: notice: Calculated transition 115, saving inputs in /var/lib/pacemaker/pengine/pe-input-3109.bz2
Jul 26 13:51:17 centos8-str4 pacemaker-controld[4934]: notice: Initiating notify operation DRBD_r0_pre_notify_start_0 locally on centos8-str4
Jul 26 13:51:17 centos8-str4 pacemaker-controld[4934]: notice: Requesting local execution of notify operation for DRBD_r0 on centos8-str4
Jul 26 13:51:17 centos8-str4 pacemaker-controld[4934]: notice: Result of notify operation for DRBD_r0 on centos8-str4: ok
Jul 26 13:51:17 centos8-str4 pacemaker-controld[4934]: notice: Initiating start operation DRBD_r0_start_0 on centos8-str3
Jul 26 13:51:18 centos8-str4 pacemaker-attrd[4932]: notice: Setting master-DRBD_r0[centos8-str3]: (unset) -> 10
Jul 26 13:51:18 centos8-str4 pacemaker-controld[4934]: notice: Transition 115 aborted by status-1-master-DRBD_r0 doing create master-DRBD_r0=10: Transient attribute change
Jul 26 13:51:18 centos8-str4 pacemaker-controld[4934]: notice: Initiating notify operation DRBD_r0_post_notify_start_0 locally on centos8-str4
Jul 26 13:51:18 centos8-str4 pacemaker-controld[4934]: notice: Requesting local execution of notify operation for DRBD_r0 on centos8-str4
Jul 26 13:51:18 centos8-str4 pacemaker-controld[4934]: notice: Initiating notify operation DRBD_r0_post_notify_start_0 on centos8-str3
Jul 26 13:51:18 centos8-str4 pacemaker-controld[4934]: notice: Result of notify operation for DRBD_r0 on centos8-str4: ok
Jul 26 13:51:18 centos8-str4 pacemaker-controld[4934]: notice: Transition 115 (Complete=10, Pending=0, Fired=0, Skipped=1, Incomplete=1, Source=/var/lib/pacemaker/pengine/pe-input-3109.bz2): Stopped
Jul 26 13:51:18 centos8-str4 pacemaker-schedulerd[4933]: notice: On loss of quorum: Ignore
Jul 26 13:51:18 centos8-str4 pacemaker-schedulerd[4933]: error: DRBD_r0:1 must be colocated with FS_DRBD0 but is not (centos8-str3 vs. centos8-str4)
Jul 26 13:51:18 centos8-str4 pacemaker-schedulerd[4933]: notice: Calculated transition 116, saving inputs in /var/lib/pacemaker/pengine/pe-input-3110.bz2
Jul 26 13:51:18 centos8-str4 pacemaker-controld[4934]: notice: Initiating monitor operation DRBD_r0_monitor_20000 on centos8-str3
Jul 26 13:51:18 centos8-str4 pacemaker-controld[4934]: notice: Transition 116 (Complete=1, Pending=0, Fired=0, Skipped=0, Incomplete=0, Source=/var/lib/pacemaker/pengine/pe-input-3110.bz2): Complete
Jul 26 13:51:18 centos8-str4 pacemaker-controld[4934]: notice: State transition S_TRANSITION_ENGINE -> S_IDLE
Jul 26 13:51:38 centos8-str4 pacemaker-attrd[4932]: notice: Setting master-DRBD_r0[centos8-str3]: 10 -> 10000
Jul 26 13:51:38 centos8-str4 pacemaker-controld[4934]: notice: State transition S_IDLE -> S_POLICY_ENGINE
Jul 26 13:51:38 centos8-str4 pacemaker-schedulerd[4933]: notice: On loss of quorum: Ignore
Jul 26 13:51:38 centos8-str4 pacemaker-schedulerd[4933]: error: DRBD_r0:1 must be colocated with FS_DRBD0 but is not (centos8-str3 vs. centos8-str4)
Jul 26 13:51:38 centos8-str4 pacemaker-schedulerd[4933]: notice: Calculated transition 117, saving inputs in /var/lib/pacemaker/pengine/pe-input-3111.bz2
Jul 26 13:51:38 centos8-str4 pacemaker-controld[4934]: notice: Transition 117 (Complete=0, Pending=0, Fired=0, Skipped=0, Incomplete=0, Source=/var/lib/pacemaker/pengine/pe-input-3111.bz2): Complete
Jul 26 13:51:38 centos8-str4 pacemaker-controld[4934]: notice: State transition S_TRANSITION_ENGINE -> S_IDLE


Jul 26 13:51:17 centos8-str3 pacemaker-controld[5135]: notice: Requesting local execution of start operation for DRBD_r0 on centos8-str3
Jul 26 13:51:18 centos8-str3 pacemaker-attrd[5133]: notice: Setting master-DRBD_r0[centos8-str3]: (unset) -> 10
Jul 26 13:51:18 centos8-str3 pacemaker-controld[5135]: notice: Result of start operation for DRBD_r0 on centos8-str3: ok
Jul 26 13:51:18 centos8-str3 pacemaker-controld[5135]: notice: Requesting local execution of notify operation for DRBD_r0 on centos8-str3
Jul 26 13:51:18 centos8-str3 pacemaker-controld[5135]: notice: Result of notify operation for DRBD_r0 on centos8-str3: ok
Jul 26 13:51:18 centos8-str3 pacemaker-controld[5135]: notice: Requesting local execution of monitor operation for DRBD_r0 on centos8-str3
Jul 26 13:51:18 centos8-str3 pacemaker-controld[5135]: notice: Result of monitor operation for DRBD_r0 on centos8-str3: ok
Jul 26 13:51:38 centos8-str3 pacemaker-attrd[5133]: notice: Setting master-DRBD_r0[centos8-str3]: 10 -> 10000

●Unable to connect to ホスト名

# pcs cluster start ホスト名
inu: Unable to connect to ホスト名, try setting higher timeout in \
    --request-timeout option (Failed connect to ホスト名:2224; Connection refused)
inu: Not starting cluster - node is unreachable
Error: unable to start all nodes
# firewall-cmd --list-port

●Error: cluster is configured for RRP, you have to specify ring 1 address for the node

[root@centos7-1 ~]# pcs cluster node add centos7-3
Error: cluster is configured for RRP, you have to specify ring 1 address for the node

[root@centos7-1 ~]# pcs cluster start centos7-3
centos7-3: Error connecting to centos7-3 - (HTTP error: 400)
Error: unable to start all nodes
centos7-3: Error connecting to centos7-3 - (HTTP error: 400)
[root@centos7-1 ~]# pcs cluster setup --start --name bigbang-cluster1 centos7-1,centos7-1c centos7-2,centos7-2c centos7-3,centos7-3c
Error: centos7-1: node is already in a cluster
Error: centos7-2: node is already in a cluster
Error: nodes availability check failed, use --force to override. WARNING: This will destroy existing cluster on the nodes. \
       You should remove the nodes from their clusters instead to keep the clusters working properly.
[root@centos7-1 ~]# pcs cluster setup --start --name bigbang-cluster1 centos7-1,centos7-1c \
                                             centos7-2,centos7-2c centos7-3,centos7-3c --force
Destroying cluster on nodes: centos7-1, centos7-2, centos7-3...
centos7-3: Stopping Cluster (pacemaker)...
centos7-2: Stopping Cluster (pacemaker)...
centos7-1: Stopping Cluster (pacemaker)...
centos7-1: Successfully destroyed cluster
centos7-2: Successfully destroyed cluster
centos7-3: Successfully destroyed cluster

Sending 'pacemaker_remote authkey' to 'centos7-1', 'centos7-2', 'centos7-3'
centos7-1: successful distribution of the file 'pacemaker_remote authkey'
centos7-3: successful distribution of the file 'pacemaker_remote authkey'
centos7-2: successful distribution of the file 'pacemaker_remote authkey'
Sending cluster config files to the nodes...
centos7-1: Succeeded
centos7-2: Succeeded
centos7-3: Succeeded

Starting cluster on nodes: centos7-1, centos7-2, centos7-3...
centos7-1: Starting Cluster (corosync)...
centos7-2: Starting Cluster (corosync)...
centos7-3: Starting Cluster (corosync)...
centos7-1: Starting Cluster (pacemaker)...
centos7-2: Starting Cluster (pacemaker)...
centos7-3: Starting Cluster (pacemaker)...

Synchronizing pcsd certificates on nodes centos7-1, centos7-2, centos7-3...
centos7-1: Success
centos7-3: Success
centos7-2: Success
Restarting pcsd on the nodes in order to reload the certificates...
centos7-1: Success
centos7-3: Success
centos7-2: Success
[root@centos7-1 ~]# corosync-cfgtool -s
Printing ring status.
Local node ID 1
	id	=
	status	= ring 0 active with no faults
	id	=
	status	= ring 1 active with no faults

[root@centos7-1 ~]# pcs property
Cluster Properties:
 cluster-infrastructure: corosync
 cluster-name: bigbang-cluster1
 dc-version: 1.1.19-8.el7_6.4-c3c624ea3d
 have-watchdog: false

●a score of -INFINITY for resource

[root@サーバB ~]# pcs resource move rg01  ・・・①
Warning: Creating location constraint cli-ban-rg01-on-<サーバB> with a score of \
-INFINITY for resource rg01 on node <サーバB>.
This will prevent rg01 from running on サーバB until the constraint is removed. \
This will be the case even if <サーバB> is the last node in the cluster.

# pcs resource clear rg01
[root@サーバB ~]# pcs resource show
 Resource Group: rg01
     VirtualIP	(ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2):	Started サーバA
[root@サーバB ~]# pcs resource move rg01  ・・・②
Warning: Creating location constraint cli-ban-rg01-on-<サーバB> with a score of \
-INFINITY for resource rg01 on node <サーバB>.
This will prevent rg01 from running on サーバB until the constraint is removed. \
This will be the case even if <サーバB> is the last node in the cluster.

# pcs resource clear rg01
[root@サーバB ~]# pcs resource show
 Resource Group: rg01
     VirtualIP	(ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2):	Stopped
[root@サーバA ~]# pcs config
Cluster Name: bigbang
Corosync Nodes:
 サーバA サーバB
Pacemaker Nodes:
 サーバA サーバB

 Group: rg01
  Resource: VirtualIP (class=ocf provider=heartbeat type=IPaddr2)
   Attributes: cidr_netmask=24 ip= nic=eth1
   Operations: monitor interval=30s (VirtualIP-monitor-interval-30s)
               start interval=0s timeout=20s (VirtualIP-start-interval-0s)
               stop interval=0s timeout=20s (VirtualIP-stop-interval-0s)

Stonith Devices:
Fencing Levels:

Location Constraints:
  Resource: VirtualIP
    Enabled on: サーバB (score:INFINITY) (role: Started) (id:cli-prefer-VirtualIP)
  Resource: rg01
    Enabled on: サーバB (score:INFINITY) (role: Started) (id:cli-prefer-rg01)
    Disabled on: サーバB (score:-INFINITY) (role: Started) (id:cli-ban-rg01-on-サーバB)
    Disabled on: サーバA (score:-INFINITY) (role: Started) (id:cli-ban-rg01-on-サーバA)
Ordering Constraints:
Colocation Constraints:
Ticket Constraints:

 No alerts defined

Resources Defaults:
 No defaults set
Operations Defaults:
 No defaults set

Cluster Properties:
 cluster-infrastructure: corosync
 cluster-name: bigbang
 dc-version: 1.1.19-8.el7_6.4-c3c624ea3d
 have-watchdog: false
 no-quorum-policy: ignore
 stonith-enabled: false

[root@サーバA ~]# pcs resource clear rg01
[root@サーバA ~]# pcs resource show
 Resource Group: rg01
     VirtualIP	(ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2):	Started サーバB

●Failed Resource Actions

 下記のように「Failed Resource Actions:」に表示されているとします。
[root@centos8-str1 ~]# pcs status
Cluster name: bigbang
Cluster Summary:
  * Stack: corosync
  * Current DC: centos8-str1 (version 2.0.5-8.el8-ba59be7122) - partition with quorum
  * Last updated: Mon Mar  8 17:10:39 2021
  * Last change:  Mon Mar  8 17:10:08 2021 by root via crm_resource on centos8-str1
  * 2 nodes configured
  * 6 resource instances configured

Node List:
  * Online: [ centos8-str1 centos8-str2 ]

Full List of Resources:
  * Resource Group: rg01:
    * VirtualIP	(ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2):	 Started centos8-str1
    * ShareDir	(ocf::heartbeat:Filesystem):	 Started centos8-str1
    * MariaDB	(systemd:mariadb):	 Started centos8-str1
    * FS_DRBD0	(ocf::heartbeat:Filesystem):	 Started centos8-str1
  * Clone Set: DRBD-clone [DRBD] (promotable):
    * Masters: [ centos8-str1 ]
    * Slaves: [ centos8-str2 ]

Failed Resource Actions:
  * FS_DRBD0_start_0 on centos8-str2 'error' (1): call=108, status='complete', \
    exitreason='Couldn't mount device [/dev/drbd0] as /mnt2/drdb0', \
    last-rc-change='2021-03-08 17:07:34 +09:00', queued=0ms, exec=2632ms

Daemon Status:
  corosync: active/disabled
  pacemaker: active/disabled
  pcsd: active/enabled
[root@centos8-str1 ~]# pcs resource cleanup
Cleaned up all resources on all nodes
Waiting for 1 reply from the controller
... got reply (done)

[root@centos8-str1 ~]# pcs status
Cluster name: bigbang
Cluster Summary:
  * Stack: corosync
  * Current DC: centos8-str1 (version 2.0.5-8.el8-ba59be7122) - partition with quorum
  * Last updated: Mon Mar  8 17:11:58 2021
  * Last change:  Mon Mar  8 17:11:51 2021 by hacluster via crmd on centos8-str2
  * 2 nodes configured
  * 6 resource instances configured

Node List:
  * Online: [ centos8-str1 centos8-str2 ]

Full List of Resources:
  * Resource Group: rg01:
    * VirtualIP	(ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2):	 Started centos8-str1
    * ShareDir	(ocf::heartbeat:Filesystem):	 Started centos8-str1
    * MariaDB	(systemd:mariadb):	 Started centos8-str1
    * FS_DRBD0	(ocf::heartbeat:Filesystem):	 Started centos8-str1
  * Clone Set: DRBD-clone [DRBD] (promotable):
    * Masters: [ centos8-str1 ]
    * Slaves: [ centos8-str2 ]

Daemon Status:
  corosync: active/disabled
  pacemaker: active/disabled
  pcsd: active/enabled


 参考URL:動かして理解するPacemaker ~CRM設定編~ その1

[root@centos8-str1 ~]# pcs config show
Resources Defaults:
  Meta Attrs: rsc_defaults-meta_attributes
[root@centos8-str1 ~]# pcs resource defaults update migration-threshold=3
Warning: Defaults do not apply to resources which override them with their own defined values
[root@centos8-str1 ~]# pcs config show
Resources Defaults:
  Meta Attrs: rsc_defaults-meta_attributes
[root@centos8-str1 ~]# pcs status
Cluster name: bigbang
Cluster Summary:
  * Stack: corosync
  * Current DC: centos8-str1 (version 2.0.5-8.el8-ba59be7122) - partition with quorum
  * Last updated: Fri Aug 27 11:37:56 2021
  * Last change:  Fri Aug 27 11:28:03 2021 by root via cibadmin on centos8-str1
  * 2 nodes configured
  * 8 resource instances configured

Node List:
  * Online: [ centos8-str1 centos8-str2 ]

Full List of Resources:
  * Clone Set: DRBD_r0-clone [DRBD_r0] (promotable):
    * Masters: [ centos8-str1 ]
    * Slaves: [ centos8-str2 ]
  * Resource Group: zabbix-group:
    * FS_DRBD0	(ocf::heartbeat:Filesystem):	 Started centos8-str1
    * MariaDB	(systemd:mariadb):	 Started centos8-str1
    * httpd	(systemd:httpd):	 Started centos8-str1
    * zabbix-server	(systemd:zabbix-server):	 Started centos8-str1
    * ShareDir	(ocf::heartbeat:Filesystem):	 Started centos8-str1
    * VirtualIP	(ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2):	 Started centos8-str1

Daemon Status:
  corosync: active/disabled
  pacemaker: active/disabled
  pcsd: active/enabled


[root@centos8-str1 ~]# kill -kill `pgrep -f httpd`

[root@centos8-str1 ~]# pcs status
[root@centos8-str1 ~]# pcs status --full
Cluster name: bigbang
Cluster Summary:
  * Stack: corosync
  * Current DC: centos8-str1 (1) (version 2.0.5-8.el8-ba59be7122) - partition with quorum
  * Last updated: Fri Aug 27 14:04:12 2021
  * Last change:  Fri Aug 27 13:50:20 2021 by root via cibadmin on centos8-str1
  * 2 nodes configured
  * 8 resource instances configured

Node List:
  * Online: [ centos8-str1 (1) centos8-str2 (2) ]

Full List of Resources:
  * Clone Set: DRBD_r0-clone [DRBD_r0] (promotable):
    * DRBD_r0	(ocf::linbit:drbd):	 Master centos8-str1
    * DRBD_r0	(ocf::linbit:drbd):	 Slave centos8-str2
  * Resource Group: zabbix-group:
    * FS_DRBD0	(ocf::heartbeat:Filesystem):	 Started centos8-str1
    * MariaDB	(systemd:mariadb):	 Started centos8-str1
    * httpd	(systemd:httpd):	 Started centos8-str1
    * zabbix-server	(systemd:zabbix-server):	 Started centos8-str1
    * ShareDir	(ocf::heartbeat:Filesystem):	 Started centos8-str1
    * VirtualIP	(ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2):	 Started centos8-str1

Node Attributes:
  * Node: centos8-str1 (1):
    * master-DRBD_r0                  	: 10000     
  * Node: centos8-str2 (2):
    * master-DRBD_r0                  	: 10000     

Migration Summary:
  * Node: centos8-str1 (1):
    * httpd: migration-threshold=3 fail-count=1. last-failure='Fri Aug 27 14:03:58 2021'

Failed Resource Actions:
  * httpd_monitor_60000 on centos8-str1 'not running' (7): call=184, status='complete', exitreason='', last-rc-change='2021-08-27 14:03:58 +09:00', queued=0ms, exec=0ms


PCSD Status:
  centos8-str1: Online
  centos8-str2: Online

Daemon Status:
  corosync: active/disabled
  pacemaker: active/disabled
  pcsd: active/enabled
 Failed Resource Actionsに障害が記録されています。
[root@centos8-str1 ~]# kill -kill `pgrep -f httpd`

[root@centos8-str1 ~]# pcs status --full
Cluster name: bigbang
Cluster Summary:
  * Stack: corosync
  * Current DC: centos8-str1 (1) (version 2.0.5-8.el8-ba59be7122) - partition with quorum
  * Last updated: Fri Aug 27 14:06:20 2021
  * Last change:  Fri Aug 27 13:50:20 2021 by root via cibadmin on centos8-str1
  * 2 nodes configured
  * 8 resource instances configured

Node List:
  * Online: [ centos8-str1 (1) centos8-str2 (2) ]

Full List of Resources:
  * Clone Set: DRBD_r0-clone [DRBD_r0] (promotable):
    * DRBD_r0	(ocf::linbit:drbd):	 Master centos8-str1
    * DRBD_r0	(ocf::linbit:drbd):	 Slave centos8-str2
  * Resource Group: zabbix-group:
    * FS_DRBD0	(ocf::heartbeat:Filesystem):	 Started centos8-str1
    * MariaDB	(systemd:mariadb):	 Started centos8-str1
    * httpd	(systemd:httpd):	 Started centos8-str1
    * zabbix-server	(systemd:zabbix-server):	 Started centos8-str1
    * ShareDir	(ocf::heartbeat:Filesystem):	 Started centos8-str1
    * VirtualIP	(ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2):	 Started centos8-str1

Node Attributes:
  * Node: centos8-str1 (1):
    * master-DRBD_r0                  	: 10000     
  * Node: centos8-str2 (2):
    * master-DRBD_r0                  	: 10000     

Migration Summary:
  * Node: centos8-str1 (1):
    * httpd: migration-threshold=3 fail-count=2 last-failure='Fri Aug 27 14:06:05 2021'

Failed Resource Actions:
  * httpd_monitor_60000 on centos8-str1 'not running' (7): call=202, status='complete', exitreason='', last-rc-change='2021-08-27 14:06:05 +09:00', queued=0ms, exec=0ms


PCSD Status:
  centos8-str1: Online
  centos8-str2: Online

Daemon Status:
  corosync: active/disabled
  pacemaker: active/disabled
  pcsd: active/enabled
[root@centos8-str1 ~]# kill -kill `pgrep -f httpd`

[root@centos8-str1 ~]# pcs status --full
Cluster name: bigbang
Cluster Summary:
  * Stack: corosync
  * Current DC: centos8-str1 (1) (version 2.0.5-8.el8-ba59be7122) - partition with quorum
  * Last updated: Fri Aug 27 14:08:31 2021
  * Last change:  Fri Aug 27 13:50:20 2021 by root via cibadmin on centos8-str1
  * 2 nodes configured
  * 8 resource instances configured

Node List:
  * Online: [ centos8-str1 (1) centos8-str2 (2) ]

Full List of Resources:
  * Clone Set: DRBD_r0-clone [DRBD_r0] (promotable):
    * DRBD_r0	(ocf::linbit:drbd):	 Slave centos8-str1
    * DRBD_r0	(ocf::linbit:drbd):	 Master centos8-str2
  * Resource Group: zabbix-group:
    * FS_DRBD0	(ocf::heartbeat:Filesystem):	 Started centos8-str2
    * MariaDB	(systemd:mariadb):	 Started centos8-str2
    * httpd	(systemd:httpd):	 Started centos8-str2
    * zabbix-server	(systemd:zabbix-server):	 Started centos8-str2
    * ShareDir	(ocf::heartbeat:Filesystem):	 Started centos8-str2
    * VirtualIP	(ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2):	 Started centos8-str2

Node Attributes:
  * Node: centos8-str1 (1):
    * master-DRBD_r0                  	: 10000     
  * Node: centos8-str2 (2):
    * master-DRBD_r0                  	: 10000     

Migration Summary:
  * Node: centos8-str1 (1):
    * httpd: migration-threshold=3 fail-count=3 last-failure='Fri Aug 27 14:08:12 2021'

Failed Resource Actions:
  * httpd_monitor_60000 on centos8-str1 'not running' (7): call=218, status='complete', exitreason='', last-rc-change='2021-08-27 14:08:12 +09:00', queued=0ms, exec=0ms


PCSD Status:
  centos8-str1: Online
  centos8-str2: Online

Daemon Status:
  corosync: active/disabled
  pacemaker: active/disabled
  pcsd: active/enabled



[root@centos8-str1 ~]# pcs resource cleanup
Cleaned up all resources on all nodes
Waiting for 2 replies from the controller
... got reply
... got reply (done)

※1回目の障害(Apache 1回目の障害)
[root@centos8-str2 ~]# kill -kill `pgrep -f httpd`

[root@centos8-str2 ~]# pcs status --full
Cluster name: bigbang
Cluster Summary:
  * Stack: corosync
  * Current DC: centos8-str1 (1) (version 2.0.5-8.el8-ba59be7122) - partition with quorum
  * Last updated: Fri Aug 27 14:14:45 2021
  * Last change:  Fri Aug 27 14:12:41 2021 by hacluster via crmd on centos8-str1
  * 2 nodes configured
  * 8 resource instances configured

Node List:
  * Online: [ centos8-str1 (1) centos8-str2 (2) ]

Full List of Resources:
  * Clone Set: DRBD_r0-clone [DRBD_r0] (promotable):
    * DRBD_r0	(ocf::linbit:drbd):	 Slave centos8-str1
    * DRBD_r0	(ocf::linbit:drbd):	 Master centos8-str2
  * Resource Group: zabbix-group:
    * FS_DRBD0	(ocf::heartbeat:Filesystem):	 Started centos8-str2
    * MariaDB	(systemd:mariadb):	 Started centos8-str2
    * httpd	(systemd:httpd):	 Started centos8-str2
    * zabbix-server	(systemd:zabbix-server):	 Started centos8-str2
    * ShareDir	(ocf::heartbeat:Filesystem):	 Started centos8-str2
    * VirtualIP	(ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2):	 Started centos8-str2

Node Attributes:
  * Node: centos8-str1 (1):
    * master-DRBD_r0                  	: 10000     
  * Node: centos8-str2 (2):
    * master-DRBD_r0                  	: 10000     

Migration Summary:
  * Node: centos8-str2 (2):
    * httpd: migration-threshold=3 fail-count=1 last-failure='Fri Aug 27 14:14:27 2021'

Failed Resource Actions:
  * httpd_monitor_60000 on centos8-str2 'not running' (7): call=197, status='complete', exitreason='', last-rc-change='2021-08-27 14:14:27 +09:00', queued=0ms, exec=0ms


PCSD Status:
  centos8-str1: Online
  centos8-str2: Online

Daemon Status:
  corosync: active/disabled
  pacemaker: active/disabled
  pcsd: active/enabled

※2回目の障害(Zabbix Server 1回目の障害)
[root@centos8-str2 ~]# kill -kill `pgrep -f zabbix_server`

[root@centos8-str2 ~]# pcs status --full
Cluster name: bigbang
Cluster Summary:
  * Stack: corosync
  * Current DC: centos8-str1 (1) (version 2.0.5-8.el8-ba59be7122) - partition with quorum
  * Last updated: Fri Aug 27 14:16:45 2021
  * Last change:  Fri Aug 27 14:12:41 2021 by hacluster via crmd on centos8-str1
  * 2 nodes configured
  * 8 resource instances configured

Node List:
  * Online: [ centos8-str1 (1) centos8-str2 (2) ]

Full List of Resources:
  * Clone Set: DRBD_r0-clone [DRBD_r0] (promotable):
    * DRBD_r0	(ocf::linbit:drbd):	 Slave centos8-str1
    * DRBD_r0	(ocf::linbit:drbd):	 Master centos8-str2
  * Resource Group: zabbix-group:
    * FS_DRBD0	(ocf::heartbeat:Filesystem):	 Started centos8-str2
    * MariaDB	(systemd:mariadb):	 Started centos8-str2
    * httpd	(systemd:httpd):	 Started centos8-str2
    * zabbix-server	(systemd:zabbix-server):	 Started centos8-str2
    * ShareDir	(ocf::heartbeat:Filesystem):	 Started centos8-str2
    * VirtualIP	(ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2):	 Started centos8-str2

Node Attributes:
  * Node: centos8-str1 (1):
    * master-DRBD_r0                  	: 10000     
  * Node: centos8-str2 (2):
    * master-DRBD_r0                  	: 10000     

Migration Summary:
  * Node: centos8-str2 (2):
    * httpd: migration-threshold=3 fail-count=1 last-failure='Fri Aug 27 14:14:27 2021'
    * zabbix-server: migration-threshold=3 fail-count=1 last-failure='Fri Aug 27 14:16:35 2021'

Failed Resource Actions:
  * httpd_monitor_60000 on centos8-str2 'not running' (7): call=197, status='complete', exitreason='', last-rc-change='2021-08-27 14:14:27 +09:00', queued=0ms, exec=0ms
  * zabbix-server_monitor_60000 on centos8-str2 'not running' (7): call=215, status='complete', exitreason='', last-rc-change='2021-08-27 14:16:35 +09:00', queued=0ms, exec=0ms


PCSD Status:
  centos8-str1: Online
  centos8-str2: Online

Daemon Status:
  corosync: active/disabled
  pacemaker: active/disabled
  pcsd: active/enabled

※3回目の障害(Apache 2回目の障害)
[root@centos8-str2 ~]# kill -kill `pgrep -f httpd`

[root@centos8-str2 ~]# pcs status --full
Cluster name: bigbang
Cluster Summary:
  * Stack: corosync
  * Current DC: centos8-str1 (1) (version 2.0.5-8.el8-ba59be7122) - partition with quorum
  * Last updated: Fri Aug 27 14:18:43 2021
  * Last change:  Fri Aug 27 14:12:41 2021 by hacluster via crmd on centos8-str1
  * 2 nodes configured
  * 8 resource instances configured

Node List:
  * Online: [ centos8-str1 (1) centos8-str2 (2) ]

Full List of Resources:
  * Clone Set: DRBD_r0-clone [DRBD_r0] (promotable):
    * DRBD_r0	(ocf::linbit:drbd):	 Slave centos8-str1
    * DRBD_r0	(ocf::linbit:drbd):	 Master centos8-str2
  * Resource Group: zabbix-group:
    * FS_DRBD0	(ocf::heartbeat:Filesystem):	 Started centos8-str2
    * MariaDB	(systemd:mariadb):	 Started centos8-str2
    * httpd	(systemd:httpd):	 Started centos8-str2
    * zabbix-server	(systemd:zabbix-server):	 Started centos8-str2
    * ShareDir	(ocf::heartbeat:Filesystem):	 Started centos8-str2
    * VirtualIP	(ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2):	 Started centos8-str2

Node Attributes:
  * Node: centos8-str1 (1):
    * master-DRBD_r0                  	: 10000     
  * Node: centos8-str2 (2):
    * master-DRBD_r0                  	: 10000     

Migration Summary:
  * Node: centos8-str2 (2):
    * httpd: migration-threshold=3 fail-count=2 last-failure='Fri Aug 27 14:18:33 2021'
    * zabbix-server: migration-threshold=3 fail-count=1 last-failure='Fri Aug 27 14:16:35 2021'

Failed Resource Actions:
  * httpd_monitor_60000 on centos8-str2 'not running' (7): call=213, status='complete', exitreason='', last-rc-change='2021-08-27 14:18:33 +09:00', queued=0ms, exec=0ms
  * zabbix-server_monitor_60000 on centos8-str2 'not running' (7): call=215, status='complete', exitreason='', last-rc-change='2021-08-27 14:16:35 +09:00', queued=0ms, exec=0ms


PCSD Status:
  centos8-str1: Online
  centos8-str2: Online

Daemon Status:
  corosync: active/disabled
  pacemaker: active/disabled
 4回目の障害(Apache 3回目の障害)を発生させます。
[root@centos8-str2 ~]# kill -kill `pgrep -f httpd`

[[root@centos8-str2 ~]# pcs status --full
Cluster name: bigbang
Cluster Summary:
  * Stack: corosync
  * Current DC: centos8-str1 (1) (version 2.0.5-8.el8-ba59be7122) - partition with quorum
  * Last updated: Fri Aug 27 14:20:15 2021
  * Last change:  Fri Aug 27 14:12:41 2021 by hacluster via crmd on centos8-str1
  * 2 nodes configured
  * 8 resource instances configured

Node List:
  * Online: [ centos8-str1 (1) centos8-str2 (2) ]

Full List of Resources:
  * Clone Set: DRBD_r0-clone [DRBD_r0] (promotable):
    * DRBD_r0	(ocf::linbit:drbd):	 Master centos8-str1
    * DRBD_r0	(ocf::linbit:drbd):	 Slave centos8-str2
  * Resource Group: zabbix-group:
    * FS_DRBD0	(ocf::heartbeat:Filesystem):	 Started centos8-str1
    * MariaDB	(systemd:mariadb):	 Started centos8-str1
    * httpd	(systemd:httpd):	 Started centos8-str1
    * zabbix-server	(systemd:zabbix-server):	 Started centos8-str1
    * ShareDir	(ocf::heartbeat:Filesystem):	 Started centos8-str1
    * VirtualIP	(ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2):	 Started centos8-str1

Node Attributes:
  * Node: centos8-str1 (1):
    * master-DRBD_r0                  	: 10000     
  * Node: centos8-str2 (2):
    * master-DRBD_r0                  	: 10000     

Migration Summary:
  * Node: centos8-str2 (2):
    * httpd: migration-threshold=3 fail-count=3 last-failure='Fri Aug 27 14:19:40 2021'
    * zabbix-server: migration-threshold=3 fail-count=1 last-failure='Fri Aug 27 14:16:35 2021'

Failed Resource Actions:
  * httpd_monitor_60000 on centos8-str2 'not running' (7): call=241, status='complete', exitreason='', last-rc-change='2021-08-27 14:19:40 +09:00', queued=0ms, exec=0ms
  * zabbix-server_monitor_60000 on centos8-str2 'not running' (7): call=215, status='complete', exitreason='', last-rc-change='2021-08-27 14:16:35 +09:00', queued=0ms, exec=0ms


PCSD Status:
  centos8-str1: Online
  centos8-str2: Online

Daemon Status:
  corosync: active/disabled
  pacemaker: active/disabled
  pcsd: active/enabled
 同じリソース(Apache)で3回目の障害を検知した時点( migration-threshold=fail-count=3)でフェールバックしていることが分かります。
[root@centos8-str2 ~]# pcs resource cleanup
Cleaned up all resources on all nodes
Waiting for 2 replies from the controller
... got reply
... got reply (done)


 参考URL:Pacemaker/Corosync の設定値について

[root@centos8-str1 ~]# pcs resource defaults update failure-timeout=60s
Warning: Defaults do not apply to resources which override them with their own defined values

[root@centos8-str1 ~]# pcs config show
Resources Defaults:
  Meta Attrs: rsc_defaults-meta_attributes
[root@centos8-str1 ~]# kill -kill `pgrep -f httpd`

[root@centos8-str1 ~]# pcs status --full
Cluster name: bigbang
Cluster Summary:
  * Stack: corosync
  * Current DC: centos8-str2 (2) (version 2.0.5-8.el8-ba59be7122) - partition with quorum
  * Last updated: Sat Aug 28 00:14:43 2021
  * Last change:  Sat Aug 28 00:13:12 2021 by root via cibadmin on centos8-str1
  * 2 nodes configured
  * 8 resource instances configured

Node List:
  * Online: [ centos8-str1 (1) centos8-str2 (2) ]

Full List of Resources:
  * Clone Set: DRBD_r0-clone [DRBD_r0] (promotable):
    * DRBD_r0	(ocf::linbit:drbd):	 Slave centos8-str2
    * DRBD_r0	(ocf::linbit:drbd):	 Master centos8-str1
  * Resource Group: zabbix-group:
    * FS_DRBD0	(ocf::heartbeat:Filesystem):	 Started centos8-str1
    * MariaDB	(systemd:mariadb):	 Started centos8-str1
    * httpd	(systemd:httpd):	 Started centos8-str1
    * zabbix-server	(systemd:zabbix-server):	 Started centos8-str1
    * ShareDir	(ocf::heartbeat:Filesystem):	 Started centos8-str1
    * VirtualIP	(ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2):	 Started centos8-str1

Node Attributes:
  * Node: centos8-str1 (1):
    * master-DRBD_r0                  	: 10000     
  * Node: centos8-str2 (2):
    * master-DRBD_r0                  	: 10000     

Migration Summary:
  * Node: centos8-str1 (1):
    * httpd: migration-threshold=3 fail-count=1 last-failure='Sat Aug 28 00:14:29 2021'

Failed Resource Actions:
  * httpd_monitor_60000 on centos8-str1 'not running' (7): call=40, status='complete', exitreason='', last-rc-change='2021-08-28 00:14:29 +09:00', queued=0ms, exec=0ms


PCSD Status:
  centos8-str1: Online
  centos8-str2: Online

Daemon Status:
  corosync: active/disabled
  pacemaker: active/disabled
  pcsd: active/enabled

[root@centos8-str1 ~]# pcs status --full
Cluster name: bigbang
Cluster Summary:
  * Stack: corosync
  * Current DC: centos8-str2 (2) (version 2.0.5-8.el8-ba59be7122) - partition with quorum
  * Last updated: Sat Aug 28 00:15:32 2021
  * Last change:  Sat Aug 28 00:13:12 2021 by root via cibadmin on centos8-str1
  * 2 nodes configured
  * 8 resource instances configured

Node List:
  * Online: [ centos8-str1 (1) centos8-str2 (2) ]

Full List of Resources:
  * Clone Set: DRBD_r0-clone [DRBD_r0] (promotable):
    * DRBD_r0	(ocf::linbit:drbd):	 Slave centos8-str2
    * DRBD_r0	(ocf::linbit:drbd):	 Master centos8-str1
  * Resource Group: zabbix-group:
    * FS_DRBD0	(ocf::heartbeat:Filesystem):	 Started centos8-str1
    * MariaDB	(systemd:mariadb):	 Started centos8-str1
    * httpd	(systemd:httpd):	 Started centos8-str1
    * zabbix-server	(systemd:zabbix-server):	 Started centos8-str1
    * ShareDir	(ocf::heartbeat:Filesystem):	 Started centos8-str1
    * VirtualIP	(ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2):	 Started centos8-str1

Node Attributes:
  * Node: centos8-str1 (1):
    * master-DRBD_r0                  	: 10000     
  * Node: centos8-str2 (2):
    * master-DRBD_r0                  	: 10000     

Migration Summary:


PCSD Status:
  centos8-str1: Online
  centos8-str2: Online

Daemon Status:
  corosync: active/disabled
  pacemaker: active/disabled
  pcsd: active/enabled


 AlmaLinux 8.4でfailure-timeout=300s、migration-threshold=3、自動フェールバック無効を設定し、Apacheを3回連続でkillした時の動作です。

[root@alma8-1 ~]# kill -kill `pgrep -f httpd`;date
2021年  9月  3日 金曜日 16:55:58 JST

Sep 03 16:55:27 pacemaker-controld [76332] (process_lrm_event) notice: Result of monitor operation for httpd on alma8-1: not running | rc=7 call=74 key=httpd_monitor_60000 confirmed=false cib-update=76
Sep 03 16:55:27 pacemaker-based [76327] (cib_process_request) info: Forwarding cib_modify operation for section status to all (origin=local/crmd/76)
Sep 03 16:55:27 pacemaker-based [76327] (cib_perform_op) info: Diff: --- 0.35.18 2
Sep 03 16:55:27 pacemaker-based [76327] (cib_perform_op) info: Diff: +++ 0.35.19 (null)
Sep 03 16:55:27 pacemaker-based [76327] (cib_perform_op) info: + /cib: @num_updates=19
Sep 03 16:55:27 pacemaker-based [76327] (cib_perform_op) info: ++ /cib/status/node_state[@id='1']/lrm[@id='1']/lrm_resources/lrm_resource[@id='httpd']: <lrm_rsc_op id="httpd_last_failure_0" operation_key="httpd_monitor_60000" operation="monitor" crm-debug-origin="do_update_resource" crm_feature_set="3.7.1" transition-key="4:222:0:27160038-9b12-4849-b83b-dc4084c6ceb3" transition-magic="0:7;4:222:0:27160038-9b12-4849-b83b-dc4084c6ceb3" exit-reason="" on_node="alma8-1" call-id
Sep 03 16:55:27 pacemaker-based [76327] (cib_process_request) info: Completed cib_modify operation for section status: OK (rc=0, origin=alma8-1/crmd/76, version=0.35.19)
Sep 03 16:55:27 pacemaker-attrd [76330] (attrd_peer_update) notice: Setting fail-count-httpd#monitor_60000[alma8-1]: (unset) -> 1 | from alma8-2
Sep 03 16:55:27 pacemaker-attrd [76330] (attrd_peer_update) notice: Setting last-failure-httpd#monitor_60000[alma8-1]: (unset) -> 1630655726 | from alma8-2
Sep 03 16:55:27 pacemaker-based [76327] (cib_perform_op) info: Diff: --- 0.35.19 2
Sep 03 16:55:27 pacemaker-based [76327] (cib_perform_op) info: Diff: +++ 0.35.20 (null)
Sep 03 16:55:27 pacemaker-based [76327] (cib_perform_op) info: + /cib: @num_updates=20
Sep 03 16:55:27 pacemaker-based [76327] (cib_perform_op) info: ++ /cib/status/node_state[@id='1']/transient_attributes[@id='1']/instance_attributes[@id='status-1']: <nvpair id="status-1-fail-count-httpd.monitor_60000" name="fail-count-httpd#monitor_60000" value="1"/>
Sep 03 16:55:27 pacemaker-based [76327] (cib_process_request) info: Completed cib_modify operation for section status: OK (rc=0, origin=alma8-2/attrd/27, version=0.35.20)
Sep 03 16:55:27 pacemaker-based [76327] (cib_perform_op) info: Diff: --- 0.35.20 2
Sep 03 16:55:27 pacemaker-based [76327] (cib_perform_op) info: Diff: +++ 0.35.21 (null)
Sep 03 16:55:27 pacemaker-based [76327] (cib_perform_op) info: + /cib: @num_updates=21
Sep 03 16:55:27 pacemaker-based [76327] (cib_perform_op) info: ++ /cib/status/node_state[@id='1']/transient_attributes[@id='1']/instance_attributes[@id='status-1']: <nvpair id="status-1-last-failure-httpd.monitor_60000" name="last-failure-httpd#monitor_60000" value="1630655726"/>
Sep 03 16:55:27 pacemaker-based [76327] (cib_process_request) info: Completed cib_modify operation for section status: OK (rc=0, origin=alma8-2/attrd/28, version=0.35.21)
Sep 03 16:55:27 pacemaker-execd [76329] (cancel_recurring_action) info: Cancelling systemd operation httpd_status_60000
Sep 03 16:55:27 pacemaker-controld [76332] (do_lrm_rsc_op) notice: Requesting local execution of stop operation for httpd on alma8-1 | transition_key=5:227:0:27160038-9b12-4849-b83b-dc4084c6ceb3 op_key=httpd_stop_0
Sep 03 16:55:27 pacemaker-execd [76329] (log_execute) info: executing - rsc:httpd action:stop call_id:76
Sep 03 16:55:27 pacemaker-based [76327] (cib_process_request) info: Forwarding cib_modify operation for section status to all (origin=local/crmd/77)
Sep 03 16:55:27 pacemaker-controld [76332] (process_lrm_event) info: Result of monitor operation for httpd on alma8-1: Cancelled | call=74 key=httpd_monitor_60000 confirmed=true
Sep 03 16:55:27 pacemaker-based [76327] (cib_perform_op) info: Diff: --- 0.35.21 2
Sep 03 16:55:27 pacemaker-based [76327] (cib_perform_op) info: Diff: +++ 0.35.22 (null)
Sep 03 16:55:27 pacemaker-based [76327] (cib_perform_op) info: + /cib: @num_updates=22
Sep 03 16:55:27 pacemaker-based [76327] (cib_perform_op) info: + /cib/status/node_state[@id='1']/lrm[@id='1']/lrm_resources/lrm_resource[@id='httpd']/lrm_rsc_op[@id='httpd_last_0']: @operation_key=httpd_stop_0, @operation=stop, @transition-key=5:227:0:27160038-9b12-4849-b83b-dc4084c6ceb3, @transition-magic=-1:193;5:227:0:27160038-9b12-4849-b83b-dc4084c6ceb3, @call-id=-1, @rc-code=193, @op-status=-1, @last-rc-change=1630655727, @last-run=1630655727, @exec-time=0
Sep 03 16:55:27 pacemaker-based [76327] (cib_process_request) info: Completed cib_modify operation for section status: OK (rc=0, origin=alma8-1/crmd/77, version=0.35.22)
Sep 03 16:55:27 pacemaker-execd [76329] (systemd_exec_result) info: Call to stop passed: /org/freedesktop/systemd1/job/8278
Sep 03 16:55:29 pacemaker-controld [76332] (process_lrm_event) notice: Result of stop operation for httpd on alma8-1: ok | rc=0 call=76 key=httpd_stop_0 confirmed=true cib-update=78
Sep 03 16:55:29 pacemaker-based [76327] (cib_process_request) info: Forwarding cib_modify operation for section status to all (origin=local/crmd/78)
Sep 03 16:55:29 pacemaker-based [76327] (cib_perform_op) info: Diff: --- 0.35.22 2
Sep 03 16:55:29 pacemaker-based [76327] (cib_perform_op) info: Diff: +++ 0.35.23 (null)
Sep 03 16:55:29 pacemaker-based [76327] (cib_perform_op) info: + /cib: @num_updates=23
Sep 03 16:55:29 pacemaker-based [76327] (cib_perform_op) info: + /cib/status/node_state[@id='1']/lrm[@id='1']/lrm_resources/lrm_resource[@id='httpd']/lrm_rsc_op[@id='httpd_last_0']: @transition-magic=0:0;5:227:0:27160038-9b12-4849-b83b-dc4084c6ceb3, @call-id=76, @rc-code=0, @op-status=0, @last-rc-change=1630655729, @last-run=1630655729, @exec-time=2144
Sep 03 16:55:29 pacemaker-based [76327] (cib_process_request) info: Completed cib_modify operation for section status: OK (rc=0, origin=alma8-1/crmd/78, version=0.35.23)
Sep 03 16:55:29 pacemaker-controld [76332] (do_lrm_rsc_op) notice: Requesting local execution of start operation for httpd on alma8-1 | transition_key=41:227:0:27160038-9b12-4849-b83b-dc4084c6ceb3 op_key=httpd_start_0
Sep 03 16:55:29 pacemaker-based [76327] (cib_process_request) info: Forwarding cib_modify operation for section status to all (origin=local/crmd/79)
Sep 03 16:55:29 pacemaker-execd [76329] (log_execute) info: executing - rsc:httpd action:start call_id:77
Sep 03 16:55:29 pacemaker-based [76327] (cib_perform_op) info: Diff: --- 0.35.23 2
Sep 03 16:55:29 pacemaker-based [76327] (cib_perform_op) info: Diff: +++ 0.35.24 (null)
Sep 03 16:55:29 pacemaker-based [76327] (cib_perform_op) info: + /cib: @num_updates=24
Sep 03 16:55:29 pacemaker-based [76327] (cib_perform_op) info: + /cib/status/node_state[@id='1']/lrm[@id='1']/lrm_resources/lrm_resource[@id='httpd']/lrm_rsc_op[@id='httpd_last_0']: @operation_key=httpd_start_0, @operation=start, @transition-key=41:227:0:27160038-9b12-4849-b83b-dc4084c6ceb3, @transition-magic=-1:193;41:227:0:27160038-9b12-4849-b83b-dc4084c6ceb3, @call-id=-1, @rc-code=193, @op-status=-1, @exec-time=0

Sep 03 16:55:29 pacemaker-based [76327] (cib_process_request) info: Completed cib_modify operation for section status: OK (rc=0, origin=alma8-1/crmd/79, version=0.35.24)
Sep 03 16:55:29 pacemaker-execd [76329] (systemd_exec_result) info: Call to start passed: /org/freedesktop/systemd1/job/8369
Sep 03 16:55:31 pacemaker-controld [76332] (process_lrm_event) notice: Result of start operation for httpd on alma8-1: ok | rc=0 call=77 key=httpd_start_0 confirmed=true cib-update=80
Sep 03 16:55:31 pacemaker-based [76327] (cib_process_request) info: Forwarding cib_modify operation for section status to all (origin=local/crmd/80)
Sep 03 16:55:31 pacemaker-based [76327] (cib_perform_op) info: Diff: --- 0.35.24 2
Sep 03 16:55:31 pacemaker-based [76327] (cib_perform_op) info: Diff: +++ 0.35.25 (null)
Sep 03 16:55:31 pacemaker-based [76327] (cib_perform_op) info: + /cib: @num_updates=25
Sep 03 16:55:31 pacemaker-based [76327] (cib_perform_op) info: + /cib/status/node_state[@id='1']/lrm[@id='1']/lrm_resources/lrm_resource[@id='httpd']/lrm_rsc_op[@id='httpd_last_0']: @transition-magic=0:0;41:227:0:27160038-9b12-4849-b83b-dc4084c6ceb3, @call-id=77, @rc-code=0, @op-status=0, @last-rc-change=1630655731, @last-run=1630655731, @exec-time=2139
Sep 03 16:55:31 pacemaker-based [76327] (cib_process_request) info: Completed cib_modify operation for section status: OK (rc=0, origin=alma8-1/crmd/80, version=0.35.25)
Sep 03 16:55:31 pacemaker-controld [76332] (do_lrm_rsc_op) notice: Requesting local execution of monitor operation for httpd on alma8-1 | transition_key=4:227:0:27160038-9b12-4849-b83b-dc4084c6ceb3 op_key=httpd_monitor_60000
Sep 03 16:55:31 pacemaker-based [76327] (cib_process_request) info: Forwarding cib_modify operation for section status to all (origin=local/crmd/81)
Sep 03 16:55:31 pacemaker-based [76327] (cib_perform_op) info: Diff: --- 0.35.25 2
Sep 03 16:55:31 pacemaker-based [76327] (cib_perform_op) info: Diff: +++ 0.35.26 (null)
Sep 03 16:55:31 pacemaker-based [76327] (cib_perform_op) info: + /cib: @num_updates=26
Sep 03 16:55:31 pacemaker-based [76327] (cib_perform_op) info: + /cib/status/node_state[@id='1']/lrm[@id='1']/lrm_resources/lrm_resource[@id='httpd']/lrm_rsc_op[@id='httpd_monitor_60000']: @transition-key=4:227:0:27160038-9b12-4849-b83b-dc4084c6ceb3, @transition-magic=-1:193;4:227:0:27160038-9b12-4849-b83b-dc4084c6ceb3, @call-id=-1, @rc-code=193, @op-status=-1, @last-rc-change=1630655731
Sep 03 16:55:31 pacemaker-controld [76332] (process_lrm_event) notice: Result of monitor operation for httpd on alma8-1: ok | rc=0 call=78 key=httpd_monitor_60000 confirmed=false cib-update=82
Sep 03 16:55:31 pacemaker-based [76327] (cib_process_request) info: Completed cib_modify operation for section status: OK (rc=0, origin=alma8-1/crmd/81, version=0.35.26)
Sep 03 16:55:31 pacemaker-based [76327] (cib_process_request) info: Forwarding cib_modify operation for section status to all (origin=local/crmd/82)
Sep 03 16:55:31 pacemaker-based [76327] (cib_perform_op) info: Diff: --- 0.35.26 2
Sep 03 16:55:31 pacemaker-based [76327] (cib_perform_op) info: Diff: +++ 0.35.27 (null)
Sep 03 16:55:31 pacemaker-based [76327] (cib_perform_op) info: + /cib: @num_updates=27
Sep 03 16:55:31 pacemaker-based [76327] (cib_perform_op) info: + /cib/status/node_state[@id='1']/lrm[@id='1']/lrm_resources/lrm_resource[@id='httpd']/lrm_rsc_op[@id='httpd_monitor_60000']: @transition-magic=0:0;4:227:0:27160038-9b12-4849-b83b-dc4084c6ceb3, @call-id=78, @rc-code=0, @op-status=0
Sep 03 16:55:31 pacemaker-based [76327] (cib_process_request) info: Completed cib_modify operation for section status: OK (rc=0, origin=alma8-1/crmd/82, version=0.35.27)
Set r/w permissions for uid=189, gid=189 on /var/log/pacemaker/pacemaker.log
Sep 03 16:55:36 pacemaker-based [76327] (cib_process_ping) info: Reporting our current digest to alma8-2: 247e05ed6a0320f0ce8278951e99e981 for 0.35.27 (0x555eb101ba90 0)

[root@alma8-1 ~]# pcs status --full
Cluster name: bigbang
Cluster Summary:
  * Stack: corosync
  * Current DC: alma8-2 (2) (version 2.0.5-9.el8_4.1-ba59be7122) - partition with quorum
  * Last updated: Fri Sep  3 16:55:53 2021
  * Last change:  Wed Sep  1 15:22:27 2021 by root via cibadmin on alma8-2
  * 2 nodes configured
  * 5 resource instances configured

Node List:
  * Online: [ alma8-1 (1) alma8-2 (2) ]

Full List of Resources:
  * Clone Set: DRBD_r0-clone [DRBD_r0] (promotable):
    * DRBD_r0	(ocf::linbit:drbd):	 Master alma8-1
    * DRBD_r0	(ocf::linbit:drbd):	 Slave alma8-2
  * Resource Group: cluster-group:
    * FS_DRBD0	(ocf::heartbeat:Filesystem):	 Started alma8-1
    * VirtualIP	(ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2):	 Started alma8-1
    * httpd	(systemd:httpd):	 Started alma8-1

Node Attributes:
  * Node: alma8-1 (1):
    * master-DRBD_r0                  	: 10000     
  * Node: alma8-2 (2):
    * master-DRBD_r0                  	: 10000     

Migration Summary:
  * Node: alma8-1 (1):
    * httpd: migration-threshold=3 fail-count=1 last-failure='Fri Sep  3 16:55:26 2021'

Failed Resource Actions:
  * httpd_monitor_60000 on alma8-1 'not running' (7): call=74, status='complete', exitreason='', last-rc-change='2021-09-03 16:55:27 +09:00', queued=0ms, exec=0ms


PCSD Status:
  alma8-1: Online
  alma8-2: Online

Daemon Status:
  corosync: active/disabled
  pacemaker: active/disabled
  pcsd: active/enabled

[root@alma8-1 ~]# kill -kill `pgrep -f httpd`;date
2021年  9月  3日 金曜日 16:55:02 JST

Sep 03 16:56:31 pacemaker-controld [76332] (process_lrm_event) notice: Result of monitor operation for httpd on alma8-1: not running | rc=7 call=78 key=httpd_monitor_60000 confirmed=false cib-update=83
Sep 03 16:56:31 pacemaker-based [76327] (cib_process_request) info: Forwarding cib_modify operation for section status to all (origin=local/crmd/83)
Sep 03 16:56:31 pacemaker-based [76327] (cib_perform_op) info: Diff: --- 0.35.27 2
Sep 03 16:56:31 pacemaker-based [76327] (cib_perform_op) info: Diff: +++ 0.35.28 (null)
Sep 03 16:56:31 pacemaker-based [76327] (cib_perform_op) info: + /cib: @num_updates=28
Sep 03 16:56:31 pacemaker-based [76327] (cib_perform_op) info: + /cib/status/node_state[@id='1']/lrm[@id='1']/lrm_resources/lrm_resource[@id='httpd']/lrm_rsc_op[@id='httpd_last_failure_0']: @transition-key=4:227:0:27160038-9b12-4849-b83b-dc4084c6ceb3, @transition-magic=0:7;4:227:0:27160038-9b12-4849-b83b-dc4084c6ceb3, @call-id=78, @last-rc-change=1630655791
Sep 03 16:56:31 pacemaker-based [76327] (cib_process_request) info: Completed cib_modify operation for section status: OK (rc=0, origin=alma8-1/crmd/83, version=0.35.28)
Sep 03 16:56:31 pacemaker-attrd [76330] (attrd_peer_update) notice: Setting fail-count-httpd#monitor_60000[alma8-1]: 1 -> 2 | from alma8-2
Sep 03 16:56:31 pacemaker-attrd [76330] (attrd_peer_update) notice: Setting last-failure-httpd#monitor_60000[alma8-1]: 1630655726 -> 1630655791 | from alma8-2
Sep 03 16:56:31 pacemaker-based [76327] (cib_perform_op) info: Diff: --- 0.35.28 2
Sep 03 16:56:31 pacemaker-based [76327] (cib_perform_op) info: Diff: +++ 0.35.29 (null)
Sep 03 16:56:31 pacemaker-based [76327] (cib_perform_op) info: + /cib: @num_updates=29
Sep 03 16:56:31 pacemaker-based [76327] (cib_perform_op) info: + /cib/status/node_state[@id='1']/transient_attributes[@id='1']/instance_attributes[@id='status-1']/nvpair[@id='status-1-fail-count-httpd.monitor_60000']: @value=2
Sep 03 16:56:31 pacemaker-based [76327] (cib_process_request) info: Completed cib_modify operation for section status: OK (rc=0, origin=alma8-2/attrd/29, version=0.35.29)
Sep 03 16:56:31 pacemaker-based [76327] (cib_perform_op) info: Diff: --- 0.35.29 2
Sep 03 16:56:31 pacemaker-based [76327] (cib_perform_op) info: Diff: +++ 0.35.30 (null)
Sep 03 16:56:31 pacemaker-based [76327] (cib_perform_op) info: + /cib: @num_updates=30
Sep 03 16:56:31 pacemaker-based [76327] (cib_perform_op) info: + /cib/status/node_state[@id='1']/transient_attributes[@id='1']/instance_attributes[@id='status-1']/nvpair[@id='status-1-last-failure-httpd.monitor_60000']: @value=1630655791
Sep 03 16:56:31 pacemaker-based [76327] (cib_process_request) info: Completed cib_modify operation for section status: OK (rc=0, origin=alma8-2/attrd/30, version=0.35.30)
Sep 03 16:56:31 pacemaker-execd [76329] (cancel_recurring_action) info: Cancelling systemd operation httpd_status_60000
Sep 03 16:56:31 pacemaker-controld [76332] (do_lrm_rsc_op) notice: Requesting local execution of stop operation for httpd on alma8-1 | transition_key=5:229:0:27160038-9b12-4849-b83b-dc4084c6ceb3 op_key=httpd_stop_0
Sep 03 16:56:31 pacemaker-based [76327] (cib_process_request) info: Forwarding cib_modify operation for section status to all (origin=local/crmd/84)
Sep 03 16:56:31 pacemaker-execd [76329] (log_execute) info: executing - rsc:httpd action:stop call_id:80
Sep 03 16:56:31 pacemaker-controld [76332] (process_lrm_event) info: Result of monitor operation for httpd on alma8-1: Cancelled | call=78 key=httpd_monitor_60000 confirmed=true
Sep 03 16:56:31 pacemaker-based [76327] (cib_perform_op) info: Diff: --- 0.35.30 2
Sep 03 16:56:31 pacemaker-based [76327] (cib_perform_op) info: Diff: +++ 0.35.31 (null)
Sep 03 16:56:31 pacemaker-based [76327] (cib_perform_op) info: + /cib: @num_updates=31
Sep 03 16:56:31 pacemaker-based [76327] (cib_perform_op) info: + /cib/status/node_state[@id='1']/lrm[@id='1']/lrm_resources/lrm_resource[@id='httpd']/lrm_rsc_op[@id='httpd_last_0']: @operation_key=httpd_stop_0, @operation=stop, @transition-key=5:229:0:27160038-9b12-4849-b83b-dc4084c6ceb3, @transition-magic=-1:193;5:229:0:27160038-9b12-4849-b83b-dc4084c6ceb3, @call-id=-1, @rc-code=193, @op-status=-1, @last-rc-change=1630655791, @last-run=1630655791, @exec-time=0
Sep 03 16:56:31 pacemaker-based [76327] (cib_process_request) info: Completed cib_modify operation for section status: OK (rc=0, origin=alma8-1/crmd/84, version=0.35.31)
Sep 03 16:56:31 pacemaker-execd [76329] (systemd_exec_result) info: Call to stop passed: /org/freedesktop/systemd1/job/8550
Sep 03 16:56:33 pacemaker-controld [76332] (process_lrm_event) notice: Result of stop operation for httpd on alma8-1: ok | rc=0 call=80 key=httpd_stop_0 confirmed=true cib-update=85
Sep 03 16:56:33 pacemaker-based [76327] (cib_process_request) info: Forwarding cib_modify operation for section status to all (origin=local/crmd/85)
Sep 03 16:56:33 pacemaker-based [76327] (cib_perform_op) info: Diff: --- 0.35.31 2
Sep 03 16:56:33 pacemaker-based [76327] (cib_perform_op) info: Diff: +++ 0.35.32 (null)
Sep 03 16:56:33 pacemaker-based [76327] (cib_perform_op) info: + /cib: @num_updates=32
Sep 03 16:56:33 pacemaker-based [76327] (cib_perform_op) info: + /cib/status/node_state[@id='1']/lrm[@id='1']/lrm_resources/lrm_resource[@id='httpd']/lrm_rsc_op[@id='httpd_last_0']: @transition-magic=0:0;5:229:0:27160038-9b12-4849-b83b-dc4084c6ceb3, @call-id=80, @rc-code=0, @op-status=0, @last-rc-change=1630655793, @last-run=1630655793, @exec-time=2155
Sep 03 16:56:33 pacemaker-based [76327] (cib_process_request) info: Completed cib_modify operation for section status: OK (rc=0, origin=alma8-1/crmd/85, version=0.35.32)
Sep 03 16:56:33 pacemaker-controld [76332] (do_lrm_rsc_op) notice: Requesting local execution of start operation for httpd on alma8-1 | transition_key=41:229:0:27160038-9b12-4849-b83b-dc4084c6ceb3 op_key=httpd_start_0
Sep 03 16:56:33 pacemaker-based [76327] (cib_process_request) info: Forwarding cib_modify operation for section status to all (origin=local/crmd/86)
Sep 03 16:56:33 pacemaker-execd [76329] (log_execute) info: executing - rsc:httpd action:start call_id:81
Sep 03 16:56:33 pacemaker-based [76327] (cib_perform_op) info: Diff: --- 0.35.32 2
Sep 03 16:56:33 pacemaker-based [76327] (cib_perform_op) info: Diff: +++ 0.35.33 (null)
Sep 03 16:56:33 pacemaker-based [76327] (cib_perform_op) info: + /cib: @num_updates=33
Sep 03 16:56:33 pacemaker-based [76327] (cib_perform_op) info: + /cib/status/node_state[@id='1']/lrm[@id='1']/lrm_resources/lrm_resource[@id='httpd']/lrm_rsc_op[@id='httpd_last_0']: @operation_key=httpd_start_0, @operation=start, @transition-key=41:229:0:27160038-9b12-4849-b83b-dc4084c6ceb3, @transition-magic=-1:193;41:229:0:27160038-9b12-4849-b83b-dc4084c6ceb3, @call-id=-1, @rc-code=193, @op-status=-1, @exec-time=0
Sep 03 16:56:33 pacemaker-based [76327] (cib_process_request) info: Completed cib_modify operation for section status: OK (rc=0, origin=alma8-1/crmd/86, version=0.35.33)
Sep 03 16:56:33 pacemaker-execd [76329] (systemd_exec_result) info: Call to start passed: /org/freedesktop/systemd1/job/8641
Set r/w permissions for uid=189, gid=189 on /var/log/pacemaker/pacemaker.log
Sep 03 16:56:35 pacemaker-based [76327] (cib_process_request) info: Forwarding cib_modify operation for section status to all (origin=local/crmd/87)
Sep 03 16:56:35 pacemaker-controld [76332] (process_lrm_event) notice: Result of start operation for httpd on alma8-1: ok | rc=0 call=81 key=httpd_start_0 confirmed=true cib-update=87
Sep 03 16:56:35 pacemaker-based [76327] (cib_perform_op) info: Diff: --- 0.35.33 2
Sep 03 16:56:35 pacemaker-based [76327] (cib_perform_op) info: Diff: +++ 0.35.34 (null)
Sep 03 16:56:35 pacemaker-based [76327] (cib_perform_op) info: + /cib: @num_updates=34
Sep 03 16:56:35 pacemaker-based [76327] (cib_perform_op) info: + /cib/status/node_state[@id='1']/lrm[@id='1']/lrm_resources/lrm_resource[@id='httpd']/lrm_rsc_op[@id='httpd_last_0']: @transition-magic=0:0;41:229:0:27160038-9b12-4849-b83b-dc4084c6ceb3, @call-id=81, @rc-code=0, @op-status=0, @last-rc-change=1630655795, @last-run=1630655795, @exec-time=2151
Sep 03 16:56:35 pacemaker-based [76327] (cib_process_request) info: Completed cib_modify operation for section status: OK (rc=0, origin=alma8-1/crmd/87, version=0.35.34)
Sep 03 16:56:35 pacemaker-controld [76332] (do_lrm_rsc_op) notice: Requesting local execution of monitor operation for httpd on alma8-1 | transition_key=4:229:0:27160038-9b12-4849-b83b-dc4084c6ceb3 op_key=httpd_monitor_60000
Sep 03 16:56:35 pacemaker-based [76327] (cib_process_request) info: Forwarding cib_modify operation for section status to all (origin=local/crmd/88)
Sep 03 16:56:35 pacemaker-based [76327] (cib_perform_op) info: Diff: --- 0.35.34 2
Sep 03 16:56:35 pacemaker-based [76327] (cib_perform_op) info: Diff: +++ 0.35.35 (null)
Sep 03 16:56:35 pacemaker-based [76327] (cib_perform_op) info: + /cib: @num_updates=35
Sep 03 16:56:35 pacemaker-based [76327] (cib_perform_op) info: + /cib/status/node_state[@id='1']/lrm[@id='1']/lrm_resources/lrm_resource[@id='httpd']/lrm_rsc_op[@id='httpd_monitor_60000']: @transition-key=4:229:0:27160038-9b12-4849-b83b-dc4084c6ceb3, @transition-magic=-1:193;4:229:0:27160038-9b12-4849-b83b-dc4084c6ceb3, @call-id=-1, @rc-code=193, @op-status=-1, @last-rc-change=1630655795
Sep 03 16:56:35 pacemaker-based [76327] (cib_process_request) info: Completed cib_modify operation for section status: OK (rc=0, origin=alma8-1/crmd/88, version=0.35.35)
Sep 03 16:56:35 pacemaker-controld [76332] (process_lrm_event) notice: Result of monitor operation for httpd on alma8-1: ok | rc=0 call=82 key=httpd_monitor_60000 confirmed=false cib-update=89
Sep 03 16:56:35 pacemaker-based [76327] (cib_process_request) info: Forwarding cib_modify operation for section status to all (origin=local/crmd/89)
Sep 03 16:56:35 pacemaker-based [76327] (cib_perform_op) info: Diff: --- 0.35.35 2
Sep 03 16:56:35 pacemaker-based [76327] (cib_perform_op) info: Diff: +++ 0.35.36 (null)
Sep 03 16:56:35 pacemaker-based [76327] (cib_perform_op) info: + /cib: @num_updates=36
Sep 03 16:56:35 pacemaker-based [76327] (cib_perform_op) info: + /cib/status/node_state[@id='1']/lrm[@id='1']/lrm_resources/lrm_resource[@id='httpd']/lrm_rsc_op[@id='httpd_monitor_60000']: @transition-magic=0:0;4:229:0:27160038-9b12-4849-b83b-dc4084c6ceb3, @call-id=82, @rc-code=0, @op-status=0
Sep 03 16:56:35 pacemaker-based [76327] (cib_process_request) info: Completed cib_modify operation for section status: OK (rc=0, origin=alma8-1/crmd/89, version=0.35.36)
Sep 03 16:56:40 pacemaker-based [76327] (cib_process_ping) info: Reporting our current digest to alma8-2: 00d0950e2ca869cd1f09fd3948f64b87 for 0.35.36 (0x555eb101ba90 0)

[root@alma8-1 ~]# pcs status --full
Cluster name: bigbang
Cluster Summary:
  * Stack: corosync
  * Current DC: alma8-2 (2) (version 2.0.5-9.el8_4.1-ba59be7122) - partition with quorum
  * Last updated: Fri Sep  3 16:56:40 2021
  * Last change:  Wed Sep  1 15:22:27 2021 by root via cibadmin on alma8-2
  * 2 nodes configured
  * 5 resource instances configured

Node List:
  * Online: [ alma8-1 (1) alma8-2 (2) ]

Full List of Resources:
  * Clone Set: DRBD_r0-clone [DRBD_r0] (promotable):
    * DRBD_r0	(ocf::linbit:drbd):	 Master alma8-1
    * DRBD_r0	(ocf::linbit:drbd):	 Slave alma8-2
  * Resource Group: cluster-group:
    * FS_DRBD0	(ocf::heartbeat:Filesystem):	 Started alma8-1
    * VirtualIP	(ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2):	 Started alma8-1
    * httpd	(systemd:httpd):	 Started alma8-1

Node Attributes:
  * Node: alma8-1 (1):
    * master-DRBD_r0                  	: 10000     
  * Node: alma8-2 (2):
    * master-DRBD_r0                  	: 10000     

Migration Summary:
  * Node: alma8-1 (1):
    * httpd: migration-threshold=3 fail-count=2 last-failure='Fri Sep  3 16:56:31 2021'

Failed Resource Actions:
  * httpd_monitor_60000 on alma8-1 'not running' (7): call=78, status='complete', exitreason='', last-rc-change='2021-09-03 16:56:31 +09:00', queued=0ms, exec=0ms


PCSD Status:
  alma8-1: Online
  alma8-2: Online

Daemon Status:
  corosync: active/disabled
  pacemaker: active/disabled
  pcsd: active/enabled

[root@alma8-1 ~]# kill -kill `pgrep -f httpd`;date
2021年  9月  3日 金曜日 16:56:54 JST

Sep 03 16:57:35 pacemaker-controld [76332] (process_lrm_event) notice: Result of monitor operation for httpd on alma8-1: not running | rc=7 call=82 key=httpd_monitor_60000 confirmed=false cib-update=90
Sep 03 16:57:35 pacemaker-based [76327] (cib_process_request) info: Forwarding cib_modify operation for section status to all (origin=local/crmd/90)
Sep 03 16:57:35 pacemaker-based [76327] (cib_perform_op) info: Diff: --- 0.35.36 2
Sep 03 16:57:35 pacemaker-based [76327] (cib_perform_op) info: Diff: +++ 0.35.37 (null)
Sep 03 16:57:35 pacemaker-based [76327] (cib_perform_op) info: + /cib: @num_updates=37
Sep 03 16:57:35 pacemaker-based [76327] (cib_perform_op) info: + /cib/status/node_state[@id='1']/lrm[@id='1']/lrm_resources/lrm_resource[@id='httpd']/lrm_rsc_op[@id='httpd_last_failure_0']: @transition-key=4:229:0:27160038-9b12-4849-b83b-dc4084c6ceb3, @transition-magic=0:7;4:229:0:27160038-9b12-4849-b83b-dc4084c6ceb3, @call-id=82, @last-rc-change=1630655855
Sep 03 16:57:35 pacemaker-based [76327] (cib_process_request) info: Completed cib_modify operation for section status: OK (rc=0, origin=alma8-1/crmd/90, version=0.35.37)
Sep 03 16:57:35 pacemaker-attrd [76330] (attrd_peer_update) notice: Setting fail-count-httpd#monitor_60000[alma8-1]: 2 -> 3 | from alma8-2
Sep 03 16:57:35 pacemaker-attrd [76330] (attrd_peer_update) notice: Setting last-failure-httpd#monitor_60000[alma8-1]: 1630655791 -> 1630655855 | from alma8-2
Sep 03 16:57:35 pacemaker-based [76327] (cib_perform_op) info: Diff: --- 0.35.37 2
Sep 03 16:57:35 pacemaker-based [76327] (cib_perform_op) info: Diff: +++ 0.35.38 (null)
Sep 03 16:57:35 pacemaker-based [76327] (cib_perform_op) info: + /cib: @num_updates=38
Sep 03 16:57:35 pacemaker-based [76327] (cib_perform_op) info: + /cib/status/node_state[@id='1']/transient_attributes[@id='1']/instance_attributes[@id='status-1']/nvpair[@id='status-1-fail-count-httpd.monitor_60000']: @value=3
Sep 03 16:57:35 pacemaker-based [76327] (cib_process_request) info: Completed cib_modify operation for section status: OK (rc=0, origin=alma8-2/attrd/31, version=0.35.38)
Sep 03 16:57:35 pacemaker-based [76327] (cib_perform_op) info: Diff: --- 0.35.38 2\
Sep 03 16:57:35 pacemaker-based [76327] (cib_perform_op) info: Diff: +++ 0.35.39 (null)
Sep 03 16:57:35 pacemaker-based [76327] (cib_perform_op) info: + /cib: @num_updates=39
Sep 03 16:57:35 pacemaker-based [76327] (cib_perform_op) info: + /cib/status/node_state[@id='1']/transient_attributes[@id='1']/instance_attributes[@id='status-1']/nvpair[@id='status-1-last-failure-httpd.monitor_60000']: @value=1630655855
Sep 03 16:57:35 pacemaker-based [76327] (cib_process_request) info: Completed cib_modify operation for section status: OK (rc=0, origin=alma8-2/attrd/32, version=0.35.39)
Sep 03 16:57:35 pacemaker-execd [76329] (cancel_recurring_action) info: Cancelling ocf operation DRBD_r0_monitor_10000
Sep 03 16:57:35 pacemaker-controld [76332] (process_lrm_event) info: Result of monitor operation for DRBD_r0 on alma8-1: Cancelled | call=62 key=DRBD_r0_monitor_10000 confirmed=true
Sep 03 16:57:35 pacemaker-based [76327] (cib_perform_op) info: Diff: --- 0.35.39 2
Sep 03 16:57:35 pacemaker-based [76327] (cib_perform_op) info: Diff: +++ 0.35.40 (null)
Sep 03 16:57:35 pacemaker-based [76327] (cib_perform_op) info: -- /cib/status/node_state[@id='2']/lrm[@id='2']/lrm_resources/lrm_resource[@id='DRBD_r0']/lrm_rsc_op[@id='DRBD_r0_monitor_20000']
Sep 03 16:57:35 pacemaker-based [76327] (cib_perform_op) info: + /cib: @num_updates=40
Sep 03 16:57:35 pacemaker-based [76327] (cib_process_request) info: Completed cib_delete operation for section status: OK (rc=0, origin=alma8-2/crmd/392, version=0.35.40)
Sep 03 16:57:35 pacemaker-based [76327] (cib_process_request) info: Forwarding cib_delete operation for section status to all (origin=local/crmd/91)
Sep 03 16:57:35 pacemaker-execd [76329] (cancel_recurring_action) info: Cancelling systemd operation httpd_status_60000
Sep 03 16:57:35 pacemaker-controld [76332] (do_lrm_rsc_op) notice: Requesting local execution of stop operation for httpd on alma8-1 | transition_key=5:231:0:27160038-9b12-4849-b83b-dc4084c6ceb3 op_key=httpd_stop_0
Sep 03 16:57:35 pacemaker-based [76327] (cib_perform_op) info: Diff: --- 0.35.40 2
Sep 03 16:57:35 pacemaker-based [76327] (cib_perform_op) info: Diff: +++ 0.35.41 (null)
Sep 03 16:57:35 pacemaker-based [76327] (cib_perform_op) info: -- /cib/status/node_state[@id='1']/lrm[@id='1']/lrm_resources/lrm_resource[@id='DRBD_r0']/lrm_rsc_op[@id='DRBD_r0_monitor_10000']
Sep 03 16:57:35 pacemaker-based [76327] (cib_perform_op) info: + /cib: @num_updates=41
Sep 03 16:57:35 pacemaker-execd [76329] (log_execute) info: executing - rsc:httpd action:stop call_id:85
Sep 03 16:57:35 pacemaker-based [76327] (cib_process_request) info: Completed cib_delete operation for section status: OK (rc=0, origin=alma8-1/crmd/91, version=0.35.41)
Sep 03 16:57:35 pacemaker-based [76327] (cib_process_request) info: Forwarding cib_modify operation for section status to all (origin=local/crmd/92)
Sep 03 16:57:35 pacemaker-controld [76332] (process_lrm_event) info: Result of monitor operation for httpd on alma8-1: Cancelled | call=82 key=httpd_monitor_60000 confirmed=true
Sep 03 16:57:35 pacemaker-controld [76332] (do_lrm_rsc_op) notice: Requesting local execution of notify operation for DRBD_r0 on alma8-1 | transition_key=60:231:0:27160038-9b12-4849-b83b-dc4084c6ceb3 op_key=DRBD_r0_notify_0
Sep 03 16:57:35 pacemaker-based [76327] (cib_perform_op) info: Diff: --- 0.35.41 2
Sep 03 16:57:35 pacemaker-based [76327] (cib_perform_op) info: Diff: +++ 0.35.42 (null)
Sep 03 16:57:35 pacemaker-based [76327] (cib_perform_op) info: + /cib: @num_updates=42
Sep 03 16:57:35 pacemaker-based [76327] (cib_perform_op) info: + /cib/status/node_state[@id='1']/lrm[@id='1']/lrm_resources/lrm_resource[@id='httpd']/lrm_rsc_op[@id='httpd_last_0']: @operation_key=httpd_stop_0, @operation=stop, @transition-key=5:231:0:27160038-9b12-4849-b83b-dc4084c6ceb3, @transition-magic=-1:193;5:231:0:27160038-9b12-4849-b83b-dc4084c6ceb3, @call-id=-1, @rc-code=193, @op-status=-1, @last-rc-change=1630655855, @last-run=1630655855, @exec-time=0
Sep 03 16:57:35 pacemaker-execd [76329] (log_execute) info: executing - rsc:DRBD_r0 action:notify call_id:86
Sep 03 16:57:35 pacemaker-based [76327] (cib_process_request) info: Completed cib_modify operation for section status: OK (rc=0, origin=alma8-1/crmd/92, version=0.35.42)
Sep 03 16:57:35 pacemaker-execd [76329] (log_finished) info: DRBD_r0 notify (call 86, PID 1296997) exited with status 0 (execution time 36ms, queue time 0ms)
Sep 03 16:57:35 pacemaker-controld [76332] (process_lrm_event) notice: Result of notify operation for DRBD_r0 on alma8-1: ok | rc=0 call=86 key=DRBD_r0_notify_0 confirmed=true cib-update=0
Sep 03 16:57:36 pacemaker-execd [76329] (systemd_exec_result) info: Call to stop passed: /org/freedesktop/systemd1/job/8822
Sep 03 16:57:38 pacemaker-controld [76332] (process_lrm_event) notice: Result of stop operation for httpd on alma8-1: ok | rc=0 call=85 key=httpd_stop_0 confirmed=true cib-update=93
Sep 03 16:57:38 pacemaker-based [76327] (cib_process_request) info: Forwarding cib_modify operation for section status to all (origin=local/crmd/93)
Sep 03 16:57:38 pacemaker-based [76327] (cib_perform_op) info: Diff: --- 0.35.42 2
Sep 03 16:57:38 pacemaker-based [76327] (cib_perform_op) info: Diff: +++ 0.35.43 (null)
Sep 03 16:57:38 pacemaker-based [76327] (cib_perform_op) info: + /cib: @num_updates=43
Sep 03 16:57:38 pacemaker-based [76327] (cib_perform_op) info: + /cib/status/node_state[@id='1']/lrm[@id='1']/lrm_resources/lrm_resource[@id='httpd']/lrm_rsc_op[@id='httpd_last_0']: @transition-magic=0:0;5:231:0:27160038-9b12-4849-b83b-dc4084c6ceb3, @call-id=85, @rc-code=0, @op-status=0, @last-rc-change=1630655858, @last-run=1630655858, @exec-time=2150
Sep 03 16:57:38 pacemaker-based [76327] (cib_process_request) info: Completed cib_modify operation for section status: OK (rc=0, origin=alma8-1/crmd/93, version=0.35.43)
Sep 03 16:57:38 pacemaker-execd [76329] (cancel_recurring_action) info: Cancelling ocf operation VirtualIP_monitor_30000
Sep 03 16:57:38 pacemaker-controld [76332] (do_lrm_rsc_op) notice: Requesting local execution of stop operation for VirtualIP on alma8-1 | transition_key=42:231:0:27160038-9b12-4849-b83b-dc4084c6ceb3 op_key=VirtualIP_stop_0
Sep 03 16:57:38 pacemaker-execd [76329] (log_execute) info: executing - rsc:VirtualIP action:stop call_id:88
Sep 03 16:57:38 pacemaker-based [76327] (cib_process_request) info: Forwarding cib_modify operation for section status to all (origin=local/crmd/94)
Sep 03 16:57:38 pacemaker-controld [76332] (process_lrm_event) info: Result of monitor operation for VirtualIP on alma8-1: Cancelled | call=66 key=VirtualIP_monitor_30000 confirmed=true
Sep 03 16:57:38 pacemaker-based [76327] (cib_perform_op) info: Diff: --- 0.35.43 2
Sep 03 16:57:38 pacemaker-based [76327] (cib_perform_op) info: Diff: +++ 0.35.44 (null)
Sep 03 16:57:38 pacemaker-based [76327] (cib_perform_op) info: + /cib: @num_updates=44
Sep 03 16:57:38 pacemaker-based [76327] (cib_perform_op) info: + /cib/status/node_state[@id='1']/lrm[@id='1']/lrm_resources/lrm_resource[@id='VirtualIP']/lrm_rsc_op[@id='VirtualIP_last_0']: @operation_key=VirtualIP_stop_0, @operation=stop, @transition-key=42:231:0:27160038-9b12-4849-b83b-dc4084c6ceb3, @transition-magic=-1:193;42:231:0:27160038-9b12-4849-b83b-dc4084c6ceb3, @call-id=-1, @rc-code=193, @op-status=-1, @last-rc-change=1630655858, @last-run=1630655858, @exec-time

Sep 03 16:57:38 pacemaker-based [76327] (cib_process_request) info: Completed cib_modify operation for section status: OK (rc=0, origin=alma8-1/crmd/94, version=0.35.44)
Sep 03 16:57:38 IPaddr2(VirtualIP)[1297039]: INFO: IP status = ok, IP_CIP=
Sep 03 16:57:38 pacemaker-execd [76329] (log_finished) info: VirtualIP stop (call 88, PID 1297039) exited with status 0 (execution time 53ms, queue time 0ms)
Sep 03 16:57:38 pacemaker-based [76327] (cib_process_request) info: Forwarding cib_modify operation for section status to all (origin=local/crmd/95)
Sep 03 16:57:38 pacemaker-controld [76332] (process_lrm_event) notice: Result of stop operation for VirtualIP on alma8-1: ok | rc=0 call=88 key=VirtualIP_stop_0 confirmed=true cib-update=95
Sep 03 16:57:38 pacemaker-based [76327] (cib_perform_op) info: Diff: --- 0.35.44 2
Sep 03 16:57:38 pacemaker-based [76327] (cib_perform_op) info: Diff: +++ 0.35.45 (null)
Sep 03 16:57:38 pacemaker-based [76327] (cib_perform_op) info: + /cib: @num_updates=45
Sep 03 16:57:38 pacemaker-based [76327] (cib_perform_op) info: + /cib/status/node_state[@id='1']/lrm[@id='1']/lrm_resources/lrm_resource[@id='VirtualIP']/lrm_rsc_op[@id='VirtualIP_last_0']: @transition-magic=0:0;42:231:0:27160038-9b12-4849-b83b-dc4084c6ceb3, @call-id=88, @rc-code=0, @op-status=0, @exec-time=53
Sep 03 16:57:38 pacemaker-based [76327] (cib_process_request) info: Completed cib_modify operation for section status: OK (rc=0, origin=alma8-1/crmd/95, version=0.35.45)
Sep 03 16:57:38 pacemaker-execd [76329] (cancel_recurring_action) info: Cancelling ocf operation FS_DRBD0_monitor_20000
Sep 03 16:57:38 pacemaker-controld [76332] (do_lrm_rsc_op) notice: Requesting local execution of stop operation for FS_DRBD0 on alma8-1 | transition_key=39:231:0:27160038-9b12-4849-b83b-dc4084c6ceb3 op_key=FS_DRBD0_stop_0
Sep 03 16:57:38 pacemaker-based [76327] (cib_process_request) info: Forwarding cib_modify operation for section status to all (origin=local/crmd/96)
Sep 03 16:57:38 pacemaker-execd [76329] (log_execute) info: executing - rsc:FS_DRBD0 action:stop call_id:90
Sep 03 16:57:38 pacemaker-controld [76332] (process_lrm_event) info: Result of monitor operation for FS_DRBD0 on alma8-1: Cancelled | call=64 key=FS_DRBD0_monitor_20000 confirmed=true
Sep 03 16:57:38 pacemaker-based [76327] (cib_perform_op) info: Diff: --- 0.35.45 2
Sep 03 16:57:38 pacemaker-based [76327] (cib_perform_op) info: Diff: +++ 0.35.46 (null)
Sep 03 16:57:38 pacemaker-based [76327] (cib_perform_op) info: + /cib: @num_updates=46
Sep 03 16:57:38 pacemaker-based [76327] (cib_perform_op) info: + /cib/status/node_state[@id='1']/lrm[@id='1']/lrm_resources/lrm_resource[@id='FS_DRBD0']/lrm_rsc_op[@id='FS_DRBD0_last_0']: @operation_key=FS_DRBD0_stop_0, @operation=stop, @transition-key=39:231:0:27160038-9b12-4849-b83b-dc4084c6ceb3, @transition-magic=-1:193;39:231:0:27160038-9b12-4849-b83b-dc4084c6ceb3, @call-id=-1, @rc-code=193, @op-status=-1, @last-rc-change=1630655858, @last-run=1630655858, @exec-time=0
Sep 03 16:57:38 pacemaker-based [76327] (cib_process_request) info: Completed cib_modify operation for section status: OK (rc=0, origin=alma8-1/crmd/96, version=0.35.46)
Sep 03 16:57:38 Filesystem(FS_DRBD0)[1297094]: INFO: Running stop for /dev/drbd0 on /mnt
Sep 03 16:57:38 Filesystem(FS_DRBD0)[1297094]: INFO: Trying to unmount /mnt
Sep 03 16:57:38 Filesystem(FS_DRBD0)[1297094]: INFO: unmounted /mnt successfully
Sep 03 16:57:38 pacemaker-execd [76329] (log_finished) info: FS_DRBD0 stop (call 90, PID 1297094) exited with status 0 (execution time 83ms, queue time 0ms)
Sep 03 16:57:38 pacemaker-controld [76332] (process_lrm_event) notice: Result of stop operation for FS_DRBD0 on alma8-1: ok | rc=0 call=90 key=FS_DRBD0_stop_0 confirmed=true cib-update=97
Sep 03 16:57:38 pacemaker-based [76327] (cib_process_request) info: Forwarding cib_modify operation for section status to all (origin=local/crmd/97)
Sep 03 16:57:38 pacemaker-based [76327] (cib_perform_op) info: Diff: --- 0.35.46 2
Sep 03 16:57:38 pacemaker-based [76327] (cib_perform_op) info: Diff: +++ 0.35.47 (null)
Sep 03 16:57:38 pacemaker-based [76327] (cib_perform_op) info: + /cib: @num_updates=47
Sep 03 16:57:38 pacemaker-based [76327] (cib_perform_op) info: + /cib/status/node_state[@id='1']/lrm[@id='1']/lrm_resources/lrm_resource[@id='FS_DRBD0']/lrm_rsc_op[@id='FS_DRBD0_last_0']: @transition-magic=0:0;39:231:0:27160038-9b12-4849-b83b-dc4084c6ceb3, @call-id=90, @rc-code=0, @op-status=0, @exec-time=83
Sep 03 16:57:38 pacemaker-based [76327] (cib_process_request) info: Completed cib_modify operation for section status: OK (rc=0, origin=alma8-1/crmd/97, version=0.35.47)
Sep 03 16:57:38 pacemaker-controld [76332] (do_lrm_rsc_op) notice: Requesting local execution of demote operation for DRBD_r0 on alma8-1 | transition_key=8:231:0:27160038-9b12-4849-b83b-dc4084c6ceb3 op_key=DRBD_r0_demote_0
Sep 03 16:57:38 pacemaker-based [76327] (cib_process_request) info: Forwarding cib_modify operation for section status to all (origin=local/crmd/98)
Sep 03 16:57:38 pacemaker-based [76327] (cib_perform_op) info: Diff: --- 0.35.47 2
Sep 03 16:57:38 pacemaker-based [76327] (cib_perform_op) info: Diff: +++ 0.35.48 (null)
Sep 03 16:57:38 pacemaker-based [76327] (cib_perform_op) info: + /cib: @num_updates=48
Sep 03 16:57:38 pacemaker-based [76327] (cib_perform_op) info: + /cib/status/node_state[@id='1']/lrm[@id='1']/lrm_resources/lrm_resource[@id='DRBD_r0']/lrm_rsc_op[@id='DRBD_r0_last_0']: @operation_key=DRBD_r0_demote_0, @operation=demote, @transition-key=8:231:0:27160038-9b12-4849-b83b-dc4084c6ceb3, @transition-magic=-1:193;8:231:0:27160038-9b12-4849-b83b-dc4084c6ceb3, @call-id=-1, @rc-code=193, @op-status=-1, @last-rc-change=1630655858, @last-run=1630655858, @exec-time=0
Sep 03 16:57:38 pacemaker-based [76327] (cib_process_request) info: Completed cib_modify operation for section status: OK (rc=0, origin=alma8-1/crmd/98, version=0.35.48)
Sep 03 16:57:38 pacemaker-execd [76329] (log_execute) info: executing - rsc:DRBD_r0 action:demote call_id:91
Sep 03 16:57:38 pacemaker-execd [76329] (log_finished) info: DRBD_r0 demote (call 91, PID 1297189) exited with status 0 (execution time 39ms, queue time 0ms)
Sep 03 16:57:38 pacemaker-controld [76332] (process_lrm_event) notice: Result of demote operation for DRBD_r0 on alma8-1: ok | rc=0 call=91 key=DRBD_r0_demote_0 confirmed=true cib-update=99
Sep 03 16:57:38 pacemaker-based [76327] (cib_process_request) info: Forwarding cib_modify operation for section status to all (origin=local/crmd/99)
Sep 03 16:57:38 pacemaker-based [76327] (cib_perform_op) info: Diff: --- 0.35.48 2
Sep 03 16:57:38 pacemaker-based [76327] (cib_perform_op) info: Diff: +++ 0.35.49 (null)
Sep 03 16:57:38 pacemaker-based [76327] (cib_perform_op) info: + /cib: @num_updates=49
Sep 03 16:57:38 pacemaker-based [76327] (cib_perform_op) info: + /cib/status/node_state[@id='1']/lrm[@id='1']/lrm_resources/lrm_resource[@id='DRBD_r0']/lrm_rsc_op[@id='DRBD_r0_last_0']: @transition-magic=0:0;8:231:0:27160038-9b12-4849-b83b-dc4084c6ceb3, @call-id=91, @rc-code=0, @op-status=0, @exec-time=39
Sep 03 16:57:38 pacemaker-based [76327] (cib_process_request) info: Completed cib_modify operation for section status: OK (rc=0, origin=alma8-1/crmd/99, version=0.35.49)
Sep 03 16:57:38 pacemaker-controld [76332] (do_lrm_rsc_op) notice: Requesting local execution of notify operation for DRBD_r0 on alma8-1 | transition_key=61:231:0:27160038-9b12-4849-b83b-dc4084c6ceb3 op_key=DRBD_r0_notify_0
Sep 03 16:57:38 pacemaker-execd [76329] (log_execute) info: executing - rsc:DRBD_r0 action:notify call_id:92
Set r/w permissions for uid=189, gid=189 on /var/log/pacemaker/pacemaker.log
Sep 03 16:57:38 pacemaker-execd [76329] (log_finished) info: DRBD_r0 notify (call 92, PID 1297218) exited with status 0 (execution time 54ms, queue time 0ms)
Sep 03 16:57:38 pacemaker-controld [76332] (process_lrm_event) notice: Result of notify operation for DRBD_r0 on alma8-1: ok | rc=0 call=92 key=DRBD_r0_notify_0 confirmed=true cib-update=0
Sep 03 16:57:38 pacemaker-controld [76332] (do_lrm_rsc_op) notice: Requesting local execution of notify operation for DRBD_r0 on alma8-1 | transition_key=56:231:0:27160038-9b12-4849-b83b-dc4084c6ceb3 op_key=DRBD_r0_notify_0
Sep 03 16:57:38 pacemaker-execd [76329] (log_execute) info: executing - rsc:DRBD_r0 action:notify call_id:93
Sep 03 16:57:38 pacemaker-execd [76329] (log_finished) info: DRBD_r0 notify (call 93, PID 1297246) exited with status 0 (execution time 29ms, queue time 0ms)
Sep 03 16:57:38 pacemaker-controld [76332] (process_lrm_event) notice: Result of notify operation for DRBD_r0 on alma8-1: ok | rc=0 call=93 key=DRBD_r0_notify_0 confirmed=true cib-update=0
Sep 03 16:57:38 pacemaker-based [76327] (cib_perform_op) info: Diff: --- 0.35.49 2
Sep 03 16:57:38 pacemaker-based [76327] (cib_perform_op) info: Diff: +++ 0.35.50 (null)
Sep 03 16:57:38 pacemaker-based [76327] (cib_perform_op) info: + /cib: @num_updates=50
Sep 03 16:57:38 pacemaker-based [76327] (cib_perform_op) info: + /cib/status/node_state[@id='2']/lrm[@id='2']/lrm_resources/lrm_resource[@id='DRBD_r0']/lrm_rsc_op[@id='DRBD_r0_last_0']: @operation_key=DRBD_r0_promote_0, @operation=promote, @transition-key=13:231:0:27160038-9b12-4849-b83b-dc4084c6ceb3, @transition-magic=-1:193;13:231:0:27160038-9b12-4849-b83b-dc4084c6ceb3, @call-id=-1, @rc-code=193, @op-status=-1, @last-rc-change=1630655858, @last-run=1630655858, @exec-time
Sep 03 16:57:38 pacemaker-based [76327] (cib_process_request) info: Completed cib_modify operation for section status: OK (rc=0, origin=alma8-2/crmd/393, version=0.35.50)
Sep 03 16:57:38 pacemaker-based [76327] (cib_perform_op) info: Diff: --- 0.35.50 2
Sep 03 16:57:38 pacemaker-based [76327] (cib_perform_op) info: Diff: +++ 0.35.51 (null)
Sep 03 16:57:38 pacemaker-based [76327] (cib_perform_op) info: + /cib: @num_updates=51
Sep 03 16:57:38 pacemaker-based [76327] (cib_perform_op) info: + /cib/status/node_state[@id='2']/lrm[@id='2']/lrm_resources/lrm_resource[@id='DRBD_r0']/lrm_rsc_op[@id='DRBD_r0_last_0']: @transition-magic=0:0;13:231:0:27160038-9b12-4849-b83b-dc4084c6ceb3, @call-id=122, @rc-code=0, @op-status=0, @exec-time=36
Sep 03 16:57:38 pacemaker-based [76327] (cib_process_request) info: Completed cib_modify operation for section status: OK (rc=0, origin=alma8-2/crmd/394, version=0.35.51)
Sep 03 16:57:38 pacemaker-controld [76332] (do_lrm_rsc_op) notice: Requesting local execution of notify operation for DRBD_r0 on alma8-1 | transition_key=57:231:0:27160038-9b12-4849-b83b-dc4084c6ceb3 op_key=DRBD_r0_notify_0
Sep 03 16:57:38 pacemaker-execd [76329] (log_execute) info: executing - rsc:DRBD_r0 action:notify call_id:94
Set r/w permissions for uid=189, gid=189 on /var/log/pacemaker/pacemaker.log
Sep 03 16:57:38 pacemaker-execd [76329] (log_finished) info: DRBD_r0 notify (call 94, PID 1297266) exited with status 0 (execution time 50ms, queue time 0ms)
Sep 03 16:57:38 pacemaker-controld [76332] (process_lrm_event) notice: Result of notify operation for DRBD_r0 on alma8-1: ok | rc=0 call=94 key=DRBD_r0_notify_0 confirmed=true cib-update=0
Sep 03 16:57:38 pacemaker-controld [76332] (do_lrm_rsc_op) notice: Requesting local execution of monitor operation for DRBD_r0 on alma8-1 | transition_key=10:231:0:27160038-9b12-4849-b83b-dc4084c6ceb3 op_key=DRBD_r0_monitor_20000
Sep 03 16:57:38 pacemaker-based [76327] (cib_perform_op) info: Diff: --- 0.35.51 2
Sep 03 16:57:38 pacemaker-based [76327] (cib_perform_op) info: Diff: +++ 0.35.52 (null)
Sep 03 16:57:38 pacemaker-based [76327] (cib_perform_op) info: + /cib: @num_updates=52
Sep 03 16:57:38 pacemaker-based [76327] (cib_perform_op) info: + /cib/status/node_state[@id='2']/lrm[@id='2']/lrm_resources/lrm_resource[@id='FS_DRBD0']/lrm_rsc_op[@id='FS_DRBD0_last_0']: @operation_key=FS_DRBD0_start_0, @operation=start, @transition-key=40:231:0:27160038-9b12-4849-b83b-dc4084c6ceb3, @transition-magic=-1:193;40:231:0:27160038-9b12-4849-b83b-dc4084c6ceb3, @call-id=-1, @rc-code=193, @op-status=-1, @last-rc-change=1630655858, @last-run=1630655858, @exec-time=
Sep 03 16:57:38 pacemaker-based [76327] (cib_process_request) info: Completed cib_modify operation for section status: OK (rc=0, origin=alma8-2/crmd/395, version=0.35.52)
Sep 03 16:57:38 pacemaker-based [76327] (cib_perform_op) info: Diff: --- 0.35.52 2
Sep 03 16:57:38 pacemaker-based [76327] (cib_perform_op) info: Diff: +++ 0.35.53 (null)
Sep 03 16:57:38 pacemaker-based [76327] (cib_perform_op) info: + /cib: @num_updates=53
Sep 03 16:57:38 pacemaker-based [76327] (cib_perform_op) info: + /cib/status/node_state[@id='2']/lrm[@id='2']/lrm_resources/lrm_resource[@id='DRBD_r0']/lrm_rsc_op[@id='DRBD_r0_monitor_10000']: @transition-key=14:231:8:27160038-9b12-4849-b83b-dc4084c6ceb3, @transition-magic=-1:193;14:231:8:27160038-9b12-4849-b83b-dc4084c6ceb3, @call-id=-1, @rc-code=193, @op-status=-1, @last-rc-change=1630655858, @exec-time=0
Sep 03 16:57:38 pacemaker-based [76327] (cib_process_request) info: Completed cib_modify operation for section status: OK (rc=0, origin=alma8-2/crmd/396, version=0.35.53)
Sep 03 16:57:38 pacemaker-based [76327] (cib_process_request) info: Forwarding cib_modify operation for section status to all (origin=local/crmd/100)
Sep 03 16:57:38 pacemaker-based [76327] (cib_perform_op) info: Diff: --- 0.35.53 2
Sep 03 16:57:38 pacemaker-based [76327] (cib_perform_op) info: Diff: +++ 0.35.54 (null)
Sep 03 16:57:38 pacemaker-based [76327] (cib_perform_op) info: + /cib: @num_updates=54
Sep 03 16:57:38 pacemaker-based [76327] (cib_perform_op) info: ++ /cib/status/node_state[@id='1']/lrm[@id='1']/lrm_resources/lrm_resource[@id='DRBD_r0']: <lrm_rsc_op id="DRBD_r0_monitor_20000" operation_key="DRBD_r0_monitor_20000" operation="monitor" crm-debug-origin="do_update_resource" crm_feature_set="3.7.1" transition-key="10:231:0:27160038-9b12-4849-b83b-dc4084c6ceb3" transition-magic="-1:193;10:231:0:27160038-9b12-4849-b83b-dc4084c6ceb3" exit-reason="" on_node="alma8-
Sep 03 16:57:38 pacemaker-based [76327] (cib_process_request) info: Completed cib_modify operation for section status: OK (rc=0, origin=alma8-1/crmd/100, version=0.35.54)
Sep 03 16:57:38 pacemaker-controld [76332] (process_lrm_event) notice: Result of monitor operation for DRBD_r0 on alma8-1: ok | rc=0 call=95 key=DRBD_r0_monitor_20000 confirmed=false cib-update=101
Sep 03 16:57:38 pacemaker-based [76327] (cib_process_request) info: Forwarding cib_modify operation for section status to all (origin=local/crmd/101)
Sep 03 16:57:38 pacemaker-based [76327] (cib_perform_op) info: Diff: --- 0.35.54 2
Sep 03 16:57:38 pacemaker-based [76327] (cib_perform_op) info: Diff: +++ 0.35.55 (null)
Sep 03 16:57:38 pacemaker-based [76327] (cib_perform_op) info: + /cib: @num_updates=55
Sep 03 16:57:38 pacemaker-based [76327] (cib_perform_op) info: + /cib/status/node_state[@id='1']/lrm[@id='1']/lrm_resources/lrm_resource[@id='DRBD_r0']/lrm_rsc_op[@id='DRBD_r0_monitor_20000']: @transition-magic=0:0;10:231:0:27160038-9b12-4849-b83b-dc4084c6ceb3, @call-id=95, @rc-code=0, @op-status=0, @exec-time=55
Sep 03 16:57:38 pacemaker-based [76327] (cib_process_request) info: Completed cib_modify operation for section status: OK (rc=0, origin=alma8-1/crmd/101, version=0.35.55)
Sep 03 16:57:38 pacemaker-based [76327] (cib_perform_op) info: Diff: --- 0.35.55 2
Sep 03 16:57:38 pacemaker-based [76327] (cib_perform_op) info: Diff: +++ 0.35.56 (null)
Sep 03 16:57:38 pacemaker-based [76327] (cib_perform_op) info: + /cib: @num_updates=56
Sep 03 16:57:38 pacemaker-based [76327] (cib_perform_op) info: + /cib/status/node_state[@id='2']/lrm[@id='2']/lrm_resources/lrm_resource[@id='DRBD_r0']/lrm_rsc_op[@id='DRBD_r0_monitor_10000']: @transition-magic=0:8;14:231:8:27160038-9b12-4849-b83b-dc4084c6ceb3, @call-id=125, @rc-code=8, @op-status=0, @exec-time=60
Sep 03 16:57:38 pacemaker-based [76327] (cib_process_request) info: Completed cib_modify operation for section status: OK (rc=0, origin=alma8-2/crmd/397, version=0.35.56)
Sep 03 16:57:38 pacemaker-based [76327] (cib_perform_op) info: Diff: --- 0.35.56 2
Sep 03 16:57:38 pacemaker-based [76327] (cib_perform_op) info: Diff: +++ 0.35.57 (null)
Sep 03 16:57:38 pacemaker-based [76327] (cib_perform_op) info: + /cib: @num_updates=57
Sep 03 16:57:38 pacemaker-based [76327] (cib_perform_op) info: + /cib/status/node_state[@id='2']/lrm[@id='2']/lrm_resources/lrm_resource[@id='FS_DRBD0']/lrm_rsc_op[@id='FS_DRBD0_last_0']: @transition-magic=0:0;40:231:0:27160038-9b12-4849-b83b-dc4084c6ceb3, @call-id=124, @rc-code=0, @op-status=0, @exec-time=330
Sep 03 16:57:38 pacemaker-based [76327] (cib_process_request) info: Completed cib_modify operation for section status: OK (rc=0, origin=alma8-2/crmd/398, version=0.35.57)
Sep 03 16:57:38 pacemaker-based [76327] (cib_perform_op) info: Diff: --- 0.35.57 2
Sep 03 16:57:38 pacemaker-based [76327] (cib_perform_op) info: Diff: +++ 0.35.58 (null)
Sep 03 16:57:38 pacemaker-based [76327] (cib_perform_op) info: + /cib: @num_updates=58
Sep 03 16:57:38 pacemaker-based [76327] (cib_perform_op) info: + /cib/status/node_state[@id='2']/lrm[@id='2']/lrm_resources/lrm_resource[@id='FS_DRBD0']/lrm_rsc_op[@id='FS_DRBD0_monitor_20000']: @transition-key=41:231:0:27160038-9b12-4849-b83b-dc4084c6ceb3, @transition-magic=-1:193;41:231:0:27160038-9b12-4849-b83b-dc4084c6ceb3, @call-id=-1, @rc-code=193, @op-status=-1, @last-rc-change=1630655858, @exec-time=0
Sep 03 16:57:38 pacemaker-based [76327] (cib_process_request) info: Completed cib_modify operation for section status: OK (rc=0, origin=alma8-2/crmd/399, version=0.35.58)
Sep 03 16:57:38 pacemaker-based [76327] (cib_perform_op) info: Diff: --- 0.35.58 2
Sep 03 16:57:38 pacemaker-based [76327] (cib_perform_op) info: Diff: +++ 0.35.59 (null)
Sep 03 16:57:38 pacemaker-based [76327] (cib_perform_op) info: + /cib: @num_updates=59
Sep 03 16:57:38 pacemaker-based [76327] (cib_perform_op) info: + /cib/status/node_state[@id='2']/lrm[@id='2']/lrm_resources/lrm_resource[@id='VirtualIP']/lrm_rsc_op[@id='VirtualIP_last_0']: @operation_key=VirtualIP_start_0, @operation=start, @transition-key=43:231:0:27160038-9b12-4849-b83b-dc4084c6ceb3, @transition-magic=-1:193;43:231:0:27160038-9b12-4849-b83b-dc4084c6ceb3, @call-id=-1, @rc-code=193, @op-status=-1, @last-rc-change=1630655858, @last-run=1630655858, @exec-ti
Sep 03 16:57:38 pacemaker-based [76327] (cib_process_request) info: Completed cib_modify operation for section status: OK (rc=0, origin=alma8-2/crmd/400, version=0.35.59)
Sep 03 16:57:38 pacemaker-based [76327] (cib_perform_op) info: Diff: --- 0.35.59 2
Sep 03 16:57:38 pacemaker-based [76327] (cib_perform_op) info: Diff: +++ 0.35.60 (null)
Sep 03 16:57:38 pacemaker-based [76327] (cib_perform_op) info: + /cib: @num_updates=60
Sep 03 16:57:38 pacemaker-based [76327] (cib_perform_op) info: + /cib/status/node_state[@id='2']/lrm[@id='2']/lrm_resources/lrm_resource[@id='FS_DRBD0']/lrm_rsc_op[@id='FS_DRBD0_monitor_20000']: @transition-magic=0:0;41:231:0:27160038-9b12-4849-b83b-dc4084c6ceb3, @call-id=126, @rc-code=0, @op-status=0, @exec-time=34
Sep 03 16:57:38 pacemaker-based [76327] (cib_process_request) info: Completed cib_modify operation for section status: OK (rc=0, origin=alma8-2/crmd/401, version=0.35.60)
Sep 03 16:57:38 pacemaker-based [76327] (cib_perform_op) info: Diff: --- 0.35.60 2
Sep 03 16:57:38 pacemaker-based [76327] (cib_perform_op) info: Diff: +++ 0.35.61 (null)
Sep 03 16:57:38 pacemaker-based [76327] (cib_perform_op) info: + /cib: @num_updates=61
Sep 03 16:57:38 pacemaker-based [76327] (cib_perform_op) info: + /cib/status/node_state[@id='2']/lrm[@id='2']/lrm_resources/lrm_resource[@id='VirtualIP']/lrm_rsc_op[@id='VirtualIP_last_0']: @transition-magic=0:0;43:231:0:27160038-9b12-4849-b83b-dc4084c6ceb3, @call-id=127, @rc-code=0, @op-status=0, @exec-time=59
Sep 03 16:57:38 pacemaker-based [76327] (cib_process_request) info: Completed cib_modify operation for section status: OK (rc=0, origin=alma8-2/crmd/402, version=0.35.61)
Sep 03 16:57:38 pacemaker-based [76327] (cib_perform_op) info: Diff: --- 0.35.61 2
Sep 03 16:57:38 pacemaker-based [76327] (cib_perform_op) info: Diff: +++ 0.35.62 (null)
Sep 03 16:57:38 pacemaker-based [76327] (cib_perform_op) info: + /cib: @num_updates=62
Sep 03 16:57:38 pacemaker-based [76327] (cib_perform_op) info: + /cib/status/node_state[@id='2']/lrm[@id='2']/lrm_resources/lrm_resource[@id='VirtualIP']/lrm_rsc_op[@id='VirtualIP_monitor_30000']: @transition-key=44:231:0:27160038-9b12-4849-b83b-dc4084c6ceb3, @transition-magic=-1:193;44:231:0:27160038-9b12-4849-b83b-dc4084c6ceb3, @call-id=-1, @rc-code=193, @op-status=-1, @last-rc-change=1630655858, @exec-time=0
Sep 03 16:57:38 pacemaker-based [76327] (cib_process_request) info: Completed cib_modify operation for section status: OK (rc=0, origin=alma8-2/crmd/403, version=0.35.62)
Sep 03 16:57:38 pacemaker-based [76327] (cib_perform_op) info: Diff: --- 0.35.62 2
Sep 03 16:57:38 pacemaker-based [76327] (cib_perform_op) info: Diff: +++ 0.35.63 (null)
Sep 03 16:57:38 pacemaker-based [76327] (cib_perform_op) info: + /cib: @num_updates=63
Sep 03 16:57:38 pacemaker-based [76327] (cib_perform_op) info: + /cib/status/node_state[@id='2']/lrm[@id='2']/lrm_resources/lrm_resource[@id='httpd']/lrm_rsc_op[@id='httpd_last_0']: @operation_key=httpd_start_0, @operation=start, @transition-key=45:231:0:27160038-9b12-4849-b83b-dc4084c6ceb3, @transition-magic=-1:193;45:231:0:27160038-9b12-4849-b83b-dc4084c6ceb3, @call-id=-1, @rc-code=193, @op-status=-1, @last-rc-change=1630655858, @last-run=1630655858, @exec-time=0
Sep 03 16:57:38 pacemaker-based [76327] (cib_process_request) info: Completed cib_modify operation for section status: OK (rc=0, origin=alma8-2/crmd/404, version=0.35.63)
Sep 03 16:57:38 pacemaker-based [76327] (cib_perform_op) info: Diff: --- 0.35.63 2
Sep 03 16:57:38 pacemaker-based [76327] (cib_perform_op) info: Diff: +++ 0.35.64 (null)
Sep 03 16:57:38 pacemaker-based [76327] (cib_perform_op) info: + /cib: @num_updates=64
Sep 03 16:57:38 pacemaker-based [76327] (cib_perform_op) info: + /cib/status/node_state[@id='2']/lrm[@id='2']/lrm_resources/lrm_resource[@id='VirtualIP']/lrm_rsc_op[@id='VirtualIP_monitor_30000']: @transition-magic=0:0;44:231:0:27160038-9b12-4849-b83b-dc4084c6ceb3, @call-id=128, @rc-code=0, @op-status=0, @exec-time=68
Sep 03 16:57:38 pacemaker-based [76327] (cib_process_request) info: Completed cib_modify operation for section status: OK (rc=0, origin=alma8-2/crmd/405, version=0.35.64)
Sep 03 16:57:40 pacemaker-based [76327] (cib_perform_op) info: Diff: --- 0.35.64 2
Sep 03 16:57:40 pacemaker-based [76327] (cib_perform_op) info: Diff: +++ 0.35.65 (null)
Sep 03 16:57:40 pacemaker-based [76327] (cib_perform_op) info: + /cib: @num_updates=65
Sep 03 16:57:40 pacemaker-based [76327] (cib_perform_op) info: + /cib/status/node_state[@id='2']/lrm[@id='2']/lrm_resources/lrm_resource[@id='httpd']/lrm_rsc_op[@id='httpd_last_0']: @transition-magic=0:0;45:231:0:27160038-9b12-4849-b83b-dc4084c6ceb3, @call-id=129, @rc-code=0, @op-status=0, @last-rc-change=1630655860, @last-run=1630655860, @exec-time=2158
Sep 03 16:57:40 pacemaker-based [76327] (cib_process_request) info: Completed cib_modify operation for section status: OK (rc=0, origin=alma8-2/crmd/406, version=0.35.65)
Sep 03 16:57:40 pacemaker-based [76327] (cib_perform_op) info: Diff: --- 0.35.65 2
Sep 03 16:57:40 pacemaker-based [76327] (cib_perform_op) info: Diff: +++ 0.35.66 (null)
Sep 03 16:57:40 pacemaker-based [76327] (cib_perform_op) info: + /cib: @num_updates=66
Sep 03 16:57:40 pacemaker-based [76327] (cib_perform_op) info: + /cib/status/node_state[@id='2']/lrm[@id='2']/lrm_resources/lrm_resource[@id='httpd']/lrm_rsc_op[@id='httpd_monitor_60000']: @transition-key=46:231:0:27160038-9b12-4849-b83b-dc4084c6ceb3, @transition-magic=-1:193;46:231:0:27160038-9b12-4849-b83b-dc4084c6ceb3, @call-id=-1, @rc-code=193, @op-status=-1, @last-rc-change=1630655860, @exec-time=0
Sep 03 16:57:40 pacemaker-based [76327] (cib_process_request) info: Completed cib_modify operation for section status: OK (rc=0, origin=alma8-2/crmd/407, version=0.35.66)
Sep 03 16:57:40 pacemaker-based [76327] (cib_perform_op) info: Diff: --- 0.35.66 2
Sep 03 16:57:40 pacemaker-based [76327] (cib_perform_op) info: Diff: +++ 0.35.67 (null)
Sep 03 16:57:40 pacemaker-based [76327] (cib_perform_op) info: + /cib: @num_updates=67
Sep 03 16:57:40 pacemaker-based [76327] (cib_perform_op) info: + /cib/status/node_state[@id='2']/lrm[@id='2']/lrm_resources/lrm_resource[@id='httpd']/lrm_rsc_op[@id='httpd_monitor_60000']: @transition-magic=0:0;46:231:0:27160038-9b12-4849-b83b-dc4084c6ceb3, @call-id=130, @rc-code=0, @op-status=0
Sep 03 16:57:40 pacemaker-based [76327] (cib_process_request) info: Completed cib_modify operation for section status: OK (rc=0, origin=alma8-2/crmd/408, version=0.35.67)
Sep 03 16:57:45 pacemaker-based [76327] (cib_process_ping) info: Reporting our current digest to alma8-2: 1105e3fe2b6056587b2ab0aaa42d61de for 0.35.67 (0x555eb101ba90 0)

[root@alma8-1 ~]# pcs status --full
Cluster name: bigbang
Cluster Summary:
  * Stack: corosync
  * Current DC: alma8-2 (2) (version 2.0.5-9.el8_4.1-ba59be7122) - partition with quorum
  * Last updated: Fri Sep  3 16:57:47 2021
  * Last change:  Wed Sep  1 15:22:27 2021 by root via cibadmin on alma8-2
  * 2 nodes configured
  * 5 resource instances configured

Node List:
  * Online: [ alma8-1 (1) alma8-2 (2) ]

Full List of Resources:
  * Clone Set: DRBD_r0-clone [DRBD_r0] (promotable):
    * DRBD_r0	(ocf::linbit:drbd):	 Slave alma8-1
    * DRBD_r0	(ocf::linbit:drbd):	 Master alma8-2
  * Resource Group: cluster-group:
    * FS_DRBD0	(ocf::heartbeat:Filesystem):	 Started alma8-2
    * VirtualIP	(ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2):	 Started alma8-2
    * httpd	(systemd:httpd):	 Started alma8-2

Node Attributes:
  * Node: alma8-1 (1):
    * master-DRBD_r0                  	: 10000     
  * Node: alma8-2 (2):
    * master-DRBD_r0                  	: 10000     

Migration Summary:
  * Node: alma8-1 (1):
    * httpd: migration-threshold=3 fail-count=3 last-failure='Fri Sep  3 16:57:35 2021'

Failed Resource Actions:
  * httpd_monitor_60000 on alma8-1 'not running' (7): call=82, status='complete', exitreason='', last-rc-change='2021-09-03 16:57:35 +09:00', queued=0ms, exec=0ms


PCSD Status:
  alma8-1: Online
  alma8-2: Online

Daemon Status:
  corosync: active/disabled
  pacemaker: active/disabled
  pcsd: active/enabled



Sep 03 17:02:36 pacemaker-controld [76332] (update_attrd_clear_failures) info: Asking pacemaker-attrd to clear failure of all operations for httpd on cluster node alma8-1
Sep 03 17:02:36 pacemaker-based [76327] (cib_process_request) info: Forwarding cib_delete operation for section /cib/status/node_state[@uname='alma8-1']/lrm/lrm_resources/lrm_resource[@id='httpd']/lrm_rsc_op[@id='httpd_last_failure_0'] to all (origin=local/crmd/102)
Sep 03 17:02:36 pacemaker-attrd [76330] (attrd_peer_update) notice: Setting last-failure-httpd#monitor_60000[alma8-1]: 1630655855 -> (unset) | from alma8-1
Sep 03 17:02:36 pacemaker-based [76327] (cib_perform_op) info: Diff: --- 0.35.67 2
Sep 03 17:02:36 pacemaker-based [76327] (cib_perform_op) info: Diff: +++ 0.35.68 3c5e25909f4e2f5958b08492a959b4ba
Sep 03 17:02:36 pacemaker-based [76327] (cib_perform_op) info: -- /cib/status/node_state[@id='1']/lrm[@id='1']/lrm_resources/lrm_resource[@id='httpd']/lrm_rsc_op[@id='httpd_last_failure_0']
Sep 03 17:02:36 pacemaker-based [76327] (cib_perform_op) info: + /cib: @num_updates=68
Sep 03 17:02:36 pacemaker-attrd [76330] (attrd_peer_update) notice: Setting fail-count-httpd#monitor_60000[alma8-1]: 3 -> (unset) | from alma8-1
Sep 03 17:02:36 pacemaker-based [76327] (cib_process_request) info: Completed cib_delete operation for section /cib/status/node_state[@uname='alma8-1']/lrm/lrm_resources/lrm_resource[@id='httpd']/lrm_rsc_op[@id='httpd_last_failure_0']: OK (rc=0, origin=alma8-1/crmd/102, version=0.35.68)
Sep 03 17:02:36 pacemaker-based [76327] (cib_perform_op) info: Diff: --- 0.35.68 2
Sep 03 17:02:36 pacemaker-based [76327] (cib_perform_op) info: Diff: +++ 0.35.69 (null)
Sep 03 17:02:36 pacemaker-based [76327] (cib_perform_op) info: -- /cib/status/node_state[@id='1']/transient_attributes[@id='1']/instance_attributes[@id='status-1']/nvpair[@id='status-1-last-failure-httpd.monitor_60000']
Sep 03 17:02:36 pacemaker-based [76327] (cib_perform_op) info: + /cib: @num_updates=69
Sep 03 17:02:36 pacemaker-based [76327] (cib_process_request) info: Completed cib_modify operation for section status: OK (rc=0, origin=alma8-2/attrd/33, version=0.35.69)
Sep 03 17:02:36 pacemaker-based [76327] (cib_perform_op) info: Diff: --- 0.35.69 2
Sep 03 17:02:36 pacemaker-based [76327] (cib_perform_op) info: Diff: +++ 0.35.70 (null)
Sep 03 17:02:36 pacemaker-based [76327] (cib_perform_op) info: -- /cib/status/node_state[@id='1']/transient_attributes[@id='1']/instance_attributes[@id='status-1']/nvpair[@id='status-1-fail-count-httpd.monitor_60000']
Sep 03 17:02:36 pacemaker-based [76327] (cib_perform_op) info: + /cib: @num_updates=70
Sep 03 17:02:36 pacemaker-based [76327] (cib_process_request) info: Completed cib_modify operation for section status: OK (rc=0, origin=alma8-2/attrd/34, version=0.35.70)
Set r/w permissions for uid=189, gid=189 on /var/log/pacemaker/pacemaker.log
Sep 03 17:02:41 pacemaker-based [76327] (cib_process_ping) info: Reporting our current digest to alma8-2: d35ca42149a0332073beb28291b1c47f for 0.35.70 (0x555eb0b35a80 0)

[root@alma8-1 ~]# pcs status --full
Cluster name: bigbang
Cluster Summary:
  * Stack: corosync
  * Current DC: alma8-2 (2) (version 2.0.5-9.el8_4.1-ba59be7122) - partition with quorum
  * Last updated: Fri Sep  3 17:03:32 2021
  * Last change:  Wed Sep  1 15:22:27 2021 by root via cibadmin on alma8-2
  * 2 nodes configured
  * 5 resource instances configured

Node List:
  * Online: [ alma8-1 (1) alma8-2 (2) ]

Full List of Resources:
  * Clone Set: DRBD_r0-clone [DRBD_r0] (promotable):
    * DRBD_r0	(ocf::linbit:drbd):	 Slave alma8-1
    * DRBD_r0	(ocf::linbit:drbd):	 Master alma8-2
  * Resource Group: cluster-group:
    * FS_DRBD0	(ocf::heartbeat:Filesystem):	 Started alma8-2
    * VirtualIP	(ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2):	 Started alma8-2
    * httpd	(systemd:httpd):	 Started alma8-2

Node Attributes:
  * Node: alma8-1 (1):
    * master-DRBD_r0                  	: 10000     
  * Node: alma8-2 (2):
    * master-DRBD_r0                  	: 10000     

Migration Summary:


PCSD Status:
  alma8-1: Online
  alma8-2: Online

Daemon Status:
  corosync: active/disabled
  pacemaker: active/disabled
  pcsd: active/enabled

 Migration Summary及びFailed Resource Actionsの障害記録が無くなり、回復していることが分かります。